Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 745 745. Suspicious Person (Part 2)

Before, because Shu Chang was a public figure, he was afraid of the impact, so he had not taken the initiative to deal with this matter. Moreover, the other party was just following him. Even if he was caught, he would be sent to the police station for criticism and education at most.

But Nie Wei could not expect that he had already moved to another community temporarily, but the other party was still unwilling to give up and followed him again. This persistence made Nie Wei worried. Not to mention whether the other party had a criminal mentality, just following Shu Chang all the time made Nie Wei afraid that the other party had mental problems. Some crazy fans eventually hurt their idols, which happened a lot in the circle.

So after getting this news, Nie Wei decided to come forward in person. He must solve this matter thoroughly and not let his family be in any danger.

"Are the bodyguards over there still following the target?" Thinking of this, Nie Wei asked the bodyguard next to him.

"Boss Nie, wait a minute, I'll make a phone call to ask." After the bodyguard finished speaking, he quickly dialed the number that had just hung up. After a brief inquiry, he immediately reported to Nie Wei: "Group 3 is still keeping an eye on the target."

"Then let the people in Group 3 take the initiative to contact the target. It's best to invite him to a nearby coffee shop box. I want to see what his purpose is." Nie Wei ordered.

However, as soon as Nie Wei finished speaking, the bodyguard next to him immediately stopped him and said: "Boss Nie, you can't go in person before you confirm the other party's purpose and whether there is a threat."

"Don't persuade me about this matter, do as I tell you." Nie Wei waved his hand and interrupted the bodyguard's words of persuasion.

Nie Wei is confident in his skills. Even if the other party is a nine-foot big man, Nie Wei will subdue him in the first time. Moreover, he has long heard the bodyguard's description that the other party is just a thin man who looks forty or fifty years old.

Seeing Nie Wei's resolute attitude, the bodyguard opened his mouth, but in the end he could not say anything to dissuade him. However, he still made another suggestion, which was to let the bodyguards of Group 3 search the other party to see if they had any prohibited items.

Body search is illegal, but Nie Wei is not the kind of three-good citizen who sticks to the law. Since the other party is sneaky, he must be on guard, so Nie Wei immediately nodded and agreed to the bodyguard's proposal.

The bodyguards here received Nie Wei's instructions to arrange the task. Nie Wei was also thinking about the identity of the other party. At present, the most likely possibility is a private fan. After all, this kind of mentally abnormal fan loves to disturb the idol's private life and try every means to interfere with the idol's various times.

In addition, the possibility of robbers is not great.

First, because the other party has appeared for such a long time, the bodyguards have never found any traces of the other party's accomplices. If they come alone to scout the place, it is too long to scout the place. Instead, it is more like a single action.

And if a thin man in his forties or fifties wanted to kidnap Shu Chang, who had two bodyguards around him, he would know that it was impossible to succeed if he had any sense.

Of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that the other party was a mental patient. You can't imagine what he would do.

After waiting in the car for about fifteen minutes, the bodyguard's phone rang again. Nie Wei watched him answer the call and nodded continuously. Ten seconds later, the bodyguard hung up the phone and reported to Nie Wei: "Mr. Nie, the other party has been invited to the coffee shop on the corner. In addition, the other party has no dangerous items except mobile phones and wallets."

Hearing this, Nie Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that he was afraid that the other party would bring any dangerous items to threaten him, but since the other party didn't bring these things, it proved that the other party didn't have the idea of ​​hurting Shu Chang in his heart. However, Nie Wei couldn't rule out the possibility that the other party was dangerous based on such information. Everything had to be confirmed after meeting and talking.

"Change the car and go to the coffee shop." Nie Wei didn't take the nanny car to travel, which was too conspicuous, but asked the bodyguard to change to a SUV that he rarely drove on weekdays.

The coffee shop is very close to Nie Wei's neighborhood, and it only takes five minutes to drive there. There is a bodyguard hired by Nie Wei waiting at the door. When he saw Nie Wei wearing a hat and mask, he immediately stepped forward to greet him, and then hurriedly led Nie Wei.

"Didn't the other party resist?" Nie Wei asked on the way to the box.

"It's strange to say that after we exposed the tracking, the other party didn't panic and run away, and didn't even resist at all, and even cooperated with the body search, but was a little nervous." The bodyguard reported with a hint of doubt in his tone.

Because in the past, when people were caught secretly following people, their first reaction was basically either to deny it or to run away. But the one he met today neither denied nor ran away, and seemed to want to be discovered. The key is that he even made an unreasonable request for a body search, and the other party readily accepted it, which made him feel a little abnormal.

But the other party did not show any threat, so the bodyguard could only tell Nie Wei these and let Nie Wei judge.

After hearing the bodyguard's report, Nie Wei also had some doubts, but this doubt did not stop Nie Wei's pace. He soon came to the box and pushed open the door without hesitation, wanting to see what the people inside were thinking.

Nie Wei pushed open the door and saw the stalker uncle sitting there a little embarrassed and afraid.

This was also the first time that Nie Wei saw the real person of this stalker uncle. He had only known him through photos before. Unlike what he imagined, he did not have any vulgar temperament. He did not panic or fear when he saw Nie Wei, but as the bodyguard said, he seemed a little reserved.

"Hello." Although Nie Wei did not like the other party stalking Shu Chang, he would not lose his courtesy.

"Hello, Mr. Nie, nice to meet you." The other party was stunned when he heard Nie Wei's greeting, and then quickly responded.

Nie Wei walked into the house and sat directly opposite the stalker uncle. The two bodyguards who followed Nie Wei also stood behind Nie Wei immediately, obviously wanting to protect Nie Wei, but Nie Wei waved his hand and asked them to leave.

From the eye contact just now, Nie Wei could see that this uncle was not threatening. There was no hatred or madness in his eyes, but more of a complex emotion of expectation and shrinking.

"Sir, we'll just stand guard at the door," the bodyguard said. First, he couldn't disobey Nie Wei's order, and second, it was also a warning to the guy sitting opposite Nie Wei, reminding him that there were so many bodyguards at the door, and Nie Wei only needed to call and he would rush in to protect him immediately, so that he wouldn't have any bad intentions.

Nie Wei understood the meaning of the bodyguard's words, smiled and nodded at him, and then turned his attention to the uncle opposite.

"Don't you want to introduce yourself?" After the bodyguards walked out and closed the door, Nie Wei took the initiative to ask.

The uncle who was about to pick up the cup to drink coffee heard Nie Wei suddenly ask him, and hurriedly put down the coffee and replied: "My... My last name is Dong, my name is Dong Zhibin."

"Mr. Dong, I'll get straight to the point, why are you following my wife?" Nie Wei just finished this sentence, suddenly showed a stunned expression, and then looked at the uneasy Dong Zhibin opposite seriously, as if he wanted to find some clues from the other's face.

As for Nie Wei's question, Dong Zhibin was hesitant, and seemed to not know how to start.

After being silent for half a minute, Nie Wei narrowed his eyes and asked, "Your last name is Dong. Are you related to Shu Chang?"

Dong Zhibin smiled bitterly and nodded silently.

"If you are related, you have to show evidence. I guess you don't expect me to believe that this will happen just because you say your name, right?" Nie Wei had a vague idea in his mind, but he would not rashly affirm it, because if his idea really became a reality, it would not necessarily be a good thing for Shu Chang.

"I am Shu Chang's father. This... This is a photo of me, her mother and her when she was a child. Show it to Shu Chang. I believe she can recognize her mother." Dong Zhibin hesitated for a while, and finally told his identity, and actually took out evidence to prove his identity.

When Nie Wei heard this answer, his heart couldn't help but "thump" a little, but he concealed his emotions very well, and his expression was still very calm.

Taking the photo handed over by Dong Zhibin, Nie Wei lowered his head and looked at it carefully. He had seen the photo of Shu Chang and her mother when she was a child, but there was never a photo of her father in the photos that Shu Chang showed him. According to Shu Chang, they might have been thrown away by her mother.

Although he had never seen Shu Chang's father's appearance, Shu Chang's mother Nie Wei could confirm that she was 90% similar to the woman in the photo that Dong Zhibin gave him, and it should be confirmed that they were the same person.

Looking at the photo that Dong Zhibin gave him, which was obviously a family of three, even if Nie Wei didn't want to admit it, it was likely that Dong Zhibin was really Shu Chang's father.

Nie Wei seemed to be still studying the photo, but in fact, his attention was no longer on the photo, but on how to deal with this matter.

The father who abandoned them since childhood suddenly appeared. How would Shu Chang react after knowing this news? Was he happy that his biological father appeared and that he had a blood relative again, or was he sad and heartbroken because of the memories and hatred in his heart?

Nie Wei felt that the latter was more likely.

"I will show the photo to Shu Chang." Nie Wei put away the photo, then looked at Dong Zhibin, suddenly smiled, and asked: "Although it is not confirmed that you are Shu Chang's father, I still want to ask, even if you are Shu Chang's father, you suddenly appeared again after so many years, what is your purpose?"

"I... I just know that my daughter is getting married, and I want to see her." Dong Zhibin looked at Nie Wei sitting opposite, and felt indescribable discomfort in his heart. It was obviously a father-in-law meeting a son-in-law, and the son-in-law should please his father-in-law. When it came to them, he, as a father-in-law, felt indescribable insecurity.

"Oh, but I think it's better for you not to meet. If you meet once, you will satisfy your wish, but it is very likely to leave pain to my wife and evoke my wife's painful memories." Nie Wei said slowly while stirring the coffee that had long been cold with a stirring stick.

Nie Wei's words seemed to be a very commonplace statement, but the content of his words made Dong Zhibin feel trembling. Obviously, he was not stupid and could hear the meaning of Nie Wei's words, which was that he did not want him to see his piano-playing daughter.

The key point was that even he himself agreed with what Nie Wei said. Thinking of this, Dong Zhibin smiled bitterly.

"Uncle Dong, I believe you should understand what I said. Although I am not sure of your identity, if you are really Shu Chang's father and really want to be good to Shu Chang, I hope you can think about what I said." Nie Wei said this, put down the stirring stick in his hand, and stood up.

"Then I'll say goodbye today. I hope you won't disturb our lives in this way again." Nie Wei said to Dong Zhibin calmly, then picked up the suit hanging on the side and walked out of the box. Dong Zhibin, who was left behind, seemed to have not heard Nie Wei's words. He sat there blankly, without saying a word.

Fifteen minutes later, Nie Wei returned home. When he entered the house, he saw Shu Chang carrying food on the dining table. Seeing Nie Wei coming in, Shu Chang immediately smiled brightly and asked, "I just heard you were back. Why did you take so long to come upstairs?"

"Ah, something happened and delayed me for a while." Nie Wei was infected by Shu Chang's smile and couldn't help but smile. Then he looked at the dishes Shu Chang brought to the table and asked, "You cooked so many dishes?"

"They are all home-cooked stir-fries." Shu Chang smiled and said, "I learned a few dishes from my mother during the Spring Festival. Today I thought I would try my hand at it. How about it? It looks good, right?"

"Haha, it seems that you are using me as a guinea pig." Nie Wei laughed, then picked up the chopsticks on the table, picked up a piece of potato shreds and put it in his mouth to chew. Shu Chang on the side stared at Nie Wei's expression, as if he wanted to see from Nie Wei's face whether the dishes were delicious or not.

After Nie Wei took the first bite of the dish, he chewed it very well, and then suddenly frowned, which made Shu Chang's heart skip a beat. Could it be that the dish did not suit Nie Wei's appetite? But she had tasted it, so it should be fine. Just when Shu Chang was anxiously thinking about picking up a chopstick to sing it again, Nie Wei suddenly raised his thumb and gestured in front of her.

"Good, really good." Nie Wei praised Shu Chang before she swallowed the dish, which instantly made the girl's originally anxious mood cheerful, and she also understood that Nie Wei's frown just now was just for fun.

"Nie Wei, you are so bad, always bullying me." Shu Chang was in a good mood, but she did not easily let Nie Wei off. Who made him so hateful, probably teasing herself.

"You are the one who is not confident about your dishes." Nie Wei argued: "You cook very delicious dishes. If you have some confidence, your cooking skills can definitely feed your husband well."

"Hmph." Shu Chang only responded to Nie Wei's defense with a "hmph", but in fact, she was already very happy in her heart. Nie Wei was praising her cooking skills.

Shu Chang still had a soup that was not ready. The two chatted with each other with a smile, and Shu Chang ran to the kitchen to look at the soup pot again. This time, Nie Wei did not lie on the sofa and watch TV to kill time as usual, but followed Shu Chang to the kitchen.

"Why are you following me? Go watch TV. The soup will be ready soon." Shu Chang found Nie Wei behind her when she arrived in the kitchen, and immediately said subconsciously.

"There are no good programs on TV at this time." Nie Wei made up an excuse casually. Shu Chang glanced at Nie Wei and smiled, but did not "drive" him out again. She just thought that Nie Wei wanted to stick to her.

Watching the soup pot, Nie Wei took the initiative to find a topic and chatted with Shu Chang again. They chatted for about five minutes. Seeing that the soup was almost cooked, Nie Wei suddenly asked Shu Chang: "Wife, do you still remember what your father looks like?"

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise for the generous reward.

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