Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 42 41. Eating from the inside and betraying the outside

A deserted little hotel near the studio suddenly welcomed a wave of rare guests today.

After watching the girl at the front desk leave the room card, Li Wei sighed and locked the door. When he turned around, he saw Cheng Kun, whom he had raised, sitting on the bed with his face covered.

Although he couldn't see it, Li Wei felt that his expression must be very painful now.

Because just now he suddenly got a piece of news that the thing that Cheng Kun had been hiding had happened.

"Alas." Li Wei sighed. Although he was also very anxious, he still had to calm Cheng Kun down. After walking to the sofa next to the bed and sitting down, he said directly: "Don't worry, it's not yet finalized. The company is also seizing the time for public relations. Don't worry, the company said that it will help you suppress it at all costs." However, these words did not seem to have much effect on Cheng Kun. After a while, Cheng Kun, who was covering his face, finally said: "Brother, am I finished?" Hearing this painful voice, Li Wei also felt his heart tremble. He wanted to open his mouth to answer several times, but for some reason, the words could not come out. Maybe Li Wei didn't want to lie to this child anymore. Li Wei was probably the one who knew the actual situation best. He didn't know where the news leaked. In short, at least three newspapers received the news. As for how much money these newspapers spent to buy this news, Li Wei didn't know, but he knew very well that the result of multiple newspapers receiving the news was not something that his agency could suppress. Presumably, these newspapers are trying to rush to submit their manuscripts so that they can grab the first headline.

Li Wei's silence seemed to stimulate Cheng Kun's heart, which was on the verge of breaking. After a moment of silence, Cheng Kun seemed to have lost his support and fell on the bed with his back facing up. Then a low sob came out from his fingers.

This crying sound was full of grief and fragility, as if what he cried out was his inner world at the moment, which would be shattered as soon as the final verdict came out.

Li Wei looked at Cheng Kun crying on the bed, and did not say any more meaningless words to comfort him. He just silently found a box of tissues and put it beside him, but Cheng Kun did not take his hands away from his face from beginning to end.

The crying lasted for a long time, so long that Li Wei felt a little sore from sitting. When the crying gradually stopped, Li Wei realized that Cheng Kun had fallen asleep while crying.

"You must be tired. Have a good sleep. Maybe everything will be solved when you wake up." While helping Cheng Kun cover the quilt gently, Li Wei sighed again, then slowed down and left the room.

After closing the door, Li Wei came downstairs, but found that only the driver Xiao Wang was present.

"Where is Zhang Deye?" Li Wei asked with a frown, his tone was very dissatisfied.

"I don't know. He just said he was going to buy something with someone and said he was preparing for Brother Kun." Xiao Wang saw that Li Wei's tone was not good, and quickly replied.

"Busy." Li Wei shook his head, then thought of something, and quickly asked again: "Aren't you still filming? Have you asked for leave from the crew?"

Hearing this, Xiao Wang was stunned.

Seeing Xiao Wang's expression, Li Wei knew that something bad was going to happen, so he quickly took out his phone. However, seeing that he had temporarily turned off his phone, he was afraid that some media would cause trouble after turning it on. After thinking for a while, he quickly put the phone back in his pocket and said to Xiao Wang, "Let me use your phone."

While Li Wei was busy making amends with the crew, Nie Wei had already caught up with the figure. As expected, it was Zhang Deye.

However, Zhang Deye, who always wanted to walk with his head held high, was now shrinking his head and even covered his face tightly. He wore a hat and mask, revealing only half of his nose and eyes, and his figure was also sneaky.

Out of curiosity, Nie Wei did not immediately go up to catch him, but just followed him slowly behind him, wanting to see what tricks this kid was going to play.

Nie Wei followed Zhang Deye like this, and as he twisted and turned in several alleys, he finally stopped in a quiet alley.

Just when Nie Wei was still doubting Zhang Deye's purpose of coming here, he saw Zhang Deye took out his mobile phone and sent a text message. A few minutes later, another person also entered the alley.

After seeing the person coming, Zhang Deye directly took out an envelope from his pocket, and the person also took out a bulging brown paper bag.

"Have you brought everything?"

"I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Seeing this scene, Nie Wei also knew that Zhang Deye must be selling something. Looking at the bulging brown paper bag, the money in it must be at least 50,000 yuan. I don't know what Zhang Deye is selling that is so expensive.

But when he thought about it, Nie Wei suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind. He connected it to Cheng Kun's disappearance. Could it be...

Sure enough, in the next scene, Nie Wei saw the stranger taking out a few card-like things from the envelope handed over by Zhang Deye. If nothing unexpected happened, it must be photos.

After looking at the photo, the man smiled brightly, obviously very satisfied with the content. He patted Zhang Deye on the shoulder, said "Let's cooperate again", and left the alley.

Zhang Deye, who stayed in the alley, couldn't wait to open the brown paper bag and took out two bundles of red Huaxia currency from it.

"Hahahaha, I'm rich now, damn it, I'll quit my job, anyway that bastard is useless..." Zhang Deye laughed wildly, his eyes red, and kept putting 20,000 yuan to his nose, as if the dirty smell of money could satisfy him physically and mentally, but he didn't notice Nie Wei approaching step by step behind him.

Nie Wei, who moved slowly behind Zhang Deye, made a hand knife with his palm and attacked without hesitation, and chopped his neck directly with a hand knife. Zhang Deye, who was still laughing, fell to the ground with a "click".

Looking at Zhang Deye who fainted on the ground, Nie Wei sneered, picked up the brown paper bag on the ground, opened it, and saw that there were still four bundles of Chinese currency in it.

"There are quite a lot of them." Nie Wei put away the brown paper bag and searched Zhang Deye again. As expected, he found another brown paper bag. There were 50,000 yuan in this bag. Obviously, this guy sold this information to more than one family. He really cheated his master to death.

Then Nie Wei took out Zhang Deye's mobile phone and edited a text message to the driver Xiao Wang.

"Xiao Wang, I forgot where you were just now. Please reply to the address as soon as possible."

"Aishe Hotel, No. XX, Hetan Street..."

Seeing the address sent by the mobile phone, Nie Wei memorized it instantly, and then deleted the text message directly. He put the mobile phone back into Zhang Deye's pocket intact, took two brown paper bags, carried Zhang Deye on his back, and walked out of the alley.

The night in late winter always comes very early. It was late and Zhang Deye didn't come back. This made Xiao Wang very anxious. Just when he couldn't help getting off the car and wanted to look for this person, he felt the back door suddenly rang.

Xiao Wang got out of the car and saw that Zhang, whom he had missed for a long time, was leaning against the wheel of the back door without moving.

This scared Xiao Wang, and he wanted to go over to take a look, but he was driven back by a strong smell of alcohol before he could get close.

"Why did he drink so much?" Xiao Wang thought dissatisfiedly. After all, he was waiting in the car, but this guy went out to eat, drink and have fun. The key was that he was scolded by Brother Li many times. How could he feel balanced in his heart?

Under dissatisfaction, Xiao Wang's attitude also changed. He walked up and kicked Zhang Deye. Just when he was about to say a few words of complaint, he suddenly found that Zhang Deye actually had two brown paper bags in his arms.

(Thanks to the generous reward of 588 from classmate Shiguang Wuxiaoxiao!)

Unable to resist curiosity, Xiao Wang covered his nose and took the two brown paper bags from Zhang Deye's arms. He opened them and was immediately scared.

"Brother Li, Brother Li, please come down quickly, Zhang Deye is back!" After a long pause, Xiao Wang looked at the bundles of Chinese currency in the brown paper bag and immediately called Li Wei.

When Li Wei rushed downstairs, looked at the money in the brown paper bag, and then looked at Zhang Deye who was "drunk" and fell beside the car, his eyes instantly became sinister.

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