Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1422 1524. The filming of

After about ten seconds, Cheng Kun's heart gradually changed from excitement to calmness.

This was incredible, but his heart did calm down. He opened his arms, felt the wind carrying him, opened his eyes, and was in the vast sky. The city where he originally lived was not far away.

Cheng Kun looked down at the steel jungle that he always looked up to on weekdays. This city that he always thought was magnificent seemed particularly small at this moment. He only needed to stretch out one hand to cover more than half of it.

"How does it feel? Do you feel that the whole world has become different?" Nie Wei asked.

"Yes!" Cheng Kun replied with a smile.

Looking down at the world from this angle is like a God's perspective. The feeling of this world is completely different from usual. It's as if you have broken free from all kinds of constraints and regained your freedom. This world allows you to soar.

"What about the feeling of surviving a disaster? Is there any?"

Hearing this question, Cheng Kun hesitated for a moment, and then shouted: "In the two or three seconds after jumping down, yes!"

Cheng Kun's answer was very simple. In fact, he didn't think so much in his mind at this time.

The feeling of soaring in the sky made him a little addicted.

Nie Wei nodded, without asking any more questions, and let Cheng Kun shout loudly. This was not a loss of composure, but a voice from the heart, the excitement brought by skydiving.

Cheng Kun, who just shouted for a while, suddenly felt something was wrong. He felt that it seemed that a while had passed since he jumped down, and it should have been more than the one minute the coach said. The ground also felt closer and closer, but the speed of falling did not change at all. Nie Wei did not open the parachute.

He wanted to look back, but before he could move, Nie Wei was stopped by Nie Wei.

"Don't move."

"What... what happened." Cheng Kun's heart suddenly tightened, and his whole body froze.

"The main parachute and the auxiliary parachute are entangled together." Nie Wei replied in a solemn tone, but after saying that, he did not forget to comfort him: "Don't worry, we still have time, I'm trying to untie them, believe me."

When Cheng Kun heard the first sentence, his heart skipped a beat. If it weren't for Nie Wei's calm voice, he would even collapse now.

Is this the legendary unlucky person who gets stuck in his teeth even when drinking cold water?

Feeling the strong sense of falling, Cheng Kun asked with a pale face: "Are you done? Nie Wei?"

"Shut up, don't disturb me." Nie Wei shouted sternly, Cheng Kun shuddered immediately and dared not speak again.

He wanted to cry now. Being so close to death, he even felt like he was about to suffocate. His heart beat very fast in his chest, and there was a trace of pain. Looking at the ground getting closer and closer, he really felt the fear of death for the first time.

He did not think that Nie Wei was lying to him at first, but as the falling time got longer, Nie Wei's anxious and even impatient answer, he also felt that Nie Wei behind him was trying to do something.

If it was just to finish, would it really be necessary to do this?

"I'm sorry..." A familiar voice sounded in his ears, with a hint of bitterness. When Cheng Kun heard it, his eyes shed tears.

Just when he thought everything was over, he suddenly felt a pain in his ribs, and a huge force pulled him up.

Cheng Kun groaned in pain, but soon reacted, and his face was filled with uncontrollable joy.

"Is the parachute open?"

"It's open!" No one answered him, but Cheng Kun knew in his heart that the parachute was really open because the speed of falling suddenly slowed down.

At this moment, he felt that his whole body had lost strength all of a sudden. He couldn't tell whether he was happy or excited. Except for a sigh of relief, he was actually in a blank state at this moment.

He just looked at the ground getting closer and closer coldly until he was about to land. Nie Wei patted him on the back.

"Tighten up, it's about to land."

Cheng Kun came back to his senses and quickly leaned back according to the coach's instructions. However, when his feet touched the ground, they were still soft and he couldn't stand at all. If it weren't for Nie Wei's strong physical fitness behind him, he would have hit the ground with his head and slid close to his face.

After standing firm, Nie Wei untied the parachute bag and the buckle, and Cheng Kun fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"How is it, are you okay?" Nie Wei asked hurriedly with concern.

Cheng Kun didn't say anything, just lay on the ground and cried for a few minutes. It was only when Nie Wei said that his companions were coming that he wiped his tears.

"I will never parachute again in my life." This was the first sentence Cheng Kun said after crying.

Nie Wei almost couldn't help laughing when he heard it.

How could there be such a coincidence in the world? Moreover, if the main parachute cannot be opened, it will not affect the auxiliary parachute at all, let alone entangled. It was completely Nie Wei who bullied Cheng Kun and lied to him deliberately because he didn't know anything.

The reason for doing this was also very simple. This was the way he thought of to let the actors experience "surviving a disaster".

Nie Wei believed that when he went back to filming later, Cheng Kun's state would definitely be explosive.

Of course, after filming, Nie Wei still had to find a psychologist for Cheng Kun, so that he would not be psychologically traumatized by this incident, which would be too sorry for him.

Du Jiang and others came and waved, looking at Cheng Kun's face full of tears, thinking that Cheng Kun was crying excitedly, but Cheng Kun was frightened.

Cheng Kun was such a decent person, so naturally it was impossible for him to talk about this embarrassing incident. Moreover, he had just escaped from the shadow of death. The feeling of the rest of his life made her feel as if she had no energy left in her body. She did not want to explain, and she was too lazy to explain. , he just wanted to sit quietly for a while.

Unfortunately, his companions were chattering incessantly, which made him a little annoyed.

It was Nie Wei who pulled a group of people away and signaled them not to disturb Cheng Kun.

"Have you decided who will jump next?" Nie Wei took Du Jiang and Ou Hao to the side and asked.

"Me." Ou Hao raised his hand to indicate that it was him.

"Young man, you are so brave. Let's go." Nie Wei smiled and patted Ou Hao on the shoulder, taking the lead to walk towards the plane. Upon seeing this, a group of actresses quickly followed, with curiosity in their eyes.

People are like this sometimes. They may be very scared when facing it alone, but watching their partners try it one by one, they also have the urge to try it.

Although Cheng Kun's reaction surprised them, seeing Ou Hao following Nie Wei excitedly, they thought they might as well try skydiving?

This idea was quickly abandoned. Ten minutes later, Ou Hao, who had originally rushed onto the plane happily, cried like a cat when he got off. His face was frighteningly white, similar to Cheng Kun's reaction just now.

Du Jiang swallowed nervously, wanting to refuse Nie Wei's 'kindness', but Nie Wei didn't care about him at all, took his arm and dragged him onto the plane.

Another ten minutes passed, and Du Jiang, like the two fellow sufferers before him, looked pale, as if he had lost his soul. No matter how the girl asked, he would not answer.

Nie Wei took off his equipment and moved his shoulders. After all, he had skydived three times in a row. Each time he opened the parachute at the extreme distance, the pulling feeling was also a heavy burden for him.

Lin Yifei quietly leaned next to Nie Wei and asked in a low voice: "Did you mess up? Why did they all look like this when they came down?"

Just as Nie Wei opened her mouth to refute, Lin Yifei interrupted Nie Wei again: "Don't lie, I am also a skydiver. Apart from being a little scared when I first jumped out of the hatch, the rest of my mood was either exciting, exciting, or... Just calm down, you won’t look so miserable.”

"Ahem, who knows, maybe Ken and the others are not mentally good enough." Nie Wei said vaguely. If this matter needs to be exposed, at least we have to wait until the last scene is filmed.

On the way back to the set, Nie Wei deliberately separated several boys. They really had no intention of talking, and they were all immersed in the feeling of "surviving the disaster".

As for the last "survival" scene, the three people who returned successfully passed it in just one time, achieving the perfect performance in Nie Wei's mind.


Nie Wei's words were like a switch, and the originally quiet crew suddenly burst into excitement. However, the three male actors seemed a little out of place and sat silently in the airport.

Nie Wei walked over, patted their shoulders, and said with a smile: "The perfect ending has been completed."

Hearing this, the three of them wanted to cry again. Nie Wei saw this and said with a smile: "Don't be sad. In fact, I lied to you. How could there be a problem with the parachute bag by such a coincidence? You haven't communicated with each other yet." Well, Cheng Kun, Ou Hao and Du Jiang, you three were actually deceived by me."

The expressions of the three people froze at the same time at this moment, and they all looked at Nie Wei in disbelief.

"I'm pretty good at acting, right?" Nie Wei smiled brightly, but after hearing this, Cheng Kun didn't say anything, raised his fist and gave Nie Wei a shoulder.

There was a loud bang, and Nie Wei was hit so hard that he took a step back.

It hurt as much as it hurt, but it wasn't that Cheng Kun didn't use his strength. He probably even used his strength to suck milk, otherwise it would be difficult to understand the hatred in his heart.

But after all, Cheng Kun had never learned fighting and didn't know how to hit someone so that it would hurt. But Nie Wei knew that he had to pretend to scream at this time.

Sure enough, seeing how badly Nie Wei was beaten, Cheng Kun's second punch was obviously less powerful.

Du Jiang and Ou Hao on the side also wanted to beat Nie Weidu, especially Ou Hao. When he heard that the umbrella was entangled and could not be opened, he was almost frightened. At this moment when Nie Wei exposed everything, he understood, This was arranged by Nie Wei for them, so that they could find the feeling of surviving the disaster.

Not to mention, it's really easy to use, but this move is too damaging.

"Don't be angry, you guys. You can beat me up if you really want. We have an appointment at the Fight Club tonight. I will only defend then, and you can attack as you like. I'll beat you until you have no strength."

"Okay!" As soon as Nie Wei finished speaking, Cheng Kun immediately agreed fiercely.

There is no need to be polite to Nie Wei. This guy is extremely bad in Cheng Kun's heart at this moment. He did this just for a scene, which scared him to the point of weakness. Is there anyone who is such a director?

Although Nie Wei attracted a wave of hatred, the three of them broke free from the emotion of 'surviving the disaster'. After all, everything was lies and fake. Just thinking about it, after being angry, several people On the contrary, I was a little excited.

After all, this thing feels a bit exciting.

Soon, with the publicity of the three people, intentionally or unintentionally, the entire crew knew about Nie Wei's 'evil' methods.

Lin Yifei looked at Nie Wei with a smile in her eyes, as if she had known it for a long time. Lin Qin and Tian Ai were so happy that their stomachs ached, especially when they saw the three grown men nagging and complaining like resentful women. The more it goes on, the more interesting it becomes for them.

Of course, they were a little scared. Fortunately, this scene was only for the three male actors. If they were included, wouldn't they also be scared by Nie Wei?

Thinking that three grown men were scared like that, how could they not be scared?

"The director must treat us."

"That's right, the director is so bad. Look how scared we three male actors are. If he doesn't treat us, it won't be enough to calm your anger."

Cheng Kun blushed and retorted: "Who was scared!?"

"That's right, we were not scared. We were just a little panicked and soon calmed down."

"That's right."

The three male actors were desperately trying to regain their lost face, but the actresses didn't care. They just wanted to take this opportunity to have a meal with Nie Wei.

"I remember a high-end buffet opened in a certain commercial center. How about that?" Nie Wei would naturally not refuse to treat him. In fact, this was also a step given to Nie Wei by the actresses.

Spending some money and using a meal to solve this "bad" method is undoubtedly the simplest and easiest way.

The crew members were naturally very satisfied. On the spot, people who knew about it spread the word about how expensive the high-end buffet was, how exquisite and delicious the food was.

It was just that it was not realistic to book the entire restaurant for such a high-end buffet on the same day. Nie Wei dragged on a favor and booked it for tomorrow morning, so the wrap-up banquet was also held tomorrow morning.

The crew members left with laughter and noise, but Nie Wei brought the actors to his manor in the suburbs of Beijing.

He wanted to invite everyone to have a meal together, and of course the most important thing was to express his apologies to the three male actors. No matter what, such means were beyond the boundaries of jokes and were "excessive".

Nie Wei did this for the last scene, but he also knew that this was not his reason for being excessive, so he had to apologize and make amends, and he couldn't just laugh it off.

Among these actors, only Lin Yifei and Cheng Kun had been to Nie Wei's manor. The others were all here for the first time. They were obviously very excited and curious along the way, and they would ask questions every time, and Nie Wei also gave patient answers.

The car drove for about an hour before they finally arrived at the gate of the manor.

"Wow, it's just like in the real idol drama, so big that you need to take a car." Lin Qin couldn't help but exclaimed as the car slowly drove into the gate.

Tian Ai nodded aside, but her eyes kept looking out the window, as if she wanted to engrave all the scenery in the manor into her mind.

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