Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 431 431. Stupidity

Aoki Jiro had other thoughts in his mind, and he could no longer concentrate. His eyes became hollow and he was obviously distracted. On the contrary, Noda Kumaichi's expression became more serious the more he listened.

In Noda Kumaichi's heart, he had no doubt about the quality of Nie Wei's songs, but this song "Prisoner-Of-Love" still gave him an amazing feeling. It is difficult to know that Japanese pop musicians from other countries are difficult to Capturing the essence, because he embodies the characteristics of a nation, even the musicians in the Baodao music circle, which is closely integrated with the Japanese music circle, cannot do it. In his opinion, it is also difficult for Nie Wei to do it.

But the reality was exactly the opposite of what he thought. Not only did Nie Wei do it, but he did it very well.

First of all, the melody of this song is simply the most essential Japanese style, and the wording and grammar are accurate, and the lyrics are meaningful, but the melody matches it very well. When you hear it, it sounds like a song written by a person with a story.

And such songs will also make people feel very resonant and will not make people feel like they are moaning for no reason.

But what surprised Noda Kumaichi the most was Nie Wei’s creative ability. I originally thought that Nie Wei was good at Chinese pop music and some global soundtracks, but now it seems that I still underestimated this musician by a long way. He obviously also has a deep knowledge of Japanese pop music, and this is what he thinks is the biggest treasure he discovered during his visit to China.

After listening to a song, neither of them took off their headphones. Aoki Jiro was a little distracted, while Noda Kumaichi was immersed in the beautiful melody just now and was reminiscing.

It wasn't until Nie Wei patted their shoulders that they came back to their senses.

Taking off the headset, Noda Kumaichi did not hesitate to praise him and said loudly to Nie Wei: "Mr. Nie Wei, your attainments in Japanese pop music are admirable. I am glad that I did not blindly draw conclusions, otherwise I would not be able to do it today." I’m going to miss a good song.”

After finishing speaking, Noda Xiongyi did not forget to give a thumbs up to Alan beside him, and said enviously: "Miss Alan, your teacher is a real genius."

"I think so too." Alan's eyes narrowed as he smiled.

Seeing the girl's beaming face, Noda Xiongyi was secretly envious in his heart. With Nie Wei's support, this girl with very good conditions would not be difficult to become popular as long as she worked hard. This also made Noda Xiongyi a pair like this. I am even more looking forward to this cooperation. After all, as long as the cooperation is successful, Alan will also become a member of their company, and Nie Wei will also become a strong helper, and maybe he can really win a Chinese star in Japan. The diva.

At this moment, Aoki Jiro's expression on the side was not very good, mainly because of what Noda Kuichi said just now, what is meant by 'blindly drawing conclusions'? It was obviously alluding to what he said at the banquet yesterday.

Thinking of this, Aoki Jiro felt a little pain in his face, as if he had been slapped twice. He did not expect that Nie Wei had grasped the essence of Japanese pop music, leaving him no room for fault.

After all, a good song is a good song. Let alone the expatriate head of the business department, even if he was handed over to Sony's most powerful musicians from the head office, he would definitely get the same answer, and this song completely proves it. , what I said yesterday was completely wrong.

But the more he felt that he was wrong, the more Jiro Aoki felt that it was a pity to give this song to a newcomer, Alan, especially since Alan was not well-known in Japan yet. If she sang it, not to mention whether she could sing it well, she would not finish it. In terms of single sales, I am afraid that the benefits cannot be maximized.

If this song is given to a well-known female singer to sing, then the real benefits will be maximized. This is also the result that Jiro Aoki believes should be pursued.

"Mr. Nie Wei, I admit the mistake I made yesterday, and I'm sorry." After recovering his thoughts, Aoki Jiro immediately stood up, bowed ninety degrees to Nie Wei without hesitation, and apologized.

This shocked everyone else in the recording studio. After all, this apology came too suddenly and was too unprepared. A ninety-degree bow to apologize is so rare in China, and it makes people feel even more confused. Shui, why did the Japanese offend Nie Wei and now apologize so formally?

Facing everyone's gaze, Nie Wei behaved very calmly. He first helped Aoki Jiro up and then replied: "Mr. Aoki, I just hope you will not jump to premature conclusions next time."

Nie Wei's fluttering words made Aoki Jiro blush again. This mistake was indeed unforgivable in his opinion, so he apologized again: "I'm sorry, Mr. Nie Wei, I'm too subjective in looking at the problem. I hope you won't Yesterday’s remarks will affect the cooperation between you and us at Sony. Now that we have listened to your work, we at Sony will definitely show greater sincerity.”

"We will show the greatest sincerity when we love Bex, and we must be more sincere than Sony!" Noda Xiongyi said immediately, fearing that Nie Wei would be impressed by the golden sign of 'Sony'.

Noda Kumaichi's worry was not unreasonable. Nie Wei could not see it unless he was moved. However, several musicians on the side and even the vice president Wu Ming did have a look on their faces after hearing Jiro Aoki's assurance. Noda Kumaichi was very aware of the appeal of the 'Sony' brand, so he was so eager to make a commitment, and even went so far as to start a face-to-face competition with Jiro Aoki.

However, in the face of Noda Kumaichi's provocative words, Aoki Jiro raised his head slightly, with a look of disdain to respond.

Noda Bear's face was a little red, he was angry. He really wanted to give this compatriot a punch. You guys, Sony, are awesome and you are a world-class record company, but you are not going to ignore We Love Becks so much Take it seriously?

Thinking of this, Noda Xiongyi decided to pursue the victory and raised a request for negotiation in front of Nie Wei for the first time.

"There's no rush. We'll talk about cooperation tomorrow. You all have a good rest today and we'll talk about anything tomorrow." Nie Wei didn't seem to be in a hurry at this time. She didn't forget to instruct the staff on the side to bring her two A Japanese person went to visit several places of interest in Kyoto.

However, neither Noda Kumaichi nor Aoki Jiro was in such a mood, and they were both familiar with China. They had seen the famous places and historic sites in Kyoto many times, so they had no interest in them.

After rejecting Nie Wei's 'kindness', the two had no choice but to return to the hotel because of Nie Wei's words.

After entering the room, the two of them took out their mobile phones and dialed the number of their immediate boss.

Noda Kumaichi reported the matter truthfully to the president above on the phone, and finally did not forget to comment on Nie Wei's song. This is a song that can be included in the song of the year.

"Do you still remember the melody? Please sing it to me." Beichuan said on the other side of the phone.

Noda Bear thought about it and sang the most poisonous melody at the beginning. However, although he worked in a record company, his singing voice was not very good, which made his boss Kitagawa frown.

But after singing a short melody, Kitagawa, a true professional musician, had already restored the melody of the song in his mind, and it was also certain that Noda Kumaichi's words were not exaggerated. ingredients.

"Do you think Nie Wei can continue to maintain this level of creation?" Beichuan asked after thinking about it for a while.

"Nie Wei has many works, and what's rare is that every one of them can be called a masterpiece. This is a truly talented person. According to the average peak period of a musician's creation, Nie Wei has at least ten years left. During the peak period of creation, I think the number of masterpieces will be no less than a hundred!”

After Noda Xiongyi said these words, he swallowed subconsciously, because at this moment he suddenly remembered that if Nie Wei really maintained the quality of his creations as he said, it would not take ten years, but only five years. , you can call him a phenomenal musician.

"And..." Beichuan suddenly added: "If it is true as you said, then Mr. Nie Wei's learning ability is also amazing. Maybe we will have more cooperation in the future, outside of Asia."

Kitagawa's words made Noda Xiongyi's heart skip a beat. He completely understood the meaning of Kitagawa's words. Since Nie Wei can have such accomplishments in Japanese pop music, who can guarantee that he is not good at European and American pop music?

Even if he is not good at it now, with Nie Wei's ability, I believe he will be able to do it as long as he is willing.

"You're right." Thinking of this, Noda Xiongyi immediately replied, fully agreeing with Kitagawa's point of view.

"Then the cooperation conditions given before are not very sincere. Now I declare that the cooperation conditions in your hand are invalid. We will give a new condition within two hours. We must negotiate with Sony before Huayi Records has reached a cooperation." Beichuan made the decision decisively. As one of the company's decision-makers, he cannot be blinded by temporary interests and must take a longer-term view.

In a room not far from Noda Kuichi, Sony's head of records, Tomo Nakabaki, was also reprimanding Jiro Aoki with the same words.

In the phone call just now, Aoki Jiro reported everything he saw to Nakahata Ryochi, including of course the mistakes he made.

Of course, he did not forget to tell Nakaha Ryochi that he wanted to win the song and have it sung by his female singer Utada Hikaru.

"BOSS, the style of this song is really suitable for Utada Hikaru. It's like it was tailor-made for her. It's just right for Utada to consolidate her position and even pursue the victory, surpassing Ayumi Hamasaki who loves Becks, and completely steal her. After her first day on the throne.”

Jiro Aoki said this for a reason. Although Hamasaki Ayumi is still the top diva in Japan, since 2004, Hikaru Utada's rising speed has threatened this super diva. What excites Sony most is that At the end of last year, the album release dates of the two collided, and the final product was Hikari Utada. This made Sony Music suddenly discover that this former super queen is not invincible.

This is why Aoki immediately thought of Utada Hikaru after hearing the song. First, this song is really suitable for Utada Hikaru. In addition, he also hopes that through this song, he can have a relationship with the female star who is about to become a super queen. close relationship.

"Stupid!" But when he expressed his thoughts, all he got in exchange was Zhongbo Liangzhi's comment, and it was full of anger.

Aoki was also a little confused when he heard this time. It wasn't until Zhongbo Liangzhi spoke again that he came back to his senses.

"Do you think a song can make Utada Hikaru defeat Hamasaki? It's naive, and your move is very inappropriate. What about your vision? Can't you see that the biggest treasure in this matter is actually Mr. Nie Wei? You This stupid idea will only push Mr. Nie Wei further and further. Not only will we not be able to get the song, but we will also completely lose the opportunity to cooperate with Mr. Nie Wei!”

"I now order you to return home immediately. I will send another candidate to discuss cooperation matters." Zhongbo Liangzhi hung up the phone after saying that, without giving Jiro Aoki a chance to explain.

Jiro Aoki's face was pale. He didn't notice when his phone slipped and fell to the ground, because at this time he had only one thought in his mind, that is, it was over.

At nine o'clock the next morning, Noda Kumaichi left the hotel on time, but he didn't meet Jiro Aoki at the door. He thought that the other party had left the hotel in advance. Until Huayi Records, he still didn't see this opponent. Instead, five minutes later, a strange compatriot came.

Seeing this compatriot, Noda Kumaichi's heart sank, knowing that Aoki must have had a problem, and Sony temporarily adjusted the negotiating representative.

This was both good and bad for Noda Kumaichi. The new negotiating representative would definitely not be able to make an accurate judgment on Huayi Records as clearly as himself, and without the communication process with Nie Wei and Alan, he would lose a lot of confidence, but there were also many disadvantages. At least this strange compatriot must have come to make up for the mistakes made by Aoki, which would inevitably bring greater sincerity.

As a member of Avex, he knows exactly how powerful Sony is. If Sony is really determined to compete with Avex for this cooperation opportunity, the conditions they offer will definitely be much better than Avex. After all, the foundation is there. Now I just hope that Sony's attention to Huayi Records will remain at the same level, so that Avex still has a chance.

The representatives of both sides had no communication until Nie Wei came. They just sat on both sides of the conference room, clearly separated, and no one spoke until Nie Wei came in with the negotiation team of Huayi Records, sweeping away the depressing atmosphere in the conference room.

The two sides introduced themselves again. Nie Wei had been notified of Sony's replacement negotiations a long time ago, so he was not surprised at this moment.

"Mr. Noda, Mr. Uchiyama, I have two more words to say before the negotiation." Nie Wei stood in the main seat, supporting his hands on the table, and leaning forward slightly, making everyone who looked at him feel a sense of oppression.

Noda Kumaichi even felt the pressure he felt when facing his own president from Nie Wei.

Thanks to 0773 for his generous reward!

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