Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1404 1056. Emotional Card

Today, there were a lot of people gathered near the international flight exit on the third floor of Kyoto Airport. At a glance, there were at least hundreds of people, which attracted a lot of people's attention.

"That singer Alan is returning to China today?" Some people who just got off the plane saw this scene and looked at the cheering banners held by these people, and immediately understood.

"Except for those traffic stars, how many domestic singers can be so popular? Oh, my goodness, it's full of people!" Several people went to the second floor, only to find that the third floor was just a small fight. There were hundreds of people on the entire second floor, just like the ones above, all holding Alan's banners. The airport security even pulled up the fence.

"Aren't there two or three hundred people?" The number of people on the second floor was obviously much more than that on the first floor, which would shock people when they saw it.

"Is there more downstairs?" Several people walked past the second floor and found that these people were lined up at the stairs. Sure enough, when everyone went down to the first floor, there were also hundreds of people holding banners waiting there.

"Look over there." Suddenly someone called everyone and pointed in a direction.

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger and saw a huge poster hanging on the third floor, which directly extended to the first floor. The female star on the poster was Alan, who was familiar to everyone.

"The queen is the queen. This popularity cannot be compared with those traffic stars." A group of people left the airport. Someone looked back at the group of fans in the airport and couldn't help sighing.

There is no shortage of fans picking up the Kyoto Airport, because there are indeed many stars who often appear here.

But the artists who can gather more than a dozen fans to pick up the artists are those with good popularity. After all, these days, everyone is chasing stars, and those who buy albums and watch movies are considered to be relatively loyal fans. Except for those iron fans, who happen to live in the local area, there are very few idle people who are willing to waste their personal time just to see the stars for a few minutes.

And the fans who pick up the airport, the craziest ones are still those fans of traffic artists.

Often only those fans of traffic artists will go to the airport to pick up the artists on a large scale. Of course, how many of these fans are real fans and how many are fans "bought" by the agency is uncertain.

Alan's popularity can be compared with the top traffic in China, but she is not traffic.

Traffic artists are the product of the attention economy, which is commonly known as the "fan economy", but Alan is different. She does not rely on fans to make a living. Even people who don't chase stars are willing to listen to her albums.

As the only popular Asian queen in China today, Alan's works have really influenced people of more than one era, especially the healing trilogy in the album released before, which has made Alan's popularity and status reach a new peak.

Today's Alan deserves to be called the number one female singer in China.

Of course, except for fans, no one will say that. This is the case in the entertainment industry. Small stars often brag about themselves, while big stars have to be humble and can't say too much.

Cheng Zimo originally drove Nie Wei's Mercedes-Benz G, but in order to pick up Alan, Nie Wei simply asked Cheng Zimo to go to the company first, and the two changed to a top-of-the-line TOYOTA Coaster.

When Nie Wei and Cheng Zimo arrived near the airport, they received a call from Alan, telling them that she had gotten off the plane and was about to reach the exit.

"We won't go into the airport. The car is parked near the gate. It's a champagne-colored TOYOTA Coaster."

"Okay, see you later." Alan didn't talk much and hung up the phone quickly.

Knowing that there were a large number of fans picking her up at the airport, Alan, who was originally bare-faced, was urgently retouching her makeup on the plane. Celebrities have to pay attention to their appearance at all times, except for some who let themselves go.

Nie Wei sat in the car, browsing his phone out of boredom. The air conditioner in the car was not turned on. Nie Wei just opened a few windows a little, and the cool breeze slowly passed through the car, bringing coolness and taking away the stuffiness.

Suddenly a scream sounded in the distance, attracting Nie Wei's attention.

Nie Wei looked out the window and soon saw that the airport gate was like a Coke that was shaken and opened, and a dense crowd of people gushed out. This group of people moved out while holding mobile phones and banners and screaming loudly.

"Alan, you are so beautiful!"

"Alan, look at me, look at me."

"Come on, Alan!"

There were fans cheering, fans hoping to attract the idol's attention, and fans praising. Of course, there were more people shouting Alan's name over and over again, some even shouting out of breath and hoarse.

Nie Wei also saw a few people with professional SLRs hanging around the fan group. Compared with the crazy fans, they were much calmer, just wandering around to take pictures. It was obvious that they were reporters.

"Zimo, open the door." Seeing the crowd approaching, Nie Wei closed the window and ordered.

Two minutes later, Alan got on the car under the protection of two bodyguards and two assistants.

When the door was opened, the sound outside was really like a tsunami, making Nie Wei feel that the whole car was shaking. After Alan got on the car, the door was closed and the sound was isolated, and the environment inside the car was considered to have returned to normal.

"Sure enough, if you buy a car, you have to buy a good one." Nie Wei praised the top-of-the-line Coaster for its excellent sound insulation, and waved to Alan with a smile.

"Master, this car is good, is it newly bought by the company?" Alan couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the interior of the Coaster.

From the outside, this car is just an ordinary and popular minibus. The appearance is really inconspicuous. If it is placed at the bus station, it can definitely be perfectly integrated into the fleet.

But when he got into the car and saw the interior, a word came to Alan's mind, that is, there is a world inside.

This customized Coaster is equipped with a ceiling-mounted TV, leather aviation seats, a desk, a car refrigerator, and even a car KTV audio system.

Compared with the plain appearance, the interior is really full of luxury.

"The company has newly ordered it. If you don't want to use a nanny car, I will ask the company to give you one of these cars." Nie Wei replied with a smile.

Fanxing recently ordered a batch of Coasters. One advantage of this car is that it can be fully customized. Of course, the price is also very different. The ordinary basic Coaster is only more than 300,000 yuan. The more you order, the more discounts you get. But the top-of-the-line model that Nie Wei is sitting in now costs more than 1.5 million yuan.

Alan shook his head vigorously and replied in resistance: "No, this car is too ugly."

Hearing this, Nie Wei also nodded in agreement. As for the car he is sitting in now, from the outside, who would have thought it would be worth 1.5 million yuan? However, Nie Wei really likes this car because it is low-key. When he and Cheng Zimo drove this car over just now, few people noticed their car.

The car drove directly to the Japanese restaurant they had booked. After lunch, Nie Wei sent Alan home again.

After Nie Wei sent Alan home, he turned on his phone on the way back to the company and found that the news about Alan's return to China was also on the hot search list.

During the meal, Alan also sent a message specifically, which was a selfie of himself, Nie Wei and Cheng Zimo, with the text "I'm back".

There was no deep meaning at first, it was just Alan greeting his fans, but it changed in the eyes of many reporters and media.

"Alan returns to China to support Nie Wei, and the battle for Huayi's stars escalates again."

"Nie Wei personally picked her up at the airport, and the countdown for Alan, the top singer of Huayi Records, to change jobs has begun."

"Huayi's job-hopping crisis has not been resolved, and Alan seems to be the next artist to leave Huayi."

Boss Wang saw the news half an hour earlier than Nie Wei. Although he had already prepared for Alan's job-hopping, he still felt very angry when he saw the news. To him, that photo was like a warrior using a provocative skill, which made his hatred value full at once.

Although he was angry, Boss Wang did not really get angry. Instead, he opened his social account and left a message to Alan, using only four words, "Welcome home."

His tone was as calm as a calm lake, but his anger was like a volcanic eruption.

Because this was the second bad news he received today.

Just this morning, Xiao Ming personally called Boss Wang and apologized politely on the phone. This attitude made Boss Wang feel uneasy.

As expected, after apologizing, Xiao Ming expressed his attitude.

"Brother Zhonglei, considering my future plans, I'm sorry that I can't renew my contract with Huayi?"


"You also know that my future plans are actually made by Nie Wei. This time I finally saved my reputation, and I dare not take risks again." Xiao Ming answered sincerely.

This is the most important reason why he chose Nie Wei.

Only after losing reputation, you know how precious it is. Huang Xiaoming has been scolded for several years. Now he has finally got the momentum to turn over. He really doesn't want to take risks again, not to mention that Fanxing obviously has a broader development prospect.

It's just that this reason is difficult for Boss Wang to accept.

"Xiao Ming, Nie Wei has made your plan when he left Huayi. We also have a clear idea here. We can also help you make this plan. When the time comes, the company will do its best to help you get any resources you want."

"Brother, I'm... sorry." The more Boss Wang said "heartfelt" words, the more Xiao Ming didn't know how to answer.

Just when he was at a loss as to how to refuse Boss Wang's request, Boss Wang sighed.

"Okay, Xiao Ming, it seems that you have made up your mind, so I won't embarrass you. But if you call me Brother Zhonglei, I will still be your brother. So, are you free today? I will treat you to dinner as a farewell. I wish you a bright future and a smooth career."

"Thank you, Brother Zhonglei." Brother Xiao Ming said thank you, but he was unwilling to face Boss Wang in his heart.

Because he was a little afraid of Boss Wang now, not in a simple sense of fear, but guilt. The better Boss Wang treated him, the more guilty Brother Xiao Ming felt, and he always felt sorry for Boss Wang.

Boss Wang was very relaxed and laughed, saying, "Why thank you? It's polite to say that. You've been in the company for fifteen years, and I've watched you grow from immature to mature. Can our relationship be just that of boss and employee? In my heart, I've always treated you as my younger brother."

"If you get bullied in the new company in the future, tell me and I'll stand up for you. And you should also come back to the old company often. After all, this is your 'home' where you've been for fifteen years. And we can continue to cooperate even if we change companies. Don't do anything like never seeing each other again, right?"

Brother Xiaoming was so moved that he almost cried. For a moment, he really wanted to stay in Huayi.

Of course, he hasn't lost his mind yet. Now, anyone with a discerning eye can see the prospects for the development of Fanxing and Huayi. So even if both companies used 100 million to set up an artist company, Fanxing only gave him 4%, while Huayi gave him 8%, which was twice as much, he would choose the former without hesitation.

Boss Wang hung up the phone, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly. He frowned and looked gloomy.

Xiao Ming's refusal also meant that Huayi no longer had any good male actors. The only thing to be thankful for was that Zhou Xun finally agreed to stay in the company, although Boss Wang paid 10% of the shares of the new company for this.

Thinking about the dinner in the evening, Boss Wang felt that he should fight for it again. After all, Xiao Ming's attitude just now was a little hesitant, which made Boss Wang feel that he still had hope.

"Secretary, ask someone to go to the warehouse and find all the negatives of the movies that Xiao Ming has shot in recent years." Boss Wang ordered.

After fifteen years of getting along, he naturally knew Xiao Ming's weakness, that he was too sentimental.

So he decided to play the emotional card.

Boss Wang even booked a restaurant in a small restaurant on the back street of Jingdian, and specially called his brother to invite him to dinner in the evening.

Because it was he and his brother who negotiated the contract with Xiao Ming in that small restaurant.

After preparing everything, Boss Wang thought about it again and felt that there was nothing missing or worth adding, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't think much about the dinner, just trying again. As for hope, Boss Wang felt that it would be good to have 20% success.

"It's difficult." Boss Wang sighed again. He always sighed recently.

After all, Huayi was the most powerful agency in China once, and he never thought that there would be the current predicament and distress.

Especially after the photo of Alan and Nie Wei was exposed today, it is estimated that Huayi's market value will be turbulent again tomorrow.

"We can't just sit and wait for death." Boss Wang closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of an idea, picked up the phone on the table and called Director Feng.

"Director Feng, is there any progress on the movie?" Boss Wang asked immediately as soon as the phone was connected, after all, there was an investment budget of 400 million yuan.

"I have some ideas, but they are not specific yet. I will think about it again." Director Feng replied.

When Boss Wang heard that Director Feng didn't even have a specific idea, he immediately became anxious: "Hurry up, Director Feng, if you keep wasting time like this, I may not be able to pay you 400 million."

"Anyway, I want a definite answer within a week. Even if you only think of one topic, you must give me some news."

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