The rising sun illuminated the sky.

Lin Xiaoming got up early as usual, washed and ate, put on his school uniform and packed his schoolbag, and walked out of the door of his home at 6:20 on time.

He was a student who had just entered the third year of high school. Because the school had a main campus and a branch campus, after entering the third year of high school, their classrooms were automatically moved to the branch campus with a relatively quieter environment.

Although the environment of the branch campus was better, the only disadvantage was that it was too far from Lin Xiaoming's home. So since entering the third year of high school, Lin Xiaoming had to take the bus to school every day. It happened that the first bus every day was at 6:30, so he developed the habit of going out at 6:20.

Because the campus was far away, he could only eat lunch at school every day, which also allowed Lin Xiaoming to get 10 yuan for lunch every day.

As a student, it was naturally impossible to use all the money for meals. For the allocation of the "huge sum" of 10 yuan, Lin Xiaoming made a very detailed plan.

The two yuan round trip bus fee is indispensable, and the three yuan internet fee is also indispensable. In this way, half of the ten yuan has been allocated, and the remaining five yuan still cannot be used for food, because Lin Xiaoming needs to buy a newspaper every day.

After all, life in the third year of high school is too boring. Every day, he faces those textbooks. For a while, Lin Xiaoming even read history books as story books. Until one day, he bought a newspaper and found that the gossip news, gossip stories, etc. on it were much more interesting than reading history books.

The key is that the newspaper is cheap enough. You can buy a thick copy for 50 cents. The content of this newspaper is enough to read for a whole day, even if the teacher finds it and confiscates it, you won’t feel bad.

There is a bus stop less than 50 meters away from home, and there is a newsstand nearby.

When Lin Xiaoming walked to the station, the newsstand had just opened not long ago. He immediately ran to buy a newspaper with the coins he had prepared long ago.

"Give me a copy of Kyoto Morning Post." Lin Xiaoming said to the boss.

"The Kyoto Morning Post is late today. If you are not in a hurry, wait a bit, or get something else." The boss looked up and saw that it was an old customer, so he explained a few more words.

"Then I'll wait a bit." Seeing that there was still some time, Lin Xiaoming decided to wait a bit.

Because the Kyoto Morning Post is the newspaper with the highest circulation in Kyoto, and the daily news is the most complete and timely, so many people buy it. As for the other newspapers, they are more or less inferior to the Kyoto Morning Post in some aspects.

But today, for some reason, the Kyoto Morning Post was late. Ten minutes passed and the bus was about to arrive. Lin Xiaoming had no patience to wait any longer, so he asked the boss to take a newspaper and got on the bus.

Because it was the first bus and his home was only one stop away from the starting station, there were still many empty seats after getting on the bus. Lin Xiaoming walked directly to the back of the bus and found a chair near the back door and sat down.

First, he put his schoolbag away, and then Lin Xiaoming couldn't wait to unfold the newspaper, and then he found that the boss gave him the "Yanshan Wenbao".

Seeing this newspaper, Lin Xiaoming couldn't help frowning.

Because he had bought it before, he was very familiar with the style of "Yanshan Wenbao". The main features of this newspaper are some poems and prose, but Lin Xiaoming is not too interested in these. Of course, there are also gossip news and popular novels that he likes, but he always feels that the editing style of this newspaper is not as interesting as other newspapers, and the gossip news reports are old-fashioned.

But it's better to have it than not. I have to finish reading the newspaper I bought myself, and maybe "Yanshan Wenbao" has also changed its style.

But after turning two more pages of the newspaper, Lin Xiaoming still felt that he thought too much.

The style of "Yanshan Wenbao" is still the same, but the opening article "Jiangchengzi-Youth Has Youth Madness" is very exciting to read, especially as a senior high school student, I have a sense of identification from the bottom of my heart.

Perhaps it was the effect of the first impression, Lin Xiaoming was becoming more and more impatient when flipping through the newspaper, turning the page after reading a page for less than ten seconds, and soon turned to the last part.

"Ghost Blowing Lights? When did Yanshan Wenbao also publish ghost stories?" Looking at the large-page novel that suddenly appeared in front of him, Lin Xiaoming's eyes lit up and he became interested.

"Tomb robbing is not a dinner party, not writing an article, not painting or embroidery, it cannot be so elegant, so calm, so gentle, so courteous and modest, tomb robbing is a technology, a technology for destruction..."

"Huh? Tomb robbing?" Lin Xiaoming exclaimed, he really had never come across this type of novel, and the beginning of this novel was written quite straightforwardly, and in just a few hundred words, the general outline of the profession of tomb robbing was clearly explained, which also made Lin Xiaoming draw a rough outline of the people engaged in this profession in his mind, and at the same time, he became more and more interested in the following story.

The novel is narrated in the first person, starting with the story of the grandfather's generation.

Lin Xiaoming was filled with contempt when he saw Hu Guohua squandering his family fortune on opium.

He felt a little angry when he saw Hu Guohua using paper figures to trick his uncle into giving him money.

When he saw that his uncle seemed to have discovered Hu Guohua's trick, Lin Xiaoming felt a little happy. Just as he was waiting to see his uncle punish Hu Guohua, he saw that the paper figure actually came to life.

Hu Guohua in the article was shocked, and Lin Xiaoming, who was reading the newspaper, was also shocked. However, the more this happened, the more Lin Xiaoming was attracted to read on.

The more he read, the more shocked he became, especially when he saw the description of the paper-made woman when the three people were eating at the table. As he was reading, Lin Xiaoming actually drew an image of the woman in his mind according to the author's writing style.

"Hu Guohua had no appetite. He looked at the woman sitting opposite him and felt sick as if he had eaten a fly. Her face was very white, without any blood color, and the redness on her face was all smeared with rouge..."

Reading this, Lin Xiaoming also felt sick in his heart. Thinking of the bloodless face of the female ghost, he shuddered.

Lin Xiaoming was afraid, but he couldn't stop, and his eyes couldn't help but read on.

When he saw that the woman turned back into a paper man, Lin Xiaoming breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, but when Hu Guohua wanted to burn it, the paper man suddenly spoke again, which made Lin Xiaoming's heart hang again.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoming's shoulder was suddenly patted by someone. Lin Xiaoming, who was immersed in the plot, jumped up almost instantly and screamed in fear.

"Hey, classmate, you are from No. 73 Middle School, right? We are about to arrive at the station."

"Ah, we are about to arrive at the station?"

Lin Xiaoming held the railing in the car, panting, and then he came back to his senses. He was really scared by being patted on the shoulder just now. Now he feels that his heart is beating wildly.

Although he was shocked, after coming to his senses, Lin Xiaoming's eyes were still the first to look at the newspaper in his hand. He suddenly felt that maybe today's extracurricular life would not be too boring. On the contrary, he really found something interesting.

"Young man, this newspaper you are reading..." Just when Lin Xiaoming was about to pick up his schoolbag and get off the bus, he was suddenly pulled by someone's arm. He turned around and saw that it was the person who reminded him to arrive at the station just now.

"Uncle, I haven't finished reading it yet." Lin Xiaoming looked at the other person staring at the newspaper in his hand, and subconsciously hid behind him.

"I know, I know, I just want to know what newspaper this is, and I'll buy one later." The man who looked to be in his thirties asked eagerly. He had just stood behind Lin Xiaoming and read part of Ghost Blows Out the Light, and found it quite interesting. Now Lin Xiaoming was about to get off the bus, but he hadn't finished the story, so he wanted to buy a newspaper and read it again from the beginning.

"Yanshan Wenbao." There was nothing to hide, Lin Xiaoming answered directly.

The bus arrived at the station soon, and not only did Lin Xiaoming get off the bus, but even the man behind him got off the bus and went straight to the newsstand.

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