Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 773 773. Being too clever may lead to mistakes

Seeing Jing Boran's hesitation, Nie Wei knew that he had something to do, so he simply put down the pen, leaned back on the chair, motioned Jing Boran to sit down, and asked him with a smile: "Go ahead, what's the matter?"

"Brother Nie Wei, I have a confusion." After Jing Boran sat down, under Nie Wei's encouraging eyes, he finally spoke.

"Brother Nie Wei, I have been in the company for two years. In these two years, I have filmed a total of four idol dramas. I am very grateful for the company's attention and cultivation, but I think I have grown up over the years. What I want to pursue is different from what I did at the beginning. I hope to take on some roles that can touch the audience more, just like Lin Chong in "Blind Witness"."

"Regarding what role you take, this should be the company and your agency team..." Nie Wei answered subconsciously, but before he finished speaking, he came back to his senses and asked Jing Boran directly: "Did the company arrange a new play for you again?"

Jing Boran nodded. There was naturally nothing to hide from Nie Wei about this matter, and he came to Nie Wei to solve this matter.

He was already tired of shooting idol dramas, and after working with so many good actors in "Blind Witness", he was even more determined to stop taking idol dramas for the time being.

He also vaguely revealed this idea to his agent, but the agent was only vague and failed to give Jing Boran an accurate response. Until recently, he received the company's idol drama script, which made Jing Boran suddenly feel a sense of crisis.

So even if the agent praised this idol drama, how high the investment was, how good the script was, and how cool the role was, these were no longer what Jing Boran wanted.

But he didn't dare to disobey the company's orders directly, so the first person he could think of who could help him was Nie Wei who brought him into the company.

So Jing Boran came to Nie Wei today, partly to thank him, and partly to ask for help.

"The company is about to launch another idol drama. The day before yesterday, the agent informed me that he wanted to use me as the male lead." Jing Boran replied.

"Wait a minute." Nie Wei frowned slightly, picked up the phone on the table, dialed a number, and the call was quickly connected.

"Hello, Mr. Nie."

"Minister Li, I want to ask, is the company preparing an idol drama recently? The one starring Jing Boran, what stage is it at?"

"Please wait, I'll ask right away." In less than half a minute, Minister Li replied to Nie Wei on the phone: "The second stage, the main actors have just been confirmed, and the crew is preparing to interview supporting actors in a week. At the same time, the filming location has not been completed."

"Okay, thank you for your trouble."

"No trouble, this is what I should do. If you have other instructions, please tell me."

After hanging up the phone, Nie Wei looked at Jing Boran who was sitting in front of him with a nervous face, pondered for a moment, and said: "Two choices, the first choice, I can help you turn down this play now, the other choice is that you finish this play carefully, and the company will give you a chance to be the protagonist of a movie at that time."

"I choose the second one." Jing Boran made his choice immediately without any hesitation.

"Well, then you should just focus on completing the task assigned to you by the company, and don't think too much about other things." Nie Wei instructed Jing Boran, putting an end to the matter.

When Jing Boran left Nie Wei's office, Luo Kai couldn't help but say, "He really knows how to trouble people."

Luo Kai had a reason to be resentful. When Jing Boran raised this question just now, he wanted to interrupt, but was stopped by Nie Wei with his eyes.

In Luo Kai's view, Jing Boran's behavior was a rebellion against the company's orders. For an entertainment company, this was a big management problem. The most important thing was that he wanted to involve Nie Wei.

"It's not a big deal, and the kid is very smart. Didn't I give him two options? Didn't he choose the second one without hesitation?" Nie Wei said, "In fact, he knows it clearly. He didn't find me to turn down the TV series, but to express his demands and let the company pay attention to his ideas. Of course, it would be better if he could get my promise."

"How can this kid be so smart?"

"What do you think?" Nie Wei replied, but he still had some guesses in his heart that he didn't say. He felt that Jing Boran's visit to him might also be related to his management team.

Because it is very likely that Jing Boran's good performance in "Blind Witness" this time has aroused some people's greater ambitions.

Stars want to climb up to have the opportunity to improve, and their progress is also the improvement of the company's value. Nie Wei has been optimistic about Jing Boran from the beginning, and he also wants to lead him to the path of movie actors, so even if Jing Boran doesn't come to Nie Wei this time, Nie Wei will give Jing Boran more movie resources when he is free for a while.

Of course, Nie Wei had some thoughts about the seemingly restless management team behind Jing Boran. This time Jing Boran came to him to ask for help, so no matter what, they were responsible.

If they instigated it, then they were calculating against Nie Wei and using him as a gun.

If they didn't instigate it, they were also negligent in managing artists.

"Luo Kai, go and say hello to the company's human resources department and tell them that Jing Boran's agent is no longer suitable for the current position. The company will arrange another agent who is familiar with the film industry for Jing Boran, and the current agent will be responsible for the company's freshman training." Nie Wei ordered. Hearing this, Luo Kai grinned and immediately stood up and agreed.

At this time, in Jing Boran's exclusive lounge, the agent, assistant and other five people were all waiting. The five people knew that Jing Boran went to find Nie Wei, and this idea was Jing Boran himself. He really regarded Nie Wei as a backer, but the five people knew that this was wrong, but they did not stop it.

Because including the agent, they knew very well the difference between leading a movie star and an idol star.

If Jing Boran could really negotiate with Nie Wei, it meant that he would most likely develop in the film industry. Even if he failed to negotiate, wouldn't he still have that idol drama as a backup? Otherwise, why was he so anxious to take over this idol drama for Jing Boran? He saw that Jing Boran could no longer hold back his desire, and when he forced Jing Boran, he also wanted to give everyone a double insurance.

As Jing Boran pushed open the door, the five people sitting in the room immediately surrounded him, obviously very anxious to know the result.

"Brother Nie Wei said that I should finish filming this drama first, and after finishing this drama, he will arrange a movie role for me." Jing Boran said with a smile from the heart.

As Jing Boran said this, cheers suddenly came from the lounge.

Because they knew very well that this was Nie Wei's promise to Jing Boran. After finishing this idol drama, Jing Boran could start to rush into the film industry with Nie Wei's guidance. When Jing Boran became a movie star, their agents and even assistants would rise to the top with him.

But when everyone was cheering, there was one person who seemed a little out of place. Not only was she unhappy, but she was also worried.

She was Liu Ting who had sent Jing Boran back to his hometown.

Compared with other people who only care about Nie Wei's promise, she cares more about whether Nie Wei really wants to lead Jing Boran to the path of movies, why does he have to let him finish filming this idol drama?

With Jing Boran's current popularity, he doesn't need an idol drama to warm up, but Nie Wei just doesn't give in on this point, which is worth her vigilance, because in her opinion, this is more like a warning from Nie Wei to Jing Boran and even everyone, don't try to challenge the company's authority, you must complete the things the company has given you.

Thinking of this, Liu Ting felt that she had to remind everyone not to get too complacent.

"Brother Wang, don't be busy celebrating. Should we go and apologize to President Nie first? After all, Jing Bao's finding him broke the rules."

As soon as Liu Ting finished speaking, Brother Wang couldn't help but frowned deeply.

"I will consider this matter, so don't worry about it. It is your duty to take care of Jingbao's daily life."

In Wang Ge's opinion, going to apologize now is to seek death. Isn't it obvious to tell Nie Wei that he has plotted against him? Moreover, he can't apologize directly. He should share the responsibility first, which is what we call sharing the pot.

Wang Ge has already thought about it. He can't take it alone. Everyone in his team should share a pot. For example, Liu Ting, who interrupted and poured cold water just now, should share the heaviest pot. Who made her Jing Boran's life assistant? She follows Jing Boran every day. If she didn't take good care of this artist, she should have the biggest responsibility.

The rest of the people are the same. They all have responsibilities. He is even ready to throw a pot on Jing Boran. After all, in his opinion, this matter was caused by Jing Boran's willful behavior.

After all the blame was shared among these people, it was finally Brother Wang's own responsibility. He had already thought of an excuse to face Nie Wei, saying that he was the last person to know about this matter. Even if Nie Wei thought he was negligent, the worst that could happen was that he would be fined two months' salary.

Just as Brother Wang was happily thinking about how to get out of this matter perfectly and benefit from it, a supervisor from the company's human resources department personally knocked on the door of Jing Boran's lounge.

"Wang Yufan, after the company's evaluation, you have performed well recently. Hereby, the company will terminate your current position as Jing Boran's agent and promote you to the deputy supervisor of the company's trainee department. I hope you can exert greater energy in your new position and create more value for the company."

Wang Yufan was dumbfounded when he heard that the company terminated his position as an agent. As for the so-called promotion afterwards, in his opinion, it was completely a promotion in name only and a demotion in reality.

Although the trainee department is an independent department of the company, the position of the department head is equivalent to the supervisor level of each department, but being the head here is not as glorious as being a big star's agent.

This is like a football team. Although he is now a coach in name, he was kicked to the youth training team by the company. This is completely different from working in the main team. Although the position is the same, the power in his hands is very different. What's more, he is only a deputy director. Whether he can grasp the power is still uncertain.

However, when he came to his senses and could think calmly, he began to sweat all over.

Because he found that there was a pusher behind this matter, otherwise the company would not have kicked him out of Jing Boran's agency team so suddenly, and even did not leave him time to hand over the work.

Thinking about it carefully, it is terrifying. At this time, there is such a powerful person. Even if he is stupid, he can guess who gave the order.

Only Nie Wei can make a decision on whether a popular artist's agent stays or leaves in this company.

"Jing Boran, the company is selecting an agent who is familiar with the film industry for you, and will arrange it for you soon. As for the recent period, your life assistant will temporarily take over the position of agent. Who is your life assistant?" The manager said at the end, looking at the others.

Hearing this, Liu Ting subconsciously stepped forward and said, "Manager Li, I am Jing Boran's life assistant."

The moment she stepped forward, another girl in the crowd also wanted to step forward, but Liu Ting took the lead and looked annoyed at the moment.

"Okay, Jing Boran will be handed over to you for the recent period." After leaving this sentence, Manager Li left the lounge, and those who stayed were dumbfounded, regretted, and secretly happy.

"Brother Wang... what is this?" A young assistant who had just joined Jing Boran's team asked in a trembling voice.

"Alas." Wang Yufan just sighed, then looked at Jing Boran who was still a little dazed, patted his shoulder, smiled bitterly and said: "Jingbao, Brother Wang is going to move, I wish you a smooth future." After that, Wang Yufan walked out of the lounge directly. He needed to calm down now.

Jing Boran opened his mouth towards Wang Yufan's back, not knowing whether he wanted to say something to keep him or say some blessings, but in the end he didn't say it.

At this time, he was a little scared in his heart.

Although this matter was not directed at him, Jing Boran understood that the fuse of all this started from him. He also guessed that the person who ordered him to change his agent was Nie Wei. If it was in the past, he might go back and ask why, but at this moment, he didn't dare to have such an idea at all.

On the other side, Liu Ting, who had just been promoted to temporary agent, had already begun to use her new power, persuading the other assistants to leave the lounge, and then Liu Ting closed the door again, then turned around and walked to Jing Boran, who was still in a daze, and pulled him to sit on the sofa beside him.

"Jing Bao, don't be stupid, and don't worry, this matter actually has nothing to do with you, Wang Yufan is just asking for it." Liu Ting persuaded.

Thank you jeffreyjoshu for the generous reward of 5,000, and thank you Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for the generous reward!

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