Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 40 39. Transcendence

"Don't cry, my daughter. What's so great about him? If he doesn't play the role, then don't play the role. Don't cry, don't cry." In a small room, Lin Xiaoli hugged her daughter distressedly and kept comforting her.

Shu Chang, who was next to her, was telling Nie Wei the reason with an angry face.

"After you left, Xixi found that there was a separate scene with Jin Yanxi in the script. She was afraid that she couldn't play it well, so she went to find Cheng Kun. As a result, the other party directly refused. You said that although he is more popular than us, he shouldn't be like this, it's just a scene, why bother."

"Maybe there is a villain who is making trouble?" Nie Wei thought of Zhang Deye. Could it be that this guy took the initiative again?

"Absolutely not, I saw Cheng Kun refuse in person." Shu Chang also thought of Nie Wei's experience and immediately denied it. In fact, the reason why she was so angry was because she saw Cheng Kun's face when he refused. He really deserved a beating.

Thinking about Cheng Kun's recent troubles, Nie Wei could understand rationally, but emotionally, he also found it difficult to accept. It was obvious that Lin Yifei seemed to be affected this time, which was not difficult to see from Cheng Kun's attitude towards him in the morning.

However, looking at Lin Yifei who was still sobbing quietly, Nie Wei knew that the main thing now was not how to complain about this matter, but to calm Lin Yifei down.

After all, the shooting was about to start, and how could the girl go on stage with red eyes and aggrieved look like this.

"Xixi, do you feel aggrieved?" Nie Wei asked Lin Yifei, but Shu Chang on the side couldn't help rolling his eyes. How could he not feel aggrieved? Why did his brother always ask such nonsense?

Lin Yifei did not answer, but Nie Wei continued to say: "It's normal to feel wronged. To be honest, I was treated similarly a few days ago, but I might be a little worse than you because I didn't even see Cheng Kun."

Nie Wei's words immediately attracted Lin Yifei who was hiding in Lin Xiaoli's arms. The little girl raised her head, blinked her red eyes, and looked at Nie Wei with some surprise.

Not only her, but even Lin Xiaoli was surprised by this matter.

"I also felt very wronged at the time, but what's the use of just feeling wronged? If you wipe your tears now, it will only affect yourself. Can you make the other person lose a piece of meat?" Nie Wei continued to ask.

The girl bit her lip and wanted to refute, but no matter how she turned her mind, she couldn't seem to find a suitable reason.

"Then do you want to know how I did it?" Looking at the girl's inability to refute, Nie Wei asked with a smile.

Lin Yifei shook her head.

"It's very simple. If he doesn't act with me, then I have to perform better than him during the filming, and much better, so that the director and even everyone will have a strong contrast after watching, and he is not as good as me in the camera." When Nie Wei said this, his eyes were bright, exuding strong confidence.

"But... but I am a newcomer, how can I act better than him?"

"Because you are a newcomer, you have to work harder. Don't always think that you are not as good as him now. You have to think that one day you will surpass him, and then you will be able to stand in front of him with confidence when you work together again, and tell him with your acting skills that you are not as good as me!" Looking at Lin Yifei who looked unwilling, Nie Wei said loudly.

These words not only made Lin Yifei's eyes glow again, but even Shu Chang and Lin Xiaoli beside them felt a surge of blood boiling. It was really exciting to imagine the scenes in Nie Wei's words.

"You are a newcomer now, but a low starting point does not mean that you will achieve less in the future. Everyone will have a newcomer period, and so will I. But as long as we work hard, we may not be able to catch up in the future. So think about it carefully. Do you want to shed tears here in vain, or wipe away your tears and start working hard from now on?" Nie Wei looked directly at Lin Yifei and took out a handkerchief and handed it to her.

"Isn't this for blowing your nose?" Lin Yifei suddenly asked after looking at the handkerchief in front of her for a long time.

This sentence immediately made everyone laugh.

"It's for blowing your nose. You're so dirty." Nie Wei threw the handkerchief to the girl in a bad mood, but the smile on his mouth couldn't help but stretch out. Obviously, he could see that the little hurdle in the girl's heart had passed.

After listening to Nie Wei's words, Lin Yifei was obviously inspired and tried hard to reach the height in Nie Wei's words.

Nie Wei was not stingy with his help. He and Shu Chang helped Lin Yifei act together. Lin Xiaoli, who was watching, was almost moved to tears. These kids are so lovable.

It has to be said that as a newcomer, Lin Yifei has many flaws in her acting skills, but just as the film academy loves to teach children who have never filmed a movie, for Lin Yifei, who is a blank sheet of paper, it is obvious that every teaching of Nie Wei is an improvement for her.

Half an hour later, the stage manager came to notify the shooting. In order to encourage Lin Yifei, Shu Chang and Nie Wei, who had no role, also came to the set.

When Shu Chang saw Cheng Kun, he was still gritting his teeth, and Lin Xiaoli's face was not very good. After all, her daughter was bullied by this guy. However, as a person at that time, Lin Yifei did not have too many negative emotions. She only thought about how she should work hard to surpass this guy.

"Remember, don't try too hard when you perform. This is a simple conversation, without too much emotion. The more natural you act, the better. Just like I taught you just now, slow down and keep a normal mind."

"I understand." Lin Yifei nodded seriously after listening to Nie Wei's instruction.

Watching Lin Yifei walk into the shooting site, Nie Wei brought Shu Chang and Lin Xiaoli to the director's side.

"Little Teacher Nie, are you here to test your apprentice's learning results?" Li Dawei seemed to be in a good mood. Seeing Nie Wei and others coming over, he did not forget to tease.

"You have to be in the director's eyes." Nie Wei smiled and pulled Shu Chang to sit on the other side of the monitor, while Lin Xiaoli stood on the scene with some worry, constantly looking at Lin Yifei in the scene, and seemed to be more nervous than the two protagonists who were about to shoot.

At Li Dawei's order, the shooting began.

Looking at the feedback from the monitor, Li Dawei's face was obviously startled. He could see that Lin Yifei still had many problems of newcomers, especially the ability to read lines, which could not be cultivated in a short time. After all, few people would be like a monster like Nie Wei, who had never filmed a play but performed more sophisticated than most old actors.

But it is undeniable that Lin Yifei's performance is much better than he expected. At least the girl's positioning and emotional expression are very good. If you grasp these two points, those shortcomings will not seem to be a big problem.

After the game, Li Dawei ordered to go through it again, and at the same time curiously asked Nie Wei: "Did you teach this in the morning?"

"How is it, my brother is awesome." Before Nie Wei answered, Shu Chang on the side answered with a proud face.

Facing the girl's words, Li Dawei directly gave Nie Wei a thumbs up.

(Thanks to Tang Tangan for the reward of 588, thanks to Shaoshuai for the reward of 110, and a little reading classmate for the reward, thank you all for your generosity.)

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