If eyes could pop out, Noda Kumaichi and Sakura's eyes would definitely pop out now.

When they looked at Nie Wei, who looked indifferent in front of them, it was as if they were seeing an alien, or even more exaggerated than seeing an alien.

One song a week?

This shows how much brain circuit it takes to think of this.

Nonsense, impossible, a joke, right?

For a moment, both of them had this thought in their minds, but there was no hint of joking on Nie Wei's face.

"Nie Weijun, you mean, one song every week?" Noda Xiongyi swallowed and confirmed again.

"That's right." Nie Wei nodded, not forgetting to say to Alan beside him: "You and I will be very busy next."

"Always be prepared." Alan swallowed the sushi and saluted Nie Wei playfully.

Seeing the two of them looking like they were about to have a big fight, Sakura on the side felt that she was going crazy. Which singer would do this, and where to find those songs. After all, excellent songs have always been a scarce resource. But if it is an ordinary song, if you make such a fuss, it will only make others laugh.

Before she could express her worries, Noda Xiongyi asked about the song for her.

"I have prepared the song. As for the quality of the song, you don't need to worry. Since I can sing for Alan, it will naturally be a work that I am satisfied with, and the work that I am satisfied with will naturally satisfy the public," Nie Wei said. The tone of these words is very clear, but it gives people a feeling of confidence. This naturally comes from Nie Wei's inner confidence. After all, he has experience beyond this era, so he naturally knows what songs will be popular.

But Sakura and Noda Kuichi on the side didn't know.

Noda Xiongyi was okay, at least he was someone who had seen Nie Wei's evil talent, and felt that what Nie Wei could say might actually be possible, but Sakura felt in her heart that Nie Wei was unreliable.

After all, sometimes even a good song may not be accepted by the public immediately, and it may take time to brew.

But Nie Wei's confident look made her subconsciously want to believe in Nie Wei. What made her feel contradictory was that Nie Wei's confidence seemed to her to be completely certain, and Not bravado and arrogance.

And when she realized her thoughts, Sakura really felt that she might have gone crazy.

"I am responsible for the music part, and you are responsible for the promotion part." No matter how impossible Noda Kumaichi and Sakura thought this matter was, Nie Wei directly made the conclusion. This kind of crazy thing must be spoken out, otherwise it will be allowed to happen. It's just a waste of time for the two of them to mess with each other.

Nie Wei expressed a tough attitude, and Yan Ming's actions this time also passed the decision of the board of directors. Noda Xiongyi and Sakura had no choice but to accept it.

Li An was praying secretly in his heart, praying that this thing would come true. If it succeeded, Alan would definitely be able to attract a lot of popularity through this topic, but if it failed, Alan would be able to go back to China directly, and the Japanese music circle would also This matter will be circulated as a joke for a long time.

While the company was working hard for Nie Wei's crazy plan, Nie Wei himself was also thinking about how to use these songs to achieve the greatest impact for Alan.

Nie Wei spent the whole night writing the plan, deleting, editing, and modifying it until the sun rose the next morning.

Looking at the complete plan on the screen in front of him, Nie Wei's eyes were bloodshot, but he didn't look tired at all. Instead, he looked energetic.

At eight o'clock that day, Nie Wei came to the company on time and called Noda Xiongyi to the conference room immediately.

"This is the publicity plan I wrote, take a look." Nie Wei handed the results of the night to Noda Xiongyi, who quickly took it and read it carefully.

But just after watching the beginning, Noda Xiongyi’s expression became strange.

"Nie Weijun, have you checked this plan?" Noda Xiong pointed at the plan and asked cautiously.

"Of course I have checked it." Nie Wei nodded, how could he make such a small mistake.

But in an instant, Nie Wei figured out the reason why Noda Xiongyi asked. Without waiting for Noda Xiongyi to speak again, he said directly: "You are referring to the change from five songs in the plan to nine songs. This is my modification." As for the final plan, instead of helping Alan release a big EP, I think it would be better to just add four more songs. Counting Alan’s previous song "Prisoner-of-Love", there are ten songs, which is exactly one album."

"The core of my plan is to release an album according to the fans' wishes. Now we have determined two songs. When the second song is produced, we will hold a vote to let the fans choose their favorite song. And we make songs based on what the fans like. If you think about it, for an album like this that is created entirely through fan interaction, I think the topic will definitely explode!”

Nie Wei is such a calm person, but his tone can't help but have a hint of madness at the end. After all, no one in the world's music industry has ever done something like this.

Noda Xiongyi, who was sitting opposite Nie Wei, was sweating coldly. There was only one thought in his mind, that is, Nie Wei was crazy.

"This can't be done, Mr. Nie Wei, this is too crazy." Noda Xiongyi finally broke away from the crazy scene created by Nie Wei and immediately persuaded him anxiously.

Alan is developing smoothly now, there is no need to play this crazy game to get ahead, it is too risky, if she wins, she will soar to the sky, but if she fails, it is entirely possible that Alan will fall directly into hell.

And Alan is so good, in Noda Kumaichi's opinion, as long as she develops slowly, she will definitely be able to enter the ranks of Japan's first-line singers within three to five years, why take such a risk?

What makes Noda Kumaichi feel distressed is that Nie Wei actually ignored his persuasion, just told him that Alan's recording will be suspended today and will start tomorrow, and then he ran away.

And in the past half day, Nie Wei's crazy plan has spread throughout the company, and all employees think that the company's director is crazy.

"It's impossible to achieve this. Unless he has a world-class music library like Sony and Universal to support him, it will only become a joke in the end."

"This 'game' is too crazy. I suspect his brain is broken. He should go see a doctor."

"I have no good feelings towards this director. I would rather not have the bonus. I beg him to go back to China."

"I hope someone in the company's senior management can stand up and stop him. I don't want the company to go down with him."

The whole company was in panic because of Nie Wei's plan. After all, this was too big a game. If Alan was ruined, then all of them would be unemployed.

Just when everyone was praying that Nie Wei's plan would be rejected by the board of directors, Nie Wei brought back a news that made everyone dumbfounded in the afternoon. The board of directors approved Nie Wei's plan and it has now been officially implemented.

"It's over." When the news was announced, everyone in the company looked gray.

"No, we are not finished yet. There is still Alan. As long as Alan does not cooperate, he will not be able to complete this plan." A worker suddenly shouted loudly, and these words really made many people seem to see the light of hope again.

Where is Alan, who illuminates their hope, now?

In the recording studio, looking at the excited Alan on the other side, Nie Wei thought that at this moment, in the whole company, I am afraid that only this silly girl is willing to accompany him to go crazy.

"Are you really going to release ten songs?" Alan pulled Nie Wei's arm to confirm.

"To be precise, there are nine songs. Counting your previous song "Prisoner-of-Love", there are only ten songs, just enough for an album." Nie Wei replied.

Alan opened his bright eyes, blinked at Nie Wei, and confirmed again: "Brother is fully responsible for creating an album of ten songs, right?"

Nie Wei nodded, and as soon as he finished the action, Alan's mouth was grinning, and he laughed excitedly.

"What are we waiting for? Let's start recording now!" After the crazy excitement passed, Alan immediately pulled Nie Wei to record the song with a face full of enthusiasm.

Nie Wei looked at the time, and then looked at Alan who was full of enthusiasm. He felt that there was really no need to waste precious time. He immediately called the two musicians he had worked with before and started to make the second song.

With the order issued by Nie Wei, those who had hoped that Alan would resist lost their last glimmer of hope, and the whole company was suddenly filled with wailing.

Noda Kumaichi may be the most bitter in his heart, but he is also the one who supports Nie Wei the most in the company.

After all, he can't resist, so he can only accept it. He now only hopes that Nie Wei can really create a miracle, and in this basic field, all he has to do is to meticulously complete Nie Wei's plan 100%.

So after Nie Wei and Alan, the third crazy person in the company appeared.

Everyone suddenly found that the usually kind Noda Xiongyi had suddenly become a "tyrant", squeezing them and filling their work schedules. If an employee made a mistake, he would be scolded. In half a day, three girls in the company had been scolded to the point of hiding in the toilet and crying.

Nie Wei soon learned about Noda Xiongyi's approach, and he agreed with it.

When all employees are undecided, this high-pressure policy is definitely the best way to deal with it in the short term. Filling employees' heads with work so that they have no time to think, work efficiency will naturally increase, but this is not a long-term solution. After all, people have limits. When a person's limit is exceeded, then the person will collapse.

Nie Wei knew that Noda Xiongyi was also gambling, gambling that his plan could go smoothly, and it wouldn't take too long. As long as the second and third songs could be successful one after another, Noda Xiongyi could relax a lot. After all, in the current situation, trust needs to be established with results.

And Nie Wei has no time to appease the employees now, and can only believe that Noda Xiongyi can buy enough time for himself.

Unconsciously, two days have passed.

After more than a month of promotion, Alan's single "Prisoner-of-Love" has indeed attracted a lot of fans for her. Now the number of Alan's fan clubs in Japan is approaching 50,000, ranking 89th in the top 100 singers' fan clubs.

This ranking may not seem high, but in fact, for a newcomer, it is already a very rare achievement. After all, many of the singers ahead are those who have debuted for a long time. Not only do they have a long debut time, but they also have more works. For Alan, who has only released one single, there are too many advantages.

And Alan can make her fan club enter the top 100 with just one song. I don't know how many people are jealous.

The most important thing is that the Alan fan club is very active now. After all, the new song has been online for a month, and now is the time of popularity. Fans are still very fresh about Alan, a new singer, and freshness means curiosity, so fans at this stage will be very crazy to know their idol.

Every day, the fan club is full of Alan's private photos, itinerary lists, and a lot of praise.

"Alan almost fell asleep while recording the show, and drooled. Did she wipe it secretly thinking that we couldn't see it? But she is so cute."

"I feel sorry for Alan. There are ten more schedules today. I will go to the scene to support her and hope to get the goddess' autograph."

"Alan's private photos are beautiful and her skin is so good. When can she share her skin care experience?"

"I heard Alan singing live again, it's heavenly."

These fans praised Alan from all aspects, from her appearance to her singing. At this stage, in the eyes of fans, Alan is cute and perfect no matter what.

However, just when fans woke up in the morning and prepared to log in to the website as usual to see the beautiful pictures of their idol Alan, and some more attentive people wanted to understand the schedule and see if they could go to the scene to support, they found that the website had added a new function.

Curious people clicked in to see, and as the webpage opened, a very simple CD shadow screen appeared, and in the shadow, there was a digital clock counting down, and next to it there was a voting box with many options.

This scene really made many people a little confused, but fortunately there was an explanation on the side.

"Do you want to witness an album slowly being completed with your idol? From now on, Alan will meet you with a new song every week. The key is that you can also choose your favorite style to vote to decide the style of the next song in the album. Until the end of ten songs, Alan's first album will also be completed with everyone! Are you looking forward to it? Then come and vote."

The explanation is very simple, just like the style of this webpage, very concise and clear, so that Alan's fans can understand it at a glance.

But the content is not simple. When fans saw that they could interact and create a new album together, almost everyone who clicked in was excited. Being able to participate in such an important event for their idols immediately aroused everyone's interest.

Thanks to Qiuyeliangyue, Fridrik, and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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