Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 559 559. New Movie

"Hey, are we really going to enter Huayi Company like this? It's impolite."

"What are you afraid of? Didn't you say that after listening to Xie's talk, you wanted to try Huayi's food?"

"But we don't need to be so vulgar?"

"Shh, we are playing agents this time, and this is not called vulgar, but low-key."

Although Ma Dong said that he and Gao Xiaosong were low-key, in fact, in the eyes of outsiders, these two fat men wearing masks exude a vulgarity from head to toe. Women will take a detour when they see them, and men will look sideways when they see them.

Even the cameraman who was filming on the side was farther away than usual, as if he was afraid of being classified as one of these two people.

"Ah, why are you so far away from me? Follow closely, we are going to enter Huayi Company now." Ma Dong noticed the cameraman's little action, scolded him, and then took Gao Xiaosong to the door of Huayi Company.

"Gentlemen, please show your ID." When the few people arrived at the door, they were stopped by the security guard.

The security guard first glanced at the man carrying the camera, then shifted his gaze and examined Ma Dong and Gao Xiaosong, with obvious suspicion in his eyes.

It was obvious that the two wretched appearances attracted the attention of the security guard.

The photographer on the side was holding back his laughter. Through the lens, although the two celebrities had masks covering their faces, the embarrassment between their eyebrows was also obvious. They deliberately did not expect that they would be intercepted outside the gate of Huayi as "unknown persons".

"It seems that it is not clear if we don't scan our faces."

"But aren't we here to act as agents this time? You said before we set off that we can't reveal our identities?"

"Let's expose ourselves secretly, otherwise can you get through the gate?"

Ma Dong and Gao Xiaosong argued for a while, and the two pulled the alert security guard aside and took off their masks.

The security guard recognized Ma Dong and immediately happily pulled him to ask for an autograph. As for Gao Xiaosong on the side, he was completely ignored.

Ma Dong hadn't noticed Gao Xiaosong yet, and was pulled by the security guard to ask for an autograph, so that he could show off in front of the camera. It wasn't until the two of them entered the lobby of Huayi Company that Ma Dong asked Gao Xiaosong to put on the mask again, but Gao Xiaosong refused.

"What's wrong?"

"No one knows me anyway, why should I wear this? It's a bit suffocating, I won't wear it." Gao Xiaosong replied with an unhappy look on his face.

Ma Dong was speechless, and simply didn't wear it himself. After all, wearing a mask was really a bit weird. Two people could make it thicker, but one person couldn't stand it, and Ma Dong didn't want to be treated as an alien.

"Then where should we go first, the recording studio or the cafeteria?" Ma Dong asked Gao Xiaosong after putting away the mask.

"Of course it's the cafeteria. At this time, if you go later, there will be nothing to eat." Gao Xiaosong didn't hesitate for a second, and immediately chose the cafeteria, and in an anxious tone, pointed at his watch and urged Ma Dong.

"Let's go to the canteen!" Ma Dong was happy, waved his hand, and walked towards Huayi Canteen.

Ma Dong was not unfamiliar with Huayi. Although he was not from Huayi, his boss was Huayi's boss after all. Moreover, the two companies exchanged equity with each other a while ago. During that time, Ma Dong often went to Huayi and was quite familiar with the infrastructure here.

Under Ma Dong's urging, the two soon came to Huayi's canteen.

As soon as he entered the door, Gao Xiaosong's eyes, which were originally listless, immediately opened wide, and his eyes were also glowing. His nostrils twitched subconsciously a few times. The mixed aroma of various foods made his face unconsciously show a satisfied and yearning look.

In short, his expression was very dramatic. The photographer next to him was quite satisfied and gave the fat boy with split hair a close-up for several seconds.

"This food is awesome."

"Wow, there are also crab roe buns, awesome."

"Pick me two of these shrimp dumplings, and this original beef soup, it smells amazing."

"Old Ma, go get some rice, oh, there is fried chicken, give some."

Gao Xiaosong changed his previous "low-key" attitude and was the one who talked the most when he entered the cafeteria. While praising the food, he also gave orders to Ma Dong. However, his words were not in vain. At least the cafeteria chef listened to him and picked the food for him.

But after the dishes were served, an embarrassing thing happened. They didn't have a meal card!

It doesn't matter if they don't have a meal card. The chef said they can use cash, but the more embarrassing thing is that they don't have cash.

Because it is an employee cafeteria, in fact, Huayi's pricing for each dish is not expensive at all. The dishes they ordered would cost at least two hundred yuan in restaurants outside, but at Huayi Company, this table is only a few dozen yuan, which is really cheap.

But the two of them only brought their stomachs but no wallets, and for a moment, their hands holding the dishes were particularly entangled, and then the two of them seemed to have telepathy, and they all looked at the photographer.

"Don't look at me, I don't have money." The photographer was startled by the two people's gazes, and soon understood the other party's meaning from their eyes, and then said very frankly.

But who is Ma Dong? He has been working on "Infinite Challenge" for so long, how could he be dealt with by the photographer with a few words? He put the dishes on the table aside, and then took Gao Xiaosong to besiege the photographer.

To be honest, the photographer's strength and physical strength are stronger than these two fat guys, but he was still carrying a camera, so his pockets were turned over by the two in a few seconds.

"It's obviously bronchitis."

"Brother, I sympathize with you."

Ma Dong and Gao Xiaosong said to the photographer brother one after another, and the photographer brother lowered his head in shame, because he really didn't have a penny in his pocket, and he didn't lie at all.

The chef who was waiting to collect the money on the side looked quite happy, and he knew Ma Dong, the little fat man, so he said generously that the bill would be on him, and he would treat Ma Dong and Gao Xiaosong to dinner.

Someone treated him, and Gao Xiaosong broke free from the loss of not finding the money, and happily picked up the chopsticks and wanted to eat, but was stopped by Ma Dong.

"We are stars, we must have ambition." Ma Dong scolded Gao Xiaosong in a low voice, and then smiled at the kitchen chef: "How can I let you pay, I will go to find a friend, he is from Huayi Company, I will let him pay."

Hearing this, Gao Xiaosong on the side rolled his eyes, it seems that the chef has no ambition if he treats himself, but he has ambition if he asks his friends to pay the bill, what a weird theory.

Ma Dong did not call Nie Wei directly, but called Cheng Kun first.

"Brother Dong, I'm sorry, I'm in Teacher Laozi's recording studio. Why don't you tell the chef to put it on my bill, and I'll ask my assistant to settle it when the time comes." Cheng Kun replied apologetically on the phone.

"No, no, I'll call Nie Wei." Ma Dong hung up the phone and dialed Nie Wei's number helplessly.

Nie Wei was recording in the studio, and his phone was in silent mode. Ma Dong didn't notice it when he called for the first time. Ma Dong patiently called again for the second time, and then Nie Wei saw it.

When the phone was picked up, Nie Wei was immediately happy to hear that Ma Dong actually came to his company to eat and drink for free.

"Should I call the police?" Ma Dong asked Nie Wei to help settle the bill on the phone, but Nie Wei was thinking about calling the police.

Waving to Xie Na in the recording studio, Nie Wei said to Ma Dong, who was laughing and crying on the other end of the phone: "Come to our company cafeteria to eat without money, this is completely eating a free meal, I believe the police uncle will teach you a profound lesson."

"No, Nie Wei, this meal is yours, I will treat you and Xie Na to a seafood dinner tonight, okay?" Ma Dong begged. Nie Wei was a man who didn't play by the rules, so he had to promise some unequal treaties, hoping that Nie Wei would let him and Gao Xiaosong go.

"Then I have to ask Xie Na if she agrees or not." Nie Wei did not agree immediately, but asked Xie Na, who had already walked out of the recording studio, and asked her: "Ma Dong came to my company to eat a free meal and was caught. He asked us for help. Should we save him?"

"Why should we save him!" Xie Na was stunned at first, and after she came to her senses, she smiled a little and said immediately.

"Hey, hey, Xie Na, aren't we a team? Don't kick me when I'm down." Xie Na's voice was loud, Ma Dong could hear it, and immediately tried to gain sympathy.

"By the way, let Nie Wei treat me this meal, and I'll treat you to seafood tonight!" After trying to establish a relationship, Ma Dong didn't forget to add.

Based on his understanding of Xie Na, if there is a bargain, this girl must be indispensable.

As expected, Xie Na's position immediately became unsteady when she heard that there would be seafood to eat in the evening. She poked Nie Wei on the side and said, "Help them pay the bill, and we'll have a good meal with Ma Dong in the evening."

Xie Na said so, and Nie Wei agreed to it.

When the two came to the cafeteria, Gao Xiaosong was feasting with Ma Dong. Seeing Nie Wei, he was very shameless and took the initiative to say to the chef, "It's him, just give him the bill."

The chef gave the bill to Nie Wei with a look of tears and laughter. Nie Wei signed his name and asked him to ask the finance department for reimbursement.

"Tell me, what are you doing here at Huayi?"

"Gao Xiaosong heard from Xie that your company's food is good last time, so I brought him here to taste it." Ma Dong lied with his eyes wide open.

"Oh, Gao, don't go to the accounting department to claim reimbursement. I'd better call the police." Nie Wei glanced at Ma Dong. He couldn't tell what Gao Xiaosong said, but Ma Dong was definitely a guy who would not do anything without profit. He came to Huayi on time with a purpose, and it was impossible that he came here just to get a free meal.

"How can you turn against me so easily?" Ma Dong saw Nie Wei take out his phone and immediately tried to stop him, but Nie Wei remained unmoved and continued to act as if he was going to call the police. Ma Dong finally said, "Okay, I admit that besides coming to eat, I also want to see how you guys are practicing. After all, I came up with this plan, and I hope that everyone can show their perfect side on stage."

"That's a nice thing to say, Brother Xiaosong. I believe it must be very hard for you to work with him." Nie Wei ignored Ma Dong's explanations and smiled at Gao Xiaosong on the side.

"That's right, I'm almost suspicious. I have to guess whether this guy is telling the truth or not." Ma Dong didn't expect Gao Xiaosong, a friendly, to take advantage of the situation.

This wasn't the end yet. Xie Na on the side added another shot, saying that Ma Dong was an old fox.

How could Nie Wei not see the little tricks, so of course Nie Wei would not show Ma Dong the progress of his and Xie Na's songs, after all, this was related to the final voting ranking.

"Really can't you tell us the progress? How about you tell us your progress, and then I'll tell you how my progress is?" Ma Dong proposed the terms of exchange.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Nie Wei replied directly, and Xie Na beside him also said that he was not interested at all.

This made Ma Dong helpless. Nie Wei and Xie Na were so stubborn that he couldn't get anything useful out of them.

Ma Dong reluctantly tried several times, but was ignored or diverted to other topics by Nie Wei and Xie Na. Seeing that the "agent" mission he planned this time would definitely not be completed, Ma Dong had to leave with Gao Xiaosong with a full belly, saying that he was going to visit the second place, and he didn't know which group would be unlucky again.

After recording songs with Xie Na until three o'clock in the afternoon, Nie Wei stopped working. After agreeing on the time for the next song and dance practice with Xie Na, Nie Wei returned to the office, turned on the computer and opened the document directly.

In addition to recording the show "Infinite Challenge" recently, Nie Wei's most important work at present is the writing of movie scripts.

After suspending the filming of TV series, Nie Wei had a plan to shoot at least two works a year. "Your Name" at the beginning of the year can only be regarded as last year's work, and "Yun Shui Yao" in the middle of the year is another literary work, so Nie Wei must add another commercial film to his resume this year.

After all, Nie Wei rarely appears on variety shows and rarely accepts advertising endorsements. The main thing to maintain his popularity is actually his works.

As for what kind of commercial film he will shoot next, Nie Wei has not made a final decision in his mind for a while, and he is still hesitating to choose.

The most important thing is that there are too many excellent works in his mind, and sometimes too many choices are also a kind of trouble.

Moreover, Nie Wei is also constrained by reality. For example, some works must be supported by very good special effects. However, although Thunder special effects have entered a period of rapid development, they are still a little far from the special effects standards required by the film.

Nie Wei also hopes that his role in the next work can be more prominent. This requires not only the quality of the script itself, but also certain requirements for the portrayal of the role, which naturally makes Nie Wei's selection work more difficult.

However, Nie Wei has had a little clue recently. The number of selected works has been screened to single digits. Within a week, Nie Wei will determine which work he should shoot.

Just as Nie Wei was making the final choice among several selected works, in an independent lounge not far from Nie Wei's office, a girl was also struggling with whether to go see Nie Wei.

Thanks to Qiu Ye Liang Yue for the reward support.

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