Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1338 1440. Audition (End)

With a slightly nervous mood, Mao Tongtong walked into the interview room.

There were only three people in total, one staff member and two interviewers sitting there. She knew Nie Wei, of course. The other one was a director. Before she came, her mother also found some information for her. There were not only photos of director Xu Jing, but also some of his works, such as his first directorial work after his debut, popular works, award-winning works, etc.

These things seem to have nothing to do with today's audition, but they are also indispensable. In addition to acting skills, the audition tests the impression of the actor. If you can get a good impression by saying a few good words about the director, why not do it?

"Hello, Director Xu Jing, hello, Teacher Nie Wei." Mao Tongtong greeted politely, then straightened her back, maintained an elegant demeanor, and stood not far from the two interviewers.

Controlling this distance is also a science. It is not good to be too close or too far. An appropriate distance will make people feel comfortable, and it must also allow the director and others to clearly see the appearance of the actor.

"Mao Tongtong, tell me about your understanding of the role." Nie Wei skipped the small talk and asked directly.

Nie Wei's serious look made Mao Tongtong's heart slightly tense, and she quickly got up to her full potential and explained her general understanding of the role.

These are actually in the script. As long as you read the script carefully, you can basically answer them.

Two minutes later, Mao Tongtong repeated the information about the role she sorted out. Nie Wei nodded slightly and handed Mao Tongtong a plot scenario dialogue that he had prepared long ago.

Mao Tongtong hurriedly stepped forward and took it with both hands.

"Scene: On the anniversary of the death of lawyer Li Run's wife, Lin Huiyin brought flowers to mourn. Facing the portrait of Li Run's wife, Lin Huiyin told her that she really liked Li Run and felt deeply sorry for her sister, but she couldn't suppress her inner feelings."

"This is a scene where Lin Huiyin's emotions explode. The brother of this character, Lin Taishan, has always opposed her and Lin Run being together. On the one hand, there is an age gap. He is afraid that the two of them will not be together for a long time, and he will 'lose' his sister and close friends at the same time."

"On the other hand, Lin Taishan has always been worried that Li Run can't let go of the shadow of his deceased wife in his heart, and can't give his pure feelings to his sister."

"Under such pressure, Lin Huiyin's feelings for Li Run finally exploded under pressure. You carefully figure out the character's emotions and grasp the degree. Start performing in ten minutes."

Nie Wei gave Mao Tongtong enough time to prepare.

Among the four heroines, in Nie Wei's opinion, Lin Huiyin, the younger sister, is the most emotional character, and also the most difficult character. In the early stage of the TV series, this character is a lively and cheerful girl, as if she lives a carefree life every day. The only worry is that Li Run does not accept her feelings.

But in the middle and late stages of the TV series, she has to bear the pressure from her family and relatives, the avoidance from the person she likes, and her academic problems. The many pressures are the most troublesome among the heroines.

So in the later stages, this character will have many emotional outbursts, most of which are crying scenes. It is a very bitter character.

Mao Tongtong heard that there were only ten minutes, and she quickly started reading the script.

There are not many lines, less than a hundred words, but it is not easy to perform smoothly. There are less than a hundred words, and ten sentences, but there are many kinds of emotions.

Of course, crying scenes are not just about crying. Tears must not fall when they are held in. Even the interval of the tone when crying is a learning. Actors who really know how to cry can touch the hearts of the audience with a tear and a cry. Actors who don't know how to cry, no matter how hard they cry, the audience will not buy it, but will feel annoyed.

Ten minutes passed in a flash. After Mao Tongtong barely remembered the lines, she only simulated them twice in her mind.

She was particularly envious of those actors with good memory, who never had to worry about the lines. She was different. Her memory was average. Even if she did her homework, she might still forget the lines on the scene.

"Start the performance." Nie Wei said as the ten minutes were up.

After Nie Wei finished speaking, Mao Tongtong glanced at the script again. It was not until Nie Wei reminded her again that she reluctantly put it down, worried that she must not forget the lines this time.

Non-material performance was the most practice Mao Tongtong had when she was in Shanghua Opera.

The moment she put down the script, she had already constructed a virtual scene for herself. It was a solemn and solemn auditorium with a hint of sadness. In a transparent glass cabinet, there was a black-and-white photo of a middle-aged woman. There were also many small items that the woman used when she was alive.

This woman looked gentle and quiet.

Mao Tongtong held the non-existent flowers in her hand, gently placed them in front of the cabinet, and then stepped back slightly.

"Sister, I haven't seen you for a long time." Like an old friend, Mao Tongtong said with a reluctant smile: "I wanted you and Brother Li Run to have a good time yesterday, so I came to see you today."

When she said this, Mao Tongtong paused, took a deep breath, and her smile gradually disappeared.

"In fact, just standing in front of you like this, I feel very sorry for you, so I didn't dare to come to see you in the past, but today I have something to say..."

Mao Tongtong's voice trembled, her eyes were slightly red, and tears gradually welled up in her eyes.

Nie Wei's eyes widened slightly, and he silently nodded in his heart. This girl found the right node for the progression of emotions.

Of course, if that alone wasn't enough for Nie Wei to hand over the role to her.

Mao Tongtong was already immersed in the role, and her tone was trembling: "Although you know that after saying these words, I am a bad girl, but can you allow me to like brother Li Run?"

"Can you make brother Li Run like me too?"

Along with the two questions, tears flowed from Mao Tongtong's eyes, and then the emotional explosion had just begun.

When the character Lin Huiyin revealed her truest feelings, the guilt swept over her again.

"I'm really sorry, sister, I like brother Li Run so much, I'm really sorry." A word of apology, a word of like, and just one line can vividly understand the inner struggle of this character.

At the end of the performance, Mao Tongtong squatted on the ground and cried loudly.

"I have tissues here." Nie Wei took the paper from the table to the staff member and asked him to hand it to Mao Tongtong.

This kind of substitute acting method can easily lead to emotional loss. After all, this kind of acting method is about immersing yourself in the character and experiencing the character's emotions at that time. The deeper the immersion, the more similar the performance will be, and the easier it will be to fall into the character's emotions at that time. .

However, people have to exercise self-control, and this role only has one storyline. Nie Wei is not afraid of Mao Tongtong's psychological problems caused by taking on the role too deeply.

However, he was still a little surprised that the girl could get into the role so quickly.

According to the performance of this scene, Nie Wei can give Mao Tongtong an excellent score of 90%. The crying is real and moving, and the rhythm is also well grasped. The lines are a little weak and there are some mistakes, but he responds well to the scene. Considering that there are only ten Minutes is enough.

"Okay, I will reply to you within three days." Seeing that Mao Tongtong had stabilized her emotions, Nie Wei said directly.

"Thank you, Teacher Nie Wei, and thank you, Director Xu Jing." Mao Tongtong stood up, bowed her thanks, and left the interview room.

After leaving the door, she quickly took a deep breath and felt as if her whole body was lighter. In the interview room just now, although she looked calm on the outside, she was actually very nervous inside. Especially when she was preparing for ten minutes, she was really Afraid of something going wrong with me.

Fortunately, there were no major problems later in the performance. She even felt that she performed beyond her level today.

Mao's mother was waiting at the door. When she saw Mao Tongtong coming out, she immediately came forward and asked with concern: "Maomao, how are you? Are you doing well?"

"It's not bad." Mao Tongtong said modestly, but couldn't hide the smile on his face.

She really felt that her performance was very good. It was very rare to be able to penetrate the character to such depth within ten minutes of preparation time. She even felt that her performance just now could be passed in one shot when it was shot on site.

She also didn't expect that she would perform so well. Could it be that she is a competition-type player, and the more she can show her strength at critical moments, she faced Nie Wei today, so her acting skills also exploded?

Mao Tongtong's happy look was seen by Mao's mother, and she was also happy in her heart. She could tell that her daughter should be doing well.

"Why are your eyes still red? Did you just perform a crying scene?" Soon Mao's mother's attention was attracted by Mao Tongtong's reddish eyes.

She is not worried that her daughter has been wronged in any way. She has been working as an agent with her daughter for some time. She is aware of things like crying during auditions and acting scenes.

So she didn't need Mao Tongtong to answer, she just took out a bottle of eye drops from her bag and handed it to Mao Tongtong.

"Take a few drops, your eyes are not good to begin with, please take care of them." Mao's mother said with concern.

Mao Tongtong was good at what she did, but when she was putting in eye drops, she did not forget to say: "Myopia is actually good for actors. Look at Sister Haimei. Many people praise her blurry eyes, which gives people a particularly charming feeling. In fact, It’s because she is short-sighted and can’t see clearly, so she subconsciously squints her eyes slightly.”

"According to what you say, you can't become an actor if you have good eyesight?"

"Mom, why are you like those media reporters, so good at misinterpreting people's opinions? That's not what I meant." Mao Tongtong retorted.

At this moment, a staff member came over with a group of people. Mao Tongtong shut up immediately when he saw it.

For a moment, the two of them nodded slightly and said hello.

"Isn't it Yang Zi who came in just now?" Mao's mother asked.

"Yes." Mao Tongtong nodded, knowing very well that this was her biggest competitor for this role.

Yang Zi's popularity, acting skills, popularity, and connections are all superior to hers. Mao Tongtong feels that her only definite advantage is her appearance.

Seeing that her daughter was a little worried, Mao's mother put her arms around Mao Tongtong's shoulders and comforted her: "I'm lucky to have it, but it's my life to lose. Don't think too much. Let's buy pork belly. Mom will make braised pork for you tonight."

"Okay!" Mao Tongtong showed a bright smile and agreed loudly.

An hour and a half later, all six actresses had completed their auditions.

Nie Wei looked at the several documents in front of him and kept comparing which actor was more suitable for this role.

There are not many candidates to choose from, there are only two in total, one is Mao Tongtong and the other is Yang Zi.

Mao Tongtong was the first to come in, and her performance was outstanding, which left a deep impression on Nie Wei. Needless to say, Yang Zi really gave him a textbook crying scene.

When she choked out the lines, Nie Wei felt as if his heart was being pulled.

In terms of acting, Nie Wei must admit that Yang Zi is stronger, with a score of 95 points, but Mao Tongtong has an advantage in appearance. Yang Zi's appearance is not bad, but compared with the super beautiful Lin Huiyin that he set, it is obviously still a little bit less interesting.

"Which one should I choose? Director Xu Jing." Nie Wei asked.

Xu Jing hesitated for a moment and tentatively answered: "How about Zhang Xueying?"

Nie Wei was surprised to hear this answer, and was obviously surprised by Xu Jing's choice.

Among the six actresses, Mao Tongtong and Yang Zi's performance is definitely one level higher than the other four actresses. This is a very obvious gap. He doesn't believe that Xu Jing can't see it.

Could it be...

"Who recommended this actress?" Nie Wei asked.

"Uh... it's Ziyi." Xu Jing replied awkwardly.

Zhang Xueying was met by Zhang Ziyi on a variety show. She admired this girl very much. In addition, Zhang Ziyi is old and hopes to train a few successors, so she has found a lot of opportunities for this actress recently.

Including the role of Lin Huiyin today, Zhang Ziyi also discussed it with Xu Jing in advance, hoping that he could take care of Zhang Xueying.

However, being pointed out by Nie Wei at this time, he could only say sorry to Zhang Ziyi in his heart.

Although he is the director of the crew, if Nie Wei intervenes in the casting, he really has no say, after all, he is just an employee.

Nie Wei glanced at Xu Jing, took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Ziyi.

"Sister Ziyi, um, I'm auditioning for the movie "Gentleman's Dignity". Yes, Director Xu Jing told me that you recommended Zhang Xueying, right? Her performance is slightly insufficient, so let's forget about it this time. Next time the company has any suitable roles, I will help her keep an eye out for them."

"Okay, let's have dinner together when we have time, I'll treat you." Nie Wei hung up the phone and said to Xu Jing with a smile: "Okay, eliminate one wrong option, who do you choose for the rest?"

Xu Jing felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly. At this moment, he really felt that Nie Wei was playing tricks on him.

After a moment of silence, he still answered in a muffled voice: "Yang Zi."

"Then go and ask someone to talk, and sign the contract as soon as possible." Nie Wei did not raise any objections, but said directly.

The audition was not over after he had chosen, and it was not really confirmed until the contract was negotiated. "Gentleman's Dignity" should be the successor to "Signal" that he shot, so Nie Wei hoped to confirm the cast as soon as possible and then officially start filming.

Thank you Qiang Love Rong for the generous reward of 500, and thank you rcliu for the generous reward of 400.

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