Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 3 3. A Family of Gold and Powder

"With a stepfather who spoils you more than your own father, I really don't know what you are dissatisfied with."

After hanging up the phone, Nie Wei muttered to himself, obviously finding the childish behavior of his ex-boyfriend funny.

In Nie Wei's view, his ex-boyfriend was like a spoiled child. Of course, he was indeed a child at the age of seventeen.

At that time, the main reason why Nie Wei was so resistant to Zhou Aiguo was not because he felt that Zhou Aiguo had a bad background, but because he was afraid that Zhou Aiguo's intervention would take away his mother's love for him.

But this is completely different for Nie Wei, who is now over thirty years old. The love of his mother is certainly important, but people should not be too selfish. They should also know how to consider the elders, especially those who are really good to you. Besides, wouldn't it be better to have one more person's love?

After all, from any perspective, it is a win-win situation for Nie Wei to accept Zhou Aiguo. It not only allows his mother to have someone to rely on again so that she will not die alone, but also has an elder who can help his career. It is really a win-win situation.

Nie Wei casually hailed a taxi on the roadside, and told the name of the hotel, which attracted the driver's frequent turning back to pay attention.

After all, only the rich and noble can go there to spend money, and it is rare to take a taxi there.

Ignoring the driver's gaze, Nie Wei leaned on the backrest and closed his eyes to rest, letting time pass until the driver woke him up again.

After paying the fare, Nie Wei stepped into the Yellow River Hotel, which is one of the top hotels in Kyoto, and the box Zhou Aiguo booked is the top box in this hotel.

Nie Wei praised Zhou Aiguo's intentions from the bottom of his heart. It must be said that this man who has been in society for a long time has a very careful side. He really knows how to take care of other people's face, and from memory, he also knows that this person is indeed reliable and considerate.

Thinking of this, Nie Wei also considered whether he should go back to the rental house to find the household registration book and return it to his mother. After all, he is not the ignorant child he used to be, and it is not right to always stop this marriage.

If Zhou Aiguo knew what Nie Wei was thinking at the moment, he would definitely faint with happiness.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Nie Wei quickly came to the door of the box. The waiter came forward and knocked on the door twice. After hearing the response from inside, he opened the door for Nie Wei.

The first step Nie Wei took into the box saw a group of people looking at him. If it were any other ordinary 17-year-old boy, he would definitely freeze at the moment and be at a loss. However, Nie Wei only took a slight pause and then reacted. He smiled and bowed slightly to everyone to show politeness, and then looked at Zhou Aiguo.

Seeing Nie Wei, who was calm and decent at the door, Zhou Aiguo was a little surprised.

Because this child usually behaves a little coldly in such occasions, but he didn't think about it. When he saw Nie Wei looking at him, he immediately stood up and introduced him to everyone enthusiastically: "This child is Nie Wei, my most beloved nephew, please take good care of him in the future."

"Of course."

"Mr. Zhou, you are so polite."

Zhou Aiguo's words caused a response. Taking advantage of this time, Nie Wei also walked into the box. He looked around subconsciously and soon found that there was a person at the table who was looking at him with a very serious scrutiny, almost from head to toe. At that moment, Nie Wei guessed that this person must be the director mentioned by Zhou Aiguo.

But what interested Zhou Yi the most was a little girl at the table. She looked quiet and gentle, with a white face and delicate features. There was almost no flaw, but her hair seemed a little too long, hanging down to her waist, which undoubtedly looked a bit cumbersome.

And the little girl was also curiously looking at Nie Wei like everyone else.

Because of the angle, the girl could only see most of his profile. The curve was very nice, the skin was very smooth, and the nose was very straight, but the most eye-catching thing was the eyes under the sword-like eyebrows, which were deep and dark, like the top black agate, with a wonderful attraction that made people want to look at it again and again.

Moreover, the girl was also very impressed by Nie Wei's height. Among the boys of the same age she met after returning to China, there were really not many who could reach Nie Wei's height. It looked like he must be more than 1.8 meters tall, but she couldn't estimate how much more.

The girl's sneak peek was soon discovered. Facing Nie Wei's friendly smile, the girl immediately lowered her head, which made Nie Wei, who was about to say hello, slightly raise the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, the future fairy sister is still an ignorant and shy girl.

Lin Yifei, Nie Wei believed that he would never make a mistake. Almost at the first sight of her, Nie Wei confirmed her identity, and in Zhou Aiguo's subsequent introduction, Nie Wei's guess was indeed confirmed.

Then the answer to this party was about to come out.

Sure enough, after sitting down next to the director, the first question that the director surnamed Li asked Nie Wei after getting to the point was: "Do you know Zhang Henshui?"

"Of course, he is a representative writer of the Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School. His original name is Xinyuan, and Henshui is his pen name, taken from 'Since life is long and hateful, the water flows east'. Director, are you going to change his novels? Tears and Laughter or The Story of a Noble Family?"

Nie Wei's detailed answer made Director Li open his eyes in surprise. You know, it is not uncommon for Nie Wei to know Jin Yong and Gu Long at his age, but it is really rare to know Zhang Henshui. After all, although this master is known as the first romantic writer in the Republic of China, he is really not well-known in the mainland at this time, but he is quite popular in Taiwan.

"It seems that you really know a lot about it. Can you tell me what you think about the novel "A Family of Golden Powder"?" After being surprised, Director Li continued to ask with interest.

Not to mention, whether it is the TV series or the original novel, Nie Wei has really read them all.

And since his rebirth, he feels that his memory is getting better and better. Those things that he used to remember vaguely can all come to mind one by one as long as he thinks carefully at this moment, as if he had just read them. This also allows Nie Wei to speak without any preparation.

Next is Nie Wei's personal show. From the explanation of the story to the reading experience, and then to the understanding of the relationship between the characters and the detailed analysis of each character, Nie Wei analyzed it from beginning to end.

These analyses are not only Nie Wei's own ideas, but also include the insights of many future masters. This also makes Director Li's eyes shine more and more while listening, and he is full of appreciation for Nie Wei who talks freely.

Not only Director Li, but everyone present gradually focused their attention on Nie Wei during his analysis, and their faces were more or less surprised. After all, Nie Wei's age was there. If a scholar in his thirties or forties could speak so well, it would be fine. But Nie Wei looked like a seventeen-year-old child. It was rare for him to have such knowledge.

"It seems that you have really read novels seriously." After listening to Nie Wei's analysis carefully, Director Li sighed first.

"My mother likes it, so I read a little bit too." Nie Wei pretended to be modest and found an excuse to answer. This was true. Nie Wei's mother Su Qing really liked the works of the Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School.

Looking at Nie Wei's well-educated appearance, many people on the scene praised him again, and Zhou Aiguo was also very happy. After all, he recommended Nie Wei, and his performance was so outstanding at this moment, which made him feel proud.

"Xixi, come sit here." Just as Nie Wei pretended to be modest in responding to everyone's praise, a mature woman in her thirties or forties who was sitting next to Nie Wei suddenly waved to the fairy sister.

At this time, Nie Wei also noticed the beautiful lady next to him, who was obviously Lin Yifei's mother, Lin Xiaoli.

"She is indeed a great beauty, with a slim figure and a pure face. Although there are some crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, it does not prevent this woman from showing her dazzling charm." After a quick glance, Nie Wei couldn't help but sigh at Lin Xiaoli's beauty. It is really rare for a woman to be so outstanding at the age of forty.

Seeing Nie Wei looking over, Lin Xiaoli smiled warmly and said, "This is our Xixi. I am also very interested in the content of the novel you told me. Young man, please tell us more about Xixi."

It is obvious that Lin Xiaoli wants Nie Wei to give her daughter some special treatment.

Facing Lin Yifei's embarrassed look, Nie Wei couldn't help but laugh. Fate is so magical. Who knew that he would be able to meet two future big stars in one day.

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