Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 321 321. An unexpected turn of events

As an actor, Guan Shaozeng feels that his life is actually quite a failure.

However, he never blamed his talent for this failure. In his opinion, it was all fate. If it weren't for the turmoil in China in those years, he might have become famous by now.

The wasted youth is the thing he regrets most in his life, but it is also the most helpless. He has no way to resist. It is the general trend, but it doesn't matter. As an actor, his future development prospects may not be much, but he can still entrust it to his children.

And his daughter is the continuation of his dream.

Unlike his parents, Guan Shaozeng, who had been obstructed by his family, even needed the support of his family to go into a career. So after his daughter showed interest in acting for the first time, Guan Shaozeng has always been the biggest backer behind his daughter. As long as his daughter is interested in various talent classes and willing to learn, Guan Shaozeng will support her, and his daughter rarely disappoints her. At a young age, she has appeared in many film and television works and has been praised and favored by many directors.

Just like this time, his daughter was called by a famous director in the circle to audition. As a father, he was more and more proud of his daughter.

Retracting his thoughts, Guan Shaozeng pulled his daughter's hand, found an empty seat and sat down. Just as he was about to wipe his sweat, he suddenly found that a man sitting opposite was staring at his daughter.

Nie Wei really didn't expect to find a candidate here who was very suitable for the little girl in his mind.

Looking at the little girl who just entered the room, her eyes were not big, but very bright, her nose was not high, but she was delicate and small, her lips were rosy, her face was rosy, and she had baby fat, with double ponytails, she looked so cute.

And this little girl always seemed familiar. Nie Wei thought about it in his mind and finally matched this little girl with a name in the cast of "The Promise".

"No wonder, isn't this the future national daughter Guan Xiaotong?" Nie Wei smiled, thinking that he had found the candidate for the little girl in his movie.

Just when Nie Wei was secretly happy, he found a body blocking his sight. He looked up and saw that it was Guan Xiaotong's father who was glaring at him.

Nie Wei thought about it and figured out the reason why the other party was angry. He was a little embarrassed. He thought too seriously just now, but now he found that it was indeed impolite to stare at a girl like this, even if the child was only seven years old this year.

"Sorry, sir, hello, my name is Nie Wei." The next moment, Nie Wei stood up with a smile and took the initiative to greet Guan Shaozeng.

"Hello, my name is Guan Shaozeng." Guan Shaozeng's tone of answer was a little stiff. Of course he knew Nie Wei, but what if he was a big star? He couldn't stare at his daughter like that for a long time, which scared his own girl.

"I was a little absorbed in writing something just now, and I'm sorry for causing trouble to you and your daughter." The next moment, Nie Wei admitted his mistake very frankly, which made Guan Shaozeng recover some of his impression of Nie Wei. At least he felt that Nie Wei was very honest and polite.

Guan Shaozeng waved his hand, smiled and said it was nothing, just let it go.

But Nie Wei had no intention of revealing it, he still wanted to find a girl to make his own movie.

"Mr. Guan, can I have your contact information? I think your daughter is very suitable for a role in the new movie I am going to shoot. If there is a chance, I would like to invite her to our company for an audition, is that okay?" Nie Wei asked straight to the point. This sentence not only surprised Guan Shaozeng, but also several actors who stayed in the lounge also looked over curiously.

Everyone knows that Nie Wei is going to make a new movie. There are good and bad comments from the outside world, of course, there are still more doubts. After all, this matter came too suddenly, there was no wind before, and the key is that it is self-written and self-directed, which looks unreliable no matter how you look at it.

No matter what, Nie Wei's new movie is still a hot topic at the moment. At this moment, seeing Nie Wei suddenly invite a little girl in person, everyone is also very curious about what attracted Nie Wei to this little girl.

Everyone looked left and right, and it was indeed a very cute little girl. Two artists who recognized Guan Xiaotong even secretly admired Nie Wei's accurate vision. This little girl was indeed one of the best child stars in the circle.

Guan Shaozeng was very surprised, but after being surprised, he quickly regained his composure. He naturally knew that Nie Wei was making a movie, and he even knew that Nie Wei had held an audition in Kyoto some time ago.

At that time, he actually didn't like Nie Wei's movie very much. He had been in the entertainment industry for most of his life, and he knew best how much the quality of a movie had to do with the director and screenwriter. Nie Wei looked too young, and he had never heard of his superior talent in this regard before. The key point was that Nie Wei's new movie was said to be not starring in it, which was even less attractive to Guan Shaozeng, so he didn't bring his child to the audition at all.

But even though he didn't trust her, he was surprised and a little proud when Nie Wei took the initiative to invite her. He was also curious about what Nie Wei liked about his daughter and what kind of role he wanted her to play.

That's what he thought and asked.

After he finished speaking, Nie Wei kept observing Guan Shaozeng's eyes, because he didn't see much excitement in this man's eyes, it seemed just simple curiosity, and he knew that this matter didn't seem to be so easy to handle.

But since the other party is curious, he still has a chance. Nie Wei quickly concealed the fluctuations in his heart, smiled and walked to Guan Shaozeng's side, and whispered to introduce the characteristics of this role and its position in the movie.

Ten minutes later, Guan Shaozeng looked a little disappointed. After a long time, it turned out to be a vase role, and a minor supporting role. This made his original expectation disappear instantly.

"Mr. Nie Wei, I understand, but our Tongtong's main focus is still on Director Chen's movie recently. But if I have time, I will definitely take the child to audition." Guan Shaozeng replied tactfully.

But everyone present could hear the refusal, and many artists even laughed secretly. Nie Wei, a big star, personally invited a little girl to act, but was rejected. This is interesting and worth gossiping about.

"Well, I'll wait for your news." Nie Wei's expression remained unchanged, still smiling, and he didn't forget to touch Guan Xiaotong's head beside him, and smiled at the little girl: "Uncle is looking forward to working with you."

Guan Xiaotong blinked her big eyes, looked at this handsome uncle, and nodded subconsciously.

Guan Shaozeng saw this and pulled his daughter, fearing that his daughter would say something to agree, and then he would be difficult to refuse.

Just when Guan Shaozeng was guarding against Nie Wei, the door of the lounge was pushed open, and Xie Tingfeng walked in with a happy face.

"Nie Wei, my audition is over, you should treat me."

"Okay, wait a minute." Nie Wei smiled and nodded, then said goodbye to Guan Shaozeng and his daughter, and then left here with Xie Tingfeng talking and laughing.

After leaving the gate of China Film Group, Xie Tingfeng couldn't help but curiously ask who the father and daughter in the room were just now.

"I've chosen that little girl for my new movie. By the way, if you have time, please help me contact her. I think her father seems reluctant." Nie Wei didn't hide anything and said directly to Xie Tingfeng.

"Okay, Director Chen said that there will be a meeting for the actors in two days. I'll help you talk to him then." Xie Tingfeng agreed.

However, Nie Wei was happy to hear this. He looked at Xie Tingfeng, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "From what you said, the role has been decided just now?"

When Nie Wei mentioned this, Xie Tingfeng smiled brilliantly: "It has been decided. Director Chen made the decision on the spot. Like you, I will play a villain this time, the number one villain!"

Nie Wei opened his eyes wide and looked at Xie Tingfeng in disbelief, then suddenly smiled: "If you have an idea, I'll treat you to roast duck."

In the following three days, Nie Wei had been waiting for Guan Shaozeng to call. In his opinion, even if the other party was not very interested in his movie, for a little girl, it was a good thing to have a role to play.

But the other party seemed to have really forgotten about Nie Wei and never called.

Three days later at noon, Nie Wei was working in his lounge. He had just planned the product placements needed for a scene. These product placements were considered an indispensable income for the movie, and Nie Wei naturally could not refuse these benefits.

Tired from work, Nie Wei put down his pen and took a break for a while. By the way, he picked up his mobile phone and found that there was still no information. Thinking that it was not a good idea to drag this role like this, Nie Wei was about to call Guan Shaozeng to ask about the situation. If it was okay, it would be okay. If it was not okay, forget it. Suddenly, his phone rang.

Looking down, it turned out to be Shu Chang calling.

"Hello, Chang Chang." Nie Wei answered the phone and greeted in a very gentle voice.

However, Shu Chang on the other side did not respond immediately as usual. There was also the sound of two girls playing on the other side of the phone. One of the familiar voices was Shu Chang.

After two or three seconds, it seemed that Shu Chang had "suppressed" the other party, and then he had time to answer Nie Wei.

"Nie Wei, what are you doing?"

"Plan props and choose placement." Nie Wei looked at the sketch and placement plan on the table and rubbed his temple with his free hand. Although there were many negative opinions about Nie Wei's new movie, there were many manufacturers who wanted Nie Wei to place placement ads in this movie. Nie Wei picked and chose and still kept seven or eight brands, from clothing to food and drink, all of which required Nie Wei to carefully design.

After all, even if it is a placement ad, it can't be too naked, at least it should make the audience look natural and not inconsistent.

"I don't understand." Shu Chang thought about it. Although she knew what placement ads were, she didn't quite understand the messy explanations from Nie Wei's mouth. In addition, someone beside her urged her, so she couldn't think about it carefully.

"Okay, okay, don't shake my arm, I'll ask now." Shu Chang pushed away the sticky little cousin beside him and said impatiently.

"Is there something wrong?" Nie Wei also heard the conversation on Shu Chang's side and asked with a smile.

"It's a little thing." Shu Chang was a little embarrassed, but when she thought about the person in front of her, it was Nie Wei. What's there to be shy about asking her boyfriend for help? She organized her words and asked directly: "Nie Wei, has anyone chosen the role of the little girl in your new movie?"

"Huh?" Nie Wei was stunned, and then asked: "Do you have anyone to recommend to me?"

"Yes, you know this child too, my little cousin, Juanjuan." Shu Chang looked at the little cousin who was looking at him with a pleading face, and said helplessly.

I took the script home to read, and asked my aunt to help with the script. Somehow, this little girl's interest was aroused. I even stole Shu Chang's script and pretended to read it. Shu Chang didn't know if I understood it. , but it really allowed this little girl to find a role that she could play, but then trouble came.

This little girl actually directly asked Shu Chang to act in a play, which made Shu Chang feel very embarrassed. After asking her aunt, she didn't object. In desperation, Shu Chang had no choice but to call Nie Wei and ask.

But Shu Chang had already made up her mind. If Nie Wei hesitated even a little bit, she wouldn't bother with it. She had even figured out how to make an excuse to reject her little cousin.

After all, this kid has no acting experience at all, so why is he joining in the fun?

But Nie Wei, who answered the phone here, suddenly had a feeling of "a village with bright flowers and a bright future". How could he ignore this little girl? This was simply a treasure in front of him, but he kept thinking about it. Didn't even think about it.

Thinking of the little girl's delicate and picturesque face, Nie Wei unconsciously showed a smile of satisfaction. Under Shu Chang's surprised expression, he directly agreed: "Sure, Juanjuan wants to act, let her report."

After hanging up the phone, Nie Wei finally couldn't help but laugh out loud. Just now, she was worried that there was no news from Guan Xiaotong, but Shu Chang sent him an equally suitable candidate. Nie Wei suddenly felt comfortable and he was lucky. Star feeling.

On the other hand, Shu Chang's face was still a little confused until he hung up the phone.

"Little cousin, has Brother Nie Wei agreed?" Song Zuer looked at Shu Chang expectantly.

Shu Chang nodded and replied: "I agreed."

"Oh yes! Mom, I want to act too, and I want to be a big star like my little cousin!" The little girl got the answer she wanted, and ran away with a cheer, leaving her happy face still a little dull.

Nie Wei agreed so happily that she couldn't even accept it for a while, but Shu Chang soon figured it out, and then a burst of joy came to her heart. In her opinion, this was a sign that Nie Wei liked her, otherwise Why did you agree so happily?

Thanks to 0773, Feng Yeying book friends for the reward.

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