Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 25 25. Public Opinion War (Part 1)

Lin Xiaoming was one of the first loyal fans of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". Buying a copy of "Yanjing Wenbao" every day has become a part of his daily life.

But when he was buying a newspaper this morning, the newspaper seller said something extra, and then he spent an extra amount of money and bought another copy of "Kyoto Entertainment News".

When he came to the classroom, he did not immediately read the latest chapter of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" serialized in the "Yanjing Wenbao". Instead, he frowned and opened the "Kingto Entertainment News" and started reading.

"Xiao Ming, have you finished reading today's "Yanjing Wenbao"? Lend it to me after reading it. Remember, I was the first one to borrow it." Xiao Ming's deskmate Wang Fat said immediately after seeing Xiao Ming, but he had just finished speaking. After saying that, he noticed that his deskmate's expression was a little gloomy today.

"What's wrong? Did you go home for training yesterday? Are you still thinking about the newspaper that the teacher confiscated?" Wang Fat asked tentatively.

"Look at this." Lin Xiaoming did not answer directly, but just showed him the "Kingto Entertainment News" in his hand. ,

ten minutes later.

"Damn it, these bastards, why do you think "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is promoting feudal dregs!" Fatty Wang's strange scream immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Especially the words "Ghost blows out the lantern" made some people gather in an instant.

Soon this "Kyoto Entertainment News" was circulated among several classmates, and the above report also aroused everyone's indignation.

"The author of the novel wrote at the beginning that the things in it are collected from folklore and are purely fictional. I didn't expect that this "Kyoto Entertainment News" would be published online."

"That's right, a dog takes a mouse, mind your own business..."

"It's so irritating. You won't stop serializing "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" just because of these reports, right?"

"Can't you?"

Lin Xiaoming felt angry, aggrieved and worried after hearing everyone's busy discussion. He was angry because of the nonsense of this newspaper, aggrieved because his favorite novel had been treated unfairly, and worried about it. It is the future outlet of this novel. After all, in addition to the "Kyoto Entertainment News" on the newsstand today, he also saw many newspapers that also published similar articles. The novel "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" seems to have committed a crime. There was general outrage.

"No, we can't just watch "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" being slandered by these newspapers. What should we do?" Lin Xiaoming suddenly said loudly.

"What should we do?" Several classmates looked at each other, a little at a loss.

After all, we are still students, so when faced with this kind of problem, we really don’t have any good ideas.

But as the saying goes, the Three Stooges are better than Zhuge Liang. Everyone was talking about it. Some people said that they should go to the newspaper office to pour excrement, but unfortunately they were rejected by others on the spot. After all, doing that would not only disgust the other party, but also yourself. It's disgusting too.

There are also people who talk about boycotting this newspaper, but when I think about it, they only have two or three cats and kittens, and they have never subscribed to the quarterly and annual issues of this newspaper. Any talk of boycott is just a joke.

Finally, Lin Xiaoming came up with an idea.

"We can call the newspaper office to complain and ask their leaders to punish the editor for scribbling." Lin Xiaoming suggested, and when he came up with this idea, he said almost every word through gritted teeth.

This idea was immediately approved by everyone present.

When the first Chinese class was over, the teacher found that many students in his class rushed out of the class door quickly. The teacher shook his head, thinking that these children are still unable to calm down even in their senior year of high school.

At this time, the editorial office of "Kyoto Entertainment News" in another corner of the city was also very busy. The ringing of the phone kept coming to mind, and then I heard either protests or outright curses inside.

Another complaint call came in. The operator resisted the urge to curse and replied with the words he had prepared long ago, while looking at the editor-in-chief who was resting with his eyes closed.

"It's this bastard editor who insists on producing a report like that. No wonder these fans of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" will explode in an instant. Even I want to spit on his face." Also likes "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" "The operator muttered in his heart, full of resentment.

Just yesterday, I don’t know why the editor-in-chief insisted on adding an article criticizing "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" in the newspaper that had been arranged long ago. Now, it’s okay, it just stirred up a hornet’s nest. This morning he I have received numerous calls from Belden complaining about this article.

Just when the operator was still cursing the editor in chief for his unlucky fate, a man hurried in.

"Editor-in-Chief, some newsstands have asked for more copies. I counted and found that we need to print at least 3,000 more copies of the newspaper."

Wow————! ! !

As soon as this man's words came out, the entire editing room was in an uproar.

You must know that the sales volume of your own newspaper on weekdays is only 30,000 or 40,000. I didn't expect to sell 3,000 more copies all of a sudden. This achievement came really suddenly.

The editor-in-chief, who had been keeping his eyes closed, finally opened his eyes at this moment and shouted, 'Okay! ’

In fact, the editor-in-chief named Niu Liwei didn't sleep at all. He was waiting for this news.

Ever since he took out the article yesterday, he has been looking forward to the result. Now it seems that everything is developing in the direction he expected. Sure enough, by criticizing "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", their newspaper sales have also followed. It went up.

To put it bluntly, they are taking advantage of the current popularity of "Ghost Blowing the Light" to sing loudly against it to attract the attention of some people and achieve the purpose of increasing sales. This method is very dirty and low, but the effect is obviously very good, especially for newspapers and magazines like them that have a bad reputation.

Like "Kyoto Entertainment News", the other newspapers that jointly criticized "Ghost Blowing the Light" have also increased their sales to a certain extent, which undoubtedly stimulated their motivation to continue the struggle. What if they can really kill "Ghost Blowing the Light"?

I guess that time "Yanshan Wenbao" will definitely suffer a major blow, and those lost readers may be cheap for their own newspaper.

However, just as this group of people were ready to fight, "Yanshan Wenbao" had already made preparations for the battle.

The next morning, when Lin Xiaoming visited the newsstand again, he suddenly found that the newsstand, which should have been full of newspapers, was divided into two piles by the boss, just like two armies facing each other, with a line in the middle. That line seemed to tell Lin Xiaoming that this was the battlefield...

(It was just a gap of more than 10 votes, but he couldn't catch up no matter what. Xiaobei was so upset. Xiaobei wanted to comfort him, so please give me some votes...)

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