Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 484 484. Infinite Challenge Premiere (Part 2)

Originally, the curiosity of the audience about this program mainly came from the viral promotion on blogs and the recommendation of stars such as Nie Wei and He Jiong. However, when the first episode was halfway through, almost all the audience were completely attracted by the content of the program.

They were very curious about what kind of impact would it have if stars participated in the work of ordinary people?

Six stars, six different types of work, the impacts are obviously different.

For example, in the Sichuan restaurant where Xie Na worked, in order to increase the number of diners, Xie Na also used a lot of strange tricks, such as creating a "Xie Na exclusive set meal" and pulling all the waiters to the door of the store to scan their faces to attract customers.

These practices seemed very fresh to the audience, and they had never appeared in previous variety shows. Many viewers wished that a Sichuan restaurant would open next to their homes, so that they could personally enjoy the services of stars.

And Cheng Kun, in previous programs, have you seen him changing diapers for children and tying hair for little girls? The funniest thing is that Cheng Kun, who used to be aloof in everyone's mind, would steal sausages from the kindergarten because he was hungry, and was discovered by the headmaster. When the headmaster scolded Cheng Kun, Cheng Kun's aggrieved look made many little girls smile involuntarily.

Because they suddenly discovered that the aloof male god was also very down-to-earth in private. He was gentle, would steal food because he was hungry, and even cheated when playing games with children. Unconsciously, the original impression of Cheng Kun in the audience's mind was quietly broken, and in their hearts, a new Cheng Kun was slowly reshaped with the program.

And Ma Dong, this guy has a good mouth, teasing the program team and the other brothers and sisters along the way, but when it comes to the real chapter, he becomes a coward, strong in words, but very realistic in body, especially when the camera gives a shot of his legs shaking involuntarily, it really makes the audience feel too interesting.

Even though he had entered the hanging basket, he still couldn't stop asking if it was safe and whether the program team had insured him. The audience laughed and felt that his mouth was really hopeless. He was so scared but still kept talking.

In addition to these three people, Chen Jianzhou, who was dragged to the construction site to move bricks, or Yuchi Linjia, who was sent to the bathhouse for a bath, and of course the worst was Ou Di, who was sent to the coal mine. Several people had unique performances. While watching the joy, the audience was gradually attracted by the side they showed, and unconsciously labeled them in various ways.

Like Ma Dong's chatterbox, coward, Yuchi Linjia's sly, lazy, Chen Jianzhou's muscle man, strongman, etc.

These labels quickly made the image of these stars deeply rooted in the hearts of the audience.

However, the most exciting thing about this program is that it makes the audience feel its reality. This is simply a precedent for mainland variety shows. In the era of interviews, gossip, and game variety shows, the emergence of this variety show is really unheard of, because it is really too real, without any trace of scripts at all. Many variety show producers shouted "incredible" when they saw this program.

The audience really experienced a feeling called "poisoning" in this program.

Just like the Korean programs X-MAN and Love Letter that caused a wave of popularity on the Internet last year, these two programs that are very different from mainland variety shows have captured the hearts of countless Chinese netizens, especially the star pairing program such as Love Letter, which has never appeared before, and I don’t know how many men and women have been crazy about it.

And now Nie Wei’s "Infinite Challenge" is undoubtedly similar in nature, bringing the audience a full sense of freshness, just like a crane standing out from a flock of chickens, and suddenly emerged in the Chinese variety show circle.

After the first episode was aired, Nie Wei didn't need to ask the Internet to promote anything. All the viewers who watched this episode became tap water and actively promoted this variety show.

Of course, Nie Wei would not let the popularity slip away. He soon instructed the post-production team to take some pictures of the hosts of this episode, such as the picture of Ou Di coming out of the coal mine with a black face and smiling with a big white teeth. Once released, it immediately became the most popular picture on the Internet that day.

There were also pictures of Chen Jianzhou's muscles, Ma Dong's eyes closed in fear when hanging in the air, and Cheng Kun's serious look when braiding a little girl. After these pictures appeared on the Internet, they really caused a lot of craze.

Later, under Nie Wei's instructions, the program team also deliberately cut out some particularly funny points into a short video of several minutes. Many viewers who originally didn't just watch it out of curiosity were attracted by these few minutes of short videos and naturally looked for the full version. On the one hand, it increased the click rate of the blog, and on the other hand, it also helped the TV station to replay it the next day.

Soon the ratings for the first episode came out. 1.87 is quite good for a variety show, especially with such an unknown host lineup. It must be said that it is very unusual to have such a first-run ratings.

According to the detailed ratings report, the ratings of this variety show have been maintained at around 1 in the first half. These people should be attracted by the promotional video and the publicity effect of stars such as Nie Wei. In the second half, the ratings of this variety show rose a lot in vain. The scene in the middle where Ou Di cried while eating in the coal mine reached a peak of 1.87.

And these subsequent viewers were obviously attracted by the words of some people who commented while watching TV on the Internet, and this program also successfully retained this group of people, and the consistently high ratings also proved the program's popularity. The attraction is very powerful.

If the ratings cannot reflect the phenomenon level of this program, then the high level of discussion on the Internet can fully prove how popular this variety show is.

Just one day after the show aired, the number of followers of the "Infinite Challenge" blog, which was originally followed by only 20,000 people, instantly increased to 800,000, and this growth rate is still continuing. It is very likely that it will be available in a few hours. Breaking through one million followers.

And under the latest news released by "Infinite Challenge", there are thousands of comments on each one. The number of comments on the most recent news exceeds 10,000, and most of the content inside is from the audience. praise, or ask about the content of the next program, etc.

Another thing that proves the audience's enthusiasm is the ratings of the rebroadcast the next day. After it came out, it simply shocked the attention of a lot of so-called senior variety show producers.

3.68! ! !

The ratings for the rerun were actually twice as high as the ratings for the first broadcast! ! ! What the hell is this? Many variety show producers who paid attention to this show were confused by this data at first. Many people's first thought was that they gave the wrong data. However, after repeated confirmation, everyone proved that this was not wrong, it was 3.68! ! !

As for the reason, it is not difficult to investigate, because those who choose to watch the replay are not only new viewers attracted by the hot discussion on the Internet, but even many old viewers who have time also choose to watch it again.

With such high ratings, it was only the first episode of this show. Now even the media could not sit still and began to report news about this variety show.

Some people call this variety show a cross-generational show.

Some people feel that this variety show has opened up a new path for the mainland variety show circle and is the leader on this path.

There are also six hosts of the show who suddenly became popular in the eyes of the media, and their information was turned upside down by the media and netizens.

For example, Ma Dong was discovered by the media that he graduated from the Kyoto Film Academy. He had also been a host on Hunan Satellite TV and China Satellite TV, and even served as one of the directors of the Spring Festival Gala's language program.

And Ma Dong’s father turned out to be the famous old Mr. Ma Ji. This news suddenly made many people realize. No wonder this little fat man looked familiar. It turned out to be the child of the old Mr. Ma Ji. The father and son looked very similar. It's really like that, and the reason for Ma Dong's broken mouth seems to have emerged. Children from a cross talk family are obviously better at answering than ordinary people.

Yuchi Linjia was also dug up by the media. His past glorious experience was that he once achieved the achievement of "nine consecutive champions" in the program "Challenge the Host", and that variety show was once again overturned through Yuchi Linjia's light. came out, and Yuchi Linjia's wonderful performance at that time was also made into a highlight by many netizens, which was widely circulated on the Internet for a while.

The news that Chen Jianzhou had been a professional basketball player before was also discovered by the media. The public suddenly realized that no wonder this guy was tall and pretentious. He turned out to be a professional athlete.

But what makes everyone laugh the most is that after Odie’s family background was reported by the media, everyone was dumbfounded.

This kid was actually a member of an idol group before he did a variety show. When he imagined Odie with his face covered in soot and crying, everyone laughed and accused the show crew of being so cruel to our Odie.

Of course, many viewers would later add "I like it" to express their appreciation for the show crew's "cruelty".

As an idol, Odie released albums that suddenly became popular. Suddenly, Odie's former company suddenly discovered that there were a lot of orders from the mainland. After learning more about it, he realized that the original members of the group after the disbandment Odie actually became popular again in the Mainland, and also led to a wave of sales of old albums.

And Ou Di received a call from Baodao that night. Some people who had no contact with him began to establish contact with Ou Di again. Even the agent who had given up on him called him. Is he still willing to go back to his old club? Odie finally experienced the reality of what popularity brings.

In addition to making several hosts who were originally unknown in the eyes of the audience gradually become known to the public, Cheng Kun also changed the audience's inherent impression of him through this program.

After the first episode of the program was broadcast, apart from "becoming more handsome", the most popular comments made by female viewers about Cheng Kun were the words "warmth".

He can tie little girls' hair and teach little boys what a real man is. He can skillfully change diapers for children and sing children's songs with them. When children make mistakes, he will patiently teach them what to do. To correct it.

All these practices allowed the audience to see a label called 'good dad' in Cheng Kun. The incident back then has always brought a lot of negative trouble to Cheng Kun, even after a few years. There are still netizens who will never forget it, but as this program aired, their voices suddenly became much quieter.

Netizens' attitude towards Cheng Kun suddenly became much more open-minded. Cheng Kun's few fans were finally able to stand up and speak out for Cheng Kun's changes in the past few years, and the public's acceptance has also become much higher. Although there are still some die-hards who believe that Cheng Kun's fault will last a lifetime, at least many people are willing to believe that Cheng Kun is a responsible man.

The first person to discover this change was Cheng Kun's wife. Although Cheng Kun opened a blog, he rarely read the comments, which had become a knot in his heart. But this time, Cheng Kun's wife took the initiative to let him read the comments.

Under the instigation of his wife, Cheng Kun mustered up the courage and focused his eyes on the computer screen.

When the encouraging comments appeared in front of Cheng Kun, Cheng Kun really felt like the clouds had been cleared and the sun had been shining. He really admired Nie Wei from the bottom of his heart. Every word Nie Wei said to him at the beginning was successful now, which made Cheng Kun look forward to the upcoming TV series.

Xie Na also received an invitation from "Happy Camp" the day after the show was broadcast, asking her to return to Happy Camp as a host, and this time it was no longer a temporary substitute, but an invitation to become a member of the real host group.

The hosting fee that Xie Na cares about the most has also increased significantly. This time, Xiangnan TV invited her to host "Happy Camp" and offered the same hosting fee as another regular host, Wei Jia. This price is already the price of domestic first-line hosts. It can be seen that Xiangnan TV is really determined to catch this rising star in the variety show circle this time.

The six people have changed their lives, and the hosting team of six people has been praised by the media as the biggest dark horse team of the year. Almost all media are optimistic about this hosting team, believing that as long as they follow this routine smoothly, they will become the most popular hosting group in China after all.

These praises reached a peak after the second episode of the show was broadcast. Looking at the super high ratings of 5.56, all media have already used all the praises they can use on this show and several hosts. With the preview of the third episode, Nie Wei's appearance has instantly made the topic of this show top the hot search list of blogs and and other websites.

For a while, most of the discussions about variety shows on the Internet were about "Extreme Challenge". Looking at the ratings of this show, its popularity on the Internet, word of mouth, etc., those in the variety show circle knew that a phenomenal variety show had appeared in China. Under the storm of "Infinite Challenge", the variety show circle will obviously face a reshuffle.

Thank you to Ximen Dengqiuyu for the generous reward of 2000, thank you to Jiaran for the generous reward of 500, thank you to Guxing Wangyue for the generous reward of 2000, 0773.

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