Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1427 1529. Show of affection

Several girls looked touched.

Including Shu Chang herself, who couldn't help showing a happy expression on her face.

The little thoughts of first love really make people feel extra sweet every time they think about it, just like eating candy, sweet.

"My chicken leg girl." Nie Wei said with a smile.

"Is it when you were filming "The Golden Age"? Did you like Nie Wei at that time?" Zhang Ziyi asked curiously, after all, this is worth gossiping about.

Didn't you see that the writers of the program group wrote it on the prompt board? This point needs to be dug deeper.

Of course, it depends on whether Shu Chang and Nie Wei are willing to share, but Shu Chang is quite generous about showing affection. It can be said that she wants everyone in the world to know that she is very happy.

"Well, I fell in love at first sight. After all, my husband is really handsome." Shu Chang answered generously.

This made many people nod their heads involuntarily. When ordinary people praise their husbands for being handsome, it is called "beauty in the eyes of the beholder", but when Shu Chang praises her husband for being handsome, it is a recognized fact.

Since his debut, Nie Wei has always been synonymous with the appearance of male stars in the circle.

When it comes to handsome guys, everyone will definitely include Nie Wei in the examples they cite, just like when they mention basketball stars, they will definitely not miss Jordan.

Although everyone has their own preferences, Nie Wei's appearance can really unify the aesthetic style of many people.

Especially as Nie Wei grows older, the years have not left any traces on him, but have made his temperament more mellow and more charming.

Sometimes Zhang Ziyi can't help but envy Nie Wei. There are many people who can play college students without any pressure at the age of 35. This is too appropriate to describe Nie Wei.

"So did you fall in love at that time?" The second sister became more curious after hearing Shu Chang's answer.

But Shu Chang shook his head and looked at his old Ou Gong with resentment.

Nie Wei said he was innocent. Shu Chang was still very young at that time. He really regarded Shu Chang and Lin Yifei as his sisters. If Shu Chang fell in love at first sight, then he always thought that he liked Shu Chang because he had grown up over time.

"Nie Wei, are you a wooden man? The little girl's thoughts were so obvious, and you couldn't see it?" Zhang Ziyi took the opportunity to confront Nie Wei.

"I didn't think so much at the beginning. I just felt that I was very comfortable with Shu Chang." Nie Wei replied with a smile.

Hearing this answer, several girls stopped talking and looked at Shu Chang with envy.

The word "comfortable" seems to be a very common adjective, but for lovers, it is really a very precious adjective.

The best and most natural state of people getting along with each other can be summarized by the word "comfortable".

Shu Chang smiled like a flower, which made the other wives envious, and of course they couldn't help looking at their husbands with unfriendly eyes.

Yuan Hong and others were confused. What happened?

The program directors were very satisfied with this segment, and even secretly gave each other a thumbs-up. They firmly believed that cutting this segment into the trailer would definitely attract a lot of viewers.

The relationship between Nie Wei and Shu Chang has always been a rare good story in the entertainment industry. For example, among the couples present, Zhang Ziyi and Wang Fuzi have been married for four years, Yuan Hong and Erjie have been married for three years, and the oldest Xiaochun and his wife Caier have only been married for nine years.

Nie Wei and Shu Chang have been married longer than these people. Except for Guo Dong and Cheng Lisha, they are the most experienced couples among these couples.

At the beginning, Nie Wei and Shu Chang made their relationship public at a young age. Under the premise that public opinion was completely pessimistic, they quickly got married and obtained a marriage certificate. Under the situation that the media and many people predicted that they would divorce within two years, they have been happily together for ten years.

The key is that so far, the relationship between the two is still very stable.

This also made many people who had prejudices at the beginning gradually put aside their prejudices and sincerely wished the couple well. Now they have become a recognized good couple in the entertainment industry.

Especially after some CPs are made public, the public will even unconsciously use Nie Wei and Shu Chang as examples to send blessings.

Although Shu Chang's revelations satisfied the director, she was not exempt from punishment.

"What? My husband obviously guessed it right." Shu Chang was very dissatisfied. She was not pretending to be a show effect, but she was really dissatisfied. Especially when she saw the director handing over a tube of mustard, she was really dissatisfied.

Seeing Shu Chang so dissatisfied, the program team felt a little empty.

After all, Nie Wei's answer was really between right and wrong. It was subjective to judge. However, after discussing, the program team and the director still hoped that there would be someone who would be punished in this section to create some show effects, otherwise the audience would think it was very "fake".

Even some people with deep thoughts would doubt whether the program team had given the answer in advance. This kind of speculation is actually very hurtful for a reality show.

Reality shows are all about "truth". Any detailed script will be hated by the audience.

The production team actually didn't expect that Nie Wei would be punished, so they just went ahead with it. As long as Nie Wei didn't explicitly refuse, they would be guilty. At most, they would apologize to Nie Wei and accept the punishment after the filming.

Nie Wei didn't think too much about it. It's a game, and it's normal to have winners and losers.

And he didn't think he was right. The lunch boxes mentioned by Shu Chang and the lunch boxes he answered were actually not the same thing. Nie Wei answered lunch boxes because he was in the crew for a lot of time a year and ate lunch boxes.

And the lunch boxes mentioned by Shu Chang actually expressed more of the beautiful feelings at the beginning.

"Do you have to squeeze all this tube up?" Nie Wei asked with a smile as he looked at the mustard handed over by the program team.

"How can you!" As soon as Nie Wei finished speaking, the program team had no time to deny it. Shu Chang on the side quickly stood up to defend him and said, "Are you punishing or murdering for money?"

At the end, the director was described by Shu Chang in this way, and his forehead was sweating. No matter how brave they were, they didn't dare to murder their boss for money.

"A little bit will do." The director quickly replied, not caring to pretend to be expressionless.

But even so, Shu Chang was still not satisfied.

Seeing this, Nie Wei held Shu Chang's hand tightly, and then signaled the staff to squeeze the mustard.

The staff member holding the mustard was under great pressure at the moment. He felt that today might be his last day working in the program group. Especially the angry look of Shu Chang next to him made him tremble all over.

This tremor was not a big deal. He originally wanted to squeeze out only a little mustard as the director said, but his hand trembled uncontrollably and squeezed out too much at once.

Looking at the long strip of green mustard on the chicken leg, the people who were originally making a fuss suddenly fell silent.

For several directors of the program group, these few seconds of silence were like being roasted in the crater of a volcano, and cold sweat could not stop coming out.

Shu Chang was also startled by the pile of mustard that came out, and for a moment she even forgot to be angry.

When she came to her senses, her anger suddenly rushed to her throat, and she didn't even care whether the camera was on or not. She stood up and was ready to get angry, but Nie Wei knew her so well that before she lost her temper, he pulled her hand and shook his head gently.

Nie Wei comforted Shu Chang and smiled gently at the pale-faced staff member next to him.

"So much, luckily I can eat spicy food." Nie Wei let go of Shu Chang's hand, picked up the knife and fork on the table, cut off a piece of chicken leg, dipped it in mustard, and then put it into his mouth calmly.

"The chicken leg is a little cold, but it tastes quite interesting with mustard." Nie Wei looked like he was tasting delicious food, and he didn't forget to comment after eating.

"Really? I want to try it too?" Upon hearing this, Yuan Hong also picked up his chopsticks and picked up a piece of chicken leg that Nie Wei had cut.

Seeing this, the second sister gave her husband a thumbs up in her heart.

This is the price of eyesight.

Just think about it, you know that braised chicken legs with mustard can be delicious? But Yuan Hong did this, obviously to help Nie Wei share the pressure. The key is that this kind of "helping charcoal in the snow" behavior will definitely leave a good impression on Nie Wei.

Didn't you see that Nie Wei's eyes looking at Yuan Hong were full of appreciation at this time?

"I want to try it too?" Guo Dong also said with a smile. Nie Wei did not refuse, and cut a small piece of chicken leg for him, and then Mr. Wang also asked for a piece.

The braised chicken legs provided by the program team were not big to begin with, and the four people shared one, and one piece was gone for each person.

As for the interesting taste that Nie Wei mentioned, you can tell by looking at the four people drinking water.

Caier kicked Xiaochun under the table, and Xiaochun, who was watching the fun, was stunned. He looked at his wife with a puzzled look, as if asking what was wrong?

Seeing her husband like this, Caier was angry and laughed.

She was angry that her husband had no taste, and laughed at him for not knowing it and watching the joke on the side. However, she was angry, but more helpless.

In fact, she chose Xiaochun because of her husband's unpretentious spirit. He looked like a simple-minded person who would not think too much about anything, and did not need to let herself guess too much. Caier felt very relaxed living with such a husband.

Nie Wei's punishment session was over, and the program team was relieved.

The director thought that he would never invite the boss and the boss's wife to the show next time. Although the effect was very good, the psychological pressure was too great.

"Can we serve the dishes?" Zhang Ziyi asked.

This sentence was undoubtedly the voice of everyone at the scene. It was almost one o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone was hungry, especially the actresses, who really hadn't eaten anything.

This time, the program team finally didn't set up any annoying links and served the dishes directly.

The food was good, with both Chinese and Western food. Everyone picked up chopsticks and ate happily. For a while, they didn't even have time to chat. However, halfway through the meal, the program team had something to do again.

"In fact, we have prepared another dish. Next, this dish will be served to everyone by our special guest."

As the director spoke, a person in a chef's uniform walked in.

"Daxun?" Yuan Hong shouted in surprise when he saw the person coming.

"Hello, everyone." Daxun put the dish in his hand on the table with a smile and introduced himself: "I am the deputy leader of this tour group. When Sister Na is not here, I will lead everyone."

"Who allowed you to be our deputy leader?" Zhang Ziyi immediately questioned as soon as Daxun finished speaking.

This sentence was like stirring up a hornet's nest, and a group of female stars began to question Daxun's qualifications as deputy leader.

Daxun was a little stunned when he was suddenly questioned by so many seniors. He didn't know how to react for a while, and Nie Wei spoke up to help him out.

"In fact, I knew you would be on this trip a long time ago."

"How do you know?" Daxun was surprised and blurted out the question.

"Didn't you check the contact list on your phone? There's Daxun's number in it." Nie Wei said, holding the phone distributed by the program.

Hearing Nie Wei's words, everyone quickly opened their phones. Sure enough, in addition to the couples and Head Na, there was also Daxun's address book.

"Nie Wei, you are really amazing." Zhang Ziyi said admiringly.

It seems to be a small thing, but several people didn't notice it, only Nie Wei noticed it, which is a very rare observation.

As a director, it is necessary to observe.

Daxun brought a local specialty food, a large seafood platter, which is actually not very special, but Baidao City is close to the sea and the seafood here is indeed very famous.

The next meal did not cause any more twists and turns. After the meal, everyone went back to the house to pack their luggage and rested for a while. At two o'clock in the afternoon, Daxun came up and knocked on the door to call everyone to gather.

"Sister Na is waiting for us outside."

"Is Nana here?"

Hearing the news of Xie Na's arrival, several families went out. On the small golf course outside the restaurant, everyone found Xie Na in sportswear.

"After dinner, let's get moving!" Xie Na shouted excitedly before everyone exchanged a few words.

Looking at the square in the middle of the field surrounded by white lines, Nie Wei knew that the game was about to start.

"Our next game is called blind love. Each couple is a group. The husbands compete in pairs. They blindfold themselves and have a pillow fight in the designated area, that is, in this square."

After Xie Na read out the rules, Cheng Lisha immediately raised her hand and asked, "What is a pillow fight?"

"It means that the husband is blindfolded and holding a pillow. Inside this square, the wife commands the husband outside. Then whoever hits the other party with a pillow first wins. The rules of the game are very simple. Do you understand it?"

"I understand, I understand."

The next step is to discuss the grouping. Because there are five husbands, one person is destined to be a bye.

"Let's play rock, paper, scissors." Nie Wei suggested, and no one had any objection to this, after all, this seemed to be the fairest way.

However, no one noticed that after everyone accepted the suggestion, Nie Wei's mouth corners slightly raised, and it was obvious that his plan had succeeded.

Several men gathered together and started the first round of rock, paper, scissors.

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