Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 676 676. Premiere is coming soon

"Thank you for your hard work, the recording was very successful."

"When the TV series is finished, please come to the show again."

"Don't worry about me about the editing problem. We will review it carefully and repeatedly and make sure to achieve the best effect."

"Thank you very much."

Zhan Renxiong suppressed his excitement and shook hands with Nie Wei and others to thank them. He was very satisfied with the effect of today's recording.

The staff of the program also took this opportunity to take photos with Nie Wei and others and signed autographs.

When Nie Wei and his group left the recording site, Zhan Renxiong no longer suppressed his excitement and excitedly high-fived every employee who was equally excited.

It goes without saying that everyone knows that the program has invited such a lineup of guests and dug out so many explosive materials. As long as it is broadcast, it will definitely not worry about the ratings.

Now everyone has only one happy worry, that is, there are too many wonderful clips in the recording content, and the trailer is not easy to edit.

Zhan Renxiong and the PDs of the program are ready to stay up late, while Nie Wei and his group went directly back to the hotel to rest.

Nie Wei's sleep quality has always been very good. He slept until dawn and got up early to exercise as usual. However, unexpectedly today, he saw Cheng Kun in the hotel gym.

If it was at night, it would not be surprising. The two often came to exercise for a while after the show, but this was the first time that Nie Wei and Cheng Kun met in the gym of this hotel in the morning. The main reason was that Nie Wei needed to stand and meditate after exercising every day, so he got up very early.

"Today the sun came out from the west, and Brother Kun got up early?" Nie Wei was stunned for a moment, and after coming to his senses, he immediately laughed and teased Cheng Kun who was jogging on the treadmill.

Seeing Nie Wei, Cheng Kun was also surprised. He didn't know that Nie Wei would get up so early every morning to exercise. He thought Nie Wei was the same as him, so he asked, "Do you also have insomnia?"

"I can usually fall asleep as soon as I touch the pillow." Nie Wei turned on a treadmill next to Cheng Kun. As the machine started, Nie Wei walked slowly along with the running of the treadmill track, while explaining, "I basically get up at four o'clock every morning to exercise. This is my habit."

This made Cheng Kun's eyes widen. Since he entered the industry, he has never heard of an actor getting up early.

However, after being surprised, Cheng Kun was left with only admiration from the bottom of his heart. He gave Nie Wei a thumbs up and said admiringly, "You are awesome."

"What about you, why do you have insomnia?" When Nie Wei asked this question, he began to speed up the treadmill and started to jog.

Cheng Kun did not answer immediately and hesitated.

"If you have any difficulties, don't say it." Nie Wei is not the kind of person who asks questions. After catching the hesitation on Cheng Kun's face, he immediately opened his mouth to give Cheng Kun a way out.

However, after Nie Wei said this, Cheng Kun thought it over and stopped hesitating. He directly told the reason.

"Actually, it's nothing. After the interview yesterday, I remembered the past and couldn't sleep." Cheng Kun said.

Hearing this, Nie Wei glanced at him sideways, raised his eyebrows, and asked uncertainly: "You are not still holding a grudge for the punch I gave you, are you?"

"How could it be!" Cheng Kun was a little anxious when he heard this, and hurriedly waved his hands to deny Nie Wei, but he forgot that the treadmill was still running. Although the speed of the track was not fast, it still made him unstable. Just when he was about to fall, Nie Wei next to him quickly helped him up.

"Be careful." Nie Wei helped Cheng Kun steadily and said.

"Sorry, I was scared to death. If I fall, I will be disfigured." Cheng Kun replied with lingering fear.

But he soon thought of the question just now. After taking a breath, he explained: "You were right to hit me with that punch. I think I deserved a beating at that time. My insomnia is actually more because of emotion, and maybe a little regret."

"Well, I will ask the company to consider giving you a literary personality." Nie Weiyi, who was running on the side, joked while running, but did not ask Cheng Kun about his emotion and regret at all.

He did not ask not because he was not curious, but because he could guess what Cheng Kun was feeling and regretting.

Regret is the simplest. Because of that incident, Cheng Kun wasted several years. For him, that was a golden period of his acting career.

As for emotion, there are many.

Maybe he would feel that he did not expect to have such a successful career today, or he might feel that he would have a happy family, or he might feel that his former opponent has now become a good friend.

Nie Wei didn't ask, but Cheng Kun could say it, especially since the words were on his lips. He really couldn't help but say it, and in the entire crew, only Nie Wei could be his listener.

Cheng Kun had long forgotten the task of fitness. He turned off the treadmill and stood aside, watching Nie Wei running, while nagging and vomiting out all the pressure of the past few years. Nie Wei listened silently, and would respond a few words at critical moments to express his understanding of Cheng Kun.

It must be said that Nie Wei is indeed a very good listener. He doesn't talk much, but he can always get to the point, making Cheng Kun feel understood.

Unknowingly, half an hour passed.

"Nie Wei, thank you for listening to me talk so much nonsense. Sure enough, I feel much more relaxed after saying all these words." Cheng Kun said, yawning. After saying so much, he was actually a little sleepy again.

"Well, it's good that you feel relaxed." Nie Wei smiled and continued running. Cheng Kun didn't care about Nie Wei's "indifference" and was ready to say hello and go back to the room to sleep. But just when he was about to speak, he suddenly found something that made him widen his eyes in surprise.

"Nie Wei, you've been running for half an hour and you're still so fast. Aren't you tired? What kind of devilish physical strength do you have?" Cheng Kun was too involved in what he said just now. At this moment, he realized that Nie Wei, who had been chatting with him for half an hour, had actually been running all the time, and his speed was not slow. Looking at the distance on his treadmill, Nie Wei had already run 6.3 kilometers in this half hour.

Six kilometers in half an hour is actually not worth Cheng Kun's surprise. He can run four or five kilometers in half an hour. The key is that under this intensity, Nie Wei's face is not red and he is not out of breath. Chatting and joking with him is just like the two of them taking a walk and talking. Is this something that ordinary people can do? It is estimated that even those soldiers in the barracks who train cross-country every day can hardly do it so easily. It is estimated that only those special forces with iron lungs in the legend can do this?

In short, Nie Wei's performance at this moment has made Cheng Kun classify Nie Wei as a "non-human". At least in terms of physical strength, he really kneels down to Nie Wei in his heart.

Looking at the time, Nie Wei felt that the warm-up was enough, so he stopped the treadmill, looked at Cheng Kun who was still in surprise, and couldn't help laughing: "What's there to be surprised about? I exercise every day, and I have also practiced martial arts, so I naturally know some breathing techniques. Why, do you want to learn?"

"Can I learn it?" Hearing Nie Wei's question, Cheng Kun's eyes suddenly lit up.

Nie Wei shook his head directly and said: "If you want to learn, I can teach you, but whether you can learn it depends on your understanding. You may be able to understand it in one day, or you may not be able to learn the essence in a year or even a lifetime."

"What about you, Nie Wei, how long did it take you to learn it?" Cheng Kun was not scared by Nie Wei's words, but asked with some gossip.

"Me? I'm a genius. I learned it in one day." Nie Wei replied shamelessly. In fact, he was a genius at the beginning, but it took him a month to learn the way of breathing. It took Nie Wei three years to make it a habit and integrate this breathing method into his daily breathing.

That's it. The old man who taught him this praised Nie Wei as a martial arts genius rarely seen in a century.

As for how long Cheng Kun wanted to learn, Nie Wei didn't have much hope.

And to be honest, it's easy for actors to miss the time for exercise when filming. If they don't really practice kung fu to the bone, it will take more effort to pick it up after dropping it. This procrastination will also make it take him longer to learn.

Cheng Kun was indeed interested. Men value physical strength. Seeing that he was willing to learn, Nie Wei casually taught him a basic breathing method, and then explained a few key points to him, and let him practice slowly by himself.

Yesterday's variety show recording did not affect the young actors. The excitement of the night had almost subsided after a night, and the filming process was also very smooth. However, the young actors behaved normally, but some people behaved a little strangely.

"I took the lunch box of pork chops and chicken legs. Which one do you want?" Jing Tiantian asked Chen Qiaoen with two lunch boxes.

"It's a bento. I want the chicken leg one." Chen Qiaoen 'corrected' Jing Tiantian's 'mistake' and chose.

After Jing Tiantian handed the chicken drumstick lunch box to Chen Qiaoen, she said nonchalantly: "We call it lunch box over there, it means the same thing, but your Taiwan lunch box is delicious, better than the ones I've had in the mainland."

"Of course, our Taiwan food is still good." Chen Qiaoen replied with a little pride, but just after she finished speaking, her eyes suddenly widened, and she quickly patted Jing Tiantian who had just opened the lunch box, and said with a gossipy face: "Tiantian, look, where is Brother Cheng Kun breathing again, what's wrong with him today, is his stomach uncomfortable?"

Jing Tiantian also stared with wide eyes and observed Looking at Cheng Kun, he also answered with a gossipy face: "It must be that his stomach is uncomfortable. I saw Brother Cheng Kun like this several times during the filming this morning. It may be a stomach problem. I heard that we actors will have stomach problems after working for a long time."

"That's true." Chen Qiaoen nodded seriously, pointed to his stomach, and said seriously: "My stomach is sometimes uncomfortable. It happens that I have stomach medicine. I will send some to Brother Cheng Kun later."

"That's a happy decision."

In the afternoon, Cheng Kun held half a box of stomach medicine in his hand, and looked at the two sisters who jumped away arm in arm with a smile.

Cheng Kun himself knew how good his stomach was. After all, he was a married man, especially his wife was very considerate and took good care of him. Even in the crew, she would remind him to eat on time.

But he didn't expect that his breathing method would be misunderstood by the two girls. This was too embarrassing. After this misunderstanding, Cheng Kun always felt that the expressions of people around him seemed strange. This feeling made Cheng Kun embarrassed to continue practicing.

Cheng Kun's desire to practice martial arts was temporarily suppressed by "worldly prejudices". Fortunately, he still had superb acting skills. Throughout the afternoon, Cheng Kun's acting skills were exceptionally good, which made Chen Qiaoen very proud, because this silly girl thought that it was her stomach medicine that saved Cheng Kun's condition.

Because of Cheng Kun's acting skills, the crew was able to finish work an hour earlier. The actors returned to the hotel early to rest and gathered in the lobby downstairs at eight o'clock in the evening.

Several nanny cars were also prepared long ago. Because today is the day of the TV series' premiere, Nie Wei specially booked a hot pot restaurant and invited all the actors in the crew to come and watch the TV series' premiere together.

The hot pot restaurant is near the hotel. It is a small restaurant that looks very ordinary, but Nie Wei sent someone to investigate. Among the more than ten hot pot restaurants nearby, this hot pot restaurant has the best reputation.

Because this small restaurant was booked, when Nie Wei and his group arrived, the store was very deserted. Only the boss and two waiters were chatting. When they saw Nie Wei and his group coming in, the boss and the waiter showed a surprised expression, and then warmly invited everyone to sit down.

In a short while, the originally deserted small restaurant was filled with Nie Wei and his group, and several tables were full of people.

"This shop has a nice environment, very clean." Chen Weimin, who plays the heroine's brother-in-law Wu Qiqi in the film, looked around after entering the house and couldn't help but praise.

"Our store manager is a bit of a germaphobe, so he pays great attention to the hygiene of the store." The waiter came over and heard Chen Weimin's words, and immediately answered. After he finished speaking, he remembered his job and hurriedly handed the menu to Nie Wei who had already sat down.

Nie Wei took the menu and ordered two plates of fresh lamb meat, then handed the menu to Cheng Kun on the side, and asked the others to order whatever they wanted.

With Nie Wei's words, the others were not polite and ordered some of their favorite foods. Soon, steam continued to emerge in the hot pot restaurant, and the aroma of meat and vegetables filled the whole house.

The owner of the store was also very considerate to turn on the new big TV in the store and tuned the channel to Zhongtian TV.

Time passed unknowingly. With the end of the local eight o'clock show, the idol drama that everyone had been looking forward to was finally online. In the sound of the TV trailer, everyone gradually slowed down their chopsticks and focused their attention on the series of countdown numbers on the TV.

The one-minute advertisement seemed a bit long to many people at this moment. Like Nie Wei and his group, thousands of households in Taiwan also turned their TV remote controls to Zhongtiantai at this moment, and looked forward to the premiere of this idol drama with them.

Thanks to Qiu Ye Liang Yue and Kuang Si 5127 for their rewards and support. Two updates tomorrow.

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