Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 66 65. The 5 billion movie star in trouble

As soon as Nie Wei stepped into the canteen, he heard a quarrel.

Looking around, she saw the proprietress of the canteen angrily dragging an uncle who looked to be in his thirties and yelling loudly. It was really loud. Nie Wei could even clearly see the bangs on the uncle's forehead. Followed by trembling.

Seeing this scene, Nie Wei suddenly became interested, and without disturbing him, he leaned against the door and entered the movie-watching mode.

"Sister, I really forgot to bring my wallet. You see, I am also a candidate. How about I leave my admission ticket here with you? I will go back to the dormitory to get it now and bring it to you later, okay?" I touched it. The middle-aged man pleaded helplessly with the spitting stars on his face.

Unexpectedly, the landlady was so hard-hearted that she was not moved at all by the middle-aged uncle's plea. She even said to the uncle with a sarcastic face: "Eldest sister? Don't call me eldest sister. It's not clear who is the eldest sister and who is the eldest brother. At your age, you are still a candidate? Do you think I am young and ignorant? Do you dare to go out and compare yourself with candidates? With your practice, you are more credible than saying you are a candidate. "

While talking, the landlady suddenly saw Nie Wei leaning at the door, and immediately shouted: "Look, that young man is called a candidate. Stand over and see how you look like a candidate."

Standing at the door, Nie Weiwei was stunned, and he was also happy when he saw both people turning their eyes to him.

The middle-aged uncle obviously didn't expect that another person would appear in the canteen, a young and handsome guy. It was so hateful. It was true that this boy looked more like a candidate than him, but he couldn't say that he was not a candidate.

Seeing the middle-aged man's speechless appearance, the landlady thought she had a sharp eye and saw through this guy's trick. Her face became proud and her mouth became even more vicious.

"You see, if you want to pretend to be a candidate, you must at least have the qualifications of someone else. Where is this place? This is Jingdian. With your appearance, I can only tell you, ugly people often do mischief!"

" am I ugly? Let me tell you, I have also made a movie. Don't underestimate me." The middle-aged man was obviously very angry at the boss lady's poisonous tongue and pointed at the boss lady with his finger. , retorted excitedly.

But Nie Wei, who had been watching from behind for a long time, suddenly spoke.

"Brother, the boss lady is actually quite right when she says that you are quite ugly."

The knife was so fierce that it immediately deflated the middle-aged man. He subconsciously retracted his hand that was stretched out into the air, and then looked at Nie Wei behind him with an angry look.

After watching the show, Nie Wei also understood everything about what happened. He didn't care about the uncle's angry look, and asked directly to the landlady: "Sister, why don't you take a look at his admission ticket? Maybe it’s really candidates, after all, in addition to the acting department, directing and dubbing departments are also recruiting students today.”

"I am the dubbing test taker. Really, if you don't believe it, just look at it." Hearing Nie Wei's words, the uncle immediately explained excitedly. He finally met someone who understands. The uncle is grateful. Even he just said to Nie Wei Any little resentment disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this 'middle-aged uncle' eagerly taking out his admission ticket to the proprietress, Nie Wei couldn't help but feel happy. In fact, he recognized who this person was from the moment he walked in. After all, his appearance was so distinctive that he was the same as Shi. Apart from becoming more mature and older, my appearance has basically not changed much since then.

This is the future five billion movie king, Huang Bo.

What’s interesting is that when Nie Weicai heard about the admission ticket just now, he vaguely remembered that although the 2002 JD class is said to be the class with the brightest stars in the next ten years, in fact the brightest star is not performing. Instead, he fell into the dubbing class, and this person was Huang Bo.

Nie Wei's call of "sister" made the landlady drunk. Of course, while she was intoxicated, she also didn't forget to give Huang Bo a roll of her eyes. The meaning was obvious. You should learn from others about what it means to be sweet-mouthed.

"Bring me the admission ticket." The proprietress first smiled and nodded at Nie Wei, and then turned to Huang Bo, her face instantly dropped. Huang Bo couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, it was from Jingdian. Even the proprietress of a canteen could do it. He can change his expressions so easily.

Although Huang Bo kept cursing the boss's wife with some random bad words in his heart, he honestly took out his admission ticket. Who would let him be justified in the current situation.

"Hey, you are really a candidate." When she got the admission ticket, the proprietress was also surprised. As for whether the admission ticket was genuine or not, as the proprietress who has opened a store here for ten years, she could tell at a glance.

"Of course it's true, absolutely true."

"I have a doubt." Just when Huang Bo thought he could finally escape, Nie Wei suddenly asked: "Put your admission ticket here, what will you do when the exam comes?"

"I'll go back to the hotel to get the money and deliver it to you."

"But now there is less than fifteen minutes until your exam. Are you sure you want to go?" Nie Wei pointed at the clock on the wall with a smile. Huang Bo followed his finger and his expression suddenly changed.

"What should I do? Boss lady, why don't you give me your admission ticket first, and I will come over and pay you back after I take the exam." Huang Bo said anxiously.

"Stop lying, you go and withdraw the money now, and then use the money to exchange for the admission ticket." The proprietress said directly, holding the admission ticket. In her opinion, there is a high probability that this middle-aged uncle will not pass the exam. He will just slip away when the time comes. She will not be able to pass the exam. The loss is huge.

Nie Wei, who was standing by, couldn't stand it anymore, so he took two steps forward and said directly: "Sister, look at how much money this guy owes you, I'll help him pay it first, then you return the admission ticket to him and let him take the exam, as for the rest, we can handle it ourselves."

"Really, brother, thank you so much." Huang Bo was so excited that he even spoke in Qingdao dialect.

With Nie Wei's words, the boss lady naturally took advantage of the situation and agreed.

"A total of 32 yuan, this guy ate two of my boxed lunches, a bottle of drink and two tea eggs, and this classmate, you should think it over, I think he is not a reliable person, you may not be able to get this money back." The boss lady took the money handed over by Nie Wei neatly, and kindly reminded him.

Nie Wei just smiled and shook his head, and then teased Huang Bo who was embarrassed on the side: "Brother, you are quite a eater."

"Haha, I'm hungry, I'm hungry." Huang Bo smiled embarrassedly.

With the admission ticket, the time is almost up. Huang Bo kept thanking him and left his contact information. Looking at Huang Bo's back running to the examination room, Nie Wei suddenly felt a little hungry. When he was about to order some food and drinks, he found that the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

(Today is my birthday. I am going out to meet up with friends, so I will take a half-day off in the afternoon. Please forgive me, fellow book friends, and allow me to rest for half a day on my birthday.)

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