Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 334 334. Subverting the current variety show (Part 2)

The main content of the third filming period is the part where Alan cooks and goes to visit the class.

At the end of the second episode, the program staff handed Alan a task card, which said he was going to cook a meal for the person he wanted to thank the most.

At that time, the show ended before Alan could tell the answer, but attentive viewers had already found the answer in the trailer.

Sure enough, when the third issue opened, Alan revealed the answer. That person's name was Nie Wei.

"I know that Alan is definitely grateful to Nie Wei. Nie Wei has taken her with her since she debuted, written songs for her, and even specially participated in her commercial activities. You have seen Nie Wei participate in several commercial activities of other stars. Activity?"

"This woman is so lucky. Nie Wei's care has made her stardom bright."

"As a fan of Alan, I am also very grateful to Nie Wei."

"Nie Wei doesn't like Alan, right? I've never seen him treat a female artist like this."

"Nonsense upstairs. When it comes to closeness, aren't Shu Chang and Lin Yifei closer to Nie Wei? Alan is now a highly praised singer under Huayi Records. Isn't it normal for Nie Wei to take care of her? And you will know as you continue reading. There is a passage from Alan that will definitely prove that there is nothing between her and Nie Wei."

"I jumped and looked behind me, and there really was one."

"Shu Chang is mine, and Lin Yifei is mine too!!! Nie Wei, go die, die, die!"


Nie Wei's appearance made this episode very topical, and fans discussed it with great enthusiasm. Hundreds of new comments appeared almost every time the video was refreshed. Less than half an hour after the video was uploaded, the number of comments increased. It has already exceeded 10,000, and the growth momentum has not weakened at all. On the contrary, there is a trend of getting stronger and stronger.

During the show, Alan got up early at five o'clock.

Under the camera, Alan squinted his eyes and sat blankly on the bedside. The staff asked: "Why do you want us to wake you up so early?"

"Because I have to buy groceries. The groceries in the morning are fresh enough." Alan replied in a daze. After finishing speaking, he suddenly shuddered and sat up from the bedside, then hurriedly ran towards the bathroom.

When the camera caught up with her, Alan was already brushing his teeth with a toothbrush.

"What's wrong? What happened?" the staff asked.

"It's too late. You can't stay in a daze. If you arrive late, you won't be able to grab the freshest dishes." Alan could only speak vaguely because there was toothpaste in his mouth, but he could still hear the general idea clearly.

Now the staff was more curious and couldn't help but ask: "Alan, are you actually buying vegetables? You are so familiar with the vegetable market."

"Grrrrrrrr... Pfft" After rinsing his mouth, Alan tidied his teeth and replied with a little satisfaction: "Although I don't know how to cook, I have followed my mother to the market to buy vegetables since I was a child, so I am very interested in it." I am very good at grocery shopping. When I was a child, my mother would pick the groceries and I would follow behind with a small vegetable basket, so I learned a lot about this.”

Just like the admiration of the staff on the screen, the audience who saw this also expressed their appreciation for Alan. Especially in the later part when Alan went to the vegetable market to pick vegetables, his professional look won countless compliments.

"I really didn't expect that big stars would also visit the vegetable market and be so good at picking vegetables."

"If you marry a wife like this, what else can a husband ask for?"

"I learned some knowledge. It turns out that there is so much knowledge about picking vegetables. After reading this paragraph, I will go to the vegetable market tomorrow morning."

In fact, Alan's ability to pick vegetables is just that, better than the average person, but also limited. But he is afraid of comparison. After seeing too many female artists in the industry who are not afraid of sex, Alan's ability seems to be very rare. .

What's interesting is that during the process of buying groceries, many fans came and asked for photos with Alan. The camera also faithfully recorded these scenes, with big subtitles of the popular girl.

"Hahaha, I caught the shot. The handsome guy wearing glasses in the photo with Alan is me." A fan of the blog named 'Alan's Little Cotton Jacket' said under the comment. Countless people soon responded to express envy. Of course, there are also Questioning, but the little cotton jacket posted a selfie of himself and the mobile phone he was using at the time. Now more people were envious. Everyone said that the blogger is so lucky, why not me and so on.

"I prefer the title of 'Popular Girl' given to Alan by the program crew. It proves that Alan is very popular." Of course, some people also paid attention to Alan's popularity in this segment. He was able to be recognized on the street and asked for photos. Signature is the most powerful symbol of popularity.

Many melon-eating people who didn't know much about Alan at first gradually have a deeper impression of this girl in their hearts.

Alan then went to the supermarket again and bought all the necessary condiments, and then returned home with the program team.

This home is actually the house that the company rented for Alan. It is near the company. It has one bedroom and one living room and is more than 40 square meters. Although it is not big, it is very stylishly decorated. Alan has already introduced it in the first issue. For this reason It has also attracted the envy of many people. The impression that Huayi offers good benefits has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it has also made many young girls who dream of becoming stars yearn for this company.

"What I'm going to make today are tomato scrambled eggs, mixed fruit and vegetable salad, and steamed rice." Alan said to the camera while wearing an apron.

Next came washing vegetables and washing rice. During this process, Alan would occasionally read through the recipes he had bought in advance. The audience watching outside the screen couldn't help but shed a cold sweat for Nie Wei.

If Alan who went to the vegetable market to pick vegetables just now seemed very professional, then Alan in the kitchen looked very amateur. God knows what she could cook while reading recipes like this.

"Ah, our brother's stomach is going to suffer!"

"I feel bad, Nie Wei, but why do I want to be happy so much."

"Alan is so funny. He can't tell the difference between sugar and salt. He wouldn't just 'poison' his benefactor to death."

"Please allow me to laugh for a while, hahahahahahahaha."

The comments below are already full of novels. Almost everyone thinks that Nie Wei is going to be in bad luck. Who made Alan act very unreliable from the moment he entered the kitchen?

As the camera fast forwarded, three dishes were quickly displayed in front of the entire audience.

It looks good, but the real taste is unknown.

"I'll try it first." Alan picked up the chopsticks nervously and took a bite of tomato scrambled eggs. Just when the audience thought she would spit it out immediately, everyone suddenly noticed that Alan's eyes lit up.

"It's delicious, hahaha, I'm a genius." Alan's words in the next second made the audience stunned. This girl couldn't be a fool at cooking. She made such an unreliable method. Will the food be delicious?

Obviously the program team also had this suspicion. A staff member immediately took a pair of chopsticks and picked up a little food. Then he saw three big exclamation marks appear on the screen.


"It's really delicious! Incredible." The program team used the word incredible to describe it. This was indeed beyond the audience's expectations. If Alan just said it was delicious, they wouldn't believe it, but coupled with the program team, this The credibility has undoubtedly increased a lot.

"That's okay. Is it possible that our Alan is really talented in cooking?"

"I suggest Alan apply for a chef school and stop being a singer. You will be the future Michelin chef."

"My outlook on life has been completely overturned. The silly girl who can't tell the difference between salt and sugar actually cooks delicious food. I am speechless."

"The plot is shady. Alan must have secretly changed the dishes."

"Nonsense, the camera has been filming, how can it be changed? Do you think Alan has a snail girl at home?"

The unexpectedly delicious tomato scrambled eggs, the vegetable and fruit salad that Alan is good at, plus the white rice steamed by the smart rice cooker, this is Alan's Thanksgiving meal.

After carefully packing it in a pink thermos bucket with HELLO-KITTY printed on it, Alan got into his nanny car and prepared to drive towards the Nie Wei studio.

In the car, the program team was naturally not idle, and they did not forget to mention some topics to Alan. However, Alan's mood was obviously a little nervous, and his answers were a little absent-minded.

As the camera fast forwarded, Alan's nanny car quickly arrived at the set. This was also the first time the audience saw the scene of "Speed ​​Scandal", the first film directed by Nie Wei.

This movie initially caused a storm of heated discussions, but as the filming officially started, the entire crew kept a low profile. Nie Wei issued a hush-hush order to the entire crew, and they were not allowed to reveal any information to the media during the filming. Every time the filming was done, the interior guards were also closed, so except for some media reporters who secretly took a few blurry photos from a distance, the audience gradually became unfamiliar with this movie.

But this does not affect the audience's interest in this film. Just because the director and screenwriter of this film are Nie Wei, it will never be afraid of being forgotten by the audience.

So when Alan walked into the set, the audience watched more seriously.

"That bald guy over there is Xu Zheng, right?"

"That's right, it's him. Look, Shu Chang is starring opposite him. My goddess Shu Chang is so beautiful."

"These two don't play a couple relationship in the movie, do they? This is too inconsistent. Xu Zheng is so much older than Shu Chang. Are the grandfather and grandson in love?"

"It's so exaggerated upstairs. It's pretty much the same as uncles. But isn't the movie called Scandal? It must be that kind of relationship."

"How could Nie Wei be willing to push a beautiful girl like Shu Chang to that bald uncle Xu Zheng to be abused?"

Many viewers continued to watch while complaining, but their attention was quickly attracted by Nie Wei's appearance. It had been many days since Alan's autograph session, and Nie Wei's hair had also grown a little, and he looked younger. A little bit more ruffian, but a little more cool.

"My male idol is indeed incredibly handsome."

"Nie Wei is so handsome. As a boy, my heart beats faster when I see him."

"Screenshot, print, I will sleep with this picture in my arms today."

Nie Wei's fangirls are even worse than those young girls who came later. After all, there are really too few young girls who can compete with Nie Wei these days. His prominence can be called the most outstanding girl in China. Idol.

And then the humorous side also attracted all the fans who came to see Nie Wei. They all called his brother so funny, as if he had replaced Alan, and also called him to learn cooking skills and catch him with delicious food in the future. Nie Wei's heart.

"Haha, then you will probably only be a nanny." A male netizen looked jealous and couldn't help but mocked.

As a result, as soon as the words came out of his mouth, there were dozens of replies criticizing him, all of them from girls, claiming that a man like you who doesn't know how to be romantic should live a single life.

The male netizen was so hurt that he left the site. What the girls said was too hurtful. Can't I avoid the quarrel?

And the message Nie Wei gave to Alan during the meal later also made Nie Wei's female fans call Nie Wei too gentle.

However, what convinced all the audience during the period was that even Nie Wei praised Alan's delicious food. The proof of the third person also made the audience admire Alan's cooking talent. Such a girl who can even distinguish between salt and sugar can actually cook good dishes. The world is so big that there are really all kinds of wonders.

So far, Alan has also won the title of "Magical Cooking Girl". When Alan learned about it, she laughed so hard. Of course, in the girl's heart, she was most happy about the last three words of this title. No matter what adjective it is, as long as it is a beautiful girl, it is enough to grasp this key point.

Of course, taking advantage of such a good opportunity, the program team will naturally not forget to ask a few questions about Nie Wei's new movie, which is also a topic that the audience is very curious about.

"Haha, this movie is actually about a 36-year-old down-and-out host who has always claimed to be a golden bachelor. Suddenly, a 22-year-old daughter and a 4-year-old grandson appear in his life. Will this male host choose to escape or take responsibility? This is the main content of my movie." Facing the camera, Nie Wei finally revealed the main story line of the movie.

The audience had already exploded with Nie Wei's words.

"A 36-year-old grandfather? I don't have a son at the age of 30."

"What a big imagination, the key is that the 22-year-old daughter has a 4-year-old son, doesn't it mean that this 36-year-old anchor is already a grandfather."

"Nie Wei's imagination is really big."

The media who were ambushed immediately felt excited when they saw this interview, because the content of the movie Nie Wei said was very interesting. The relationship between the characters alone was enough to cause a heated discussion. It was full of creativity. Nie Wei could actually think of such a plot and characters. It seems that he really has some skills.

After more than an hour, "Alan" finally ended. The audience was still not satisfied, but the staff in charge of statistics in the background were already overwhelmed, because the number of people watching online at the same time in this episode peaked at over one million, and the number of clicks exceeded 20 million in just over an hour. This data is absolutely phenomenal, and this achievement has also given a fierce impact on the current variety show circle.

Thanks to Panda Girl, and the generous rewards from two book friends abcd.

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