Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1322 1424. Different Paths, Same Destination

If an actor wants to develop well, it is crucial to choose a good work to start with.

This is different from singers. Unless a singer sings a very bad song, even if the song is very ordinary, the audience will not care. As long as your voice is good enough, you may be noticed by the audience the next time you sing a good song.

So if a singer wants to develop well, personal professional ability is sometimes more important.

The requirements for actors are higher. This profession pays more attention to the quality of the work. No matter how good your acting skills are, you will be scolded by the audience if you act in a bad movie. Huang Xiaoming should understand this very well.

For an ordinary song, a singer can save it with a good voice, but if the movie or TV series is not well shot, it really can't be saved by the best acting skills.

On the contrary, acting skills can be polished.

This is also the advantage of actors over singers. After all, singers often need to perform live, and it is impossible to be a studio singer all their lives, but actors are different. During filming, as long as the director is patient enough and willing to polish the actor, even if it is a pig, it may give it a passing or even excellent performance.

Of course, most directors don't have the patience, and more importantly, they don't have the energy. Generally, the production cycle of a TV series is three to four months. Even if the director is willing to grind, other actors in the crew will probably have opinions.

It is impossible for everyone to shoot only one drama a year. Many times, when an actor joins a new crew, the agency behind him will start looking for new dramas for him, especially some young actors, who are in urgent need of popularity. It is very likely that after finishing the filming here, they will join another crew within two days of rest.

So one person who delays the progress of the entire crew will become a "public enemy".

However, Nie Wei doesn't have to worry about this when arranging the role for Zhou Duoduo this time. It's just one scene, seven or eight lines, and a total of a hundred words. The reason why Nie Wei arranged it this way is to see how much talent his sister has for acting now.

If her talent is average, Nie Wei will help her arrange more idol dramas and other movies and TV series that don't require acting skills. If she is really talented, Nie Wei will seriously consider planning a route for her to better exercise her acting skills.

Of course, all this depends on Zhou Duoduo's own wishes, but at present, Zhou Duoduo is still very interested in acting.

"Brother, tell me about this role in detail." Nie Wei was thinking, and saw Zhou Duoduo asking with curiosity.

"Okay, no problem." Nie Wei nodded. He had just finished writing the script, and even if it was a small role like this, Nie Wei remembered it very clearly, so there was no problem in analyzing this role for Zhou Duoduo.

"First of all, this TV series is mainly about solving suspense cases. You should know that there are many unsolved cases in the country, which are so-called unsolved cases. The unsolved case team composed of several protagonists in this TV series was established to solve these unsolved cases..."

Nie Wei used the most detailed way to explain the play to Zhou Duoduo. He started with the big picture, letting the actors understand the world background and environment of the script, and then the details, such as the makeup and dressing that comes with the profession, and finally the character's personality, the emotions to be expressed in the play, the tone of the lines...

Ordinary directors would definitely not explain it this way, otherwise they might not be able to shoot a play for a whole day. After all, it is too tedious and time-consuming. There are many things that should be analyzed by the actors themselves.

This is also the purpose of Nie Wei teaching Zhou Duoduo in this way.

Anyway, it's not a shooting scene now. Nie Wei has plenty of time and patience. Naturally, he also hopes that Zhou Duoduo can learn more useful things and cultivate good habits to become a good actor.

Just for such an inconspicuous little role in the play, Nie Wei talked to Zhou Duoduo for more than an hour.

Nie Wei spent more time and energy than he did on Li Binbin, the absolute heroine in the play, in the previous meeting.

"Duoduo, what do you think of the profession of actor? Are you sure you want to take this path in the future?" Nie Wei asked tentatively. He hoped that Zhou Duoduo could clarify her goals and not do things based on interest alone.

Because countless examples can prove that when interest becomes a profession, many people will give up halfway.

The most obvious example is the e-sports circle. So many people say that they want to be e-sports players and win world championships in the future, but in fact, they just love to play games. If you really let this group of people play games for eight to twelve hours a day, and it can only be the same game, and the key is to play for a long time day after day, it is estimated that 99% will be eliminated. After all, doing the same thing repeatedly, even playing games, will become painful.

This is the difference between interest and profession. Playing games with interest and playing games with a professional attitude are actually two completely different concepts. If you really embark on the professional path, it will be boring.

Zhou Duoduo thought about Nie Wei's question for a long time before answering, "I'm not sure."

"I can't let go of singing and dancing, especially dancing. After all, I have practiced for such a long time, and I enjoy the feeling of standing on the stage."

Zhou Duoduo was very hesitant. She was not like Yang Xiaoli, who was basically sure that she would go the way of an actor in the future, because she really didn't have the talent to be a singer. Whether it was singing or dancing, this girl's talent was below average.

Even her fans are well aware of the problems of being tone deaf when singing, uncoordinated limbs when dancing, and having a poor sense of rhythm. Therefore, her fans are also very supportive of Yang Xiaoli's decision to become an actor.

But Zhou Duoduo is different, she is talented.

Her singing is average, but she has a good sense of rhythm, so her rap is good, not to mention her dancing talent. She is the number one dancer in the team. I dare not say that she can compare with those professional dancers, but among all the idols in China, she is also The ultimate strength.

But precisely because of this, Zhou Duoduo hesitated.

Nie Wei saw Zhou Duoduo's problem and felt a little speechless: "Your entanglement is the biggest problem. Facing a period of transformation, your own thoughts are wandering. What can you do well next?"

"You can't have your cake and eat it too. What our ancestors said has been passed down for thousands of years. Why can't you understand it?"

"But having said that, if you are really determined to pursue the career of an actor, then the company's plans for you this year will focus on film and television. You will probably join the crew and play a formal role in the second half of the year. In the next two or three years, you may There aren’t many opportunities to be on stage, especially after the group disbanded.”

When Nie Wei mentioned the disbandment of the group, Zhou Duoduo's eyes became a little sad.

"Does the group have to be disbanded?" Zhou Duoduo was silent for a moment and asked.

"It's impossible. Although eight members have been signed, the other three members should not be able to do it. But you don't have to worry. After the temporary group is disbanded, your eight-member group will continue to carry out activities under the name HELLOGIRS. The company will We will also hold a concert for you, but the decline in popularity is inevitable, and all groups will eventually face this problem after the original members leave the group."

Zhou Duoduo nodded silently, knowing clearly in her heart.

Nie Wei still didn't say anything. Someone in the company had already analyzed that HELLOGIRLS didn't have many fans in the first place. When the time for the temporary formation came and the three original members left the group, these fans would inevitably be hurt and fall apart.

Even though there will still be eight members left in the group by then, it is estimated that the possibility of continuing on well is basically non-existent.

A single fan can't support a team, so it's good if they don't hold back each other. Even now, fans of each girl still occasionally pinch each other. Nie Wei has seen it before, and they are all the kind that pinch each other to death, which is quite bad. Sensitivity.

"Continuing with the topic just now, if you want to pursue the career of an actor, I suggest you go to a professional school for further study for a period of time." Nie Wei said.

"Go to school?" After hearing this, Zhou Duoduo immediately resisted and shouted: "Brother, I'm almost thirty, you want me to go to school?" "

"You are not yet twenty-eight, and what's wrong with going to school? Do you know how to act? Do you know how to liberate your talents? Do you know how to express emotions with your eyes? Do you understand? You don't understand anything, you say Should you study it seriously?"

"But doesn't the company have an acting teacher? I can just learn it in the company." Zhou Duoduo said immediately.

She didn't want to go to school. She was already twenty-eight years old, and it felt awkward to sit in the same classroom with a group of twenty-year-old girls and boys.

Unfortunately, Nie Wei only had his own ideas on this point, and he didn't want to respect Zhou Duoduo's wishes.

"What you think is too simple. Yes, the company does have acting teachers, and many of them are retired teachers from Jingdian and Chinese Opera, but learning acting in the company and learning acting in school are completely different things."

"Who are your classmates in the company?"

"Who are your classmates at school?"

"Of course teachers are always needed, but the learning environment is more important. Besides, can the company's acting classes be compared with the academy's acting classes? In short, if you want to take this path, you must go to the academy to study. It doesn't take long, half a year. Time, at least let the teacher teach you how to become a qualified actor.”

"There is no room for negotiation on this point." Nie Wei said forcefully.

Zhou Duoduo remained silent. Nie Wei was really easy to talk to when he was smiling, but once Nie Wei lowered his face and said something seriously, there was no doubt about it.

"And you also have to think about whether you want to start as a TV actor or a movie actor. This is also very important." Nie Wei looked at Zhou Duoduo and said nothing, but still had to patiently continue speaking.

After all, this is his biological sister. If it were another new actor, even if Nie Wei was optimistic about her, she would not be able to speak so meticulously.

"Is there any difference? They are not all actors." Zhou Duoduo was not in a beautiful mood and retorted with her mouth pouting.

She had subconsciously objected to express her dissatisfaction with Nie Wei's force just now, but who knew that as soon as she finished speaking, Nie Wei would retaliate.

"It's just someone like you who doesn't understand anything who thinks the difference is not big. In fact, the difference is huge, okay?"

Without giving Zhou Duoduo a chance to interrupt, Nie Wei asked directly: "Do you know why some TV drama actors are praised by the audience for their acting skills when they act in TV series, but when they act in movies, they are criticized for their exaggerated acting skills?"

"Do you know why some movie actors are praised for their acting skills when they act in movies, but when they act in TV series, they are complained about facial paralysis by the audience?"

Nie Wei's series of questions made Zhou Duoduo confused.

However, Nie Wei did not expect Zhou Duoduo to give him any answers, but explained directly: "Because the acting skills required by the two types of actors are different."

"What's the difference?" Zhou Duoduo was even more confused, but she recovered at this moment and retorted: "Aren't there actors who can act well in both TV series and movies? Aren't you and my sister-in-law both?"

"It's useless even if you flatter me and Shu Chang. Don't interrupt me. I'm going to explain it to you, right?" Nie Wei said with a smile.

"Generally, the length of a movie is two to two and a half hours, and the length of a TV series is more than thirty hours. Maybe you will think that a TV series is only two episodes a day, and it may not be as long as a movie, right?" Nie Wei stopped Zhou Duoduo from questioning and continued to explain.

"Your idea is too one-sided. Although the daily broadcast time of a TV series is often not as long as that of a movie, this involves another issue, that is, the length of the story."

"A movie takes two hours to tell a story, but a TV series takes more than thirty hours to tell a story."

"So even if it is the same subject matter, the audience will undoubtedly be more focused when watching a movie, because as long as you are distracted, you may miss a very important link, but when you watch a TV series, will you concentrate? I think many people can't do it."

"Another thing is the viewing environment. If you watch a movie, you sit in a movie theater, turn off the lights and it's pitch black, and the big screen in front of you is bright, but the environment for watching a TV series is much more casual. In addition, the movie screen, now the giant screen is more than 22 meters wide and 16 meters high. Even an ordinary screen is much larger than a TV and computer screen."

"Only in such a big screen can you see the big screen in the movie theater. Only when you are on the screen, you can smoothly convey the emotions you want to express in your eyes to the audience in close-up shots, and the attentive audience can also find what you want to express. Therefore, when expressing emotions, movie actors often prefer to be more subtle and do not like to use too many body movements. "

"But such acting skills are put on TV dramas. Without the big screen and the environment of focusing on watching movies, it is easy for the audience to think that they are expressionless. "

"Similarly, as a TV actor, performance should pay more attention to the external and body language. "

"I have said so, you should also understand the difference between TV actors and movie actors in acting. Of course, the acting skills are different in the end, but you are obviously not yet able to switch between the two freely, so you must have a focus at the beginning, understand? "

Thanks for the generous reward of 1,000 during the years of knowing you, and thanks to Qiang Love Rong for the generous reward of 500.

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