Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 689 689. Best Conduct

In addition to the thousands of fans who came to pick him up at the airport, Nie Wei's return also brought changes to the crew itself.

Without Nie Wei, the crew could shoot as usual, but it was as if they had lost their backbone.

But after Nie Wei came back, everyone, including Li Dawei, felt relieved, not to mention the other actors, especially Jing Tiantian, who seemed to have found a backer. After Nie Wei came back, she, who had been online recently, seemed to be resurrected instantly.

It can be said that Nie Wei is the spiritual leader of this crew. With his presence, everyone can find a sense of reliance.

The crew's filming is still continuing. It is expected that the TV series will be completed in a month at most. During this period, the TV series has also aired two episodes. After that explosion, the performance has entered a stable period. Although both episodes have increased slightly, the increase is not large. If you want to make staged progress like before, you obviously have to wait for the stimulation of key plots.

The entire crew is not in a hurry about this. At present, the reputation of this TV series in Taiwan has exploded. As long as the story is there, I believe it will naturally go further.

At this time, in the mainland, Nie Wei's name has once again been on the hot search, but it is not because of the idol drama, but because of the song he performed in Hong Kong.

That night, the song "I Love You China" was praised by the media as the best patriotic song of the year. Not only did it win multiple firsts in the download data on the Internet, but the key is that almost all major TV stations across the country paid to buy the broadcast rights of this song.

For a while, when you turn on the TV, as long as it is a program about patriotic themes, this song will always be indispensable as background music.

"I love you China, my dear mother, I cry for you, and I am proud of you..." Even Nie Wei heard such a song on the set, but what surprised him even more was that the person who sang this song was Wang Kai. It really made Nie Wei unexpected that he actually had some musical talent.

"You sing well." Following the song and walking behind Wang Kai, Nie Wei smiled and praised.

Wang Kai was startled by Nie Wei's sudden compliment. When he turned around and saw that it was Nie Wei, he scratched his head embarrassedly and said with a smile: "Yes, the song is good."

"I'm not being polite to you. Have you practiced singing skills?" Nie Wei asked seriously. From listening to Wang Kai singing just now, Nie Wei found that his breath was very stable and his breathing points were also very accurate. Ordinary singing enthusiasts can't do this.

Unexpectedly, Wang Kai waved his hand and explained: "I haven't studied music professionally, but I did morning exercises every day when I was in school, and my classmates were actors who had sung Peking opera professionally. When they discussed with each other, I learned some from them."

Hearing Luo Kai's explanation, Nie Wei showed a surprised expression and smiled: "Then you are quite talented in music. How about it, do you want the company to help you make a single, or directly release an album for you?"

Originally, Nie Wei was just teasing Luo Kai, but who would have thought that Luo Kai took it seriously. Nie Wei found his reaction after hearing it very interesting. He waved his hand and refused in a panic.

"No, no, no, singing is just a hobby for me. In fact, I still prefer acting. Mr. Nie, I am still an actor."

"Haha, look how scared you are. You actually pushed away an opportunity that others can't even ask for." Nie Wei laughed and complained about Wang Kai, and then said: "I didn't say that you can't be an actor. Even if you don't want to be an actor, I'm still not happy. You are so talented in acting, and I'm still counting on you to be the next Cheng Kun or Huang Xiaoming."

Wang Kai was embarrassed by Nie Wei's words. Of course, he was still a little excited in his heart. Who made Nie Wei compare his future to big stars?

"Anyway, I suggest that you sign up for the company's music training class after you finish filming this movie. Even if you don't become a singer, mastering more skills will make your development in the entertainment industry smoother. I am an example. Among actors, I am the best singer, and among singers, I am the best actor." Nie Wei used himself as an example, but Wang Kai was convinced.

Who made Nie Wei say that everything he said was true?

In his heart, this senior did a great job in acting, singing, and even writing lyrics, composing music, and writing scripts. He was the most versatile idol in his heart.

Although Nie Wei was two years younger than him, Nie Wei was his benchmark in terms of achievements in the entertainment industry.

After chatting with Wang Kai, Nie Wei was ready to start filming again. Because he was delayed for a week in Hong Kong, his role was particularly concentrated after returning to Taiwan. The number of scenes he filmed in a day was twice that of normal actors, almost from morning to night.

With such a high-intensity filming, even though Luo Yuan, the housekeeper, knew that Nie Wei had a good physical fitness, she was afraid that Nie Wei would be exhausted, so every night she specially ordered soup for Nie Wei at a famous food supplement store in Taiwan to replenish his body.

Nie Wei was aware of his physical condition and knew that this kind of shooting intensity was far from enough to tire him out, but he couldn't let Luo Yuan down. And to be honest, drinking a bowl of delicious soup late at night would make both his stomach and heart feel quite comfortable.

Of course, Nie Wei is not a person who eats alone, especially since there are seniors in the crew, so except for the first day, starting from the second day, this benefit is no longer exclusive to Nie Wei. If the main actors of the crew want to drink soup, they can go to the stage manager to order it.

"Nie Wei is a really thoughtful and good boy."

"Who said not."

In the evening, several seniors who drank nutritious warm soup gathered together, drinking soup happily and talking about Nie Wei with a smile. Everyone knew that this benefit originally prepared for Nie Wei suddenly became something that everyone could enjoy. This must be because Nie Wei asked, and Luo Yuan, the producer, ordered the subordinates to do so.

In addition, on weekdays, when it was cold, Nie Wei would always promptly ask the staff to send several seniors on the set with warm notes and topics for talking. When it rained, he would also prepare umbrellas in advance. Even for the stomach problems and headaches that several elderly people often suffered from, the crew would also prepare some spare medicines. These were all inquired by Nie Wei and the assistants of the seniors, for fear that several senior artists could not find medicine for a while and felt uncomfortable.

These bits and pieces seem simple and easy, but when accumulated, for several senior actors, they can fully feel Nie Wei's care and respect for them from the bottom of his heart.

It was the first time for the two senior actors from Taiwan to meet such a considerate crew. Since they expected it, they couldn't help but praise Nie Wei. However, among the senior actors, Gui Yalei has the most say in Nie Wei's quality. After all, among the actors present, she has worked with Nie Wei the most times.

"This kid is really good. Not only does he take care of you on the set, but he also always asks about your well-being in life. Sometimes I feel that when filming with Nie Wei, there is no need to bring any life assistant. He is in the crew and always takes care of us seniors very attentively." Gui Yalei did not hide her admiration for Nie Wei. It is said that time reveals a person's heart. Anyway, in her heart, Nie Wei is definitely the artist who respects and cares for the old seniors the most among the reserve actors.

"That's right. To be honest, I was quite scared when I joined the crew. You know, Nie Wei and Cheng Kun are both like this." Meixiu said with a thumbs up. In the eyes of their Taiwanese artists, Nie Wei and Cheng Kun, who are popular in Asia, are really superstars.

"I think they are superstars, so it must be difficult to approach them. I even thought about whether they would bring eight bodyguards with them when they go out. Haha, but later I found that the more real big stars are, the more approachable they are." Meixiu laughed at the end of the story. When she mentioned Nie Wei's daily behavior, she couldn't help but sigh.

She is a real artist who has climbed up little by little from a dancer to shooting commercials, and then to filming. This journey has given her a lot of acting experience that many stars have never had. She has seen countless human feelings and has come into contact with many people, big and small.

So she can see through people in her eyes. After all, she has experience, and the politeness shown by Nie Wei and Cheng Kun in the crew really surprised her.

Because in Taiwan, many artists who have become famous have a really bad attitude towards their predecessors. Maybe in their hearts, they are just outdated artists. In comparison, the respect shown by real big stars such as Nie Wei and Cheng Kun towards them is really warm from head to toe, and even makes her feel very sorry. The pity is that after cooperating in this play, I don’t know if there is any possibility of continuing cooperation in the future.

After all, the cooperation during this period has made Meixiu and others like to contact with Nie Wei, Cheng Kun and others. Whether it is work or life, it brings them a very comfortable feeling.

As for Jing Tiantian and her group who also drank soup on the other side, they felt novel, especially Jing Tiantian. Every day of crew life is an unprecedented enjoyment for her as a rookie. Anyway, the treatment in Huayi’s crew is completely different from the crew she has been in before.

"It would be better if I could be scolded less." Jing Tiantian drank the delicious pig's trotter soup, replenished collagen, and felt happy all over. However, she was still a little sad when she thought about her recent experience.

Of course, it has been much better in the past two days. Since Chen Qiaoen posted that photo, her fans rarely come to Jing Tiantian's blog to make trouble. The rest are some pure TV viewers who don't like Shi Anna in the play and don't like her.

"It's almost time. Isn't it going to be broadcast soon? Wait a little longer. You will start to have bad luck in the eighteenth episode, and the audience will be satisfied." Nie Wei heard Jing Tian's muttering and immediately interrupted with a smile.

These words made Jing Tiantian feel so heartbroken that she felt like she was bleeding.

"It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, brother Nie, writing the role of Shi Anna so badly, how could the audience hate me so much." Jing Tiantian put down the soup bowl and pouted at Nie Wei, complaining.

Hearing Jing Tiantian's words, Nie Wei smiled helplessly. What nonsense was this girl saying?

Chen Qiaoen, who was originally listening and giggling, also stood up to speak for Nie Wei at this moment: "Silly sister, if there was no Nie Wei, how could so many people remember you now? You have to remember that there is no good or bad role. Maybe everyone hates you when watching the TV series, but in fact, this is how they remember you. When the TV series is over, you will be yourself again. At that time, everyone will gradually get out of the drama, and you will feel how good a memorable role is."

"Besides, Shi Anna is not the kind of girl who is bad to the bone. Didn't she help you whitewash it later? In fact, think about it, leaving a deep impression on people. It is very important to let the audience remember you. The label on you can be whitewashed. At most, you can play a silly and sweet role in the next play, but it is the key to let the audience remember you."

Chen Qiaoen advised very seriously, mainly because he was afraid that this silly sister would really blame Nie Wei from the bottom of her heart. If others knew about this, they would think Jing Tiantian was a dog biting Lu Dongbin, which would have a great impact.

After listening to Chen Qiaoen's consolation, Jing Tiantian was a little embarrassed. Of course, she couldn't really blame Nie Wei. In fact, she was more like a spoiled child in front of Nie Wei, wanting to show her closeness to Nie Wei. Girls who occasionally complain in front of boys have this mentality, they all want to get the boys' care.

However, Chen Qiaoen's sincere consolation made Jing Tiantian a little embarrassed, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, Nie Wei, who had been smiling on the side, finally spoke: "Did you hear it? Let me tell you, Li Peixu, who was hit by eggs before, also gave me a gift to thank me."

Li Peixu is the actor who played Gucci. He had finished filming a long time ago, and because of the role of Gucci, he can be said to be famous for being a scumbag. He was even hit by eggs by passers-by when he walked on the street. Don't mention how embarrassed he was.

But because of this, in addition to a lot of news, his originally mediocre popularity became popular instantly. Not only did he receive many invitations to variety shows, but he even received advertising endorsements again after several years, and there were quite a few.

For this reason, he even brought local specialties from his hometown to visit Nie Wei to express his gratitude. The whole crew also knew about this.

However, Nie Wei said this with a proud face at this moment, just like a child who had to argue about who was better, which instantly made Chen Qiaoen laugh, and Jing Tiantian, who was originally embarrassed, was stunned after hearing it, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

The two girls' hearty laughter like silver bells attracted the attention of many staff members. Everyone was guessing what Nie Wei said at this moment. It was really envious to be able to make the girls laugh so happily.

Thank you for your support for Guessing, Cool Moon on a Autumn Night, and Fantasy Paradise. Two updates tomorrow.

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