Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 399 399. Multiple choice questions

In fact, Nie Wei was not in a hurry to direct. After all, the script had not been finalized yet, so it was too early to say anything.

He contacted the other party at this time, in fact, just to inquire about the other party's time, so that they could arrange a suitable day for future cooperation.

But the other party did not even reply with an accurate time, just excused himself as being too busy.

This made Nie Wei feel too strange.

"Luo Kai, please help me find out if there are any familiar people around Director Kang. I want to know Director Kang's recent situation." Nie Wei decided to leave this matter to Luo Kai, and Luo Kai agreed without hesitation.

After Nie Wei finished giving instructions, Luo Kai ran to his small room in the lounge. It was not because he was afraid that Nie Wei would know anything, but it was very troublesome to find someone. He needed to make a lot of calls. If he was not in front of Nie Wei, it would obviously disturb Nie Wei's work.

Taking out his mobile phone, Luo Kai checked Kang Honglei's information while looking for clues.

"Director Kang graduated from the Inner Mongolia Academy of Arts, and Wang Mao also graduated from there. We should be able to find him." Luo Kai quickly had a goal in mind. He called, but Wang Mao didn't have the contact information of his famous senior brother, but he also provided another candidate.

Luo Kai called again with the new number. Just one call after another, it only took 20 minutes for Luo Kai to find the relevant person and find out a lot of inside information.

"Old Liu, thank you for this time. Next time you come to Beijing, you must call me and I will treat you to a meal." After hanging up the phone, Luo Kai put away the phone. This is definitely his treasure and must be kept well.

Hearing the door of Luo Kai's room ring, Nie Wei immediately raised his head and saw Luo Kai walking out.

"Any news?"

"Yes." Luo Kai nodded and replied: "This Kang Honglei has just finished filming the new drama "A Needle Shot". She is recuperating at home at the moment. She definitely has no work."

"Oh, then have you found out the reason why he rejected us?" Nie Wei put down the script in his hand, leaned back in his chair and asked Luo Kai with a smile.

As for this, Luo Kai immediately patted his chest and said, of course.

"In fact, it has something to do with Zhang Jizhong. You know "Swordsman". You can't imagine that this Kang Honglei has been the deputy director of this TV series. I guess this is probably Zhang Jizhong's fault."

"It may not be Zhang Jizhong. I think Yu Min is more likely to be bad." Nie Wei shook his head. He knew Zhang Jizhong's character. Besides, although he and him had a rift this time, it was just a small matter. If it was really him who did it, then he was too narrow-minded.

So in Nie Wei's opinion, Yu Min was more likely to be a hindrance. This is the real culprit.

"Then go talk to Zhang Jizhong about this?" Luo Kai asked.

Nie Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this: "Whether he knows about this or not is another matter. Why should Zhang Da Huzi listen to us? Yu Min is his subordinate after all. Do you really think he is an impartial Bao Qingtian?"

But Nie Wei is not easy to bully. You do the first day of the month and I do the fifteenth. I guarantee that there will be a give and take.

"I remember that Jizhong Culture has an actor who will participate in a movie we invested in and co-produced with Gangdu?" Nie Wei asked Luo Kai.

"I think so. Ah, I understand. I'll go and tell him now." Luo Kai was smart this time and instantly understood what Nie Wei meant.

However, Luo Kai, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped and turned to Nie Wei and asked, "What about Kang Honglei? Are you still in contact?"

"No need." Nie Wei shook his head. Although Kang Honglei was the best candidate in his mind at the beginning, it was more because he was the one who shot the original version, so Nie Wei wanted to use him to shoot it. Now that the other party is not willing to cooperate, forget it. Nie Wei has many suitable candidates in his mind.

Just like the epic TV series called "Bright Sword" that will be broadcast on August 1st, its director Chen Qian is very good. In addition, there are well-known military film directors such as Hua Jing who can do it. After all, the good script is there.

Nie Wei picked up the phone and asked the company to contact Chen Qian first. At the same time, he gave a list. If Chen Qian is not available, contact according to the list. He doesn't believe that these five or six directors are all busy at the same time.

"Soldier Assault" is temporarily like this. The rest can be left to Wang Zhonglei. Nie Wei is most concerned about the new movie.

As the script was completed, the discussion meeting for the new movie was immediately put on the agenda.

The script was good, which was recognized. Wang Zhonglei immediately decided to shoot after reading it, but the subsequent funding issues and role selection needed to be discussed.

The discussion meeting began under such circumstances. Those present included Nie Wei, Wang Zhonglei, and several managers of the company's film department. In addition, Lin Yifei, the confirmed heroine, also attended.

The first thing to discuss was how to invest in this movie.

"Joint investment, but the composition should not be too complicated, two or three companies are fine, so that risks and benefits are shared equally." A manager suggested with a smile.

"Sole investment is better, like "Speeding Scandal", which makes more money." Another manager suggested.

"How can you guarantee that the movie will be successful? What if the sole investment loses money... Mr. Nie, sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to say that." A manager who chose joint investment said halfway when he suddenly remembered that Nie Wei, the screenwriter and director, was also present. He immediately broke out in a cold sweat and apologized quickly. At the same time, he wanted to slap himself a few times for saying what was in his heart.

Instead, Nie Wei smiled and waved his hand to indicate that he didn't care.

Wang Zhonglei didn't say anything. He was also thinking about the pros and cons of this aspect. As for his inner inclination, it was actually sole investment. The script was very interesting, and Nie Wei also had a successful precedent, so the possibility of success in the end was very high, and the sole investment would obviously have more benefits.

However, he still wanted to listen to Nie Wei's opinion in this regard.

"Nie Wei, are you a screenwriter or a director? Do you think we should do it ourselves, or bring in a few more partners?" Wang Zhonglei asked. Hearing this, several people present also looked at Nie Wei at the same time.

The question was thrown to him, Nie Wei took it steadily and answered directly: "I prefer sole investment in terms of investment. If I have to bring in a partner, I hope it is Huaying Group. They have theaters and can help us more. As for the participation amount, I hope it will not exceed 20%, that's it."

This is the plan he had thought of a long time ago. For this movie, Nie Wei is more confident than everyone present. As for the willingness to bring in Huaying, it is mainly because the theater resources in the hands of the other party are too good. At that time, if more screens are obtained, the performance of the movie will be better, but too much cannot be given, that would be a loss-making business, so 20% is Nie Wei's bottom line.

After hearing Nie Wei's words, the scene was silent for a few seconds, and then a group of people agreed or nodded in praise, and the funding allocation for this movie was determined.

Wang Zhonglei frowned slightly. He was a little surprised that Nie Wei's prestige was so strong. He suddenly felt a little alert, but it soon went out because he suddenly thought of Nie Wei's character. He didn't like to do operations at all. How could he come to compete with him for power?

Thinking of this, he laughed at himself. Maybe the power he was holding on to was still a burden in the eyes of the other party.

Lin Yifei, who was watching the whole process, stared at Nie Wei with a crazy look on her face. She felt that Nie Wei's speech just now was too domineering. Although his tone was very indifferent, it had the effect of "one word to determine the country".

"Well, let's tentatively invest 15 million in this movie. If Huaying is interested after the news is released, we will take it to play. If it is not interesting, we will go it alone. The funds are temporarily set. Now let's talk about the male lead. Yifei, don't sit there in a daze. You are the female lead. Who do you want to play opposite you?" After Wang Zhonglei summarized the film's funding, he began to bring up the topic of the next role, and did not forget to remind Lin Yifei who was in a daze.

After being called, the girl came back to her senses, her face flushed a little, and secretly glanced at Nie Wei to see if the other party noticed her crazy look. As a result, she found that the other party was not looking at her at all, but was writing something in a notebook, which made her a little disappointed.

Nie Wei did not notice Lin Yifei. His mind was now on the candidates for several male leads.

This play is a typical revolving around the female lead. The two male leads are actually side dishes for the female lead. One is a music director, and the other is the grandson of the female lead, a teenager who loves music.

The male star for the role of music director should preferably be over 28 years old and have a mature charm, while the grandson of the heroine needs a younger male star, preferably around 20 years old.

Just when Nie Wei was thinking about who to choose, he suddenly found that the scene was a little quiet. He looked up and found that everyone was looking at him again.

"What, did I miss something?" Nie Wei asked everyone with a smile.

"No, everyone just wants to hear your suggestions first." Wang Zhonglei smiled.

"Then I will talk about my suggestions first." Since everyone let him go first, Nie Wei was not polite and started to talk about the male actors who fit the image in his mind: "Let's talk about the music director first. I think we need a male actor between the ages of 28 and 35. Huang Xiaoming from our company is very suitable. By the way, there is also the newly joined Cheng Kun, who can try it."

"For another role, how about Brother Hu? It's the actor who played Liu Jinyuan in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy". I have these three candidates. If anyone has any suggestions, just say it."

After Nie Wei finished speaking, he put down the notebook and looked at everyone.

"I think Mr. Nie's suggestion is very good." A supervisor spoke up. This was not flattery, but he felt it was really suitable after Nie Wei finished speaking.

Of course, some people raised objections.

"Can Cheng Kun's image be the male lead in the movie? Huang Xiaoming is okay."

"Can that silly Hu brother play a music boy who likes rock? I think Yuan Hong, who plays Tang Yu Xiaobao, looks more suitable."

In a short while, Nie Wei had recorded more than ten names in his notebook, and then he handed the notebook to Lin Yifei and asked her to choose.

After reading the notebook, Lin Yifei felt that she was like an emperor in ancient times choosing concubines, and she couldn't help laughing in her heart.

"I think Brother Huang Xiaoming is good, and Brother Hu is not stupid. This man is very smart and may also make trouble." Lin Yifei made a decision quickly.

"Is it decided?" After seeing Lin Yifei mention two candidates, Wang Zhonglei asked Nie Wei who was standing beside him. Nie Wei did not answer, but shook his head directly.

"We still need to interview. These are just to match the image. It depends on the acting skills. Even if it is a vase, the quality must be up to standard." Nie Wei replied.

"You are right, but remember to give priority to the company's artists."

"I know."

Nie Wei smiled and patted Wang Zhonglei on the shoulder. Is there any need to remind him? As a major shareholder of the company, he also has the obligation to safeguard the interests of the company.

Then they discussed a lot of details about the movie, such as the photographer Nie Wei liked, the choice of lighting technician, and where the best place to shoot was. It lasted for more than an hour before it ended, but it was not over yet. There were many large and small meetings to follow.

As soon as I returned to the lounge, I saw Luo Kai standing beside me, who looked like he had something to say.

"What's wrong?" Nie Wei put down his notebook and asked.

"Huang Xiaoming's agent called and said he wanted to treat us to dinner." Luo Kai replied.

"Rejected." Nie Wei refused directly. Seeing Luo Kai's hesitation, he couldn't help asking, "Anything else?"

"Well, Cheng Kun's agent also called."

Hearing Luo Kai's words, Nie Wei didn't know whether to be angry or happy. He smiled speechlessly and said directly to Luo Kai, "I have already rejected Huang Xiaoming. Do I need to say anything about Cheng Kun? Just ask them to read the script more. It's better than anything else."

As soon as Luo Kai left, Lin Yifei came over.

"Nie Wei, you were so handsome in the conference room just now." As soon as she entered the room, the little girl shouted excitedly. There was a reason why she was so excited. Seeing that the movie in which she was the heroine had been put on the agenda, she participated in this kind of meeting for the first time. The key was that she also enjoyed the benefits of choosing actors. Now the little girl was very excited and spoke a few points higher than usual.

Nie Wei was stunned. He didn't quite understand what Lin Yifei said, but he could see that the girl was very excited, so he nodded and responded.

But this time, I specifically called Lin Yifei over because I had something to ask her.

"Xixi, tell me the truth, did you really choose Huang Xiaoming during the meeting because you think he is good, or because you didn't want to choose Cheng Kun?"

After asking this question, Nie Wei looked into Lin Yifei's eyes and quickly came up with the answer.

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