Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1320 1422. Fate, wonderful beyond words (Part 2)

"Is it really you?"

"It must be me, I'm sure, this is me."

"A back view, and it was a childhood thing, how could you remember it so clearly?"

"Humph, who doesn't have a few memorable childhoods?" Shu Chang snorted in dissatisfaction with Nie Wei's doubts.

Of course, she wanted to share her inner surprise with Nie Wei more. She really didn't expect that she could find her own figure in Nie Wei's childhood photos.

Just like Nie Wei said, sometimes a back view really can't prove anything, not to mention the memory of childhood, but for Shu Chang, that day was a very special day, something she would never forget in her life.

"Look at the Minnie Fan sweater. It was given to me by the production team when I was on a Kyoto Children's Channel program. And this pair of sneakers. I clearly remember that it was the first time I wore them out. And the hairpin, did you see it? It's a red heart-shaped one. I still have it. I'll find it and show it to you later. And didn't you see the candied haws in my hand? I went out to buy candied haws that day and got lost."

"Ah? You got lost again?" Nie Wei asked in surprise.

"Hahaha, I was lost. My sense of direction is not very good. I entered the mall from the left door, but walked out from the other door. I didn't feel it at first, so I kept walking. But as I walked, I suddenly found that I couldn't find the familiar buildings. Then I realized that I was lost."

"That's why I was so impressed. That day is something I will never forget in my life. It's the only time I got lost."

"So I was particularly impressed by what happened that day, especially the candied haws. Did you see that there were two missing? It wasn't because I ate them, but I found myself lost after eating two. Then I kept walking with the candied haws and had no mood to eat them at all."

Shu Chang pointed to the string of candied haws in his hand in the photo when he was a child, and emphasized to Nie Wei again: "This is me."

"Wow." Nie Wei sighed again and again. This kind of fate is really amazing.

Although he and Shu Chang live in the same city, Kyoto has a population of more than 20 million. Even if there were not as many people as now, it must have exceeded 10 million.

Being able to pass by each other in a crowd of millions is a rare fate. You know, some people may not have the chance to meet even if they live in the same building for ten years.

Among the millions of people, not only did they pass by each other, but the two figures were included in the moment when the camera froze the picture. This fate is even more extraordinary.

What's more, the two are not only acquaintances, but also partners who know each other and accompany each other for life. Such fate is really wonderful.

Shu Chang was very happy, as if she had suddenly discovered a big treasure. Her excited heartbeat accelerated, because she loved Nie Wei, so even if it was just an unintentional passing by, when she knew that she had met Nie Wei when she was a child and appeared in the same photo, the huge surprise was like a spring, making her immersed in great happiness.

This is even happier than her winning the Golden Horse Award for Best Actress for three consecutive years.

"How did you get lost at that time?" Nie Wei's mood was much calmer than Shu Chang. He just felt that this kind of fate was too wonderful, so after calming down, he was more interested in Shu Chang's getting lost.

Shu Chang still remembers how she got lost.

After people grow up, they always remember the first major events in their lives, such as the first time they went to school, the first person they had a crush on, the first computer game they played, the first place they traveled to, or the first time they got lost...

Shu Chang is no exception.

That was the first and only time she got lost in her life, and the impression was extremely deep.

"I remember it very clearly. My home was on Shatan North Road at that time. That day, my mother took me to Jingshan Park to play. When we were tired, she took me to eat nearby. We had fried river shrimp, snails and tofu for lunch. Oh, and fried vegetable pancakes."

"After dinner, my mother said she was going to a nearby shopping mall selling antiques and jade. She said she was going to buy gifts there. I followed her. When I passed by, I saw someone selling candied haws. I was very greedy and wanted to ask my mother for some. But my mother told me that she would buy it for me after she picked out the gifts."

"Later, my mother had picked out all the gifts, but she forgot to buy me candied haws. I was stupid at that time. I just thought my mother would buy it for me on the way home, but I kept waiting and waiting. When we got to the door of the house, my mother opened the door and I realized that my mother had forgotten."

"I remember that I cried so hard at that time, and my mother felt guilty. Later, she gave me two yuan and asked me to buy it myself. In fact, candied haws only cost fifty cents at that time. The other mother should have compensated for the damage to my young heart." Speaking of this, Shu Chang couldn't help laughing.

Nie Wei smiled faintly, but in his mind he was sketching the image of Shu Chang's mother.

This is an ordinary office worker who works very hard and knows some social skills. Although the antique malls on Shatan North Road are very low-end, the items there are either jade or loose goods collected by some small antique dealers, such as Japanese swords, silver dollars from the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, and some ancient coins.

Of course, there are also some old letters, old newspapers, etc., which are varied and not as formal as the several large antique markets in Kyoto, but they are cheaper.

When Nie Wei was a child, he was taken there by his mother and found a few good silver dollars.

Silver dollars there are basically sold by the basket. One basket is the ones that the store has selected, and one is about ten yuan, while the other basket is the ones that the store has left, and one dollar is only two yuan.

Basically, all antique shops there sell like this. The baskets that the store has selected are not authentic, and the ones that are left are definitely fake. It tests one's identification ability. The store is dark, with only a small yellow light. However, Nie Wei relied on Su Qing's teachings and found ten real silver dollars from the basket of leftovers. He spent a total of twenty yuan, and these ten silver dollars are now worth about eighteen thousand yuan.

Nie Wei can be sure that Su Qing's mother bought a gift for her superior because the gifts there are not suitable for colleagues. Even if colleagues have this preference, they should not be given in this way. After all, it is only suitable to give gifts to superiors to please their preferences. Giving gifts to colleagues seems to be pursuing the other party, which is easy to cause misunderstandings.

A single mother who works hard for a living will naturally forget some small things easily. Shu Chang's desire to eat candied haws is naturally a small thing.

It is estimated that at that time, Shu Chang's mother was thinking about how to give the gift naturally, and what to say at that time to make the gift play its maximum value and leave a deep impression on the superior.

Of course, giving Shu Chang two yuan shows that Shu Chang's mother dotes on her daughter, but it is a bit dangerous to let Shu Chang go to buy candied haws alone. Although it is near her home, she was probably only about four or five years old at that time. Shu Chang's mother was very generous enough to let such a little girl go out alone.

"I am familiar with that road, so I found the mall effortlessly. After buying the candied haws, I still had one yuan and fifty cents in my hand, so I wanted to go shopping in the mall..." When Shu Chang just said this, he suddenly heard laughter.

Nie Wei was really amused. The four or five-year-old Shu Chang went shopping in the mall with one yuan and fifty cents, which he thought was a huge sum of money. That picture was so interesting.

"What are you laughing at? At that time, one dollar and fifty cents was really a lot for me. I could buy a lot of things I wanted. I could buy three of the most expensive ice creams, drink Beibingyang until I burped, and eat two strings of candied haws in one hand until my teeth hurt. Do you think this is a lot of money?"

Shu Chang's words made Nie Wei nod repeatedly. Although Shu Chang was indeed fun and cute from an adult's perspective, if you think about it from a child's perspective, with so much money in your pocket, you really can't help but spend it.

After all, although it is the same world, it is actually different.

Just like Nie Wei now, it is easy to spend 100 million in a day, but when he was a child, he couldn't spend 100 yuan in a day.

"Then you went to the mall to hang out? Did you buy anything? I went there with my mom at that time, and I bought a lot of silver dollars. I'll find them for you later."

"Let's talk about the silver dollars later. I did go in to hang out." Shu Chang said with a smile. Although Nie Wei's adjective was not very elegant, it really fits his state at that time.

"Isn't that what happened?" Shu Chang said with a smile: "I went in through the door that sells candied haws, but I lost my way while walking around, so I went out through another door."

"I thought I was walking towards home, but I was actually walking in another direction. I didn't pay attention at first, but after walking for almost half an hour, I suddenly found that the surroundings were so unfamiliar, and then I realized that I was lost."

"Did you cry?" Nie Wei asked with a smile.

However, Nie Wei's smile made Shu Chang dissatisfied. He said that he was lost, but this guy not only didn't comfort him, but also asked him with a smile if he cried. Should he be so uncaring and heartless?

"Sorry, I disappoint you, I didn't cry." Shu Chang rolled his eyes at Nie Wei and replied.

But in fact, in his mind, he cried miserably that day. It wasn't the kind of crying, but the kind of crying that made him cry uncontrollably. Shu Chang felt that he must have cried very sadly that day, which attracted the attention of the kind uncle.

"My wife is so strong, haha." Nie Wei also found that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly took Shu Chang's hand and praised him, hoping that his words could make up for his mistake just now.

"What happened later? How did you find your home later?" Nie Wei asked quickly to distract Shu Chang's attention.

Shu Chang was originally going to talk about this matter, and when he said this, Shu Chang's expression was obviously much more excited.

"You don't know, I cried at that time... ahem, anyway, I was very sad. I was so cute and so sad, and I was found by a kind uncle."

"He asked me where my home was, of course I remembered it. After telling him clearly, he praised me for being smart. Later, he was going to take me to the bus station. At first, he just wanted to send me on the bus, because I said I could find my home when I got there. After all, my mother would take the bus to take me to kindergarten every day, and I was really familiar with that road."

"Later, when the bus came, the uncle changed his mind and said he would send me home. Later, we took the bus. The uncle sent me all the way to the door of the unit in the community. After confirming that we had arrived at my home, he left."

Speaking of this, Shu Chang suddenly sighed, with a look of regret and guilt on his face, and said: "I forgot to ask the uncle's name at that time, and I couldn't even remember whether I said thank you or not."

"It doesn't matter. Good people will definitely not ask for rewards when doing good things. Your safety is the greatest satisfaction in the heart of that kind uncle."

"Okay, I don't need to be comforted. I just feel a little regretful. If I had asked the uncle's name at that time, maybe I could still go to the program of looking for benefactors and find him. Don't you think so?"

"Yes, as long as there is fate, I will definitely meet him again." Nie Wei nodded affirmatively and smiled: "Maybe it's my dad. I remember that day he took a few photos of me and disappeared for a while. I don't know where he went."

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. Shu Chang was stunned by Nie Wei's words.

The uncle with a vague appearance in his memory suddenly became clearer and overlapped with Nie Wei in front of him. Shu Chang thought about it for a long time, and suddenly screamed, which scared Nie Wei.

"What's wrong?" Nie Wei asked hurriedly.

"Quick, do you have a photo of your dad? Find it and show it to me?" Shu Chang asked hurriedly.

Nie Wei also realized something. This time he also had goose bumps all over his body. Could it be such a coincidence?

"My mother has the photo. I'll find it for you." After Nie Wei realized Shu Chang's idea, he quickly got up and left the house.

Shu Chang, who was sitting on the bed holding the photo album, was in a daze. Was that uncle Nie Wei's father? The more Shu Chang thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. After slowly remembering the uncle's appearance, Nie Wei felt more and more that Nie Wei and this uncle were similar.

Although Nie Wei looked more like his mother Su Qing, he still had some shadows of his father, such as the lines on his face, the straight and sharp sword eyebrows, and his tall and thin figure. These made Shu Chang feel that Nie Wei's father was the kind uncle who helped him.

When he thought of this, Shu Chang shuddered all over. If it was really confirmed, then he had actually seen Nie Wei's father! ?

This made Shu Chang's heart beat like a drum, thumping as if it was beating in his ears, loudly.

Shu Chang's eyes were fixed on the door. After Nie Wei brought the photos, Shu Chang felt that he could confirm whether all this was true. He was expectant and nervous, afraid that if he made a mistake, wouldn't it be a false joy?

Nie Wei came back soon, but not alone. Su Qing came with him.

Thanks to Qiang Love Rong for the generous reward of 500, and thanks to 0773 and book friend 933246 for the generous reward.

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