Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 28 28. Radio Live

Except for the People's Broadcasting Station, the rest of the radio stations are basically attached to the TV stations, and the Kyoto Traffic Radio where Liu Chuang is located is not surprising. It is located in a building near the Kyoto TV Station.

Because the program does not start until 9:30 in the evening, Nie Wei read the script again after dinner before driving off.

When he arrived at the radio station, he saw Liu Chuang waiting there from a distance.

"The car is nice." Looking at the Porsche 911 driven by Nie Wei, Liu Chuang praised it, and then said: "Now your "Ghost Blowing Light" is being broadcast. After a while, it will be the connection session. We will arrange a few people to give you the script at that time, but the half-hour connection cannot be all people. There will definitely be some fans of the book calling in. At that time, it will all depend on you."

"Don't worry." Nie Wei patted his chest and promised.

This time Liu Chuang asked him to do a promotional program for "Ghost Blowing Light", mainly to invite the author Nie Wei to have a real-time telephone communication with the fans and answer some questions raised by the fans.

Originally, as a new writer, Nie Wei would not have had the opportunity to appear on the radio even if his works sold well.

But who can blame the recent fierce public opinion war among Kyoto newspapers and periodicals, which finally exposed Mr. Su, and Nie Wei's fame also tripled, so in order to stimulate the listening rate of the program "Ghost Blowing the Light", the radio station also specially arranged such a link for Nie Wei.

For Nie Wei, it is indeed a rare opportunity to communicate with book friends through the phone. After all, there is no formal online platform for authors and readers to communicate with each other in these days, so Nie Wei also readily agreed to such an opportunity.

Under the leadership of Liu Chuang, Nie Wei quickly came to the live broadcast room of the radio station, where a man who looked to be in his thirties was reading his own story in a pleasant and emotional voice.

"This is the host of our program, named Yang Chen, known as the golden voice of our radio station." Liu Chuang saw Nie Wei paying attention to Yang Chen, and explained.

"The voice is really good, and he speaks very well." Nie Wei nodded in agreement.

"You will be his partner in a while. He is just doing an interlude. Of course, if you have any difficult questions, you can ask him for help. He will help you get around it." Liu Chuang explained, and handed Nie Wei a piece of paper.

"This is the manuscript. The questions about the shill are all on it."

"Can you remove the shill? I want to communicate with more book fans." Nie Wei did not take the paper handed over by Liu Chuang, but suggested.

"The whole program will be uncontrollable in that case. Are you sure you can do it?" Liu Chuang frowned and asked worriedly.

"I think it's okay." Nie Wei answered confidently, and then focused on the story that Yang Chen was telling. It was the first time he heard someone tell the story of "Ghost Blowing the Light" in a storytelling way.

Yang Chen, who was telling the story, seemed to notice Nie Wei's gaze. Taking advantage of a period of plain narration, he gave him a thumbs up, obviously guessing Nie Wei's identity.

Liu Chuang finally agreed to Nie Wei's request. After all, this program was for him, and it only lasted half an hour. If Nie Wei couldn't handle it, he could still ask the helpers to come on stage. After all, these helpers were also played by the staff on the scene.

Soon, the one-day story segment of "Ghost Blowing the Light" ended. Five minutes later, it was the special program, and Nie Wei was about to appear.

"Don't be nervous, it's just a normal connection, just treat it as a conversation with a stranger." Liu Chuang asked the staff to bring headphones and other items for Nie Wei, and reminded him again.

And Yang Chen also walked out of the live broadcast room and said with a smile: "Brother Liu, don't worry, I will help you well."

After that, Yang Chen stretched out his hand to Nie Wei and said: "You are the author of "Ghost Blowing the Light", right? It's an honor to meet you. The novel is very good."

"You tell this story very well. After tonight, I will become your loyal listener." Nie Wei smiled and shook hands with Yang Chen, without any nervousness on his face.

"There are still three minutes left. Do you have any urgent matters? Don't be embarrassed to say it. The live broadcast will be half an hour soon. If you have any, go and solve it quickly." Liu Chuang looked at the time and asked again. Of course, this was mainly for Nie Wei.

Nie Wei and Yang Chen both shook their heads. In fact, Liu Chuang's worries were really unnecessary. This scene was really too small, and it didn't even qualify to make Nie Wei's heart beat faster.

Soon, the two were sent to the live broadcast room, and the program officially began.

"Hello everyone, welcome to listen to the special program of "Ghost Blowing Light". I am the host Yang Chen. Today we have invited a guest that all book fans have been looking forward to for a long time. That is the author of this novel, Weiyi."

"Hello everyone, I am Weiyi." Following Yang Chen's introduction, Nie Wei also said hello.

"Let's not talk too much. Time is limited. Let's leave the questions we want to ask to our book fans." With Nie Wei's greeting, Yang Chen also dragged the process directly into today's topic.

Soon the first call came in, it was a boy who sounded about 20 years old.

"Hello, I'm your fan. My name is Hu Zihao. I like your novel "Ghost Blowing Lights" very much. I am attracted by the ups and downs of the story, the magnificent natural scenery, and the unfathomable Feng Shui reincarnation in your article. In my impression, you are an expert scholar with many years of archaeological experience, but your voice just now seems very young. I wonder how old you are this year?"

"More than 17 years old, less than 18 years old, how about it, surprise?" Nie Wei held his chin with one hand and answered casually.

"What, you are younger than me?" Hu Zihao shouted in surprise. In fact, at this moment, many listeners who were listening to the program widened their eyes in surprise, and many people shouted "Impossible."

"It is indeed written on the ID card, and I can't do anything about it." Nie Wei said with a smile.

"Okay, this listener's time is up, let's take the next one's call." Yang Chen looked at Nie Wei in surprise, obviously not expecting Nie Wei to be so young, but he quickly came to his senses with a very professional spirit and answered the next call in time.

"Teacher Weiwei, I like you so much!!!" As soon as the call was connected, a very excited girl's voice came from the other side.

"I'm honored."

"Just now I heard that you are not yet 18 years old, so are you still in school? Where are you studying? Are you studying archaeology?" The girl was obviously too excited and asked a lot of questions. Just when Yang Chen was about to interrupt her and ask her to repeat the question carefully and ask slowly, Nie Wei had already started to answer.

"I am definitely in school, but I am already in college. As for archaeology? I'm sorry, I'm just interested in this aspect. I am studying art performance."

"Are you an actor?" The girl shouted in surprise.

"Wrong, it's someone who is about to become an actor. At least I don't have any works yet."

"Then you must be very handsome."

"Youth, sunshine, I have everything a boy of this age should have." Nie Wei replied with a smile. Hearing this question and answer, Yang Chen beside him couldn't help but give Nie Wei another thumbs up.

Liu Chuang outside the live broadcast room also breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Nie Wei who handled it well, he also knew that today's live broadcast should be very smooth.

Twenty minutes passed quickly. This period of time was completely Nie Wei's personal show. He dealt with a variety of questions from the audience, some good and some bad, but Nie Wei could handle them all well. Those who found fault were refuted by Nie Wei and were speechless. Seeing that the time was about to end, Liu Chuang also began to gesture to Yang Chen, indicating that the next call was the last one.

"Okay, the next call is the last call of today's program. Let's see who is the last listener today?"

"Hello?" A timid voice sounded. Hearing this voice, Nie Wei, who was a little lazy in the live broadcast room, suddenly sat up straight.

(Thanks to Yulangjun1888 for the reward!)

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