Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 75 74. Candidates

After seeing Li Dawei, the long-haired man immediately smiled.

Nie Wei stood beside Li Dawei and recognized the smiling long-haired man at first sight. This was Sanbao, who had created numerous excellent works such as "My Father and Mother", "See You Later", and "Only You in My Eyes".

Are all musicians so sloppy?

He was wearing a wrinkled camouflage uniform, his long hair was not flowing but tangled, and his face was full of stubble. He looked like a middle-aged sloppy uncle who stayed at home.

"Uncle Sanbao, this is Nie Wei, the male lead of our TV series. I brought him here to appreciate your work." When Nie Wei was looking at Sanbao, Li Dawei had already started to introduce him to Sanbao.

In fact, Sanbao was also looking at Nie Wei at this moment, mainly because this boy was really too conspicuous.

With his delicate appearance, slender figure, neat clothes and confident temperament, he is just like a dazzling little sun. Didn't you see that people passing by would take a look at Nie Wei intentionally or unintentionally? No matter men, women, old or young, it is obvious that everyone is willing to pay a little attention to beautiful things.

However, since he is making music, not film and television, San Bao only slightly admired Nie Wei's excellent appearance, and then put all his thoughts on the new song.

"I have basically completed 80% of the song, but now there is no lyrics. You can find someone else for this job. You know I am not good at this." On the way to the music room with Li Dawei and Nie Wei, San Bao also talked about the production of the song.

"Let's listen to the song first." Li Dawei said directly. Obviously, he is still very concerned about the theme song of his TV series, otherwise he would not mobilize his mother's connections to find a great composer like San Bao to compose the theme song for his TV series.

Nie Wei on the side was even more curious whether San Bao would write the song "Anxiang".

Soon the three of them arrived at the music room. Sanbao didn't say anything more. He directly turned on the computer and found the file of the song, and then clicked the play button under everyone's expectation.

As soon as the prelude of this song sounded, Nie Wei shuddered all over. It must be the song "Anxiang"!

Only Sanbao can use the majestic string instruments as the beginning, supplemented by violins and pianos. Such a symphony-like soundtrack can be done, just like the song "My Father and Mother". Sanbao's music is like this. It can always combine the seemingly unconnected emotions of grandeur, depth, and beauty, making a **** song heavy and rich in connotation.

Li Dawei was fascinated by the song. This song is really beautiful. Listening to such a song and imagining the content of his own shooting, the sense of picture really made him feel inexplicably moved.

The only pity is that there are no lyrics.

Two minutes later, Sanbao pressed the pause button.

"How is it?"

"Very nice!" Li Dawei immediately gave a thumbs up and praised.

"It's grand, profound, and beautiful. If we find a male singer with a melancholy voice to sing it, this song will definitely be a big hit." Nie Wei, who was sitting next to him, suggested seriously.

This sentence also made Sanbao look at him differently. This handsome boy seemed to have a good sense of music. He thought in his heart that he should find a male singer with a melancholy voice to sing it.

"That's all we have done now. The music needs to be adjusted in the later stage. As for the lyrics, you don't have to worry. I'm also looking for the right person..." Sanbao was talking when he saw Nie Wei, who was standing next to him, suddenly raised his hand and gestured.

"What's the problem?"

"As for the lyrics, I think I can try." Nie Wei looked at the two people who were confused and said directly.

Hearing this, Sanbao hadn't reacted yet, and Li Dawei, who was standing next to him, had already pulled Nie Wei in surprise.

"Nie Wei, stop joking. This is not a joke. Lyrics not only require a certain mood, but also require a certain level of rhythm. You haven't learned it, so you may not be able to write it well."

"Actually, I know a little bit. I just listened to Teacher Sanbao's song, and I was touched, so I wanted to try it." Nie Wei responded seriously. In fact, he had heard this song eight hundred times in his previous life. He might feel amazing when he heard it for the first time, but he got used to it after hearing it too many times. The reason why he was so confident was that Nie Wei had remembered the lyrics of the song a long time ago.

Since there was such an opportunity, Nie Wei naturally wanted to use it.

Sanbao, who was standing aside, also came back to his senses at this moment. It might be that Nie Wei's evaluation of the song just now gave him a good impression. Looking at Nie Wei who had been seriously trying to try it, he nodded happily.

"David, let this young man try it. Besides, if I am not satisfied with what he wrote, I will not use it."

Sanbao's words gave Nie Wei an opportunity, and Nie Wei was not polite. As a result, Sanbao found paper and pen and sat on the table beside him and started writing.

The remaining two people were also very curious about what kind of lyrics Nie Wei would write, but Sanbao knew that when writers get inspiration, they are just like composers, and they don't want to be disturbed, so they still forcibly pulled Li Dawei out of the recording studio.

What he didn't expect was that five minutes after the two of them came out, before they finished smoking a cigarette, Nie Wei came out with a piece of paper.

"Have you finished writing?" Li Dawei looked at Nie Wei in surprise and asked in disbelief.

Nie Wei nodded, tacitly agreeing with Li Dawei's guess, and then directly handed the lyrics in his hand to Sanbao, who was also surprised.

After taking the lyrics and reading them, Sanbao was attracted by Nie Wei's beautiful handwriting before he had time to appreciate the content, and couldn't help but exclaimed "good handwriting".

"This child's handwriting is beautiful." Hearing Sanbao's praise, Li Dawei also laughed. Nie Wei's handwriting is really famous in the crew.

At this time, he also curiously came to Sanbao's side and began to appreciate the lyrics written by Nie Wei.

When the petals leave the flower, the fragrance remains.

Disappeared after the wind and rain, no one comes to smell.

If love tells me to go on, I will fight to the end of love.

If the heart dies in brilliance, love will be reborn in the ashes. When I can't forget the lingering whispers, use your smile to commemorate me.

Let the heart die in splendor, let love be reborn in the ashes, the fire burns through the green grass, and see another spring breeze...

Li Dawei doesn't understand music, but he feels that this word is quite abstract, but he doesn't feel empty. There is always a mysterious feeling that can be connected with the love, hatred and hatred of several main characters in "The Golden Age".

Sanbao on the side is different. As a professional composer, he actually has a strong appreciation for good lyrics. When he finished reading the lyrics for the first time, he was sure that this was the one he wanted. Nie Wei's lyrics completely expressed the feeling of his song in words. For a while, Sanbao even had the idea of ​​meeting a soulmate with Nie Wei.

"That's it!" After reading it again, Sanbao recalled the artistic conception of the lyrics while making a decision.

Li Dawei naturally had no objection to this, not to mention that he also felt that the lyrics of this song were unexpectedly well written.

"Young man, the lyrics are well written. Leave your contact information later, and we will communicate more in the future." Sanbao looked at Nie Wei with satisfaction and took the initiative to ask for his contact information.

Nie Wei didn't act pretentiously and immediately gave out his phone number.

Nie Wei's 'unexpected' performance instantly improved the song's completion by more than half. Now the only thing missing was the singer, but Li Dawei directly rejected several of the three treasures he mentioned. In the end, I don't know how the discussion ended, and this question fell on Nie Wei again.

"I actually have a candidate." When Nie Wei was asked, a light suddenly flashed in his mind and he instantly said a name.

Thanks to Tian_wai, cearo, snail fighter, 1008w and several other classmates for their generous rewards.

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