Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1400 1502. Tyrant

Ten minutes later, Boss Wang walked out of the office and said to the shivering secretary: "Notify all employees above the supervisor level to hold a meeting!"

In about an hour, about thirty supervisors of the company gathered in the meeting room.

"Why did Boss Wang call us here so late?" Someone looked at the dark sky outside and couldn't help but ask with a bit of complaint. You know, he just got home an hour ago and hadn't sat down for ten minutes, but he was called back to the company by Boss Wang.

Tossing back and forth, naturally makes people feel resentful.

"It's probably about Mr. Nie from Fanxing." A colleague next to him guessed with a smile. As soon as he finished speaking, someone patted him and reminded him: "You still call him Mr. Nie. When Mr. Wang arrives, you must not call him that. Be careful that Mr. Wang will get angry with you."

"How can I be so inappropriate? Aren't we talking in private? But if you ask me, the real president in my heart is still Mr. Nie. He is really capable, and our Mr. Wang is still not as good as him."

"That's right. Alas, if I weren't old, I really want to go to Fanxing with Mr. Nie."

"Shh, keep your voice down."

When the secretary pushed open the door of the conference room, Mr. Wang heard the noisy sound and couldn't help frowning.

Seeing Mr. Wang, who looked a little strange, walk in, the people who were chatting stopped talking.

"I'm sorry to bother you all to come to the company again so late, but there are some things we must come up with a solution as soon as possible, otherwise the company will face very serious problems. What I want to talk about is something that happened today. Have you read the news that Fanxing signed six artists?"

When Wang Zhonglei was talking, several people below winked at each other, and one of them was obviously a little proud because he guessed it right.

"I have seen it." Everyone answered in a mixed manner.

Boss Wang frowned slightly. The noisy environment made him feel a little irritable and uncontrollable, but he also understood that this was not the time to lose his temper casually. The focus must still be on the things mentioned just now.

"Since you have seen it, you should know what is different about the signing of Fanxing and the six artists this time?"

"Cooperation model?" Someone answered.

Boss Wang nodded and said, "Fanxing established a subsidiary company and signed these artists by holding shares together. They are not only artists of this company, but also major shareholders."

"I believe everyone here understands how attractive this cooperation model is to artists, so we must take action, otherwise Huayi's high-quality artists will really run away."

All the supervisors were silent, because they felt that Wang Zhonglei was right, and because they could not think of how to deal with it.

"Why don't we set up a similar company?" someone suggested.

"Fanxing has few people, so it can give shares, but how many artists do we have in Huayi? And if you give too little, the big stars will not look down on you, and if you give too much, you can't afford it..." This person did not continue, but everyone here understood what he meant.

"In terms of financial resources and resources, we are not Fanxing's opponents." After a moment, someone else said something.

When hearing this, many people present had a glimmer of sadness in their eyes. When Nie Wei was in Huayi, Huayi was the real No. 1 in China. At that time, it was No. 1 in terms of financial resources and resources.

But now it is different. Nie Wei's departure from Huayi has caused a sharp drop in Huayi's market value and taken away countless resources. Huayi still seems to be the top entertainment company in China, but in fact it has fallen to the point where it can no longer maintain its first-class status.

Everyone looked at Boss Wang at this time, because Nie Wei's move was a dignified conspiracy, and now it depends on whether Boss Wang will accept it.

"We will fight even if we can't." Wang Zhonglei was silent for a long time, and suddenly slammed the table and said fiercely.

"We will also set up a company in Huayi, invest 200 million yuan, and we only hold 34% of the shares. The rest will be used as rewards for signed artists. Talk to Zhou Xun, Huang Xiaoming, and Cheng Kun. As long as they are willing, we can give 8%!"

"In addition, Zhang Liangying will also go to talk about the record, and the same 8%. For artists of Jiang Xin and Tiantian's level, we will give 4%."

"In terms of resources, all artists who join the company can guarantee the right to choose resources first."

Boss Wang said all the conditions in one breath, and saw more than 30 stunned supervisors looking at him.

"What are you looking at? Did you write down everything I said?"

"I wrote it down." Everyone answered quickly.

Wu Ke pretended to take notes, but his hand holding the pen was shaking a little. After all, Boss Wang, who was vigorous and decisive just now, made him feel a little unfamiliar.

In his impression, Boss Wang was the kind of self-willed and indecisive person, just like when those outsiders targeted Nie Wei, Boss Wang was very hesitant, and as a result, he missed the best time to stand in the team, and finally stood in the wrong team in a daze, which caused Nie Wei to break up with Huayi in the end.

At this moment, Boss Wang really had the heroic demeanor of a business tycoon, and Wu Ke couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"Boss, what about Alan?" Just when Wu Ke was distracted, he suddenly heard someone beside him ask. When he heard this, Wu Ke was stunned for a moment. After reacting, he thought of a word in his mind, idiot.

As expected, Boss Wang just replied lightly: "Don't worry about it for now."

"Brother, what are you asking? Who is Alan? She is Nie Wei's only apprentice, who is like a sister to him. What conditions can the company offer to keep her?" Wu Ke whispered to the person who asked the question beside him.

The latter suddenly realized it after hearing it.

Although Alan is currently Huayi's biggest card in music, Boss Wang knows that she can't be retained no matter what conditions are offered, so he didn't even send anyone to negotiate. He just waited for Alan's contract to expire and watched her go to his teacher.

Thinking of this, Boss Wang felt so heartbroken, the kind of heart that was broken to the ground.

After all, this is the only Asian diva who is truly at the peak of popularity in China.

This meeting lasted for more than six hours and ended in the second half of the night. Early the next morning, many executives came to work in the company with dark circles under their eyes.

At this moment, Huayi's heritage was finally revealed.

Nie Wei's departure seems to have caused great harm to the company, but in fact, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Nie Wei has run the company for ten years with great care, and it has a lot of foundation.

First of all, the "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" series, Huayi has 50% of the copyright, and the other 50% of the copyright is in the hands of Max Films. This is a treasure trove and the most valuable series of movies in Huayi's hands.

In addition, Huayi also has the "Blowing the Light" series. Nie Wei originally authorized Huayi to have ten years of film and television copyrights, and there are less than three years left.

Boss Wang thinks that he should make good use of these three years to make this series of movies, and the male and female protagonists of this movie are also the key to winning over Cheng Kun and Zhou Xun, especially Zhou Xun. This series of movies is Zhou Xun's most popular movie work at present. Boss Wang thinks that she will not easily give up the position of the heroine.

In addition to the "Blowing the Light" series, there is also the "Love Apartment" series. Although this web drama has been suspended for several years, its reputation is still good, which is also part of Boss Wang's next plan.

In terms of film and television works, Nie Wei left behind many valuable resources. Although they were all left over by Nie Wei, in the eyes of Boss Wang, these resources were still very precious. When sorting them out, he couldn't help but sigh at Nie Wei's talent. Even if these were the ones he didn't want, there would be countless people waving money to participate in the production.

In addition to film and television resources, there are also many in music. In recent years, the copyright of Nie Wei's music works has always belonged to himself, but Huayi Records does have a contract to represent the copyright, and Huayi can still use these songs.

Boss Wang is going to wait for Zhang Liangying to finalize the contract, and then release a ten-year selection album for her. Some of the trainees under the company who are good at singing can also try to cover these songs. If one of them becomes popular, the company can take the opportunity to promote it.

As for the variety show that Huayi has not paid much attention to, Boss Wang also feels that he should invest in it this time.

The first is the talent show. Huayi needs fresh blood now, and it also needs a channel to make its trainees popular. The talent show is the best choice. For example, HELLOGIRLS, the most popular girl group in the country, is not a talent show?

Moreover, talent shows are often accompanied by huge profits.

However, there are too many talent shows in the market at present, and the competition is very fierce. Boss Wang does not expect the company's good-for-nothings to come up with any good ideas, but he has other ways, that is, to buy the copyrights of successful talent shows abroad, or simply imitate them directly. Anyway, in Boss Wang's view, as long as 80% are similar and 20% are not true, they can be combined and become his own.

There are many similar "successful experiences" in China, which Boss Wang thinks are worth learning from.

Boss Wang also asked his secretary to make him a list of potential newcomers in China. In his opinion, if Nie Wei can poach his talents, he can also poach talents from others.

After all, even without Nie Wei, Huayi's brand is still very impressive.

Boss Wang will not poach talents from those big brokerage companies, because he probably can't poach them, and it is easy to make enemies. He is going to focus on those small brokerage companies, especially those brokerage companies that mainly focus on elite idol groups.

Because idol groups are fan-based, even if they are not top-tier, poaching them can immediately bring economic benefits. In addition, in Boss Wang's eyes, each of these young idols is of the "good value for money" type, and they can be poached without much effort.

What idols lack most is actually resources, because they can only have exposure if they have resources, and can convert popularity through exposure, and what Huayi lacks the least is resources.

Huayi Company has many directors, and can open several dramas at the same time, cramming a bunch of young idols in, and being able to act in film and television dramas is definitely a rare opportunity for many idols, not to mention that Huayi's achievements in idol dramas in recent years are really attractive.

Thinking of this, Boss Wang was very pleased. Although Huayi's idol dramas were led by Nie Wei, the subsequent development really depends on itself. Nie Wei did not provide much help, so Huayi is indeed unique in this regard.

"Knock, knock, knock." The knock on the door interrupted Boss Wang's thoughts. In response, the secretary pushed open the door and walked in with a report.

"Boss, Director Feng gave us a budget of 400 million for his new movie."

"So much?" Boss Wang frowned when he heard it. The reason why Director Feng was so popular with investors in the industry in the early years was because of six words: low investment, high output.

Compared with Director Zhang and Director Chen, Director Feng is strong because he doesn't need much money to make a high-grossing movie. Which boss doesn't love such a director?

But this time he asked for 400 million. Boss Wang felt it was a bit too much. He picked up the phone and called Director Feng. Did he want to ask who was asking for so much money?

As soon as the call was connected, after a few pleasantries, Boss Wang asked directly: "Director Feng, how did you spend the 400 million production fee? I'm not saying that I feel sorry for the money. You can give me the script and the budget. I can't just throw 400 million to you without thinking. You also know that the company has to spend every penny on the blade recently."

"Boss, you asked me to speed up. I can't follow the normal rhythm. Take finding actors as an example. Which good actor doesn't have a few months of schedule. If I ask them to film, it means that they have postponed part of their work. Will we not be compensated for this loss?"

"And the location selection and setting Jing, pull in some foreign aid, this will cost money, you can't treat urgent matters as ordinary matters, otherwise, if you can give me another half a year, the production fee can be halved. "

Boss Wang hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and replied: "Okay, I will give you 400 million production fees, but there is a prerequisite, the script must be made first, within a month."

Director Feng on the other side obviously didn't expect Boss Wang to agree to it, and was stunned for a long time, and then answered a little confused: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Director Feng suddenly felt a little excited, after all, this is 400 million production fees.

Originally, he asked so high to embarrass Boss Wang, so that he would give up, but who would have thought that Boss Wang actually agreed. Now Director Feng's mind is full of how to spend the 400 million. If it is a kind of love comedy New Year's film, it would be too wasteful. It should be a big scene.

Boss Wang hung up the phone and covered his chest. 400 million, it hurts.

In recent years, except for Nie Wei, no director has spent so much money on him, but Nie Wei's investment is guaranteed, but on Director Feng's side, Boss Wang is actually worried.

Just when Boss Wang was feeling sorry for his little money, the secretary knocked on the door again.

"Come in, what's the matter?"

"Boss, please check the hot search, there is another move over at Fanxing."

When Boss Wang heard this, his heart suddenly skipped a beat, thinking that another of his treasures had run away, but when he opened the webpage and saw the topic on the hot search list, his originally nervous face instantly showed surprise.

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