Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1489 1591. Leisure

Faced with Luo Yuan's visit, Shu Chang and Nie Wei were a little surprised.

"You're here, why are you so polite to bring gifts?" Although it was unexpected, Nie Wei still welcomed Luo Yuan's visit.

"Who is being polite to you? This is for Sister Shu Chang." After Luo Yuan handed the fruits and nutritional supplements to Nie Wei, she smiled and said to Shu Chang: "How is your health recently?"

"I eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and I feel quite comfortable." Shu Chang answered happily.

"It's a blessing to be able to eat and drink. When I had something, I wanted to eat but felt nauseous. I vomited after eating, which made me suffer." Luo Yuan recalled the days when she had a baby, and she was also quite emotional: "No wonder he was so naughty, you could see it at that time."

"By the way, sister, can't you check whether you are pregnant with a boy or a girl?" Luo Yuan suddenly asked, changing the subject.

"Guess?" Shu Chang asked with a smile, with a slightly proud expression.

Luo Yuan had been paying attention to Shu Chang's expression. Seeing this, she was 50% to 60% sure, but now she was 70% to 80%. She stopped beating around the bush and asked tentatively, "Sister, could it be twins, or boy-girl twins?"

When Shu Chang heard this, her eyes immediately turned into crescents.

Of course, she said modestly, "The doctor said it's just a possibility, not sure, after all, it's only about four months."

Luo Yuan gave Shu Chang a thumbs up, her eyes full of envy.

She didn't care what the doctor said about the probability, after all, doctors never make 100% guarantees, even if you're just seeing a cold.

And the envy was that Shu Chang was amazing. Luo Yuan naturally knew that Nie Wei liked daughters more, otherwise he wouldn't have doted on Zhou Duoduo so much. Zhou Duoduo, this sister, was completely spoiled by Nie Wei as a daughter. After all, no brother had ever prepared a "dowry" worth billions of real estate for his sister.

And sons were even more amazing, which was related to the issue of heirs.

No matter what Nie Wei thinks, in the hearts of these "ministers", the baby boy in Shu Chang's belly is likely to be the prince of Fanxing Group in the future.

And Shu Chang's identity will also be different in the eyes of many senior executives of Fanxing because of this child.

Well, it's something that family members don't care about, but it's so realistic in the eyes of outsiders, including Luo Yuan herself. At this moment, she is sure that the baby in Shu Chang's belly is twins, and her mentality has changed.

Luo Yuan came to confirm the news. After knowing it, she naturally wouldn't stay for long. After all, there are still many things to do in the company. She is an ambitious person and naturally won't miss a minute of work time.

So she said goodbye and left after sitting in Nie Wei's house for less than half an hour.

After Nie Wei sent Luo Yuan away and came back, he asked Shu Chang what he talked to her about.

"It's about the child. I guess I heard some information and came to inquire." Shu Chang replied. Luo Yuan's purpose was not hidden at all, and she was not stupid and could guess it naturally.

And she also enjoyed the other party's envious eyes and words of praise.

"It should be that I revealed some information to Luo Kai this morning, and she guessed it." Nie Wei thought about it and found the reason, because since the last time the doctor leaked the news to Luo Yuan and others, Nie Wei quietly changed another family doctor.

This time, the family doctor Nie Wei also investigated for a long time, and also signed a confidentiality agreement and set a high penalty for breach of contract. I believe that the doctor will not easily give up a good life.

The only thing left is that I made a 'V' gesture with Luo Kai at noon.

After listening to Nie Wei's explanation, Shu Chang sighed: "Sister Luo Yuan is really smart."

"That's right." Nie Wei also recognized this point. Luo Yuan is very smart and willing to work hard. Otherwise, relying on her relationship with Nie Wei, she can't sit in the position of vice president of Fanxing today. You know, this is a multinational group with assets worth hundreds of billions of dollars. How can it let an incompetent person take such an important position?

For example, Luo Kai is obviously closer to Nie Wei than Luo Yuan, but so far, Nie Wei has only given him a nominal vice president, but actually only let him be responsible for the trainee part or logistics.

The reason is that Luo Kai is not capable enough.

If Nie Wei pushes him to important departments such as business and public relations, it will only harm the company and him, because he is incapable and cannot take on these important affairs. If he makes any mistakes, the company will suffer losses, and his reputation will plummet. At that time, he will be kicked out of the company.

On the contrary, as it is now, whether it is trainee business or logistics, it does not require much talent. There are so many professional teachers teaching the training of trainees. He only needs to be careful to make sure that there are no accidents in the team. The same is true for logistics. There are professional talents for maintenance. As long as he is careful enough, he can do this job well.

And Luo Kai is also a wise man, and he knows what he is doing, so he has never expected to go to any important department. He honestly follows Nie Wei's arrangements. In fact, such an arrangement also makes him very comfortable.

Unless one's ambition is so inflated that it becomes twisted, for normal people, when their abilities do not match a certain position, they will not feel proud, but often panic.

Because they know that their abilities are insufficient, they will be afraid, afraid of making mistakes, afraid of affecting others. On the contrary, Luo Kai feels very safe in this position where he will not make any big mistakes.

This is why Luo Yuan felt that her father was not up to the task. She felt that he had a good relationship with Nie Wei, but he was just waiting for death. He was like a hopeless person.

Luo Yuan knew the news, so she naturally told Luo Kai, but only these two people knew about it.

They were not the kind of people who didn't keep their mouths shut. They knew that if Nie Wei didn't tell them, they wouldn't be able to spread the news, so they were very cautious and chose to forget the news.

And the company has been very busy recently.

First of all, in terms of trainees, although the addition of HELLOGILRS filled the gap in the real aspect of the Stars Group, the Stars Group also knew that it would not work with just this temporary group.

So the recruitment of trainees is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Since the announcement of the Stars' recruitment of trainees was issued, more than one million people from all over the country have signed up. If there were no strict age restrictions, this number might be even higher.

However, the Stars Group only recruited 100 trainees in the first batch.

This is also for the overall quality consideration. After all, there are limited professional teachers. If there are too many of them, the teaching quality of teachers will decline, thus affecting the growth rate of trainees.

On the other hand, it is also a burden issue.

Fanxing Group does not want those small companies to give these trainees a living allowance every month. It is not much, but under the premise that the company covers all food and accommodation, this living allowance should be enough as long as the children are not too extravagant.

This is also to compensate for the youth of these children.

You know, even if you select a hundred people from a million people, the number of people who can finally debut may be less than one-tenth of these hundred people.

The company cannot push everyone to debut, and Fanxing is not interested in being a training idol group with hundreds of people like AKB or SNH.

Fanxing's trainee training policy is more inclined to the elite model of South Korea, selecting the best from the best.

And this will inevitably lead to most children not being selected in the end even if they work hard, and this living allowance is to prevent their wasted time from being completely wasted.

Of course, Nie Wei also understands that this subsidy is not worth mentioning compared to the youth of the children, but this is already considered a conscience in the industry.

You should know that those small companies not only do not have subsidies, but also cheat you of a large amount of liquidated damages if you have no chance of debuting. Even now, many small companies rely on liquidated damages with these silly boys and girls who pursue their dreams to survive.

Moreover, even if the trainees selected by Fanxing cannot debut in Fanxing in the end, they will still be as popular as cakes and cakes outside the company after leaving the company.

Even if the eliminated people in Fanxing have an overall quality higher than the average level in the industry, this is the goal that Nie Wei hopes to achieve. He did it before in Huayi, and he believes that he can do it in Fanxing as well.

After all, Fanxing is stronger than Huayi.

Luo Kai is now running around for trainees every day. One million people have signed up nationwide, and it is actually good if one-tenth of them can actually audition, but even if it is 100,000 people, it is still a very large workload.

Even if two rounds of screening have been carried out in various places, there are still dozens of pages of information sheets sent to Luo Kai's desk every day.

He looked at each photo carefully, because they all represented the dreams of children, and he didn't want his negligence to cause the dreams of some promising children to be shattered.

Another reason why the company was busy was "The Captain".

The movie was a big hit, which made the company busy. The star teams involved in the show were even busier recently.

For example, two people in Cheng Kun's management team were so tired that they fell ill because there were too many jobs. There were hundreds of invitations for endorsement advertisements alone. After removing some of them, even if they were selected from the best, there were still more than ten new endorsements left.

The manufacturers also hoped to launch their own products by taking advantage of the popularity of the movie, so Cheng Kun flew all over the country recently, and he himself couldn't remember how many advertisements he had shot.

In addition to product endorsements, interviews and magazine posters are also indispensable.

The three major domestic fashion magazines invited Cheng Kun at the same time, and the team finally chose VOGUE for Cheng Kun.

Because the previous single covers of this weekly magazine were all featuring fashionable female stars, and there were only a handful of male stars who could be on the cover, and they were all paired with female stars or female models. There had never been a single male star on the cover. This time, VOGUE invited Cheng Kun, a male star, to be on the cover alone, which was the first time in history.

So the team really chose this magazine. After all, this alone is worth writing about.

And from this incident, we can also see how popular Cheng Kun is now.

As for variety shows, any variety show that can be named in China has sent him an invitation anyway. Cheng Kun's agent is almost losing his hair because there are too many, many, and many popular ones. How can he choose from so many? He can only pull his hair while choosing with pain and happiness.

And choosing variety shows is also a technical job.

For example, if you choose a variety show from Shonan TV, you also have to choose one from Gangnam TV. This is called rain and dew. But for variety shows like your own, you can take two more. After all, they are all family members, so naturally you have to take more care of them.

How to ensure that artists have rest time without offending others really tests the ability of the agent.

However, despite Cheng Kun's high popularity, all of his social accounts are surprisingly low-key. Apart from forwarding some movie promotions, no matter how many netizens enthusiastically called on Cheng Kun to post selfies or small essays about life, Cheng Kun did not respond.

Because both Cheng Kun and her team know that if they are enjoying actual benefits, there is no need to be high-profile on the Internet, as that will make people hate them.

Moreover, top stars like Cheng Kun do not need the temporary popularity on the Internet, which is something that only traffic will care about.

Top stars like Cheng Kun have long disdained this kind of popularity that comes and goes quickly.

There is a saying that popularity is not equal to popularity.

Just like the hot search lists on the Internet, don't think that they are occupied by traffic at ordinary times, but that doesn't mean that these traffic are awesome. The real stars in the entertainment industry are actually top artists such as Cheng Kun and JAY. They just don't want to be on the hot search. If they really want to be on the hot search, they can be on it at any time.

For Cheng Kun, another important task recently is to take on the sequel of "The Lost Tomb".

This series of movies is also one of Cheng Kun's representative works, and the role of Hu Bayi is also Cheng Kun's representative role. Originally, Cheng Kun thought that after he switched to Fanxing, this role would be regrettably out of his reach. Unexpectedly, Nie Yi made a move and this role magically returned to his hands.

Of course, this is largely due to Boss Wang's "gift".

But no matter what, Cheng Kun is still looking forward to the opportunity to shoot this series of movies again. After receiving the first draft of the script, he also took a little time every day to read it carefully, and even made time to participate in the reading of this movie.

For Cheng Kun, who is now busy, this is really not easy.

What makes Huayi anxious is that Cheng Kun has too much work here. If he wants to have time to join the group, he will have to wait until mid-April or even longer.

This aspect has not been discussed yet. After all, he has accepted advertising endorsements and so on, so it is not possible to let Cheng Kun breach the contract to shoot a movie.

In addition to the constraints of the contract, Boss Wang has no choice but to accept it.

Nie Wei had a very relaxing time during this period. He stayed at home with Shu Chang, played Go with Uncle Zhou at Siheyuan, or went to the company to listen to reports.

Nie Wei lived too leisurely, so it was inevitable that he was targeted by people with ulterior motives.

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