Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1410 1512. Anyone can be a good actor

Yang Ying is going to make a cameo appearance, and it was Xiao Ming who recommended her.

After Nie Wei agreed to this matter, there were many objections from the group, mainly because Yang Ying had a bad reputation, and they were all afraid that Yang Ying would delay the reputation of the movie.

Nie Wei sneered at this statement.

Nie Wei was not going to give Yang Ying any particularly important role. There were only two scenes in total, one at the beginning and one at the end, which were insignificant.

If a movie's reputation deteriorated because of such an unimportant supporting role, in Nie Wei's opinion, this was the rhythm of some people in the crew wanting to pass the blame, and he was confident that he could teach Yang Ying to play these two scenes well.

Nie Wei had not seen many works of this actress, but he knew that her reputation was actually very good in the early days of her career.

The reason why her reputation declined later was that her fame grew too fast, her agency team expanded, and she took on a lot of female lead roles, which was tantamount to forcing her growth when her strength was not enough.

After playing the female lead, she exposed her shortcomings in acting too early, and then naturally became the target of public criticism.

Of course, there are many reasons why her reputation plummeted to the current level, such as her own lack of effort or the wrong way to work hard, which led to her professional ability being stagnant, and her cooperation with unscrupulous crews, which resulted in her becoming a scapegoat.

Brother Xiaoming sent her to Nie Wei's crew, not expecting her to turn things around with a small role, but hoping that his wife could learn something useful from Nie Wei. After all, the iron must be hard, and with strength, the chance of turning the reputation around is greater. After all, he himself is a living example.

Yang Ying said that she would arrive at the crew at 3 pm, but actually arrived at 2:30 pm, and bought coffee and cake on purpose.

No matter how capable she is, at least in terms of being a person, Yang Ying is still very decent.

When she arrived at the set, she gave most of the coffee and cake to the assistant to distribute, and she ran to Nie Wei with a delicate little bag.

"Teacher Nie, I heard from my husband that you like to eat Beijing Eight Pieces, so you bought some. Would you like to try it?" Yang Ying handed the food box to Nie Wei.

Nie Wei took the lunch box and opened it. He was slightly surprised because the Beijing Eight Pieces Yang Ying bought was not a popular product made by a machine like Daoxiangcun. It was obviously made by a restaurant.

Whether it was the freshness of the ingredients or the creativity, it looked very good. Nie Wei picked an egg yolk pastry and tasted it. The crust was crispy and tender, the egg yolk was delicate, and the key was that it was not sticky. This was indeed a top-notch snack.

"Thank you, I like it very much." Nie Wei was not greedy. After eating an egg yolk pastry, Nie Wei felt his appetite was opened. He picked another salt and pepper biscuit in his hand, but he did not forget to thank Yang Ying before eating.

"It's OK if you like it. I'm afraid I bought the wrong one and it doesn't suit your taste." Yang Ying saw that Nie Wei really liked it, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

Not to mention, this woman is really good-looking, especially when she smiles, she is very charming.

For Yang Ying's appearance, Nie Wei would give her 95 points. It is not without reason that this woman can become a benchmark for many female stars in the industry to change their faces.

"You have read the script, go get your hair and makeup done first, and try on the costumes. If everything goes well, we can start shooting at 3:40." Nie Wei said with a smile.

Yang Ying knew when she heard this that Nie Wei was going to "send her away" and was not going to talk to her any more. She did not find it strange. The directors of the crew were all very busy, and she was just a guest star, and a guest star who got in through the back door. Nie Wei had no reason to treat her specially.

Yang Ying politely said goodbye again and followed a staff member to the dressing room to do the character modeling.

There was no need to worry about the size of the clothes. In fact, Yang Ying had taken the final makeup photos two months ago. At that time, the clothes were tailor-made to fit her. Her weight had not changed much in the past two months. She was not a child who would suddenly grow taller, so there would be no problem with the clothes.

She has to pay more attention to makeup and hair. Female stars usually have special requirements for their makeup. For example, some female stars pay attention to eyebrows, some pay attention to eye makeup, and some pay attention to base color. Especially those female artists with some flaws in the martial arts school, when putting on makeup, they are just like scientists who treat research topics seriously. They are really precise and specific to a single eyelash.

Yang Ying has a good foundation. As long as it is not exaggerated, she looks good in any way. Whether it is pure or charming, her appearance can actually control it.

In fact, this is also a kind of acting talent. After all, many actresses change their styles like changing a person. When they play urban dramas in the previous second, the audience praises them for their good looks, and the next second they are criticized for being too ugly when they play costume dramas.

Why do so many actresses have the same hairstyle for ten years? It’s not that they are not tired of it or like it too much, but that this hairstyle is the most suitable. The so-called suitable means that it can show advantages while covering up shortcomings.

Just when Yang Ying was putting on makeup, Nie Wei officially started shooting.

The process was very smooth. The previous month's life experience was not a waste of time. The several actresses who had been "official stewardesses" for a month were very professional in their postures of walking, sitting and lying. If they were put on masks and put in the airport, ordinary passengers would not be able to tell the difference between them and ordinary stewardesses.

If there is a difference, it is that their temperament is more special.

The stewardess has a good temperament, but it is not as special as the stars. After all, the stars are professions that attract public attention and have their own aura. Nie Wei selected all high-quality actors with good reputation and popularity, so the confidence from the heart is really not comparable to ordinary people.

Moreover, the stars are special in that they each have their own characteristics. For example, Tian Ai is the kind of girl who combines beauty and handsomeness, and Lin Qin can make people feel that the whole world is sweet as long as she smiles. Yuan Quan has the kind of intellectual beauty, and of course Lin Yifei is praised as the beauty that is just right and incomparable.

The beauty of several people has its own characteristics and will not be popular. Even if they are placed in a group of beauties, they are eye-catching and will not be lost in the crowd.

Yang Ying had everything ready at 3:10. Wearing a stewardess uniform, Yang Ying turned left and right in the floor-length mirror in the dressing room, with a satisfied expression on her face.

"Miss Yang, you are so beautiful." The makeup artist couldn't help but praise her.

"Thank you." Yang Ying thanked him, because the makeup artist was from the crew, and she felt that she was causing trouble for him.

Yang Ying felt that she was almost ready, so she went to the set with her assistant. In fact, they were only a few dozen meters apart. She was in the lounge, and the crew was shooting in the airport lobby.

When Yang Ying arrived at the scene, Nie Wei was shooting the scenes of several female protagonists.

Several actresses lined up in a row, pulling standard suitcases, walking through the crowd with their chests and heads held high, with the posture of flight attendants. When Yang Ying came, she only saw the backs of several actresses. Because there were too many extras, she thought for a while that these flight attendants were also professionals from local airlines.

After Nie Wei shouted "passed", she realized that these were all the female protagonists of this movie.

Seeing these actresses talking and laughing, Yang Ying was very envious. It was really lucky to be one of the protagonists in Nie Wei's movie at the best age of her life. She also wanted this opportunity, but she knew that Nie Wei didn't think highly of her ability.

As for her popularity advantage, which she was proud of, it was even less worth mentioning in front of Nie Wei.

Nie Wei was about to stand up and tell several actors about the next scene. He happened to see Yang Ying standing aside and nodded to her.

Yang Ying stood aside, and a smart staff member brought a chair for her to sit on.

The shooting started soon. This time it was not as smooth as before. It took five takes to pass. Yang Ying was watching from the side and gradually felt stressed.

Like many big directors, Nie Wei was very particular about the quality of shooting.

If the actors were slightly dissatisfied with him, he would reshoot.

And Nie Wei had a habit that made her a little flustered, that is, after each shot, he would call the actors to his side to watch the replay on the monitor.

This was like a teacher marking papers on the spot during an exam. Good students might not be afraid, but poor students would definitely be flustered.

And Yang Ying knew herself well that she was definitely one of the poor students.

The only thing that made her feel fortunate was that Nie Wei seemed to be more patient than most directors. He did not get angry because of repeated filming, and his tone was always gentle when correcting the actors' mistakes.

Yang Ying prayed in her heart that Nie Wei would not be two-faced, and it would be best if he could be so gentle to her. With her mind full of random thoughts, time passed quickly.

"Yang Ying, come over and talk about the play." When Nie Wei called Yang Ying, it was already four o'clock.

The first scene was very simple. Several leading actors were sitting at a table for dinner. The character played by Yang Ying had to come over to say hello. There was also a love line involved. The character played by Yang Ying and the second captain played by Du Jiang were in a relationship. The difficulty of this scene was that Yang Ying had a line, which had to be spoken in a seemingly relaxed but jealous tone.

After Nie Wei analyzed this scene for Yang Ying, he was ready to start filming.

However, Yang Ying still did not have a role in the first two scenes. It had to wait until the third scene in the cafeteria before it was Yang Ying's turn.

Yang Ying was not impatient. She was actually an old actress. In 2007, she played a small role in a certain director's movie. In 2009, she really starred in her first movie "Shorty Love" and worked with Zu Lan. She was one of the female protagonists in the movie.

Counting it up, she has been an actress for ten years.

So she is not unfamiliar with waiting for scenes, although she is a little uncomfortable. After all, after she became famous, few crews would let her wait for scenes. But today is different. This is Nie Wei's crew, and she is just a cameo.

Yang Ying waited for an hour.

It was not until five o'clock that it was finally her turn to go on stage.

"After Ou Hao's fake cough, you can enter the stage. The tone of greeting should be natural. You should greet acquaintances and friends as you usually do. Yuan Quan, you can try to take Yang Ying's hand to make them look more intimate."

"Okay." Yuan Quan nodded, sat on the chair and called Yang Ying over, ready to rehearse the scene first.

Nie Wei did not disturb them, but just told them that they had five minutes to prepare.

After Nie Wei left, Yuan Quan signaled Yang Ying that she could start. After the rehearsal, Yang Ying felt quite satisfied. She did not make any mistakes in the lines and her tone was quite natural. However, Yuan Quan was not satisfied.

After considering the tone, Yuan Quan suggested: "Yang Ying, you can actually relax a little more in this part. You are a little nervous. Don't think about how to act in this part. Just act like you are saying hello to me."

When Yang Ying heard this, she was a little overwhelmed. She really didn't expect that the performance she thought was good was actually unqualified in Yuan Quan's opinion.

Yang Ying actually wanted to improve, so she listened to the guidance of her predecessors very seriously.

But she didn't have any specific improvement measures on how to do it, so in the next two auditions, she tried her best to relax herself according to Yuan Quan's requirements, but in fact her performance was not ideal.

Yuan Quan was a little worried. She felt that Yang Ying's performance would not pass, but five minutes had passed, and the staff called them in.

"Don't be nervous, don't think about acting, think about this as daily life, and treat me as your good friend." After Yuan Quan gave a word, he went in advance to prepare.

Yang Ying sat aside and took a deep breath, trying to adjust her inner emotions, while waiting for the opportunity to enter the venue.

Several leading actors in the studio began filming. Cheng Kun made a serious joke to Ou Hao. As Ou Hao coughed, Yang Ying called out from the sidelines: "Sister Nan."

"Good morning, are you flying today too?" Yuan Quan, who was sitting at the dining table, heard the greeting and turned to look at Yang Ying with a smile in his eyes.

Yang Ying had already walked to Yuan Quan's side, and Yuan Quan naturally reached out and held Yang Ying's hand.

"I heard you were here, so I came to see you."

"Stop." Nie Wei, who was sitting at the monitor, pressed the intercom and called out to stop.

"Everyone come to the monitor." Nie Wei called the actors to his side and replayed the scene for everyone to see.

"Tian'ai, don't be too deliberate when you whisper to Lin Qin. You can eat here, and Lin Qin can just lean over and whisper something, and Tian'ai can cooperate with a smile."

"Ou Hao, the previous lines were very good, but the embarrassment of the fake cough at the end was not expressed enough. You can move your eyes around at that time. Have you ever felt that kind of restlessness? Look for that feeling carefully."

"Yang Ying, your problem is that your lines are not natural enough, and your body is a little stiff when you enter the scene. Look carefully at the steps you take. Do you feel that your body is very tight? In addition, after entering the scene, it is best to give Du Jiang a look. You must remember your role relationship and who you are here for."

Several actors nodded repeatedly and accepted the guidance humbly. After Nie Wei talked about everyone's problems, he asked them to start preparing for the second scene.

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