Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1326 1428. I want to keep a low profile

"Isn't there only one month left, is it really too late?" When Li Binbin heard this, he felt anxious.

"The other leading actor has been confirmed, it's Jing Boran." Nie Wei said. As soon as he said this, Li Binbin knew that the starring cast was complete.

"Jing Boran will return to Kyoto this afternoon and will participate in our round-up tomorrow. I want to complete two round-ups in ten days, and then find an internship place for the three of you to experience the life of a criminal police officer. "

Nie Wei dared to say that filming would start in early March, so he was naturally confident.

Two rounds of auditions were enough for these three actors. In the remaining half month, they were thrown into the criminal police team for professional experience, while I auditioned for some important supporting roles.

Two weeks of professional experience is enough. By the time their experience is over, their auditions will definitely be completed, not to mention the crew. Fanxing is not a small film and television production company. To make a film or television series, you have to go out to find someone temporarily. Man, Fanxing specializes in cultivating film and television talents, and can pull out at least three teams with high professional quality anytime and anywhere.

Nie Wei sent Li Binbin and Zhang Yi away before dragging Zhou Duoduo home.

On the way back, Nie Wei asked Zhou Duoduo how he felt about participating in the reading today.

"I have a lot of questions. Please teach me when I get home."

"That's what it should be. Your sister-in-law and I will help you solve these problems together. You can join in the reading these days. I'll inform the company that we won't arrange any activities for you these days."

"Okay, I have no problem." Zhou Duoduo nodded and agreed.

She also feels that this opportunity to participate in the TV series "The Signal" is very rare. She naturally hopes to participate as much as possible, instead of missing this opportunity to grow herself because of a few irrelevant tasks.

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed. Zhou Duoduo did not miss a day, and followed several leading actors and Nie Wei for reading.

When participating in the reading meeting, Zhou Duoduo didn't say a word and only listened carefully. Then when she returned home, she asked Nie Wei and Shu Chang for advice. Zhou Duoduo really felt that she was making progress every day. After ten days, she even There is a feeling of being completely transformed.

The rebirth does not refer to Zhou Duoduo's acting skills, but in these ten days, she learned how to read a script and how to understand a character. She also learned the professional attitude that an actor should have, and the drive to work hard and even go all out.

If the actor she was playing was just a professional title ten days ago, then after these ten days, she began to truly understand what a real actor is.

After the round-up, Li Binbin, Zhang Yi and Jing Boran were sent to the Criminal Police Team by Nie Wei to observe the 'internship', while Zhou Duoduo proposed to Nie Wei that she wanted to enroll in school and study drama.

"Have you really made up your mind? Don't you regret it? I'm warning you in advance. It's still too late to regret now. I'll really send you to school. It's useless for you to regret it. Your brother has the ability to send you to school, but he doesn't. It doesn’t matter to you, if you show off your temper then, the teachers in the school will have many tricks. If you really get kicked out of school, it will be even more embarrassing, and you will probably make headlines.”

"Brother!" Zhou Duoduo shouted dissatisfied, her eyebrows raised angrily: "Is your sister so hopeless? Let me tell you, I have made up my mind, and I will study acting seriously."

Nie Wei smiled.

This is what he hopes to see most. Since Zhou Duoduo wants to be an actress, studying in an academy and systematically learning acting will be of great help to her future achievements in this industry.

It's a pity that if the person involved is unwilling to study, Nie Wei can't do anything about it. He can help Zhou Duoduo enter the school, but he can't force Zhou Duoduo to study. If Zhou Duoduo doesn't want to study, even if she is allowed to enter What’s the point of joining the academy?

Now Zhou Duoduo takes the initiative to go to school. For Nie Wei, this is really the best thing.

What surprised him even more was that Zhou Duoduo then made a request to live on campus.

"Your idea is very good and I agree with it very much. If you live on campus, you can get up early with your classmates every day and do early work. However, in this way, your activities and resources will have to be reduced this year. After all, learning cannot always be intermittent. Yes." Nie Wei blushed a little when she said this.

When he first joined Jingdian, he actually studied intermittently and was always out filming, so now that he is educating Zhou Duoduo, he inevitably feels a little unsure.

But Zhou Duoduo didn't know that. After hearing this, she didn't feel a sense of crisis, but agreed with it.

"I think so too. Brother from the company, please say hello to me. Except for team activities, I have stopped all personal activities this year. I can still earn back my lost popularity. I believe those fans who really like me will definitely be more I hope to see a more capable me in a year.”

"You are ambitious, and you are worthy of being my Nie Wei's sister. Don't worry, your popularity fades away just as quickly as it gathers up. When you go to the advanced training class for a year, I will create a script and role for you, which will make you a blockbuster." ”

"Then it's settled." Zhou Duoduo was very happy and even high-fived Nie Wei.

Later, Nie Wei told Shu Chang the news that Zhou Duoduo was going to live on campus, which made her laugh so hard. After laughing, she did not forget to gloat and said to Nie Wei: "I am especially looking forward to seeing you after Duoduo lives on campus." Those expressions after the rumors.”

"Haha, it's only half a step to laugh at fifty steps. I also look forward to Duoduo knowing the rumors about her sister-in-law when she was in school." Nie Wei responded with a sneer.

To say that the person in the class of 2002 who was least serious about studying was definitely Nie Wei.

But if we were to choose further down, Shu Chang and Lin Yifei, who is far away in the United States, are definitely among them. When Shu Chang was in school, she really did a lot of filming, and she was naturally a frequent guest on the leave request list.

Shu Chang was choked by Nie Wei, but he didn't get angry and said with a smile: "I'm better than you anyway."

After making a joke, Shu Chang stopped his smile and asked seriously: "Are you really willing to leave your precious sister in school?"

When Shu Chang lived on campus, there were six people in one room. To wash up, you had to go to the public washroom. The bathing time was only half an hour every day, and hot water needed to be supplied regularly. In short, it was not bad, but compared with home, it was really nothing. Fabi.

Nie Weiyi listened and smiled.

"You're old enough. Jingdian's dormitory has been changed a long time ago. There are four people per room in the ordinary dormitory. You can also pay extra to live in the nearby Youth Film and Television Hostel, two people per room."

"Furthermore, each dormitory has electricity and internet 24 hours a day, and each dormitory also has air conditioning. The two-person rooms in the Youth Film and Television Hostel have separate bathrooms. In addition to the lack of regular cleaning, the accommodation environment is similar to that of a hotel. It’s really not that bad in comparison.”

"It's so good, oh, why can't I catch up with such a good time? There is even air conditioning." Shu Chang sighed with a look of jealousy: "When we came back from practicing and were sweating profusely, we had no place to take a shower, so we could only use a towel to soak in water. The hot water in the basin wiped my body, and when I arrived in Xia Qiu's dormitory, it was like a suffocating stove, hot and stuffy, and I was covered in sweat after just a few minutes of lying down. "

"And you can't open the windows because they don't have screens at all. If you open the windows, you're just waiting for mosquitoes to come in. The mosquitoes in our Jingdian are so cruel. One bite can cause a big bag. It takes three or four days to get rid of it. The key is to be in case." It would be a big embarrassment if it hit the face. You forgot that Yawen was bitten on the forehead, and you boys laughed at him for half a semester. "

"Why don't you remember? I stayed in the dormitory for a few days at that time, and I got a big bite on my calf. By the way, don't you girls all like to decorate that mosquito net? Didn't you get one at that time?"

"I bought it, but there's nowhere to hang it in the dormitory. It's not like now, when all the mosquito nets are made like small houses." Shu Chang lamented.

The more she talked to Nie Wei, the more emotional she became. Different times and different situations.

It can be said that contemporary students have really caught up with the good times. The country has provided such a good welfare policy. Nine years of compulsory education. They don’t even charge for books. They can graduate from junior high school for free. After three years of serious study in high school, they can go to university. There are also scholarships issued by the state and universities, and some key universities even have more benefits.

The accommodation environment has also been completely changed. Nie Wei still remembers that when he went to school and stayed in the dormitory, the lights would be turned off at ten o'clock in the evening. It was not like now, with 24-hour power supply, and the dormitory environment was good. They had eight people in a dormitory at that time. Nowadays, the most you can have is a private dormitory, and no one can even get a small desk.

Of course, Nie Wei also put a lot of effort into these conditions.

His donations to his alma mater over the years allowed Jingdian to invest so heavily in improving the accommodation environment for students, including the teachers’ dormitories.

Moreover, Nie Wei also provides a large scholarship to the school's students every year. As long as they meet the standards set by the school, they can get it. There is no limit on the number of students. This also reduces the education costs of students as much as possible, and also provides scholarships to those who have the ability. A motivation for motivated students to strive for.

"Then are you planning to let Zhou Duoduo live in a four-person room or a two-person room?"

"In a quadruple room, I will try my best to arrange her into the freshman dormitory," Nie Wei said.

Shu Chang nodded, thinking that Nie Wei really meant well for his sister. Don't underestimate the arrangement of this dormitory. You must know that most of the people in the training class are artists who have made their debut and entered the society. Although some of them really came to Beijing. I came here to recharge my batteries, but more importantly, I just wanted to come here for gold plating.

After all, Jingdian is the only five-star acting school in the country. A diploma from this school is definitely a golden pass in the entertainment industry. The most important thing is that Jingdian has produced many great actors and directors in the industry, not to mention others. Aren't Nie Wei Shuchang both from Jingdian? If he chooses a role, under the same conditions, actors who graduated from Jingdian will definitely be more favored by Nie Wei.

This is a small circle within a big circle. Just like when Nie Wei chooses some young actors, isn't his first choice all students from Jingdian?

Directors who have graduated from Chinese Opera will definitely not be the first to come to Jingdian Opera. Instead, they will consider Chinese Opera as their first choice. Jingdian and Pearl Art Academy will be their second and third choices. Unless Chinese Opera really If there are no people who meet the requirements, it will be students from art schools such as Jingdian University of Science and Technology.

And one can imagine the attitude of such a gold-plated person towards learning.

Meng's mother moved three times just to find a good learning environment for Mencius. Naturally, Nie Wei had the same mentality.

With Nie Wei's energy, she can naturally arrange several decent roommates for Zhou Duoduo, have a good learning environment, and can also supervise Zhou Duoduo's progress, especially since she is still a senior and everyone has a starting point. Even if she does It would be embarrassing to be good. Nie Wei is forcing Zhou Duoduo to be the best person.

Shu Chang felt a little sad for Zhou Duoduo. She didn't know whether it was her luck or misfortune to have such a calculating brother. Of course, in the long run, Nie Wei was definitely doing this for Zhou Duoduo's good, but Zhou Duoduo's relationship The life of studying will definitely not be that easy.

March 1st arrived soon, and Nie Wei arranged everything for Zhou Duoduo, but Zhou Duoduo went to school by herself.

In her words, she wanted to be low-key. If Nie Wei was with her, it would be too high-profile.

But she still underestimated her popularity. When Zhou Duoduo appeared at the gate of Beijing Electronics University, she immediately attracted all the reporters on the scene. Even many parents who sent their children to school came to watch, which made the freshmen very envious.

After all, isn't this the appearance of being surrounded by big stars in their dreams?

The freshmen originally thought that Zhou Duoduo came to the school to participate in some activities. This is not surprising. As one of the most powerful film and television colleges in the country, Beijing Electronics University always has stars coming. Most of them come to give speeches and tell the freshmen of the school about their experiences and lessons after entering the industry.

Moreover, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers inside the school. Many students' professors are also big directors. Who knows, they are here to visit these great people.

But when Zhou Duoduo finally broke through the encirclement of reporters and came to the registration office, everyone was in an uproar.

Because Zhou Duoduo went to the registration point for the advanced training class, that is, Zhou Duoduo came to school.

The students who reacted quickly immediately took out their mobile phones and started to post on WeChat Moments, spreading the news that Zhou Duoduo came to Beijing Electronics University to study.

After getting the news, the reporters immediately scattered, took out their mobile phones and sent text messages to the newspaper, or went to a small shop to get WIFI to start writing.

As the most popular idol at present, Zhou Duoduo came to Beijing Electric to study, which is definitely big news.

Of course, there are also some more experienced reporters who patiently wait for the results to see whether Zhou Duoduo came here to gild herself or to study seriously.

Many celebrities call themselves further studies, but in fact they are just putting their names on it, especially those who say they want to study abroad to recharge. They go abroad to study for half a month and then come back. What kind of knowledge can be fully recharged in half a month? And this is still a lot. Some celebrities only study abroad for a week...

I really don’t know whether these guys are going to study or travel.

So whether Zhou Duoduo will study seriously in the future is also a project worth focusing on, and the freshmen are looking forward to being classmates with Zhou Duoduo. How should they ask for autographs and whether they can take photos together?

In short, Zhou Duoduo’s expected low-key enrollment was impossible from the moment she got off the car and walked to the gate of Beijing Electric.

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