Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 733 733. Friends and Family (Part 2)

Nie Wei's mother Su Qing's attitude on the phone was very clear. Marrying Shu Chang as a daughter-in-law was a beautiful thing, but hiding it made her mother very angry.

"Mom, I didn't hide it. I just made such a decision temporarily. It hasn't been two hours since we thought of getting the marriage certificate." Nie Wei explained with a wry smile.

"Then why couldn't you notify us first when you had the idea? Are you afraid that we would object?"

"How could it be, Mom, didn't you decide that Shu Chang would be your daughter-in-law a long time ago? I know you won't object. You agree very much. I was wrong about this. I was too nervous after making the decision and forgot about it. Don't be angry. Anyway, everyone is happy, right?"

"What are your plans after getting the marriage certificate? Have you considered when to hold the wedding? Or do you want to keep these things from your mother?" Su Qing's tone was still resentful. After all, her son's marriage was such a big thing that she didn't even notify his parents in advance, which made her very sad.

When she first got the news, she even cried out of grievance. It was only after Zhou Aiguo coaxed her for a long time that she could call Nie Wei calmly.

"Of course not." Nie Wei didn't dare to follow Su Qing's words. Even a fool would know the correct answer. Then he explained to Su Qing the decision he had discussed with Shu Chang.

"It's just that Shu Chang is wronged." After listening to Nie Wei's explanation, Su Qing was quite satisfied. However, she felt that Nie Wei was a little sorry for Shu Chang because Nie Wei and Shu Chang had to continue working after getting the marriage certificate.

After all, newlyweds, even if they haven't held the wedding yet, they definitely want to be together every day. Nie Wei's filming will probably take another half a year apart. Any new bride would definitely complain about this.

"Mom, this is what Shu Chang and I have discussed. She understands, and I promised her that as long as the filming of this movie is finished, I will definitely take a month's vacation and accompany Shu Chang well."

"Alas, I won't persuade you. Anyway, you should remember Shu Chang's goodness. There are not many girls who are so obedient now." After hearing Nie Wei's explanation, Su Qing sighed and gave Nie Wei some instructions.

In Su Qing's view, many girls like Shu Chang who are beautiful and big stars are the kind of spoiled little princesses who have been held in the palm of their parents' hands since childhood. Shu Chang, who is considerate, gentle and filial, and considers Nie Wei in everything, is simply an excellent girl picked out of thousands.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Shu Chang married Nie Wei, which was a great bargain, but in Su Qing's eyes, Nie Wei was lucky to marry Shu Chang.

Men work hard outside for their careers, and there are virtuous wives at home to take care of the family. In Su Qing's eyes, Shu Chang is such a virtuous wife.

Especially in the past year, since she and Nie Wei announced their relationship, Shu Chang has basically been in a semi-retired state, with an attitude of preparing to be a new daughter-in-law, which has won Su Qing a lot of favor.

"By the way, Mom, are you free tonight? I want to invite you and Shu Chang's elders to have a meal together. After all, today is the day when Shu Chang and I get the marriage certificate. I hope to have your blessings." Feeling that his mother seemed to have finally calmed down, Nie Wei also asked Su Qing about what he had thought of a long time ago.

For this matter, Su Qing had to make time even if she didn't have time, not to mention that she was free in the first place.

"This is a good thing. We don't need to book a restaurant outside. Just buy the food and have a family dinner at home."

"Mom, we want to go together. I think so too." Nie Wei replied with a smile on the phone.

He agreed with Su Qing's suggestion. In fact, he was afraid that he could only invite them to dinner at home, because there were countless eyes staring at him outside. Nie Wei didn't need to guess, he knew that there must be many reporters waiting for him outside the community. At that time, let alone eating, he might not even be able to leave the community gate.

What's more, even if there is a restaurant to eat, it might not be quiet. For this family dinner, Nie Wei just wanted the families of both sides to have a good time. He didn't want too much attention from the outside world, or even to be broadcast live by the media.

After agreeing on a time for dinner, Nie Wei hung up the phone and came to the living room to tell Shu Chang about it again.

"Then I'll call my aunt." After hearing what Nie Wei said, Shu Chang quickly took out her mobile phone again. She also agreed and supported the idea of ​​holding a family dinner today.

Just as Nie Wei said, she also hoped to get the blessings of the elders of both sides on the day of getting the certificate to confirm the relationship between husband and wife.

Min Chun's call was quickly connected. Shu Chang told her about the family dinner on the phone. Min Chun agreed without saying anything and asked Nie Wei and Shu Chang if she should buy the food and bring it over.

Obviously, she knew how inconvenient it was for Nie Wei and Shu Chang to travel now, not to mention shopping in supermarkets and vegetable markets.

"Auntie Chun, thank you for your help." Nie Wei did not refuse Min Chun's kindness and thanked her on the phone.

"No trouble, as long as you remember to be good to our Shu Chang." Min Chun said with a smile.

"That's for sure." Nie Wei answered without hesitation. The simple promise made Min Chun very satisfied. She knew from Nie Wei's tone that Nie Wei must be sincere when he said this.

"Don't disturb your sweet couple. Send me the menu later so I can choose the dishes and seasonings." Min Chun did not chat with Nie Wei. Although she had many things to ask Nie Wei, she knew that now This was not the time for small talk. After all, the young couple had just received their certificates and they definitely wanted to get tired of being together. What they needed at this time was their private space, so she stopped being such a big light bulb.

Just as Nie Wei expected, reporters had already gathered outside the residential area where they were. Not to mention the front and back doors, even the fence of the community was full of people. They were all gung-ho and had a runny nose in the winter. He didn't blink even after he came out of the cold, staring at the various entrances and exits in the community. He didn't expect to block Nie Wei, but also hoped to bump into celebrities who came to congratulate him.

As for Nie Wei and Shu Chang, they didn't have much time to enjoy their time together. There were really too many phone calls and they couldn't even answer them. Nie Wei's connections accumulated over the years really exploded at this moment, knowing the news of Nie Wei's marriage. , almost half of the entertainment industry has put down the work at hand.

Some people who were close to Nie Wei would call him directly. If they couldn't get through, they would send text messages.

Of course, blessings on blogs are also a must. Even celebrities who have nothing to do with Nie Wei have to forward it and send blessings to gain popularity.

According to incomplete statistics, thousands of certified celebrities left messages online that day to send blessings. Huayi Company used Nie Wei and Shu Chang’s certified accounts to publish the wedding announcement, and the total number of replies exceeded 5 million. , as for the number of likes and retweets, it is already moving towards the unit of 100 million.

The number of comments on Nie Wei's blog alone exceeded 3.5 million.

This also broke the record for the highest number of comments and replies to a single message on a blog. It is worth mentioning that the previous record was also set by Nie Wei, which was the message where he announced his relationship with Shu Chang. The number of replies was 2.28 million.

In addition, topics related to Nie Weishuchang's marriage have refreshed the entire hot search list, firmly occupying the top three positions. In just one day, the hot search index has exceeded 500 million. According to the blog According to background statistics, Nie Weishu Chang's marriage accounted for more than 50% of the keywords discussed by netizens on this day.

The marriage of the two has obviously become the hottest topic among the people at the moment.

This also allowed everyone to see their popularity in China, especially their great influence on teenagers and young adults.

Not only did Nie Wei receive blessings from the entertainment industry, many business leaders also expressed their blessings publicly, and even many officials in Kyoto privately sent blessing messages to Nie Wei.

You must know that Nie Wei is not just a star. He is also a very successful entrepreneur. He attends the annual meeting of entrepreneurs in Kyoto every year. He is also one of the major taxpayers in Kyoto, especially his Internet companies. Kyoto focuses on supporting star companies. Every year, the Kyoto government gives Nie Wei's Internet company many preferential policies because it is afraid that Nie Wei's company will be poached by other regions.

This is not unfounded worry. In fact, after setting up the blog, except for the first year, Nie Wei met many olive branches from other regions, hoping that the blog company could move its headquarters. to the areas they govern.

In many areas, no matter how much GDP it brings to the local area, a world-class social platform like blog, its own value alone is enough to make people excited. This is a proper star enterprise. Wherever it goes Every city will make that city proud of its existence.

The expression on Shu Chang's face all day long had been one of surprise. Only today did she find out that her man not only had amazing connections in the entertainment industry, but also in politics and business.

Their phones ran out of power in the afternoon, so they simply turned them off. After all, depending on the time, their parents would be arriving soon.

Sure enough, within an hour, Shu Chang's aunt Min Chun came to Nie Wei's house with a trolley of ingredients.

"Pork ribs, beans, potatoes, eggplants, and some of the seafood you asked for. I also bought pork knuckles. I'll make you my soybean and pork knuckles stew tonight, and I'll make sure you bite your tongue."

"Aunt Chun, your cooking skills must be nothing to say. I'm just waiting to eat delicious food." Nie Wei flattered her again.

Min Chun looked at Nie Wei with a smile. This kid has a sweet mouth. In the past, Min Chun and Nie Wei had a comfortable relationship and talked closer than ordinary people, but the other party was still the boss of the company after all, so they always felt a little separated. , I still have to take Nie Wei’s identity into consideration in my heart.

But today I found out that Nie Wei and Shu Chang were married, and the little estrangement in Min Chun's heart completely disappeared. From now on, this person is truly his family.

"Okay, just wait and eat. Aunt Chun will make it carefully for you." Min Chun replied with a smile.

"No, it's not good to leave me idle. I'll chop vegetables for you. I'm the best at this." Of course, Nie Wei couldn't be so stupid as to watch TV by herself, and then let Min Chun work alone in the kitchen. That wouldn't be the case. Her beauty is worth her weight in gold. From Nie Wei's point of view, Min Chun is basically equivalent to her mother-in-law, so of course she has to behave well.

Since Min Chun wants to be the chef, Nie Wei naturally won't compete, but he will help with the job.

Min Chun wanted to refuse, but Nie Wei had already picked up the kitchen knife. Min Chun smiled and acquiesced. In fact, she was quite happy. Nie Wei, such a precious master, was willing to help her cut vegetables. It was obviously not for her face. Of course, he loved Shu Chang and would please her for her sake. This meant that Shu Chang was very important to him.

Shu Chang did not snatch Nie Wei's work. She knew that her husband was trying to show off in front of her relatives, so she would not stop him.

About half an hour later, Nie Wei's parents and Zhou Duoduo also came.

Zhou Duoduo went straight to Shu Chang as soon as she entered the house and asked Shu Chang if she was going to have a little sister. It seemed that the little girl thought that Shu Chang would be pregnant after Nie Wei and Shu Chang got married.

Seeing Shu Chang blushing and not knowing how to explain, Nie Wei quickly sent Zhou Duoduo away, and then took the things brought by his parents.

Min Chun also came out of the kitchen wearing an apron at this time. The two sides had met before, so there was no need for Nie Wei to introduce anything.

Especially since Nie Wei and Shu Chang were both married, the relationship between the two sides could be said to be closer. When they met again, they did not feel unfamiliar because of time, but felt closer.

The atmosphere of the dinner was very harmonious. Min Chun and Su Qing also presented gifts to the two children on behalf of their respective parents, and also gave their blessings to the two newlyweds.

Shu Chang had a happy smile on his face when he went to bed at night.

For Nie Wei and Shu Chang, waking up the next day was a new beginning, but for many people, this matter was obviously not something that could be passed in a day or two.

Almost from the beginning of the morning, the customer service staff of Huayi Company has been receiving calls from newspapers, requesting exclusive interviews with Nie Wei and Shu Chang. Some even proposed to make a special issue for Nie Wei and Shu Chang. The entire magazine only contains the interview content of Shu Chang and Nie Wei. If the content is not enough, they can also provide photo shooting to make up for it. Moreover, the labor fee has reached seven figures. The other party also said that this is just a quotation. If Nie Wei and Shu Chang are willing to agree, it can be increased.

This is also the reason why people who officially enter the entertainment industry want to be famous desperately. Small artists may not be able to make it to the headlines even if they have to pay a lot, but big stars have countless media chasing them, and even paying for interviews.

But Nie Wei and Shu Chang obviously have no interest in this. Instead of interviewing, they might as well watch a movie together at home.

Just when Nie Wei and Shu Chang were thinking about whether they should take a few more days off and stay at home for a few more days, Wang Zhonglei called.

On the phone, Wang Zhonglei only informed Nie Wei of one thing, that Lin Yifei wanted to interrupt her acting career and go to the United States to study.

Thanks to 1992 for the generous 500 yuan reward, and thanks to linyufeiyang, Fantasy Paradise, Falcon A, Autumn Night Cool Moon, and Fridrik for their support.

I will start updating from tomorrow. Although I have a holiday this weekend, I have more things to do. But I will remember to update from tomorrow.

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