Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 448 448. Conquering two cities in a row

"Now let's talk about the best actress." Nie Wei said. Looking at Shu Chang's nervous look, Nie Wei, who was about to speak, suddenly changed his mind and asked Shu Chang first: "First, tell me who you are most optimistic about. ?”

"Me?" Shu Chang was obviously startled, obviously not expecting Nie Wei to ask this.

However, it is really difficult for her to answer this question. As one of the finalists, Shu Chang herself also hopes to win the award, but she has been hinting that she is young and has low qualifications, so the possibility of winning is not high. Her thoughts were very contradictory, so at this moment Nie Wei suddenly asked, leaving her really unsure how to answer.

"I think Sister Yang Qianhua's performance may be better, and Sister Shu Qi's performance is also good."

"Really think so?" Nie Wei asked Shu Chang with a smile. The latter did not answer, but just glared at Nie Wei. This bad guy knew how to embarrass himself.

"I won't tease you anymore, let me talk about the best heroine in my mind now." Nie Wei put away her smile and said seriously.

"Let's talk about your favorite teacher Yang Qianhua first." Nie Wei analyzed: "This time her shortlisted work is "A Thousand Cups of Not Drunk", which tells the story of a wandering prodigal and a beer girl. It can be said that this character It suits Yang Qianhua very well. She looks like a silly elder sister on the surface, but she can actually see through it better than anyone else. So if you think she plays the role well, I agree. "

"It's just that the plot of the film itself is too weak, so the character creation doesn't have any outstanding highlights. This is Yang Qianhua's weakness in competing for the Best Actress this time. So compared to Yang Qianhua, Shu Qi you mentioned later, I think the winning rate is higher. Bigger.”

"First of all, the film "The Best of Time" should be better than "A Thousand Cups of Drinks". Hou Hsiao-hsien is a very talented director, and he knows better than Dongsheng how to make a romantic literary film. Moreover, Shu Qi not only interprets one character in this film, but three characters, three love affairs in different periods, with completely different cultural backgrounds, but she can still perform them well, which is amazing. "

"I admit that Shu Qi's performance is very good, but Yang Qianhua's performance is also very good. This is not a competition for best picture, but for best actress. Shouldn't the selection be based on performance?" Shu Chang retorted.

"Performance is only part of it. How can this kind of award ceremony be purely for watching a performance? And you have to understand that Shu Qi is from Baodao, and this movie is also a local film from Baodao, even if it is for the development of Baodao movies. , I guess the jury will give Shu Qi a few more votes.”

What Nie Wei said was somewhat realistic, which made Shu Chang feel a little depressed, and felt that his chances of winning the Best Actress were much smaller.

After all, I really can’t say that my performance can surpass Yang Qianhua and Shu Qi, and I don’t have Shu Qi’s local advantage, so what can I do to fight for it?

Feeling disappointed, Shu Chang wanted to end this topic early, so he said directly: "Then the best heroine in your heart is Shu Qi, who has the greatest chance of winning."

"No." Nie Wei's answer surprised Shu Chang and looked at him in confusion. Could it be another Chen Xiangqi whose name she had never heard of?

"The best heroine in my mind will always be you." Just when Shu Chang was thinking wildly, Nie Wei suddenly gave an answer, which made Shu Chang feel caught off guard.

A little shy, a little nauseous, but of course also happy, especially Nie Wei's eyes were still so sincere. Even though the girl knew that this was probably her boyfriend's words to coax her, she still felt extremely happy.

Shu Chang, whose mood turned from cloudy to sunny, chatted with Nie Wei for a long time, until he was so sleepy that he dozed off and had to hold Nie Wei's arm before falling asleep. Luo Kai on the side also felt the same when he saw the sweet look of the young couple. Couldn't help but smile.

The plane quickly arrived at Baodao. Nie Wei and Luo Kai did not check into the hotel organized by the Golden Horse Awards. Instead, they checked directly into a five-star hotel that Zhou Aiguo had just opened in Baodao. Nie Wei chose to stay at this hotel this time. The hotel can be regarded as helping Uncle Zhou's hotel advertise.

Nie Wei and Shu Chang's dresses are provided by specialized brands. They are all customized and need to be made by their designers. Now the clothes are indeed completed, but they will not arrive until tomorrow. At that time, the costume designers will follow the plane. Come and be prepared to make changes to your costume at any time.

On the first night they came to Baodao, the two didn't go out for a stroll. They just stayed together in the hotel, either chatting or playing games together, enjoying their unique time together.

But this was a pain for the paparazzi who were waiting outside. After getting the hotel information about Nie Wei and Shu Chang, they kept waiting outside the hotel, waiting for the two of them to appear together so that they could take some photos or something, but the wait was endless. , even though no one came out, it was almost twelve o'clock, and the paparazzi knew that there was no chance of anything happening today.

But knowing that there is no chance, they still hold on to the one in 10,000 possibility. In other words, the newspaper will not give up the slightest chance. As long as there are conditions, they will basically send out successors.

The next day Nie Wei got up early to exercise. When passing by the parking lot, she often saw people sleeping with their cameras inside.

When he came back, the reporters also got up and gathered around Nie Wei to take a few photos. However, Nie Wei did not answer any of the interview questions, but even this was enough for the reporters. At least they had these photos. , they can make a business trip.

Sure enough, on the Internet, they soon saw news about Nie Wei, with pictures of him in the morning, saying how early Nie Wei got up to exercise, how much he exercised, how serious and hardworking Nie Wei was, just like what they really saw. In fact, more than 90% of it was fabricated by this group of people.

Fortunately, the news was positive, and Nie Wei didn't have time to argue with them, because the dress had already arrived.

After agreeing on a time, the other party appeared in Nie Wei's room on time, with two staff members, and the dress was in the hands of these staff members.

Nie Wei's dress looked simple, a black suit, a white shirt, and a black bow tie, but if you look closely, you can find that this suit is extraordinary.

First of all, the material looks extraordinary, the color is very pure, and people have a sense of extraordinary at first glance. Secondly, the accessories on the suit are also very famous. Take the buttons alone. According to the designer, the buttons nailed on Nie Wei's dress are still antiques. Although they are made of brass, the price is really high.

The same goes for the brooches, which are matched with the buttons. This brand has really put a lot of effort into putting together such a set of antique accessories.

As for the design of the clothing itself, it goes without saying that although the appearance has not changed much from the mainstream suits, the details are very well done. For example, the waistline and leg lines, the designer team spent a long time calculating how much room to leave. They worked so hard just to show Nie Wei's figure to the maximum extent without making Nie Wei feel too tight.

It can be said that this suit is truly low-key luxury, which is very much in line with Nie Wei's appetite.

And Shu Chang's dress is also extraordinary. The designer designed the work based on Shu Chang's figure, temperament and other aspects, almost showing Shu Chang's advantages from head to toe.

What impressed Nie Wei the most was the pair of crystal shoes that Shu Chang wore with her dress. They were crystal clear and matched with Shu Chang's slender and white jade feet. Nie Wei swore that he didn't have that kind of special hobby, but he also felt a sense of temptation from the bottom of his heart.

"Is it beautiful?" Shu Chang circled around and asked Nie Wei.

"Very, very, very beautiful!" Nie Wei used three "very"s to deepen this beauty. Shu Chang was very happy to hear it, and his eyes were smiling like crescents.

The designer on the side was also very happy. After all, the clothes he made were recognized. More importantly, as long as he could succeed this time, his status in the company would be promoted to a higher level, and the creative environment would be better.

Nie Wei was very satisfied with the clothes, and naturally he was also very satisfied with the designer, so he specially invited the designer to dinner, and the other party had no reason to refuse. You know, Nie Wei is not only a very influential star in Asia, but also a wealthy man. As a designer, what he needs most is such a popular and wealthy person to wear his works, which can not only play a good role in publicity, but also be a generous customer.

In the days before the opening of the Golden Horse Awards, Nie Wei and Shu Chang also received many invitations to talk shows on local TV stations, but all of them were rejected by Nie Wei. Later, under the lens of the media, the two of them took the crew members who came with them to go shopping in department stores and supermarkets every day, and then to the special night market of Taiwan. In short, a group of people played non-stop every day, and there was no sign of the tension of the upcoming Golden Horse Awards ceremony.

According to the interpretation of the media, these two people came to "participate" this time, and they also analyzed it very well, such as Nie Wei did not win any heavyweight individual awards, Shu Chang felt that her chances of winning the film queen were slim, so she gave up hope, and so on. In short, all kinds of speculations and interpretations.

However, these did not affect the mood of the two people to play, especially Shu Chang. It was her first time to come to Taiwan, and she was accompanied by Nie Wei. These few days were completely spent on the idea of ​​traveling. Even on the day before the Golden Horse Awards, she took Nie Wei to Guandu Waterfront to ride a bicycle for half a day.

Unknowingly, a few days passed, and the Golden Horse Awards ceremony finally arrived.

It was no different from previous years, except that the venue was changed. On the red carpet show, Nie Wei and Shu Chang were still one of the most popular groups of the day. Nie Wei was already very popular in Taiwan, and Shu Chang also earned enough fans in Taiwan, Mainland China and Hong Kong with "Speeding Scandal". What's more, the combination of handsome men and beautiful women, and the dress was so pleasing to the eye, and fans felt that it was reasonable to cheer hard.

And what's interesting is that this time Nie Wei's seat was arranged next to the group of people nominated for Best Actor, while Shu Chang sat across the aisle. Naturally, her side was the lineup of Best Actress nominees. Because the cameras on the scene were scanning back and forth, Nie Wei didn't have time to chat with Shu Chang across the aisle, but instead chatted with Tony Leung next to him for a while.

When almost everyone on the scene had arrived, the countdown to the opening of the Golden Horse Awards had begun.

This year's hosts were no longer Kevin Tsai and Lin Chiling, but were replaced by Taiwan's veteran variety show host Hu Gua and Jay Chou's rumored girlfriend Patty Hou.

The opening scene was a title scene that only appears in old movies. Four blood-red characters soon appeared on the black background with flashing snowflakes. The title of the film is "Chasing the Horse in the Central Plains", and the horse obviously refers to the Golden Horse Awards.

As expected, the following content mainly introduces the history and development of the Golden Horse Awards, and then uses the way of paying tribute to the movie "Kung Fu" to cleverly integrate these things into the program. In short, it is quite creative.

Nie Wei knew that the opening of the Golden Horse Awards was very interesting every year. In the future, some people even made a collection of these and posted them online, which received a lot of praise. However, the opening was good-looking, and the host's funny show was also funny, but they were not as good as the moment when the actual award ceremony began. Soon after the host finished introducing, the winner of the first award was finally announced.

However, most of the awards presented first were for action design and costume design, so they did not receive much attention. It was not until the award for the best original screenplay came out that the audience at the scene was somewhat excited.

The script has always been the foundation of a movie. A good script can make a movie 50% successful. This is also the first time that Nie Wei has been nominated for this award, and it is based on his debut. If he can win this best original screenplay, it will also be a great achievement for Nie Wei.

"The final winner is... Nie Wei, "Speeding Scandal." When the result was announced, Nie Wei could not hide the smile on his face. He stood up and hugged Shu Chang, who had bounced up when he heard the result, and then accepted the blessings from the people around him and walked onto the stage.

Picking up the trophy, Nie Wei said, "I said last year that I would come again this year."

This sentence caused a round of applause at the scene. Of course, everyone would not forget Nie Wei's "promise". In fact, the media reported this matter a few days before this year's Golden Horse Awards ceremony.

Nie Wei's high-spirited appearance made Shu Chang's eyes almost pop out of stars. In fact, not only Shu Chang, but many actresses present were also impressed by Nie Wei's demeanor at this time.

Nie Wei, who won the Best Original Screenplay, did not end his acceptance speech as swiftly as usual, but thanked the crew and the company. After all, in Nie Wei's opinion, today's Best Original Screenplay is the award with the highest probability of winning. In Nie Wei's opinion, whether the next three nominees can go on stage again is really not a big chance, so he simply took this opportunity to thank everyone.

Until the second bell of the Golden Horse Awards reminded the time for speaking, Nie Wei walked off the stage in a chic manner.

Two awards after the Best Original Screenplay were presented, the Best Original Film Song was also presented. What surprised Nie Wei was that this award still went to "Speeding Scandal".

However, "Speeding Scandal", which was only nominated for four awards, suddenly won two awards in a row, which made Nie Wei look at Shu Chang who was delighted by the crew's award.

I really appreciate Jia Ran and 0773's generous reward!

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