No matter how much Shu Chang, Lin Yifei and others couldn't believe it, this was the fact. In half a year, the man in front of them who looked at least thirty years old would become their classmate.

This also refreshed the life values ​​of these girls and even some young men in their twenties. It turns out that they can be classmates even with such a big age difference.

"Okay, don't be surprised. There is no age to pursue dreams. Let's work hard together!" Nie Wei raised the cup with the drink and said loudly.


With Nie Wei's help, the quartet quickly accepted Huang Bo. Although the crew was very curious that Nie Wei would suddenly make friends with a factory worker, this was their own business, so apart from treating it as a gossip behind his back, they didn't care. What a turmoil.

The filming is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the physical book of Nie Wei's "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" will be on the shelves in mid-March as scheduled.

In order to build momentum for Nie Wei's book, Yanshan Wenhua Group even used several of its newspapers and magazines to promote it, and even teamed up with a TV station to conduct interviews in front of major bookstores in the city.

As a reporter, Liang Bo will never forget the scene that day.

In mid-March, Kyoto officially begins to feel the chill of spring. Although the temperature is obviously higher than that of winter, the coldness in the morning and evening is even more wintery because of the first melting of snow all winter long.

Liang Bo received the task yesterday and set out from the company at around seven o'clock in the morning in order to interview the first wave of book fans who bought the book.

But Liang Bo was really doubtful about whether there would be people queuing up so early in the morning.

"Do you think there will be anyone here so early in the morning?" Liang Bo asked suspiciously while driving.

"That book was very popular when it was serialized in the newspaper. I think there should be a lot of people who want to buy the book." This person at the same time had obviously done his homework and was aware of the brilliant achievements of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

Looking at the deserted streets outside and the hurried passers-by, Liang Bo still felt that this interview was a bit mysterious. After all, it would be embarrassing if there was no one there. If he had known better, he would have suggested it to the senior management, even if it meant hiring a few people. It works, it saves me a wasted trip.

But no matter what, Liang Bo and his colleagues have already gone to work. We can only hope that there will be someone at the door of the bookstore to let them give more real feedback. Otherwise, it will be embarrassing and big if the news that was all made up is exposed. Sent.

But when the car drove to the bookstore where they needed to interview, both of them were shocked by the long queue in front of them.

"There must be a hundred people here!" Liang Bo looked at the long team in shock and couldn't help but said rudely.

"Even if there are less than a hundred people, it's almost time. Come on, let's go down quickly to interview and see if they all come to buy "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"." My colleagues seemed to be more prepared. When they saw the long queue, they immediately shouldered the burden. Get on the camera and ask Liang Bo to get off.

"Hello everyone, I am currently at the entrance of a bookstore on Lianhua Street. It is 7:50 in the morning and the temperature is 8 degrees above zero. However, on such a cold morning, there are already hundreds of citizens behind me. They have been waiting in line here since early in the morning. Now let’s interview them about the reasons why they are queuing up at the entrance of the bookstore so early in the morning.”

Liang Bo held the microphone and started walking towards the long queue with the photographer.

"Hello, can you accept our interview?" Liang Bo randomly selected a young woman who looked to be in her twenties and asked in a friendly manner.

"Of course." The young woman readily agreed to the interview.

After receiving the confirmation, Liang Bo immediately asked: "Excuse me, what book did you queue up at the bookstore so early in the morning to buy?"

"Of course it's the only "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp"." The young woman replied matter-of-factly: "There are always chapters accidentally missed in newspaper serials, so I want to buy a book and read it when I get home."

"Me too. I haven't seen some of them before. Now that the book is finally published, of course I have to buy a copy and read it from the beginning."

"I have read them all, but I am a fan of Teacher Youyi's book. His physical book "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is on sale, so of course I will support it."

Liang Bo just asked a question, but several people in line around him responded enthusiastically. It was obvious that these people had only one purpose, and that was to buy "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

After dealing with this group of enthusiastic fans, Liang Bo turned his attention back to the team. Soon, with his reporter's precise eyes, he spotted an old man who looked to be at least sixty years old.

"Old gentleman, are you also here to buy "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"?" Liang Bo took the photographer two steps forward and asked curiously.

"Of course." the old man replied.

"So what attracted you to this book?" Liang Bo continued to ask.

"I'm not too interested in the story line of the novel itself. I'm more interested in the legends of mountain ghosts and ghosts cited in the novel, as well as the strange things and customs from various places. You can't just take this novel as a simple one. It’s a novel to read, there are a lot of interesting contents worth exploring.”

"Old sir, thank you for accepting the interview." When Liang Bo thanked him, the bookstore finally opened its door.

As the long queue moved slowly, Liang Bo and others interviewed several people queuing up. Without exception, they all came to buy "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp". Even the bookstore owner was a little surprised by such a scene.

"I really didn't expect this novel to sell so well. In the past, this kind of queue only happened when well-known writers published their works..."

While Liang Bo and others were continuing their interviews, other reporters sent out from various places also reported good news to the headquarters of Yanshan Wenhua Group.

Unknowingly, the morning had passed. At this moment, the conference room of Yanshan Wenhua Publishing House was full of people, including ****. Everyone did not discuss any actual content because they were all waiting for a result.

"It's out, it's out!" A loud shout suddenly came from outside the door, which shook the originally lazy atmosphere of the conference room.

"How much!?" The editor-in-chief of the publishing house sitting in the first seat looked at the staff who ran to the door and asked loudly.

"Eighteen thousand copies, many bookstores are asking for restocking." The staff did not care about panting and hurriedly reported the good news.

After hearing this number, everyone in the conference room became excited. Eighteen thousand copies were sold in half a day. This was obviously the rhythm of competing for the book sales list.

"Let those reporters produce the publicity reports as soon as possible. We must step up the efforts and get 'Ghost Blows Out the Light' on the book sales list today!" After the editor-in-chief of the publishing house loudly announced, the entire Yanshan Publishing House also started to work at full capacity to continue to build momentum for 'Ghost Blows Out the Light'.

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