Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1460 1562. Box office pre-sale

After Shu Chang reminded him, Nie Wei remembered that after midnight, "The Captain" would start pre-sale.

"Let's make a bet. I guess the pre-sale box office will exceed 200 million before the official release." Shu Chang rushed to say: "If it exceeds 200 million, we will go to Maldives together for a month. If it doesn't exceed, I will punish you as you like."

After Shu Chang finished speaking, he also threw a coquettish eye at Nie Wei, making Nie Wei laugh and cry.

It is impossible to punish him. Although the doctor said that it is okay to pay attention, it is better not to do strenuous exercise. Nie Wei still has some self-control.

"Two hundred million is a bit less." Nie Wei thought about it and said.

"Two hundred million is less?" Shu Chang was very surprised. You know, Nie Wei's previous "Fantastic Beasts 2" exceeded 4 billion, and the pre-sale box office was only this number.

After all, this is not the time when "Avatar" was first released and the streets were empty. On the one hand, 3D is no longer rare, and on the other hand, the number of IMAX and IMAX-3D theaters has increased by dozens of times, which can fully accommodate audiences across the country.

Under normal circumstances nowadays, as long as each theater can seat about 15% to 20% of the audience, it is qualified. If it can reach 30% attendance, it is a big hit.

In this case, few audiences will queue up to watch the premiere.

The public has a spiritual demand for entertainment, but it is not as urgent as in 2010, just like grabbing limited edition sneakers. If you don't grab them today, it will be difficult to grab them in the future.

"I think it can be 300 million." Nie Wei thought about it and gave an estimated number.

"Then let's do it. I have more than 200 million and you have more than 300 million. How about it?" Shu Chang opened his mouth in surprise for a moment after hearing Nie Wei's guess, and then said excitedly.

Nie Wei saw that Shu Chang rarely wanted to win him so much, so he nodded readily.

Three hundred million is indeed Nie Wei's ideal pre-sale box office figure. Nie Wei has no idea whether he can reach it. He can come up with such a figure mainly because the movie itself is adapted from a real event, and that event has a high influence in China, which should have a promoting effect on the box office.

Nie Wei and Shu Chang talked about three hundred million and two hundred million, while Boss Wang looked at the pre-sale box office data of less than 20 million in his hand and wanted to cry without tears.

The pre-sale of "Crazy Alien" is so miserable. The publicity claims to be five hundred million, but in fact, it has invested 250 million, but the pre-sale box office is 19.6 million.

The movie will be released in two days. According to the single-day pre-sale of less than one million today, it is estimated that the pre-sale box office of this movie will not reach 25 million on the day of release.

This result really scared Boss Wang.

Because pre-sale often represents the audience's expectations for a movie. The more the audience wants to watch it, the more they will pay for tickets in advance.

With a pre-sale box office of 20 million, based on Boss Wang's past experience, whether the final box office of this movie can exceed 1 billion is a big question.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, a movie that can break 1 billion box office is already a big hit, but Boss Wang knows very well that if the box office of this movie is only 1 billion in the end, then he will really lose money.

You should know that the production cost of this movie alone is 400 million yuan at the beginning. At the end of the filming, Ning Hao's funds were in urgent need, and he took 20 million from the company.

This is just the production cost.

There are also publicity costs, 250 million, which is not too late, and there are some miscellaneous expenses that add up to another 300 million.

This is more than 700 million.

And the box office of the movie has a share, which does not mean that the film company can get how much box office the movie finally gets. In fact, after deducting the share and some funds and taxes, the remaining amount for the film company is generally about 33% to 35%.

If the final box office of this movie is only 1 billion, then Huayi's actual income is 330 million, compared with the investment of 720 million, it loses nearly 400 million.

For Huayi today, 400 million is enough to hurt the company. What's more terrible is that the box office of the movie has suffered a Waterloo, which will cause the market's confidence in Huayi to decline again, thus causing Huayi's market value to fluctuate, and may even "avalanche" again.

And now Huayi, obviously, can no longer withstand such a blow.

Boss Wang was so anxious that his mouth was blistering. He held five meetings a day, starting at nine in the morning and ending at more than seven in the evening. But after a whole day of work, a large number of so-called professionals, but still no one could come up with a practical solution.

Boss Wang was so angry that he suddenly missed Nie Wei again, because Nie Wei always had many ways in his head, as if no problem could stump him.

Of course, this idea only passed through Boss Wang's mind for a moment, and he would not ask Nie Wei for help. On the one hand, he didn't want to owe Nie Wei a favor, and on the other hand, he was too embarrassed.

After all, he was holding back a lot of energy, just wanting to compete with Nie Wei in the Lunar New Year period, but he didn't expect that before this started, he would have diarrhea.

Boss Wang was determined to come up with an idea even if he had to pull out all his hair. But until the last light in the company's office went out, he still hadn't thought of the answer he wanted.

Because of the huge amount of publicity before, he really used up all the tricks he could use.

Boss Wang, unwilling and powerless, could only roar in the end to vent his inner depression, but he also scared the secretary outside the door.

After Shu Chang reminded him, Nie Wei also paid attention to the pre-sale box office rankings.

It was a bit surprising that "Crazy Alien" was only ranked second, but after watching the trailer, Nie Wei felt that it was natural.

Ning Hao was still black humor as always, using exaggerated and funny methods to expose the evil of human nature and the dark side of society.

It's just that the setting of aliens seems to be a bit of a sham in Nie Wei's opinion.

The sci-fi comedy promoted is still a traditional comedy in Nie Wei's opinion, except that there is an alien worth hundreds of millions in the cast.

If you find someone to play it with makeup, the difference will not be particularly big.

Whether it is the spaceship special effects or the aliens themselves, at least from the trailer, this movie does not have much impact. Ning Hao obviously still doesn't know how to spend money on special effects and didn't spend the 400 million production costs.

Ranked above "Crazy Alien" is "Lost in Russia" by another old friend of Nie Wei, Xu Xiaozhu.

Nie Wei watched all three trailers, the shortest was 15 seconds, the longest was 3.5 seconds, and after watching them, he roughly knew the content of this movie, which was similar to the previous "囧" series, all discussing family and love.

Nie Wei found that Xu Xiaozhu really likes to add these elements to his movies.

It's just that a lot of truths are said, but the humor is still as embarrassing as the previous "Hong Kong囧". At least after watching several trailers, Nie Wei didn't laugh from beginning to end.

He didn't force himself not to laugh or like to act cool, but this movie is really not funny.

If the "囧" series is counted as the first "Lost on Journey", this series has reached its end in Nie Wei's opinion, and each one is really less interesting than the last.

Xu Xiaozhu's mind was wrong. You should know that this is a New Year's film, which is to make everyone happy during the New Year, not to listen to a bunch of big truths from you. If you ignore the main point and pursue the trivial, everyone will be tired of listening to the truth, and the humor will become awkward, making the film neither inside nor outside, especially boring.

To put it bluntly, Xu Xiaozhu encourages people to have an artistic heart. Even if he makes a comedy movie, he wants to lean towards the artistic side.

"I can only hope that the feature film will have surprises, otherwise, judging from these few minutes, this movie is just a five-point work." Nie Wei secretly gave a rating in his heart, of course, it is not accurate, after all, he only watched the trailer of less than five minutes.

The two main opponents performed mediocrely, and Nie Wei felt quite boring.

He hoped that the Chinese film market would have more dark horse works full of creativity and personality like "Ne Zha" last year, so that the market can progress.

In Nie Wei's view, in a mature market, commercial films should account for at least 80% of the films released throughout the year, instead of some directors making art films like now. It seems to be a humiliation for him to make commercial films.

After all, film companies can only survive if they have money. Under the premise that material life cannot be guaranteed, what spiritual life can they pursue?

"I am so lonely." Nie Wei closed the webpage, lay on the sofa, and said with emotion with a smile.

This Lunar New Year period seems to be hard to beat.

"Brother Nie Wei's new film seems to be invincible in this Lunar New Year period again." At this moment, Jing Han couldn't help but say something similar to Nie Wei after reading the box office pre-sale situation this year.

As a fan who has liked Nie Wei for 20 years, she has grown from a student to a married woman, and even has a cute baby.

Even her home has moved from Kyoto to Jiangcheng.

Everything changes with time, but the only thing that remains unchanged is Jing Han's admiration for Nie Wei.

She resigned from the position of president of Nie Wei's fan club when she was pregnant with her baby a few years ago, and rarely participated in offline activities. After all, the focus of her life can no longer be as free as before, but her attention to Nie Wei is not less.

Every morning, Jing Han holds her mobile phone, and the first thing she does is to open Weibo to see if there is any new news about Nie Wei.

The first thing she did when she went to work was to open the website of the fan club, log in her account, turn on the do not disturb function, and then start her day's work.

She would also support Nie Wei's songs or movies as soon as possible.

But before, she organized a group of people to support Nie Wei, but now she leads a warm family of three, her husband, and her baby son. After his unremitting efforts, they have now become loyal members of Nie Wei's fan club.

The early morning is the box office pre-sale for Nie Wei's new movie. As the former president of the fan club, Jing Han naturally has to support it as soon as possible.

So she, who used to go to bed at ten o'clock, planned to stay up until twelve o'clock today and contribute her own strength to Nie Wei's movie as soon as possible.

"Wife, how about I help you get the tickets, and you go to bed?" Jing Han's husband Gu Yu said with some heartache as he watched Jing Han dozing off little by little while sitting in front of the computer.

Jing Han shook his head and replied with a smile: "It's okay, I just walk. When I was in school, many activities were organized in the early morning and midnight, and it's nothing if it happens once in a while."

"I'll make you a cup of coffee." Gu Yu asked. This time Jing Han didn't refuse and thanked sweetly: "Thank you, husband, love you."

After a while, Gu Yu walked in with a cup of coffee.

The speed is so fast because the coffee is instant.

For ordinary people who drink coffee at home, instant coffee is more suitable. On the one hand, it is cheap, and on the other hand, it is convenient. As for the taste, it is not necessarily worse than hand-ground coffee. After all, hand-ground coffee is based on the quality of coffee beans. If the quality of coffee beans is not good, the hand-ground coffee made may not be as delicious as instant coffee.

"Yawn..." Jing Han smelled the aroma of coffee, but felt more sleepy. He took a sip quickly. After the slightly bitter taste, there was a mellow taste.

"It tastes good." Jing Han took another sip and said to Gu Yu with a smile.

"I see you are very tired recently. Are you too busy with work?" Gu Yu did not leave, but sat on a chair beside him and asked with concern.

During this period, Gu Yu found that Jing Han was very tired every day. This had nothing to do with staying up late. It was purely the feeling of being tired.

Jing Han was drinking coffee and was slightly stunned when he heard Gu Yu's question.

However, she did not hide it from Gu Yu and explained directly: "I have been busy in recent days. One of my colleagues was sick and asked for leave. As a result, the supervisor threw the work to me to complete. After all, we are in the same project team. It may be troublesome to ask someone else to take over temporarily."

"But don't worry, the supervisor promised to give me three times the overtime pay." Jing Han smiled and gestured three fingers in front of Gu Yu.

"In short, do what you can and don't exhaust yourself."

"Don't worry about that."

With Gu Yu chatting with her, Jing Han felt that time was not so difficult to endure. Two hours passed unknowingly. The alarm clock rang on time. After hearing the alarm clock ring, Jing Han immediately refreshed the webpage that had been prepared long ago and started to place an order.

"Three consecutive seats in the center of the fifth row, done!" Jing Han shouted happily after seeing the prompt that the order was successfully booked.

"How much do you think Nie Wei can pre-sell this time?" After booking the tickets, Jing Han excitedly asked her husband who was dozing off beside her. Seeing her husband's absent-minded look, Jing Han slapped his arm in dissatisfaction.

"What did you say?" Gu Yu woke up, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and then asked.

"I said how much the pre-sale box office of "Captain China" can be?"

"How do I know this?" Gu Yu muttered, looking at Jing Han's somewhat dissatisfied face, and quickly replied; "One hundred million."

He didn't realize that after he finished his answer, Jing Han's face became worse.

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