Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1533 1635. The wedding is approaching

After Nie Wei hung up Zhou Duoduo's phone call, the second person he called was Cheng Kun.

No one had expected that the two people who were so incompatible that they even fought each other are now best friends.

In Nie Wei's words, this is fate.

When he knew that Nie Wei was going to hold a wedding with Shu Chang, Cheng Kun seemed very happy and immediately accepted Nie Wei's invitation on the phone.

"It's a pity that my son has grown up, otherwise he can be a flower boy at your wedding."


Nie Wei chatted with Cheng Kun for a while, and after hanging up the phone, he called Zhang Ziyi again.

The call was quickly connected, and after a few greetings, Nie Wei also learned that Zhang Ziyi was on vacation in the United States at this time.

"Are you going to hold a wedding? When?" Zhang Ziyi asked happily.

"It will take about one or two months." Nie Wei considered the time required to design the wedding dress, so he answered.

Zhang Ziyi smiled and said, "Okay, you must send me an invitation when the time comes. I will rush back to attend your wedding even if I am in Antarctica."

"Do you have to be so exaggerated?" Nie Wei was amused by Zhang Ziyi's words. Although he knew it was just a joke, it was really comfortable to listen to.

Nie Wei had to admit that he liked chatting with Zhang Ziyi very much.

This smart woman knew how to please people. The so-called smooth talk and spring breeze, Nie Wei felt that it described Zhang Ziyi.

The key is that she is not only good at chatting, but also good at being a person.

As a friend, Zhang Ziyi is trustworthy and will try her best to do what she promised. Although she is more utilitarian, she is not selfish and stingy. She is just very ambitious, not greedy.

And Zhang Ziyi has another "shortcoming", that is, she is not easy to trust people. Perhaps because of her experience, she is both polite and vigilant to strangers, but as long as she trusts someone, she really trusts thoroughly. She is the kind of person who will give you her heart.

For example, during this year, Nie Wei asked Zhang Ziyi to take some time off after filming Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace. If it were an ordinary actor, she would agree verbally, but she would doubt it in her heart, and she might not necessarily obey.

After all, after a popular TV series is broadcast, the popularity of the actors is high. At this time, they stay at home and take some time off. Isn't this a waste of popularity?

But Zhang Ziyi really listened to Nie Wei.

Just because Nie Wei promised her that he would write a script for her in half a year, and this script is currently in a state of non-existence, but Zhang Ziyi believes in Nie Wei.

This kind of trust is really hard to get and unreasonable for artists who are "insecure every day".

But as a friend, Nie Wei appreciates this unreserved trust, and he also has reasons to repay this trust.

He said that he would tailor a script for Zhang Ziyi, and he would definitely do it. In fact, Nie Wei already has the general idea of ​​the script, and he just needs to start writing. Maybe after the wedding, Nie Wei can discuss the new role with Zhang Ziyi with the script.

Because he had to notify others, Nie Wei didn't talk to Zhang Ziyi for long before hanging up the phone.

The next person Nie Wei called was Alan.

At the end of last year, Alan ended her contract with Huayi and joined the record company under the Fanxing Group. This did not cause much sensation, because in the eyes of the public, this was something that could be foreseen.

Although Nie Wei and Alan herself never mentioned the contract, the public, including Alan's fans, have already determined that Alan will never renew the contract with Huayi after the contract ends.

As for whether to create her own music studio in cooperation with Fanxing or simply sign the contract directly to the music company under Fanxing, there has been a period of debate.

In fact, the public is more inclined to Alan and Fanxing to cooperate in creating a music studio.

First, the music studio is more free for artists, and they will not be comfortable with the rules and regulations of the music company, nor do they need to follow the arrangements of the music company to do activities.

Second, the music studio is undoubtedly more profitable for artists, after all, the profit share of the contract is limited.

The problem is that in this kind of cooperation model, the company resources are much less. After all, in the eyes of the entertainment company, the artists of the studio are basically not the artists of the company. They are more working for themselves, not making money for the company.

But Alan's fans think that resources are not a problem. After all, Alan's teacher is Nie Wei.

Moreover, Alan's achievements in recent years have made her pass the time when she needs to rely on resources to build popularity. Just like JAY, even if he doesn't release new songs, his position in the music industry is unshakable, and the same is true for Alan.

As the real Asian queen of the mainland music scene, Alan's achievements are obvious to all.

Even if there are no new works, those old capitals are enough for her to live for a lifetime.

But what no one expected was that Alan finally signed her contract under the Fanxing Company.

In fact, Nie Wei also persuaded Alan to open her own personal studio, but was rejected by Alan.

In Alan's words, if you let me open a personal studio, that would be a disgrace to me.

Alan's feelings for Nie Wei were changeable and complicated, from respect in the beginning to a gradual admiration. However, as Nie Wei got married and had children, and lived a happy life, Alan gradually became more open-minded. However, her admiration for Nie Wei remained the same from beginning to end.

Nie Wei is a noble person in her life. Without him, there would be no Alan today.

He is also Alan's most respected teacher. He taught Alan a lot of knowledge and laid a solid foundation for her to venture into the music industry.

Nie Wei is also her most reliable brother. He has protected her from wind and rain all the way.

Although Alan feels that Nie Wei has everything, she must give back. The best way to give back is to sign her contract with Fanxing Group.

"Brother, didn't you say that Fanxing doesn't have a singer who can hold the stage now? So who will you sign if you don't sign me, or do you think I can't hold the stage?"

"Okay, then sign."

Then Nie Wei gave Alan a contract with a 90% share and no penalty for breach of contract.

As the saying goes, if you give me a peach, I will give you a peach in return. Nie Wei can't let his apprentice suffer any loss. The reason why he took 10% of the share is to give an explanation to the board of directors.

This contract is basically the same as opening a personal studio for Alan, and the key is that she can also enjoy the company's resources.

Alan's signing with Fanxing also brought certain benefits to Fanxing. After the signing, Fanxing's market value continued to rise, and it rose by more than 1 billion in just three days.

This is the market's affirmation of Alan's own value.

Although Alan is preparing a new album, she will definitely not miss Nie Wei and Shu Chang's wedding. She repeatedly said on the phone that she would definitely attend and asked Nie Wei not to forget to send her an invitation.

Next, Nie Wei called Xiao Mingge, Tingfeng, Zheng Shuang and others one by one. When they heard the news that Nie Wei was going to marry Shu Chang, they all said that they would definitely come to the wedding.

Just after Nie Wei hung up Zheng Shuang's phone call, he was about to call Li Binbin, but someone called Nie Wei first.

Seeing that it was his secretary's number, Nie Wei picked up the phone.

"Mr. Nie, there is something I want to confirm with you. Just now someone on the Internet spread that you are going to hold a wedding with your wife. Is this true?" Yun Cai asked on the phone.

Nie Wei was stunned. How come it was spread online less than half a day after he and Shu Chang decided?

Turning back, Nie Wei replied: "It's true, but it hasn't been spread. Go check who the source of the news is?"

"Understood." Yun Cai hung up the phone after receiving Nie Wei's order.

Nie Wei was sitting on a chair thinking about how the news leaked out.

There are a few people who know the news at present. In addition to the two parties, Nie Wei and Shu Chang, there are also the artists who have been notified and the servants who came in to add tea for Nie Wei twice.

There shouldn't be any problems with the servants.

Because the servants in Nie Wei's family have all signed confidentiality contracts. If the privacy of Nie Wei and Shu Chang is leaked, it will be a breach of contract and a large sum of money will be compensated. At the same time, the benefits and salaries enjoyed by servants in Nie Wei's family are also top in the industry. It is difficult for servants to find jobs with similar treatment in the world.

There are sweet dates and hits on the charts. With two-pronged approach, the servants in the family know what to do and what not to do.

Just like so many reporters wanted to get the news about Shu Chang and the baby, the reporters also bribed Nie Wei's servants, but in the end, it was all in vain.

Of course, it is also possible that someone moved Nie Wei's servants with huge benefits, but is it worth it?

Nie Wei and Shu Chang's marriage is not a shameful scandal, it is a happy event. The reason why Nie Wei did not make it public is that he did not want to be disturbed by reporters, which also meets Shu Chang's need to keep the wedding as simple and low-key as possible.

But if the news is exposed, it is actually nothing for Nie Wei.

Anyway, the wedding is going to be held in Taoyuan, which is equivalent to Nie Wei's private island. The reporters can't come up, and the image of the wedding is really not big.

Nie Wei thinks it is unlikely to be a servant, so it is those friends before, which is even more impossible.

Artists who can become friends with Nie Wei and Shu Chang must have guaranteed character one by one, but there is another possibility, that is, the assistants or agents beside those friends heard something and spread it out.

Nie Wei's guess is very close to the truth.

About half an hour later, Yuncai called and told Nie Wei the source of the matter.

It was not difficult to investigate. The chat screenshot of Yu Xiaoxin's friend was the source of the online news. Following the line of Yu Xiaoxin's friend, Yu Xiaoxin could be easily found. After all, she was Zhou Duoduo's life assistant and the most likely person to hear the news.

Then Yuncai called Zhou Duoduo and asked her to ask Yu Xiaoxin.

Yu Xiaoxin wanted to deny it at first, but when the evidence was in front of her, she had to admit the fact that she had let it slip.

Zhou Duoduo was so angry.

"Xiaoxin, I specifically told you not to tell anyone about this, but you told your friend about it immediately. As a result, you can see that the Internet is full of news that my brother is going to have a wedding with my sister-in-law."

Zhou Duoduo was angry and guilty at this moment.

She knew Shu Chang didn't like her wedding to be disturbed by a group of irrelevant people, but now because of her negligence, the news spread to the Internet. The media would definitely not miss this golden opportunity.

"Sister Duoduo, I was wrong." Yu Xiaoxin begged for forgiveness with tears.

At this time, she was also very regretful.

At this moment, she also realized that she had caused a big disaster because of her casual words, and spread the boss's gossip all over the Internet. What a big sin it was.

If it were an ordinary employee in another city, he would have prepared a resignation letter at this time.

But Yu Xiaoxin couldn't bear to give up this job. Although she is now a life assistant, she is Zhou Duoduo's life assistant. Not to mention how much the salary is, she doesn't need to spend a penny to eat and drink with Zhou Duoduo in the crew every day. All the salary can be used as a deposit. The key is that Fanxing's salary is not low, which is definitely the first-class level in the industry.

Moreover, as Zhou Duoduo's assistant, she has also gained experience during this period and has a lot of connections in her circle. Yu Xiaoxin also knows that the reason why those people add each other as friends is mostly for Zhou Duoduo's face, but this is the benefit of following Zhou Duoduo.

If she follows a third- or fourth-tier artist, how can she have so many opportunities to meet big names.

But now, because of her unintentional mistake, Yu Xiaoxin felt that she was going to lose her job, which made her panic.

So when she admitted her mistake, Yu Xiaoxin also pleaded with Zhou Duoduo, hoping that she could continue to be an assistant, but Zhou Duoduo did not give any guarantee.

That afternoon, Yu Xiaoxin was recalled to Kyoto by the head office, and her position as Zhou Duoduo's life assistant was cancelled.

When she heard that her position was cancelled by the company, Yu Xiaoxin cried and almost fainted.

Her dream was to become a gold medal agent, but now, let alone an agent, even the position of life assistant was cancelled, which was equivalent to completely breaking her dream.

Fanxing did not fire her, but arranged her to work in a crew as a field worker, responsible for ordering lunch boxes for actors and staff. This is a "fat job". Uncle Da in the King of Comedy was in charge of this when he was in the crew. In this position, at least there are enough lunch boxes.

Yu Xiaoxin wanted to cry but had no tears. After ordering lunch boxes for three months, she took the initiative to resign and disappeared from this circle.

If a little assistant leaves this circle, no one will pay attention to it, especially during this period, when artists continue to go to Suzhou and Hangzhou and live in Taoyuan, which is the focus of the current entertainment circle.

Anyone with a keen sense can realize that the day for Nie Wei and Shu Chang to hold their wedding should not be far away.

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