Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 60 59. Forced Good Guy Card

From the time Lin Yifei ran out of the set to the time she returned to the set, it took less than fifteen minutes in total, and the little girl obviously took Nie Wei's words to heart. The first thing she did after entering the set was to find Yang Shu to apologize.

Although he may have had some complaints in his heart before, facing Lin Yifei's sincere apology, Yang Shu's last little entanglement in his heart naturally dissipated, and it was just as Nie Wei said. After seeing Lin Yifei return, Li Dawei asked about the situation and praised Lin Yifei by the way.

After all, the final outburst was really well acted, and even Li Dawei, the director, did not expect Lin Yifei's acting skills to be so explosive.

For this, Lin Yifei could only secretly stick out her tongue, because only she knew best that the so-called acting outburst was just because she did not have a holiday on New Year's Day and was yelled at by Li Dawei, and the concentrated negative emotions broke out completely, which was not considered acting at all.

When Lin Yifei ran to prepare for the next scene, Nie Wei finally came back.

"How did you coax her? It worked well." Li Dawei pulled Nie Wei aside and asked with a smile.

Nie Wei laughed and said a few perfunctory words to Li Dawei. After all, he couldn't tell the great director that the reason why he could make Lin Yifei feel better was that he taught her to draw a pig head, and the pig head was surnamed Li.

Thinking of this, Nie Wei couldn't help but look at Lin Yifei, and found that the girl was also looking at him, but what did you mean by turning your head and pretending not to see it?

Unable to understand the girl's attitude at the moment, Nie Wei just thought that Lin Yifei's period suddenly came.

What Nie Wei didn't expect was that this "period" lasted for a long time.

In the following period of time, Nie Wei found that Lin Yifei was always avoiding him intentionally or unintentionally, and every time she was with him, there would be someone around her, either Shu Chang, Qiao Zhenyu, or the two of them together. Anyway, this girl was obviously not giving him any chance to be alone with her.

In addition, Nie Wei also found that Lin Yifei would always sneak a glance at him from time to time. Nie Wei also wondered if the girl had misunderstood something, but every time he went to ask her for clarification, Lin Yifei would always stammer and change the subject.

But the more Lin Yifei didn't want to be alone with Nie Wei, the more God wanted to put them together.

Unknowingly, a month had passed.

As the Chinese New Year was getting closer, Lin Yifei would undoubtedly have to face a problem, that is, the art exam after the New Year.

For the art exam, both Lin Yifei and Liu Xiaoli attached great importance to it.

Especially after filming the play, the mother and daughter also knew more about how important it was to enter a professional performing arts school. Being able to systematically learn performance knowledge would obviously be of great help to Lin Yifei.

But the closer the art exam was, the less confident Lin Yifei was, after all, the people around her were really too powerful.

Needless to say, Nie Wei is the "other people's child" most often mentioned by the director, and Dong Jie is Lin Yifei's role model at this time. Lin Yifei even dreamed more than once that she had Dong Jie's acting skills and could naturally and wonderfully interpret every role she liked in front of the camera.

Even Shu Chang, who is a few months younger than her, is much better than her in acting. These comparisons also hit Lin Yifei's self-confidence invisibly.

Seeing her daughter getting more and more anxious, Liu Xiaoli knew that this would never work, so she thought of a way to build up Lin Yifei's confidence in the name of tutoring.

As for the tutor, Liu Xiaoli had only one person in mind, and that was naturally Nie Wei.

Liu Xiaoli is really an actionist. She had an idea the night before and put it into action early the next morning.

When Nie Wei opened the door and saw Liu Xiaoli carrying a lot of gifts and Lin Yifei, he was stunned. Did he knock on the wrong door to give gifts?

Soon Nie Wei knew the answer. It turned out that Liu Xiaoli came to ask him to tutor Lin Yifei.

However, facing Lin Xiaoli's sudden request, Nie Wei couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Not to mention that he has never had the experience of tutoring art exam candidates, and his current busy state makes it difficult for him to spare a lot of time to tutor a student for art exams.

"Aunt Liu, it's not that I don't agree. You also know that Director Li is busy with the scenes before the New Year recently, and I really don't have much free time every day."

"Aunt, don't force it. Just tutor Xixi for one class every day." Liu Xiaoli pleaded.

When Nie Wei heard that it only took one class, he felt relieved. After all, a class was only 45 minutes. He would arrange some written test parts at that time, which would not affect him anyway.

Seeing Nie Wei nod and agree, Liu Xiaoli immediately praised Nie Wei several times happily, and then threw Lin Yifei in Nie Wei's room.

Looking at Lin Yifei sitting there without saying a word, Nie Wei sighed. He was forced to do something, and at this moment he could only bite the bullet and teach.

"Xixi, what do you think you lack?"

Faced with Nie Wei's question, Lin Yifei looked up at him for a long while before asking faintly, "Are you very unwilling to tutor me?"

"It's not that I'm unwilling, but I feel that I'm not capable enough." Nie Wei was stunned. Although he didn't understand why the girl asked this, he still answered.

"Tsk." The girl snorted disdainfully, obviously very dissatisfied with Nie Wei's answer.

The girl's attitude is indeed a problem. Nie Wei feels that if he doesn't solve this problem, it would be a waste of time to continue coaching.

"Xixi, I have wanted to ask you for a long time. What have I done to offend you recently? Why do you have to hide from me all the time?" Nie Wei said, and the question directly pointed to the sensitive area of ​​the relationship between the two recently.

"You really don't know?" Lin Yifei heard this and squinted at Nie Wei, but asked back.

Nie Wei felt that his head was big. Girl, are you guessing a riddle with me? How can I know if you don't say it? Nodding helplessly, Nie Wei really hopes that Lin Yifei can give a quick answer.

"Nie Wei, you took care of me like that before, I am very grateful to you. In my heart, you are like my brother, taking care of me and accommodating me, but I am still young now, and my career has just started..." Thinking that Nie Wei was still pretending to be stupid, Lin Yifei simply made it clear and began to talk about a set of rhetoric that she had prepared long ago.

But Nie Wei felt that the more he listened, the more wrong it was. Why did he feel that this girl was giving him a good guy card?

"Stop." Seeing the girl getting more and more excited, Nie Wei hurriedly stopped her. Under Lin Yifei's puzzled eyes, he asked directly: "You don't think I want to pursue you, do you?"

"Don't you?" Lin Yifei asked back.

"Of course not." Nie Wei felt that he was going crazy. This girl came here deliberately to make trouble for him. Looking at Lin Yifei who was still pretending to be "don't lie to me", Nie Wei explained helplessly: "I really treat you as a sister, and how could I be so stupid to a girl under fifteen years old... I'm speechless."

"Really!?" This time it was Lin Yifei's turn to be dumbfounded.

"Really, more real than diamonds, I swear." Nie Wei raised his hand and swore.

Lin Yifei stared at Nie Wei's eyes, as if she wanted to see even a little bit of insincerity in them, but Nie Wei's eyes were clear and transparent, sincere and serious, and he didn't look like he was lying or joking at all.

Looking at such a pair of eyes, Lin Yifei suddenly realized that it turned out that she was really thinking too much.

"What? Haha...haha...hahaha, oh, it turned out to be a misunderstanding. Really, it made me worry for a long time. Misunderstanding, misunderstanding is the best." Lin Yifei laughed awkwardly and pretended to be relieved. However, she didn't know why. Although she got the answer she wanted, the girl always felt a little lost in her heart.

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