Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 670 670. Putting the Bait

Nie Wei has never been a passive person who would take a beating and then fight back. She doesn't need to confirm whether the other party really intends to threaten Chen Qiaoen. Nie Wei only needs to determine that the other party's method has frightened the heroine of her crew, thus affecting her filming state.

In addition, in Nie Wei's view, the other party is not in the same league as herself. Nie Wei doesn't even need to plan any complicated means to solve the problem.

His means are very direct, that is, to use power to suppress others. He wants to use Huayi and his own reputation to poach artists under his company. Nie Wei does not need to be really successful, just need to make his artists shaken in their hearts, which is enough to make this boss Qian panic and have no time to threaten Chen Xinyi again.

Of course, if the investigation report comes out and their company really has very potential artists, Nie Wei doesn't mind taking them under his company directly.

Although the strong dragon does not suppress the local snake, the dragon has reverse scales, which are not easily touched by everyone. This boss Qian has obviously touched Nie Wei's reverse scales.

After entering the lounge, everyone was chatting. Nie Wei did not see Chen Qiaoen. It was obvious that she was dealing with makeup problems. After all, she was scared and cried. Not only did her makeup get messed up, but her eyes were also red. Just as Nie Wei said, there would be a start-up ceremony later. As the heroine, she must appear. At that time, there were so many media on the scene. If she took photos of her crying, it would definitely be troublesome news.

Nie Wei did not reveal his expression. After entering the room, he found a seat and sat down, chatting with everyone. It was not obvious how angry he was just now.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Qiaoen returned to the lounge. When she opened the door and entered the room, she deliberately glanced at Nie Wei. Seeing that he nodded to her, Chen Qiaoen was relieved and walked in.

"Qiaoen, where have you been? Just now, we were talking about when we could go to the night market in Baodao. We wanted to find you as a tour guide." Wang Lin smiled and greeted Chen Qiaoen who had just entered, and said some complaints, but in fact, the meaning of the words was to express closeness.

Chen Qiaoen is not stupid, of course she could hear it, and immediately promised to be there whenever she was called.

Looking at Chen Qiaoen who was surrounded by a group of seniors, Cheng Kun beside Nie Wei couldn't help but smile and said to Nie Wei: "Qiaoen seems to be popular with seniors. The seniors in our crew like to chat with her."

"She is very kind." Nie Wei glanced at Chen Qiaoen and replied with a smile.

It is said that people become smarter as they grow older. These senior artists who have been floating in the entertainment industry for so many years are actually the smartest of the smart. Looking at the people in the crew who are willing to get close to them and who they are distant from, we can basically see what kind of character these people are.

This is also why the circle pays attention to the evaluation of seniors, especially some seniors with good reputations. Her words can even change the public's impression of a young actor. I don't know how many artists in the original time and space were whitewashed or blacklisted because of a word from the seniors.

And Chen Qiaoen, this girl, doesn't have so many thoughts. She is straightforward and polite. It is natural for her to be accepted by the seniors.

At this time, a staff member knocked on the door, interrupting the conversation between Nie Wei and Cheng Kun.

"Mr. Nie, the actors from Baodao have come. I arranged them in another lounge. Do you want to call them over?" the staff member asked.

"Call them over. Let's introduce each other. Then we will prepare for the opening ceremony." Nie Wei looked at his watch and nodded in agreement.

Five minutes later, the actors from Baodao came to the lounge. Everyone introduced each other briefly, and then rushed to a nearby temple together. In addition to Nie Wei, Li Dawei, Cheng Kun, Chen Qiaoen and other crew members who participated in the worship ceremony, Zhongtian Station also specially sent a deputy director with several employees.

The ceremony was carried out in accordance with the form of Baodao, with special religious members guiding, and everyone just followed it.

In fact, the ceremony of worshipping gods at the beginning of filming in the film and television industry has a feeling of cramming at the last minute, and the gods worshipped are also varied. The most popular one is the God of Wealth. The Hong Kong people like to worship Guan Gong because he is the God of Wealth. The crews in the mainland are more diverse and have everything. It is actually the same here in Taiwan.

In fact, it doesn’t matter which god it is. Everyone is more seeking peace of mind. They always feel that after worshipping, it seems that there is an extra layer of protection, and there is no loss in adding this one.

This time, Nie Wei and his group worshipped Guan Gong, and placed fruits, cakes and a suckling pig. Director Li Dawei took the lead and burned incense to Guan Gong in turn. After the incense was finished, Nie Wei and Chen Qiaoen, the male and female protagonists, opened the camera covered with red cloth at the right time. At this point, the ceremony of worshipping gods at the beginning of filming was also declared over.

The reporters on the scene also took the materials and prepared to leave, but just when everyone was about to leave, they were stopped by the staff, and then they were surprised to learn that there was a red envelope and souvenirs for each reporter.

The red envelope contained 666, which symbolized that the crew would start filming smoothly.

The souvenirs were a gift box of pastries from a high-end brand in Baodao.

The money in the red envelope was not much, but it was enough for the reporters to improve their meal in the evening. The value of the souvenirs was even more expensive. The two together would cost more than a thousand yuan in Chinese currency. For these reporters, it was already a very expensive gift.

And this was really unexpected, so the suddenness of this gift made the reporters present feel even more surprised.

"The crew of this big company is very generous. This gift box looks very high-end."

"Of course, I just checked it, more than 4,000 Baodao currency."

"Sure enough, it is a big company in the mainland, and its moves are extraordinary. Yesterday I went to shoot the opening ceremony of another company's new drama, and I was given a bottle of water from beginning to end. I was refused even if I asked for an extra bottle."

"Forget it, I also attended the opening ceremony. The person in charge is really stingy. By the way, I don't know how much Baodao actors like Chen Qiaoen can get paid. Huayi is the number one entertainment company in Mainland China. The company’s budget must be higher than those of the production companies in Baodao.”

"Sure, it might be several times higher."

The reporters left happily with the red envelopes and souvenirs. Many reporters' inner balance of fairness has tilted. Although they can't praise the TV series for the time being, there are still many things worthy of praise. For example, the other party treats reporters very considerately. some type of.

On the other side, the crew of "Destined to Love You" has officially started shooting, and each group has divided their work. In less than half an hour, the scene has been set up, and all camera positions and lighting have been adjusted.

Such an orderly style, comparable to that of the army, really surprised the actors here in Baodao. After all, in their impression, the crews in the mainland are still backward. Even if Huayi is the number one entertainment company in the mainland, the crew is in The performance on set is not necessarily better than on Baodao.

But the reality told them that the professionalism of Huayi's crew was at least several blocks ahead of the best crew they knew. If these people weren't all yellow-skinned, they would even misunderstand that these crews were said to be extremely efficient. Hollywood team.

"Wow, you guys are so awesome. You cleaned up the set in half an hour. Are all the mainland crews as awesome as you?" Chen Weimin grabbed a set manager and asked curiously.

"I don't know about other crews, but our Huayi crews are all like this." The stage manager replied with a bit of pride, then said sorry and ran to continue his work.

This answer made Chen Weimin speechless, and he became more and more respectful of Huayi Company's already high-end impression. The rest of the Baodao actors also had the same ideas more or less because of this.

Originally, Nie Wei heard what Chen Qiaoen said and felt that the Baodao actors would be a little unorganized on the set. However, when the filming started in the afternoon, he found that these actors were very serious and serious about filming. They were even more serious when not filming. They just read the script on the side, and there was nothing like that. As Chen Qiaoen said, they joked and even slapped each other.

"She's quite dedicated." Nie Wei thought to himself that seeing is believing and hearing is believing. Of course, when he was told the reason later, Nie Wei couldn't laugh or cry. He was emotionally shocked by the crew's style that he brought out.

It seems that because of the guarantee at noon, Chen Qiaoen let go of his inner worries. During the afternoon shooting, his performance was very good. After a few scenes, there were not many NGs. The shooting can be said to have gone smoothly.

But what surprised Nie Wei the most was Wang Kai’s performance. Some people can let go in private, but when filming is in front of the camera, they become reserved. But Wang Kai can let go when practicing in private. He was also very relaxed in front of the camera. Nie Wei didn't need to do any psychological preparation for him. This sunny handsome guy had already put down his face and performed the essence of girliness.

Of course, Nie Wei also had worries, fearing that Wang Kai would be too liberal and act too much. Fortunately, after two scenes, Wang Kai had a good sense of proportion. Nie Wei only reminded him once, and the other party caught the critical point. , Nie Wei didn’t have to worry about it later.

There were not many shooting tasks scheduled for that day, only six scenes, and everyone was in good condition. It was originally scheduled to end at five o'clock, but ended up finishing before four o'clock.

The staff cleaned up the scene, while the actors took the bus back to the hotel collectively.

In the car, Nie Wei sat next to Chen Qiaoen. No one felt anything out of the ordinary. It was quite normal for the male and female protagonists to sit together. Only Cheng Kun specifically looked at Nie Wei when he sat down. , because in his impression, Nie Wei preferred to sit in the back row, but now he actually sat in the front row.

Of course, he just felt a little surprised, and then he didn't care. Although he only filmed one scene today, he was busy all afternoon, and kept telling Wang Kai about the scene. He was also very tired and needed a rest. .

Naturally, there is a reason for Nie Wei to sit next to Chen Qiaoen.

After sitting down, as everyone began to enter a state of rest, Nie Wei gently patted Chen Qiaoen's shoulder and asked, "Do you have a group of friends in Baodao?"

"Yes, I have created a group with all my good friends in it." Chen Qiaoen replied immediately.

"So in your friend group, are there any colleagues from the original company?" Nie Wei continued to ask.

"There are some, our original team members, and a few colleagues who take good care of me on weekdays and help me when I am in trouble." Chen Qiaoen answered frankly.

Hearing Chen Qiaoen's answer, Nie Wei smiled. This was the answer he wanted.

"Remember, I will send you a contract later, and then you will post it in the friend group. Do you understand?" Nie Wei said.

This sentence made Chen Qiaoen confused. Why did he send the contract to his friend group, and what kind of contract was it? It's so strange for Nie Wei to say these things.

When Chen Qiaoen returned to the hotel and followed Nie Wei's instructions to open her computer and log in to her email, she discovered that the contract Nie Wei passed to her was actually the contract she signed for the drama. Of course, the contract had many terms, and Nie Wei only intercepted part of it. That's part of her salary.

This made Chen Qiaoen even more puzzled. Why did Nie Wei ask her to disclose her salary?

If you don't understand, ask. Chen Qiaoen is not a person who hides his thoughts. So she called Nie Wei directly. Unfortunately, Nie Wei did not answer her why. He just told her to do it according to his method.

Although she did not get an answer, Chen Qiaoen was a little reluctant to report her salary, but she was still willing to listen to Nie Wei's words. After hesitating for a moment, she still sent the one-page contract with the salary details to the friend group.

Then, according to Nie Wei's instructions, after the first person who responded appeared, the picture was immediately removed from the group.

However, although Chen Qiaoen quickly removed the picture, as Nie Wei expected, it had obviously caused a lot of impact in this small group.

Because the salary Chen Qiaoen received at this time was very different from the salary she received when she filmed in Taiwan before.

It turns out that Chen Qiaoen has been the heroine of several dramas, and even won the ratings championship of Taiwan idol dramas. But at that time, the market price of Chen Qiaoen's salary for a drama was only 50,000 Taiwan coins, and this was just the market price. When the actual filming was in progress, there would be bargaining, and it might be good to get 40,000.

Even 40,000 was still a mouthful, and the agency had to share a part of it. In the end, Chen Qiaoen's actual income for one episode was only about 20,000 Taiwan coins.

But even this treatment is considered good for idol drama actors, plus if the ratings are good, there will be a big red envelope, and Chen Qiaoen can earn about 500,000 for one drama.

But now, in this contract provided by Huayi, Chen Qiaoen's salary for one episode is 100,000 Taiwan coins, and this is the salary after the company has deducted the share and tax. Chen Qiaoen can actually get 100,000 Taiwan coins for one episode.

Just for the salary, Chen Qiaoen can get more than one million Taiwan coins, which can be said to have increased too much compared to her previous income.

So even if Chen Qiaoen withdrew the contract, many people still popped up in the group to ask Chen Qiaoen about the authenticity of the contract content, which is exactly what Nie Wei wanted.

Thank you for the generous reward of 500 from Banmo Shen, and thank you for the generous reward from Happy Dad Tao, Fantasy Paradise, fatzjj, and Luo Di Shen book friends. I will update more on weekends, and I will try to update more on November 1st.

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