Seeing the photo in Shu Chang's hand, Nie Wei's heart suddenly skipped a beat. He knew something bad was going to happen, and he was a little annoyed. Why did he forget to put away such an important thing?

"Wife, what's the matter with you calling me up?" Nie Wei asked with a stiff face.

Shu Chang pointed the photo in his hand at Nie Wei expressionlessly and asked, "Don't you want to explain to me why you have this photo?"

Nie Wei looked at the photo and was silent for a moment, and decided to confess to Shu Chang.

"It was given to me by someone who claimed to be your father."

"Then why didn't you tell me at the first time?"

"I...I'm sorry." Nie Wei suddenly felt that the reasons he had found before for not telling Shu Chang seemed too pale and powerless in the face of the truth. Even if he wanted to do good for Shu Chang, the decision he made was too selfish.

Nie Wei was ready to bear Shu Chang's anger, but after hearing Nie Wei's apology, the expressionless Shu Chang suddenly showed a helpless look and sighed softly.

"Hubby, come and sit next to me." Shu Chang's gentle voice sounded in Nie Wei's ears, making Nie Wei subconsciously walk to Shu Chang and sit down, and then he felt a very familiar weight on his shoulder. Shu Chang had already gently leaned his head on Nie Wei's shoulder.

"Hubby, I know you want to protect me from harm, and I also understand that you are afraid that I will be sad. Your starting point must be for my consideration and for my good."

Shu Chang's words made Nie Wei feel warm in his heart, but he was also a little uneasy. Generally speaking, there must be a but after saying this.

Sure enough, as soon as Nie Wei thought of this, Shu Chang's but came out.

"But, there are some things I can't escape and must face, just like the person in this photo. Husband, I hope that I can make this decision myself, and you will definitely be my strongest backing, right?"

Hearing Shu Chang's words, Nie Wei was really surprised. He had never thought that the little woman who had always relied on herself to make decisions was actually so strong in her heart.

"You're right. I did it on my own. I'll be careful in the future." Shu Chang was so considerate that Nie Wei could finally admit his mistake. After what happened today, he began to have a new understanding of Shu Chang. This girl's emotional intelligence really made him look at her in a new light. A disaster that should have happened was easily solved by this little woman, which moved him from the bottom of his heart.

"Then I forgive you." Shu Chang said with a smile, putting an end to this matter.

Since Shu Chang had chosen to face his father, Nie Wei naturally had no need to stop him. He immediately gave Shu Chang the phone number that Shu Chang's father left that day.

"This is your father's phone number. If you want to see him, you can contact him. He told me that he will stay in Kyoto and wait for your call before the New Year."

"Well, I'll prepare myself mentally and call him again." Shu Chang took the phone number, glanced at it and put it in her pocket. Although she and Nie Wei talked very well, when she really had to face this father she hadn't seen for a long time, Shu Chang felt that she really had to do some psychological preparation. The key was that she hadn't thought about what identity to use to face him.

Nie Wei nodded in understanding and said, "As you said, I am your strongest backing. No matter what choice you make, I will support you."

The next day, the training of the "Assassin's League" crew began to return to normal.

However, there are only three coaches working for the time being, and it will take another day for the southern coaches to come.

And the strike alliance was just as Nie Wei thought. Because of the "rebellion" of Li Mingxue and the other two, the alliance soon had differences within it.

When Li Mingxue finished training with Li Binbin and returned to school that day, two more coaches secretly found her and asked if she could help them talk to Nie Wei and let them continue training.

Because the principal had explained the contract to them after returning from Nie Wei yesterday.

Originally, everyone thought that the money in their pockets was theirs, but after listening to the principal's words, they realized that the money in their pockets did not belong to them. Even if they did not fulfill the contract, they would have to pay a huge amount of termination fees. Although Nie Wei had exempted them from the termination fee, they were reluctant to take out the money in their pockets.

After all, the treatment given by Huayi was really generous, and it was also the most generous reward they had received in these years.

It would definitely not work if they did not pay it back. They did not understand the power behind the super-rich Nie Wei, but they also knew it was terrible. Moreover, if Nie Wei was angry and sued them according to the contract, they would not only have to pay back the salary, but also the penalty for breach of contract.

But how could they bear to pay it back, especially since many of them spent a lot of money on things they usually wouldn't buy after receiving the money. Now they suddenly know that the money they spent doesn't belong to them anymore. You can imagine how distressed they are.

So, some people in the strike alliance wavered again, especially after knowing that Li Mingxue and others could continue to perform the contract, they wanted to come up and ask them to help plead for mercy. Anyway, they didn't want to continue the strike. Dai Hangshan was just a colleague, why should they be so hard on money just because of a colleague?

However, their idea was good, but the reality was cruel. After they found Li Mingxue and told her their idea, Li Mingxue immediately told them that it was impossible.

"Sister Li, please help us."

"Really, Sister Li, we really regret it. We shouldn't have listened to that guy surnamed Yang and said that we should fight for our dignity. Now I understand that Mr. Nie has treated us unfairly. It was Dai Hangshan who started that thing. It was also Dai Hangshan who got beaten because of his bad mouth. Not only did Mr. Nie not retaliate against them, he also sent Dai Hangshan to the hospital and gave him medical expenses. As for the school expelling Dai Hangshan, he deserved it. Please help us talk to Mr. Nie. If he can let you continue to perform the contract, he will definitely forgive us. At most, we can apologize to him in person. Do you think it's okay?"

The two coaches looked regretful, thinking about why they agreed to the coach surnamed Yang in a rush a few days ago. They wanted to unite to give Nie Wei a good look? Now think about it, it was really blinded by lard at that time.

Li Mingxue was embarrassed. Seeing her two colleagues looking at her expectantly and pleadingly, she had to tell the truth.

"It's not that I don't want to help you. It's just that Mr. Nie has already found a coach, and he will be here tomorrow."

As soon as Li Mingxue said this, the two coaches were stunned. They didn't expect that Nie Wei would find a coach so quickly. When they came to their senses, they immediately became anxious.

"Sister Li, Mr. Nie is joking with you, right? He found a coach so quickly?"

"Yes, Sister Li, even if this is true, you should talk to Mr. Nie. The coaching level of our brothers is not comparable to that of other coaches. Mr. Nie must have a scale in his heart."

"Stop talking. This is really not going to work." Li Mingxue frowned and told the two colleagues in front of him: "Mr. Nie found a gold medal coach from the Shanhai Martial Arts School in Yangcheng, led by Shi Wukuan."

After Li Mingxue called out Shi Wukuan's name, the two coaches who were originally unconvinced suddenly choked. In this circle, the Shanhai Martial Arts School in Yangcheng is as famous as the Shichahai Sports School, and Shi Wukuan is a famous martial arts madman. They were shocked that Nie Wei could actually invite someone like Shi Wukuan to train the big stars in his crew.

"So I say, you should honestly return the money to Huayi, and don't sue Huayi for this little money. If you really sue Huayi, not only will your reputation be bad, but the school will definitely not be able to say it." Li Mingxue saw the two coaches who were stunned, and she couldn't bear it, so she persuaded them.

The two coaches nodded woodenly. Of course, they understood what Li Mingxue said. This was also the only way out for them after they could no longer perform the contract.

After leaving Li Mingxue's office, the two coaches had resentment in their eyes.

They didn't hate Li Mingxue for not helping. Li Mingxue had made it very clear to them just now. They didn't hate Nie Wei either, because compared to hatred, they were actually more afraid of Nie Wei. They hated the group of people represented by the coach surnamed Yang. It was their instigation that made them miss this extra money.

Now think about it, I didn't make any money, and I wasted so much effort for so many days. I even missed the opportunity to make friends with celebrities and Nie Wei. What did I get in return? It's just a word of "loyalty".

And just because of this word of "loyalty", they have to take the risk of offending Nie Wei and the school leaders. Is it worth it?

"Fuck, it's a big loss. We shouldn't have listened to the instigation of that man surnamed Yang. Now the money is gone. We have worked in vain. The key is that this matter has offended the school leaders. I met the principal at work today. I felt uncomfortable with the way he looked at me." Among the two coaches, the coach surnamed Niu finally couldn't help complaining.

The other coach surnamed Ma sighed for a long time. I'm afraid only he knows how bitter he is.

Soon, the news that Nie Wei had found a new coach spread in Shishahai School. Most of the coaches in the strike alliance before regretted it. They originally wanted to participate in this strike alliance and then fight for more benefits from Huayi or Nie Wei, but reality gave them a cruel blow.

Now they not only have to return the remuneration to Huayi, but also offended the leaders. Many people shouted that they had lost a lot.

Of course, there are also those who refuse to change, such as Coach Yang. From the beginning to the end, he did not think that he did anything wrong. In his opinion, this was Nie Wei bullying them, and the rich bullied the common people.

But there were too few people who held the same idea as him. Gradually, those coaches who felt that they had suffered losses began to intentionally or unintentionally exclude Coach Yang. Who made him the initiator? He was the one who broke everyone's rice bowl. For a time, many coaches in the school looked at Coach Yang very unpleasantly.

As for Dai Hangshan, he was also punished for his impulsiveness.

Not to mention being beaten, he received a notice from the school just after the operation. He had been expelled for provoking and fighting. Dai Hangshan cried on the spot when he received the news.

You should know that before this, he had been included in the school's excellent teacher inspection list, and this so-called inspection period has always been a formality. As long as the time is up, he can have a formal teacher's establishment, and no longer be a contract worker who is in danger every day.

But now this position is gone and he has been fired by the school. For a contract worker like him, the school only needs to give a reason to fire him, and the reason given by the school did not wrongly accuse him.

When Dai Hangshan received the notice, he was filled with regret.

A few days later, Dai Hangshan left the hospital without saying goodbye and left Kyoto. Many years later, a teacher from Shichahai Martial Arts School was on a business trip and said that he seemed to have seen Dai Hangshan working as a physical education teacher in a primary school in a county town.

Although three coaches from Shichahai School were still retained, after this conflict, Nie Wei was obviously not going to train several stars in the training hall of Shichahai School. The school was also very straightforward. When they heard that they were going to change places, they immediately returned the money that Huayi paid to the school to rent the training hall to Huayi.

Huayi soon found a new training location, a private sports club. The owner was a friend of Nie Wei. His family was in the catering business. Knowing that Nie Wei was looking for a training venue, he took the initiative to lend his sports club, and the key was that he only charged a symbolic fee.

Of course, Nie Wei would definitely return this kind of favor to the other party in other places in the future.

With the arrival of the coach and the new venue, the training finally entered the formal period. The training time is about one month. Nie Wei calculated that the new movie can be officially launched in early April.

And Shu Chang finally found a time to meet his father. The two talked for a long time in a cafe. When Dong Zhibin finally walked out of the cafe, his expression was relieved and a little disappointed.

Nie Wei did not ask Shu Chang about the content of the conversation. He just cooked a lot of dishes that Shu Chang liked that night, and then silently accompanied Shu Chang to watch comedy movies on the sofa all night.

Time passed quickly, and it was April soon. After the cold March when the ice and snow melted, the weather in Kyoto finally began to warm up gradually. Many young men and women who love beauty have already taken off their winter clothes and put on new spring clothes to get rid of the bloatedness and show their beautiful body lines.

Nie Wei put the opening ceremony of the new movie a few days later, on April 3rd. The training was completed a week ago. Today, all the actors in the crew came to the opening ceremony in the fullest state.

Thanks to Nuruisla Deremiski, Fantasy Paradise, and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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