Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 324 324. The premiere that silenced the audience

The village in the camera lens looks backward. There is only one car passing by on the gravel road, which raises a cloud of smoke and dust. This car is the bus that Nie Wei is riding.

It can be seen that this place is very poor.

The camera follows Nie Wei's footsteps. The sound of the laborers on the street twisting the beads and chanting scriptures makes this land seem a little sacred. However, soon, a group of laughing children pass by and break the tranquility.

The children ask Nie Wei to take a picture of them. The camera sees the dirty smiling faces of the children trying to make faces under the camera. Behind the funny, there is a little sadness.

After all, only children in remote and poor places will rush for a photo, because this is a rare thing in their eyes.

After taking pictures of the children, Nie Wei asked the children: "Do you know where Ritai is?"

As soon as this sentence came out, there were constant sounds of surprise.

After all, it was not that something big happened in the movie, but that Nie Wei clearly used Tibetan when he said this sentence.

"Nie Wei can speak Tibetan, isn't it dubbing?"

"Are you deaf? This is obviously Nie Wei's own voice."

The audience was obviously surprised to find that Nie Wei could speak Tibetan, especially Nie Wei's fans at the scene. They felt that after watching the movie, they had another topic to brag about their idol with the ladies.

Soon, under the guidance of the child, Nie Wei found Ritai, who gladly accepted the interview. However, during this process, Nie Wei was also checked from head to toe by the patrol team, even his backpack was not spared. When he went to his room, there were patrol team members patrolling with guns on the wall and on the roadside. The wooden door of a room next to him was opened, and a girl leaned out half of her body, looking at Nie Wei with a sense of distance. These bits and pieces also showed the tension of the situation at this time.

Just when the audience was gradually infected by this atmosphere, Dawa girl in the box excitedly pointed at the big screen and shouted in surprise: "I, it's me."

As a friendly appearance, this little girl appeared on the big screen for the first time in her life.

Nie Wei couldn't help laughing when he saw Dawa's look. The girl was very excited at the moment, and the blush on her cheeks became more and more vivid. Her bright eyes were shining, as if she had seen something extraordinary.

"Dawa, you are photogenic." Nie Wei's timely praise made the girl even more excited. While asking Nie Wei if it was true, she couldn't help showing a little pride on her face, and obviously agreed with Nie Wei's statement.

At this time, on the big screen, Nie Wei had already arrived at his residence. After entering the house, he opened a notebook and took out a lot of photos. It can be seen that the people in the photos are all Japanese and Thai patrol teams, and not only that, there are also some photos of the murdered patrol team members. Obviously, the reporter Ga Yu played by Nie Wei also came prepared.

Suddenly, there was a creaking sound of the door being pushed open. Nie Wei hurriedly put away the notebook, and the one who pushed open the door was the girl he saw when he passed by just now.

The girl was carrying a copper kettle, obviously coming to pour water for Nie Wei.

"Who are you?" asked the reporter Ga Yu, played by Nie Wei.

"Yang Jin," the girl replied.

Hearing this name, Ga Yu suddenly realized and said, "You are the daughter of the Japanese captain, right?"

"Yes," Yang Jin smiled innocently and replied in a low voice.

Ga Yu picked up a file on the table, which aroused Yang Jin's curiosity. The girl asked in a low voice, and Ga Yu only said that it was some reports.

But the careful audience found some small details here, that is, the reports cut out of the file were full of a tense gunpowder smell, such as "fierce gun battles in the no-man's land" and "the no-man's land in Kekexili is moving towards peace amid gunfire", etc., all of which indicate the risks surging in this seemingly peaceful area.

And the string of beads left by the girl at the end seemed to represent a blessing, but what was the blessing, was it to hope that the reporter Ga Yu would have a safe journey? What does this represent behind it, which made many viewers fall into contemplation.

But at this moment, a little girl in the theater suddenly exclaimed, pointing at the beads that flashed on the movie screen, and excitedly said to her friend beside her: "Do you remember this string of beads? Nie Wei also wore it in New Police Story."

"Really?" The friend's eyes widened immediately, and then he quickly took out his mobile phone and flipped through the photos inside. Soon he found from a still of New Police Story that Nie Wei was indeed wearing a string of beads on his hand, which looked very similar to the one that flashed just now.

"It's true, I remember it very clearly, Tibetan silver decoration, and turquoise, the main body is agarwood beads. When I watched "New Police Story" at the beginning, I thought this string of beads was very beautiful, and I specially looked for a large picture on the Internet. I will definitely not make a mistake." The girl who recognized the beads said confidently.

And she was indeed correct. Nie Wei did wear this string of beads when filming "New Police Story". In addition to being photographed in a still, it only flashed two or three times in the whole movie, and there was no close-up shot once, so it was difficult for the girl to recognize it.

The beads were just a small episode, or a small pit set by Lu Chuan. Following an urgent order, Ga Yu, played by Nie Wei, and all the patrol members set out on a journey to find the poachers.

The film is entering the main plot.

This plot has some artistic processing, but it also restores the process of the patrol team chasing hunters to a large extent. Each small plot is based on real events, such as the group of people who brought sheepskin and cashmere for poachers on the way, the garrison hut where only one person lived alone for two years, and even the shot of sheep bones being eaten by vultures. All of them were shot under the guidance of the patrol team after a whole day.

Those vultures really live in the sky of Kekexili, and the sheep bones on the ground with sadness are also scenes that the patrol team has seen many times.

Through the lens, these processes are also truly reflected to the audience. It is not the Kekexili that seems to be a paradise on earth in the article, but a cruel, dangerous and poor Kekexili.

In the battle of wits and courage with poachers, the patrol team finally caught Ma Zhanlin and his gang, and finally got the information of the poacher leader.

And Ma Zhanlin, the audience, is also suddenly enlightened when you see him, because he is the old man who knocked on the car window at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, he was not only a poacher, but also his three sons were poachers. The key point was that they lived in the same town as Ritai, and most of the people in this town were doing poaching. At this moment, Ga Yu understood why there were so many patrols in the patrol team's base, and everyone was so vigilant to a stranger. It turned out that the place where they lived was an environment that bred poachers, and everyone could be killed by poachers at any time.

However, at this time, the supplies of the patrol team had reached the point of being exhausted.

There was only enough food for two or three days, and the gasoline was almost the same. If it was normal, Ritai might have started to catch Ma Zhanlin and his group back, but this time the opportunity was rare, and he finally got the news of the leader. As long as he persisted a little longer, Ritai felt that he could catch up with the group.

So he made a decision to let one person go back to get supplies, and the rest of the people followed him to continue chasing.

Then the cruel side was also shown to the audience. In order to hunt down the leader of the poachers, Ritai gave up the decision to arrest Ma Zhanlin and his gang, but this decision was not a sudden outburst of compassion, but cruelty behind this decision.

Because if these people were left here, they had to rely on their own legs to walk out of the uninhabited area of ​​Kekexili.

The reason why Kekexili is called an uninhabited area is that it is not suitable for human habitation. Whether it is the thin air and altitude sickness brought to humans by the altitude of 4,700 meters, or the bad weather in this place, a group of people walked hundreds of miles with their legs, which undoubtedly gave this group of people a suspended death sentence.

But in the eyes of the audience, this is completely the result of the poachers' own actions. While they are hunting for lives in exchange for benefits, they are also gambling their lives. If they lose, they are like this now.

"Let's go. It's more than 200 kilometers to the Altun Mountains, and only more than 100 kilometers to the Kunlun Pass. You can meet people there."

"I'm old and I can't get out." Ma Zhanlin said.

"You can get out." Ritai said.

"I can't get out." Ma Zhanlin continued to shake his head. Without food and gasoline, he, an old man in his 50s, could not get out by walking for hundreds of miles in such a harsh environment in Kekexili.

Ritai looked at him silently for a long time before he said, "It's your fate if you can't get out. Have a safe journey and take care." After that, Ritai turned around and left without looking back.

In the sound of music that sounded like crying and mourning, this cunning and cruel old man trembled and wiped the tears from his face with both hands.

In the next scene, the originally clear sky suddenly snowed heavily. The camera filmed the poachers from a distance. The group of people walked slowly in the snow step by step. Suddenly, one person fell down. Then the audience saw a poacher running to the fallen person. Just when everyone thought that the poacher was going to help his companion up, they suddenly opened their eyes and saw him take the only scarf from the fallen poacher, and then wrapped it around his neck. He followed the group without looking back and continued to walk forward.

And the fallen poacher fell there forever.

"Too inhumane." Some viewers said reluctantly, but they said so, but they secretly believed in their hearts that the poachers in reality would really do this. When facing the problem of survival, people always seem very realistic, especially those who dare to sell everything for profit. Compared with life, perhaps companions are nothing.

On the contrary, the three people who were left behind by the patrol team because they had no gasoline also encountered a blizzard. What they did was completely different from the poachers. One of the patrol members fell ill, and the remaining two took turns carrying him. Under the camera, they gradually disappeared in the wind and snow.

The audience was deeply moved by this scene, and felt that their hearts were really touched. The cruelty of Kekexili was once again displayed in front of everyone. The unpredictable weather is always so cold and ruthless.

And Liu Dong, who went back to buy supplies, suddenly fell into quicksand, which also surprised all the audience. It was too sudden, and there was not even a sign. Watching the quicksand submerge Liu Dong little by little, leaving a shallow pit, accompanied by a gust of wind and sand, submerging the footprints and the pit. This man disappeared as if he had not left any footprints in the world.

The audience at the scene was also silent with this shot.

In the box where Nie Wei was, everyone was silent, but many people felt much more deeply than the audience, because many of these stories happened around them. Nie Wei even saw Zana, a Tibetan man, secretly wiping tears. Perhaps he once had such a friend who disappeared silently in the uninhabited area of ​​​​Khekexili.

There was also a small episode during this period. In the car, Ga Yu and Ri Tai mentioned the survival problem of the patrol team, and Ga Yu also found that the patrol team would sell the seized leather to support the daily operation of the patrol team.

Facing Ga Yu's doubts, Ri Tai said this.

"Have you ever seen people who kowtow? Their faces and hands are very dirty, but their hearts are very clean."

This sentence silenced many viewers who were still upset about the forest patrol team selling leather. Just as Ritai said, although the forest patrol team also sells leather, they use this to protect this area, which is completely different from the poachers who sell leather for naked interests.

Because their hearts are very clean.

Ga Yu and Ritai also encountered difficulties. On the way to chasing the poachers, the supplies were still consumed.

Watching Nie Wei biting the bloody raw rabbit leg on the big screen, the reporter's eyes also flashed with a touch of emotion. Although Nie Wei did not show much in this movie, now imagine that this is actually a very rare thing.

Nie Wei really hid his brilliance and became a reporter who was completely integrated into the movie, just like a recorder of a documentary, silently promoting the development of the plot. For this film, Nie Wei also made a lot of sacrifices, all of which made the film seem more real and credible.

"What a...good actor." An older actor praised Nie Wei, who was biting a rabbit leg in the movie with blood on his lips.

Eating raw meat is nothing, but Nie Wei is lucky that he really served the movie and was willing to hide his brilliance, not stand out, and quietly perform. This is something that many actors cannot do, especially those big names. It is even more difficult to do this. It is not that big names are unprofessional, but they are used to being the focus and will unconsciously suppress others during performances.

But Nie Wei, a young boy, has restrained himself in the content of the movies played so far, which is particularly rare.

In the wind and snow, there were still four figures at first, and gradually, only the backs of Ga Yu and Ri Tai were left. Just keep walking, the wind and snow finally stopped, and the way out was in front of them.

When the footsteps paused for a moment, Ga Yu's first question was whether the two people could still get out?

Ri Tai answered that they could.

But his eyes were filled with sadness.

In the next scene, the sadness suddenly disappeared. Ritai looked in one direction, and his eyes changed. Gayu looked in the direction of Ritai's gaze and saw more than a dozen people holding guns, slowly walking towards him.

All the audience at the scene knew that the final moment had arrived.

But there were only two of them on Ritai's side, and Gayu was still an unarmed reporter. What should they do in the face of this group of people?

There was no heroism expected by the audience. Ritai alone held a gun and dodged to eliminate a group of poachers. In fact, it was very simple. The surrounded Ritai and Gayu were quickly disarmed by the poachers.

What surprised the audience was that the old man Ma Zhanlin, who kept saying "I can't get out", was still alive, and it seemed that it was because he tipped off that Ritai and Gayu were blocked.

"I should have shot this old guy at the beginning." Some viewers thought bitterly, which was actually the idea of ​​many people.

The film critics in the front row were now completely focused on the film. They wanted to know how the ending would be arranged. This ending was very important. The first 90% of the film could be said to be very good, but if the ending was not done well, the film would probably fall into clichés all of a sudden.

Facing the leader of the poaching team, Ri Tai said, "I've been looking for you for many years."

"Why did you look for me?" The leader asked stupidly.

"You killed my sheep."

"There are many bosses who kill sheep..." said the leader, but before he finished speaking, Ri Tai interrupted him and responded directly and forcefully, "I don't care."

"Then what do you say?" The leader smiled and asked back.

"You follow me." Even when facing the muzzle of a gun, Ri Tai still said this.

The leader shook his head and suddenly promised Ri Tai many benefits, including cars and buildings, and the requirement was to let them go, but in the face of these, Ri Tai's choice was still not.

"Hand over your guns, and follow me." Ritai still said this, which looked a little silly, but it was his inner insistence.

The leader laughed again, with a hint of sarcasm in his laughter, and said to the people around him: "Okay, okay, hand over all your guns..."

Before he finished speaking, a gunshot rang out, and all the audience saw Ritai fall down with his gun pulled out.

Ga Yu struggled to get over, but was held down by the poacher.

"Boss, he's not dead yet." Ma Zhanlin looked at the struggling Ritai and reported. With this sentence, the leader took over Ritai's rifle that had just been surrendered, and fired several shots at Ritai without hesitation.

And Ritai, who was still pulling out his gun and fell to the ground, finally died.

Beside him, Ga Yu was spared by the poachers because he was not a member of the patrol team. Seeing Ga Yu walking to Ri Tai with trembling legs, all the audience remained silent, and their minds were deeply shocked by this ending.

And Nie Wei, who was sitting in the box, was silent for a long time. This might be the most silent premiere he had ever participated in. From beginning to end, the movie made all the audience constantly ponder and be constantly shocked. Perhaps this was also the reason why he was willing to participate in this movie and be a "screw" in this movie.

In such a silent atmosphere, a burst of applause suddenly rang out in the theater, which also woke Nie Wei up. He subconsciously turned his head to look beside him and saw Dawa's tearful face, which looked particularly sad under the dim light.

Thanks to the book friend Shenlan Qingyun for the reward.

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