Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1549 1651. Growth (Second Update)

After finally meeting her nephew, Zhou Duoduo didn't talk much about work. Instead, she held her nephew's hand and cared about his recent study life.

Nie Yingyang was not as cold at home as he was at school. He was still very talkative when facing Zhou Duoduo.

"I feel like those girls are so annoying. They surround me every day after class. I can't get some peace and quiet even if I want to read a book for a while. And the boys in the class are so childish. They only know how to play games and what not. mean."

"Last time, a boy cornered me in the classroom and wanted to beat me. He said that I was the one who flirted with the girl he liked. It was so funny. I don't even remember the girl's name."

"Hahaha, he is indeed my nephew. He deserves to be popular. By the way, is there a little girl who can write you a love letter?"

"Yes, I receive them every day. If you don't believe me, I'll look through my schoolbag now. There must be something inside."

"Real or fake, show it to me quickly."

Shu Chang could not help but raise the corner of his mouth when he saw that his sister-in-law was so gossipy about children's feelings.

Nie Yingyang was not bragging. He rummaged through his schoolbag and found two love letters. One was wrapped in exquisite letter paper with a heart drawn on it. The other was more carefully folded into a heart shape. The letter was also sprayed with perfume, and it smelled like roses when taken out.

"Yingyang, I have been paying attention to you for a long time. When you laugh, I will laugh too. When you are in a daze, I will be in a daze too. Because of this, I can feel my emotions intersecting with yours. I mustered up a lot of courage to write this letter. I hope you can know my feelings. I like you, XXX, Class 3, Grade 2."

After reading the letter, Zhou Duoduo suddenly asked, "Little Yingyang, you are only in the first grade, right? This is your senior."

Nie Yingyang shrugged his shoulders and said that he had received a confession letter from a senior in the third grade.

The other letter was from a girl in another class in the first grade. In addition to the love letter, there was also a photo in the envelope. The little girl looked cute and dressed up carefully. The red bow on her head was particularly eye-catching.

"This girl is very cute. Isn't she your type?" Zhou Duoduo asked Nie Yingyang curiously while holding the photo.

"My dad said that at my age, I just need to study hard." Nie Yingyang replied.

Zhou Duoduo was speechless when she heard this. She looked at Shu Chang and complained, "Sister-in-law, you don't care about my brother. What is he teaching? How can a boy of this age not want to fall in love?"

Hearing this, Nie Yingyang frowned and was a little dissatisfied, because he didn't want to. Is love as good as studying?

"I said why not send him abroad to study for a few years, so that he can gain some experience. I don't know what my brother thinks. Not only does he not let him go abroad to study, but he also lets him go to a public high school." Zhou Duoduo muttered.

She was a little dissatisfied with Nie Wei's way of raising his son.

She also had a child, but it was a girl, five years old this year, so Nie Yingyang was the only boy of the third generation of their family. Zhou Duoduo spoiled Nie Yingyang even better than her own daughter.

So Zhou Duoduo always wanted to give the best to Nie Yingyang, but most of the time, Nie Wei would stop him.

In Zhou Duoduo's opinion, Nie Wei was too "harsh" to his son.

Take schooling for example. Zhou Duoduo thought that Nie Yingyang should be sent abroad to study, or at least find a top private school to train the child, but Nie Wei sent Nie Yingyang to a public elementary school.

Zhou Duoduo almost cried when she accompanied Nie Yingyang to report that day. There were nearly 60 students in a class, filling the entire classroom. The aisle left was so narrow that a slightly fat person might get stuck.

At that time, Zhou Duoduo wanted to pull Nie Yingyang away, but in the end, she was dragged away by Nie Wei.

Elementary school is fine. This year, Nie Yingyang is in junior high school. Zhou Duoduo originally wanted to find a better middle school for him, but Nie Wei disagreed.

This time, Zhou Duoduo must ask Nie Wei why he always stopped her and prevented Nie Yingyang from having a better learning environment.

The aunt and the sister-in-law chatted for a while, and then they saw Nie Wei leading little Jingshu to the main hall.

Ten years have passed, but the years have not left many traces on Nie Wei's face. Except for a few fine lines at the corners of his eyes, Nie Wei's hair is still black and lush, and his eyes are clear and bright. He is obviously forty-five or forty-six years old, but he looks like he is in his early thirties.

When standing with Shu Chang, Shu Chang, who is obviously younger, looks more like an older sister.

Zhou Duoduo is also a little jealous of her brother's ageless face. He is obviously eight years older than her, but now it looks like the two are about the same age. Zhou Duoduo thinks that she is well maintained, but compared with Nie Wei, it is really a comparison that makes people angry.

"Jingshu, why don't you say hello to your aunt when you see her?" Zhou Duoduo asked.

"Aunt, hello." Little Jingshu greeted Zhou Duoduo politely, but did not go over to get close to this little aunt. Zhou Duoduo is also used to it.

It was unknown who her little niece took after, but she had a cold personality. Apart from loving to stick to Nie Wei, even Shu Chang, her biological mother, felt that this child was not considerate, not to mention her as an aunt.

After lunch, Nie Wei was going to work in the study, and Zhou Duoduo followed him in.

Seeing that Zhou Duoduo had deliberately closed the door, Nie Wei smiled and asked, "What's the matter? Why are you so mysterious?"

"I just want to ask you, why don't you let me send my children to study abroad." Zhou Duoduo sat down and asked seriously.

"Is education abroad necessarily good?" Nie Wei asked back.

"There are good and bad education models, but at least they can help children gain knowledge." Zhou Duoduo replied.

"I didn't say that they can't study abroad, but now is not the right time." Nie Wei said.

"When is the right time? We are not without conditions, so don't bother you. I will contact the children's school." Zhou Duoduo said with some dissatisfaction. She didn't understand why it was not the right time when the family was not without conditions.

Nie Wei smiled and shook his head, saying, "It's not the school's problem. I just hope that children can establish a correct value and outlook on life during their growth."

"What do you mean?"

Faced with Zhou Duoduo's question, Nie Wei was silent for a moment before answering, "The issue of education is very important, especially when a child is still growing up. This is the stage when he is shaping his values. Although both are learning, there are still differences between studying abroad and studying in China."

"Will foreign textbooks tell you who is the cutest person? Will foreign textbooks tell you about filial piety, brotherhood, loyalty, faith, propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame? There are many things that foreign schools will not teach, and these can only be learned in China."

"So I hope that my children can go to college in China and truly establish their own values. At that time, whether they want to continue to stay in China, go abroad for further studies, or even take a leave of absence to travel around the world, these are all up to their own ideas."

Nie Wei's words left Zhou Duoduo speechless.

After a long while, Zhou Duoduo sighed in frustration and said nothing more, because she also felt that what Nie Wei said made sense.

"What about Xiao Yingyang's pocket money? It's only 200 yuan a week." Zhou Duoduo asked again. Of course, this question seemed a bit childish, more like Nie Wei was angry because he couldn't argue.

Nie Wei couldn't help laughing and explained: "It's just to keep him from being out of the crowd. I asked someone to investigate. The average monthly pocket money of the children in their school is basically this number. Don't you think about it, even if I give him 100 million now, will he know how to use this money?"

"When he wants to start a business, I won't be stingy."

When Zhou Duoduo left, Nie Wei was relieved.

The issue of children's education is definitely a major disagreement in a family, just like Shu Chang always hopes that his daughter can practice ballet or piano, saying that it can cultivate temperament, but Nie Wei knows that his daughter actually likes drums and electric guitar.

Nie Wei hopes that Nie Yingyang can learn martial arts with him, but this child is far less interested in martial arts than ordinary little boys. He learns, but he doesn't pay attention at all. In the words of Mr. Cheng, it's a waste of good bones.

But Nie Wei is still quite persistent on some issues of principle.

For example, when it comes to where the child should be educated, Nie Wei insists on his own ideas, because in Nie Wei's opinion, a correct outlook on life and values ​​can benefit people for a lifetime.

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