Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 644 644. Remarkable results

Although Nie Wei did not spend New Year's Eve and Spring Festival with his family, he at least caught up with the end of the year. In the evening, the family had dumplings with pork and cabbage. Zhou Aiguo also opened a bottle of Maotai, and he and Nie Wei drank half of the bottle one by one. If Su Qing hadn't stopped them, I'm afraid they would have finished the bottle.

Zhou Aiguo drank the most and got drunk. Nie Wei didn't get drunk, but the alcohol still made him feel a little tipsy. He felt lazy all over. After dinner, he went back to the room and fell asleep on the bed.

Nie Wei, who was asleep, didn't hear the constant ringing of his mobile phone.

Unlike Nie Wei, an hour ago, Wang Zhonglei was thinking happily that he could finally go to bed early today, but less than half an hour after lying down, when he was a little drowsy and about to go to sleep, the mobile phone next to him rang.

"Let me know if you don't have anything important, then you don't have to come to work tomorrow!" Wang Zhonglei, who was disturbed by his sleep, answered the phone and spoke in a very bad tone.

The staff on the other side was startled, and obviously realized that he had disturbed the boss, but when he thought of the news he was going to notify, he suddenly stopped being afraid.

"Mr. Wang, there is really something important, a great thing." The staff reported in an excited tone.

"Don't talk nonsense, just say it directly."

"Ah, yes!" The staff grinned, quickly abandoned those nonsense, and reported directly: "Mr. Wang, the first day box office of "The Man from Nowhere" in Europe and the United States is out, it is 1.75 million US dollars!"

"Huh? How much!" After hearing a number, Wang Zhonglei shuddered all over, and he couldn't help but lose all sleepiness and resentment. He only cared about whether the number he heard was correct.

"1.75 million, I also confirmed it three times, it's correct!" The staff answered affirmatively.

"Good!!!" Holding the mobile phone, Wang Zhonglei, who confirmed the box office data again, shouted excitedly, and this shout also scared his wife and daughter who were not asleep outside, but Wang Zhonglei didn't care to apologize in the face of his wife's complaints. He must understand the reason why he could get this box office data.

"In the morning, the occupancy rate was not high, only about two floors, but the audience's praise for the film was not bad. According to the data sent back, the audience's praise rate once reached more than 80%. The rhythm of the film and the wonderful fighting in it are the main reasons why American audiences like this film. Oh, and Nie Wei's muscles have not only conquered Asian women, but also European and American women have praised it." At the end, the staff member couldn't help laughing.

Wang Zhonglei was also happy, but the reason for his laughter was the achievements of the film. Even without the staff continuing to talk, he understood that good word of mouth would inevitably attract some audiences to return, and maybe some audiences who have seen it would recommend it to their friends. One person spread ten, ten spread a hundred, and the box office in the afternoon must have this reason.

And the staff's words that followed also proved Wang Zhonglei's conjecture.

"Today, in the single-day box office rankings in North America, "The Man from Nowhere" ranks 20th. In the next two days, there may be a bigger breakthrough." The staff member said at the end, and Wang Zhonglei liked to hear this and praised it on the spot.

After all, looking forward to a better future is really meaningful. Although it is only the 20th place in a single day, this result is the best in recent years except for Hero, and this is just the beginning. Hearing that the movie has a good reputation among North American audiences, Wang Zhonglei is even happy and a little regretful.

Because he sold this movie directly to a North American distribution company for 2.6 million US dollars, the box office revenue in North America actually has nothing to do with Huayi.

Now it seems that the North American distribution company has obviously made a profit this time, and it may be able to make back the investment in a week.

But for Wang Zhonglei, except for some commercial decision-making errors, the good results of "The Man from Nowhere" are very good news for Huayi and even for the entire Chinese-language film.

First of all, Huayi has at least proved that the movies produced by its company can survive in the North American market, and after this cooperation, I believe that the name of Huayi will be used by more North American film distribution companies, and there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future.

This undoubtedly makes Huayi's golden signboard more eye-catching, and it will also be of great help to Huayi's next rounds of financing for listing, and it can even make its artists more cohesive. After all, the company has demonstrated its strength, and the artists can also see higher goals and have more fighting spirit.

In the end, every failure makes a wiser person. This time, Wang Zhonglei will naturally be more careful next time.

After digesting this happy news, Wang Zhonglei's first thought was to call Nie Wei, but after three calls, the other party's mobile phone was obviously turned on, but no one answered.

"What is this kid busy with? Forget it, let's notify him tomorrow." Wang Zhonglei thought helplessly, then flipped through the phone book again and called the company's public relations department.

Half an hour later, major entertainment media across the country received an insider news from Huayi that Nie Wei's movie "The Man from Nowhere" won a box office of 1.75 million US dollars on the first day of its release in North America, and also rushed into the top 20 of the North American single-day box office list.

And accompanying this data is an audience survey report, which contains comments from American viewers. Of course, they have been screened. Anyway, they are all good words. The media immediately understood this as soon as they saw it, and they obviously understand what will happen in the entertainment version tomorrow. How to write a summary of the headline.

Early the next morning, when people went to buy newspapers, they found that the headline was "The Lone Agent" again.

As for why it is used, it is because "Lonely Agent" has appeared too frequently in entertainment newspapers this month. Whenever it breaks a record, the media will immediately write an article, and "Lonely Agent" is too He was so successful that he broke records one after another, and the media naturally followed suit.

But let alone, even with such frequent bombings, the audience is willing to buy it. As soon as the "Lone Agent" report comes out, the media's newspaper sales will immediately increase slightly.

This is also the main reason why the media is so positive about the news released by Huayi.

"Yeah, Nie Wei's movie has been released in the United States to earn US dollars." The person who bought the newspaper immediately said to the people next to him in surprise after reading the headlines.

""The Lonely Agent", right? How were the results?" The people on the side immediately echoed.

As long as someone responds to a chat, the conversation will naturally begin. As soon as his friend asked about his grades, the person quickly handed over the newspaper and said, "Look, I made one hundred and seventy in one day." 50,000 US dollars, and it broke into the top 20 single-day box office charts in North America, which is pretty impressive.”

"Well, the media has reported it, so it should count, right?" My friend obviously doesn't know much about this aspect, but in his opinion, a great director like Nie Wei has achieved such excellent results at home, and he should not be able to do it abroad. Bad.

Of course, some jealous people don't see it that way.

In a luxurious villa in Hong Kong, a man who looked to be in his thirties threw a half-read newspaper onto the table.

"What kind of media is this? They only know how to flatter others. They only have one day to receive 1.75 million yuan, and they barely ranked among the top 20 in a single day. What's there to brag about?"

After saying this, he seemed to be incomprehensible and threw the newspaper that fell on the table to the ground, stamped it hard, and then asked the servant who was trembling because of his anger to take out the newspaper on the ground and burn it. Ash.

Anyway, he just couldn't see any good things from Nie Wei.

There are also those who are very jealous of Wang Zhonglei, such as Wang Jinghua.

Although they couldn't write two characters in one stroke, they had enjoyed working together in the past, but after the incident that almost caused Huayi to collapse, an irreconcilable conflict arose between the two.

Wang Jinghua, who has always been obsessed with Nie Wei, is also jealous of Wang Zhonglei's good luck. From her point of view, Huayi's rapid development in the past two years is almost all inseparable from Nie Wei.

For example, after discovering Huayi himself, the shaky Huayi turned the dangerous building around because Nie Wei used his connections to sign Shu Chang, Lin Yifei, Jiang Xin, Dong Xuan, Huang Bo and others.

Several breakthrough developments of Huayi later were closely related to Nie Wei.

For example, most of Huayi's movie box office in recent years has been supported by Nie Wei's movies. There is also Huayi's success in idol dramas. Nie Wei also played an important role in opening a record company, etc. In Wang Jinghua's view, if she replaces Wang Zhonglei and cooperates with Nie Wei, such achievements must belong to her company, and Wang Jinghua is even confident that she can do better than the Wang brothers.

After all, these two brothers were played by her in the past. Even if they have made some progress in the past two years, in Wang Jinghua's view, they are still no match for her.

But it's useless to think about it any more. At least now Nie Wei is cooperating with Wang Zhonglei, and the cooperation is very good. Even half of Huayi has been in Nie Wei's hands. Thinking of this, Wang Jinghua also smiled helplessly. For a moment, although this Nie Wei was young, she was a little scared in terms of his methods.

After all, she couldn't win half of Huayi's equity and still be able to have a pleasant cooperation with the Wang brothers.

Nie Wei didn't wake up until around nine o'clock the next morning, and was startled by a bunch of missed calls on her phone.

These missed calls include those from Wang Zhonglei, his manager Luo Kai, and others from Shu Chang, Lin Yifei, Jiang Xin, Huang Xiaoming and others.

In addition to the missed calls, there were also many text messages. After clicking on them, Nie Wei understood everything. It turned out that the problem was caused by the movie results in the United States.

Nie Wei was not surprised by the box office result of 1.75 million on the first day.

In fact, part of his shooting method for this movie was based on the rhythm of Hollywood movies. Although the first half progressed a little slowly, in the second half of the movie, the climaxes almost came one after another, and the big scenes also followed one after another. One, the exciting fights also come in different styles, completely satisfying the audience's needs in terms of visual enjoyment.

Moreover, the plot of this movie actually has nothing worth burning your brain. It is a very easy-to-understand type, and there are no jokes or the like that only Chinese people can understand. For American audiences, watching this movie, the whole process is There are no symptoms of 'acclimatization'.

Combined together, Nie Wei feels that he is quite confident that his film's total box office in North America will exceed 10 million.

However, Nie Wei sometimes underestimated himself. On the second and third days, good news came back from North America, and it was getting better and better. The box office data for the two days were 2.2 million and 3.07 million respectively. After loading together, the box office exceeded 7 million in three days.

And Wang Zhonglei was like a lunatic these days. He was very happy at one moment and sighed at another. Wang Zhonglei's confidants knew that the boss was happy about the box office performance of "The Man from Nowhere" and regretted that he had lost money. But those who didn't know the reason were a little scared, thinking that their boss was schizophrenic, and they were so scared that they almost called the mental hospital.

However, three days later, Wang Zhonglei finally came out of that sadness.

He began to take advantage of the good box office performance of "The Man from Nowhere" in North America to help "The Man from Nowhere" continue to work hard at the box office in China.

When Huayi Company's power was put into the market again, "The Man from Nowhere", which had barely managed to maintain a box office of one million per day, also rebounded again, earning three million in box office data the next day, and only less than 20 million away from the 400 million mark.

There are still about ten days before "The Man from Nowhere" is off the shelves in China, so the chance is quite large.

Moreover, Wang Zhonglei also has two plans. If "The Man from Nowhere" really fails to break through 400 million before it is off the shelves, then he has another plan, which is to write a deadline for the show with the theaters.

After all, the chance of "The Man from Nowhere" breaking through the 400 million box office this time is too good. If it is stuck at the barrier, it would be a pity.

While everyone was trying hard to push "The Man from Nowhere" up, Nie Wei was idle. This was also the tacit understanding between him and Wang Zhonglei. He rarely asked about the specific company operations. For example, when the movie was sold to the North American distribution company this time, he did not ask Wang Zhonglei how it was operated.

Even though he knew that Wang Zhonglei had made a loss in the past few days, Nie Wei did not make trouble for it. This is also the difference between him and Wang Jinghua. If it were Wang Jinghua, she would definitely take this opportunity to seize some power in her own hands, but Nie Wei would not.

What Wang Jinghua couldn't figure out was actually very simple. Nie Wei's ambition for power was not big. He only needed to ensure his privileges in the company.

And Nie Wei, who was free, also fulfilled his promise. After learning from Ma Dong that the "Super Heart" program was about to start recording again, Nie Wei brought Zhou Duoduo to Fanxing Entertainment Company and prepared to take her to see how the variety show was recorded on the spot.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise, King Ciying, Fridrik, Bookworm, and 0773 for their rewards and support!

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