Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 781 781. Positive reviews

In order to maintain the sense of mystery, and also because of Nie Wei's inner confidence in the film, "Assassin's Alliance" did not hold any pre-release ceremony, but directly chose to let the film be officially released at dawn on the 24th.

However, Nie Wei's confidence is not without reason. After a month of pre-sale, "Assassin's Alliance" has sold nearly 80 million box office results.

This is also the pre-sale record of Chinese mainland movies so far. The previous record was also created by Nie Wei. "The Man from Nowhere" pre-sold 51 million, and this time "Assassin's Alliance" has raised this record by nearly 30 million.

Such a box office pre-sale record really makes many peers jealous.

After all, when everyone is still complacent about the tens of millions of box office, and dare not dream of a billion-yuan box office, Nie Wei's movie is about to break 100 million in pre-sales alone. What a terrifying box office appeal. It is estimated that all directors in China do not have such appeal as Nie Wei.

However, for Nie Wei's appeal, his peers are really convinced.

After all, as one of the top directors in China, Nie Wei's status is not due to his extra money, but he has proved himself with one brilliant report card after another.

Let's take a look at the report cards that Nie Wei has handed in as a director over the years.

The first film he directed, "Speeding Scandal", had a total box office of 112 million Chinese yuan in the mainland and a total box office of 250 million Chinese yuan worldwide.

The second film, "20 Again", had a box office of more than 180 million in the mainland and a total box office of more than 400 million worldwide.

The third film, "Your Name", had a box office of more than 200 million in the mainland and a total box office of more than 800 million worldwide. It is worth mentioning that this film also won the annual box office champion in Taiwan that year and also won the top ten annual box office in Japan.

Not to mention the fourth film, "The Man from Nowhere", which directly broke the box office record set by "Hero", became a new legend, and also helped Nie Wei ascend to the throne of the Chinese director circle.

The films shot by Nie Wei not only have good box office, but also have very good reputation. So far, the average reputation of the four films has exceeded 7.9, all of which are above excellent.

It is these achievements that have made Nie Wei the shining crown on his head today. His status as a top director is also recognized by people inside and outside the circle.

Especially since Nie Wei debuted as a director in these years, he has not made a bad movie. The audience always has the best expectations for his new movies, and naturally willing to pay for his movie tickets.

Around 11:30 pm on the 23rd, many cinema halls were already crowded. The cinemas' schedules at this moment were surprisingly consistent. Whether it was a three-hall cinema, a five-hall cinema, or an eight-hall cinema, they were all "Assassin's League".

But even if all the screening halls were scheduled for "Assassin's League", the attendance rate remained above 90%. As soon as the cinema opened for admission, the originally empty screening hall was already full of people in less than ten minutes.

Such a flourishing scene made all the managers of major cinemas glow, as if they had taken a tonic, and they were all very excited.

How long has it been since I saw such a grand occasion? Many cinema managers looked at the full audience sitting in the screening room and couldn't help but recall that the last time the cinema seemed to be so full with such a strong schedule was "The Man from Nowhere"?

Thinking of this, the cinema manager couldn't help but laugh. How great it would be if Nie Wei could make two or more movies a year.

Just as the midnight show of "Assassin's League" had begun, a van suddenly drove quickly to the door of the Star Cinema on a busy street in Mingzhu City. Just when the security guards at the door thought that the car had something urgent to do, a sharp brake sound rang in their ears.

The brake sound was too harsh and came too suddenly. The two security guards were not prepared at all and were shocked. The sound hurt their ears very much.

The security guards were rubbing their ears and were about to complain when they saw the door of the van that had just braked was opened, and then a beautiful woman with messy hair and a middle-aged uncle who looked about 40 years old ran out of the car in a hurry and ran towards them.

The security guard quickly stopped the complaint that was about to come out. It was not because he saw the beauty, although there was a little reason, but more importantly, he found the camera carried by the uncle in his forties behind the beauty.

As a security guard of a large cinema, he was naturally familiar with the configuration and dress of these two people. They were obviously reporters. They, the little security guards, could not afford to offend this group of people.

This interview group was obviously in a hurry. After getting off the car, they ran all the way into the cinema and went straight to the ticket window.

"Hello, do you have any tickets for the next show of "Assassin's League"?" The beautiful reporter asked immediately when she approached the ticket window.

"Sorry, the tickets are sold out." The ticket seller replied with a smile.

Hearing this, the beautiful reporter and the cameraman behind her showed surprised expressions. The beautiful reporter even pointed to the LED screening schedule on the side and asked in disbelief: "The show at 2:45, eight screening halls, are all sold out?"

"Yes, Miss." The ticket seller still replied with a smile, but the beautiful reporter heard a hint of pride in her tone.

The beautiful reporter was indeed not mistaken. When the ticket seller answered the beautiful reporter's question, she was indeed full of pride, because this popular movie was filmed by their boss.

As a member of the Star Cinema, she certainly felt honored and proud.

Just as the ticket seller was happily thinking about the great achievements of her boss Nie Wei, the beautiful reporter and the photographer uncle were worried, because they came out with a mission.

Originally, they were going to buy tickets for the 2:45 show today, so they could wait for the audience to finish the midnight show to interview a wave of audiences, and then they would watch the next show in person and write a report from the perspective of the audience and themselves.

But now that she can't buy a ticket, it means that she can't go to see it in person. How can the report written in this way be true? As a reporter with a lot of professional ethics, she doesn't allow herself to make up the news through the narration of others.

"Can't I get the first-hand report?" The beautiful reporter hung her head, looking discouraged.

After all, whether it is news or film review columns, they all pay attention to timeliness. If she can't go to the cinema to watch the movie in the first time, she naturally can't write a first-hand report.

"Xiao Lin, I'll ask others if they are willing to give us a ticket." The uncle carrying the camera suddenly said.

This uncle is obviously more experienced than the beautiful reporter named Xiao Lin. Often, there will be scalpers for such popular movies. Sure enough, the uncle didn't even need to take the initiative to find them. While the two were talking, a young man in his twenties came to them, obviously having heard their conversation just now.

"Do you want a ticket? Two hundred a ticket." The young man walked to Xiao Lin and asked.

Hearing this, Xiao Lin puffed up her cheeks in anger. It was only 45 yuan a ticket, but this guy actually asked for 200 yuan. Is this robbery! ?

If it was just an extra ten or twenty yuan, Xiao Lin could still tolerate it. This time it increased several times. She felt that she couldn't tolerate it anymore. When she was about to open her mouth to reprimand, the uncle next to her saw this and quickly pulled her behind him.

"One hundred and fifty, give me a good seat." As he spoke, the uncle had already taken out his wallet and was ready to pay.

"Two hundred, no bargaining, but I can give you a ticket for the second row." The young man said.

"Don't you have a ticket for the fifth or sixth row?" The uncle frowned and asked.

Hearing this, the young man also showed a helpless expression and replied: "It's not that I hide good tickets, but I really don't have them. Those good seats have been booked long ago. My ticket for the middle seat in the second row is the best I have. Do you want it?"

"Yes, I want two." The uncle stared at the young man for a few seconds, and felt that he didn't look like a liar, so he gritted his teeth and prepared to pay.

But the scalper boy refused.

"Sorry, I have only one ticket now."

In the end, the cameraman paid two hundred yuan to buy the young man's ticket. After getting the ticket, the cameraman went to the ticket office to check the authenticity of the movie ticket. This action made the ticket seller sneer, but the cameraman didn't care at all. After all, it is necessary to keep a careful eye when dealing with these scalpers.

The cameraman's worry was unnecessary, the ticket was indeed real.

"Xiao Lin, you can go in alone after the interview. I'll wait for you outside. I'm worried about leaving the camera to the theater custodians." The cameraman handed the ticket to Xiao Lin and said with a smile.

The screening hall doesn't even allow handheld DVs, so it's impossible to let this kind of professional camera in, even if they are regular media, after all, this is related to the source of the film.

"Well, uncle, you can go to McDonald's next door to have some supper while I watch the movie." Xiao Lin took the movie ticket and put it in her pocket without being polite. After all, she is an interviewing reporter, and she will be the main writer of the news report later. She must watch this movie, while the photographer can watch it whenever he wants, and it will not affect the news report.

Xiao Lin finally has a movie ticket in her hand, and she can breathe a sigh of relief, but it's a bit painful, after all, it cost 200 yuan, and I don't know if the company will reimburse it.

Xiaolin suddenly shook her head when she thought of this. The most urgent thing was not to think about these things, but to improve and review the questions she should ask after the audience left. This was the key.

Taking out her notebook, Xiaolin began to review, while the cameraman put the camera beside him and began to close his eyes and rest.

Two hours passed, and with the noise coming from the door of the screening room, Xiaolin finally came back to her senses from her notebook. Looking at the door of the screening room that had been opened by the staff, she quickly pushed the cameraman who was about to fall asleep beside her.

"Prepare for the interview." Xiaolin took out a small mirror and tidied her hair while speaking, then took out a recorder with her company's logo printed on it from her bag, and then began to search among the audience who came out.

There are skills to finding people to interview. Xiaolin thought about the skills taught to her by the company's seniors, and then first identified a boy who wore glasses and looked gentle and easy to talk to.

"Hello, classmate. Can I have two minutes to interview you?" Xiaolin took two steps at a time and immediately stepped forward to ask after confirming the target.

Xiaolin's sudden interview obviously scared the boy, but after coming to his senses, although he was a little embarrassed, he did not refuse Xiaolin's interview.

"You ask." Facing the beautiful reporter, the boy whispered and agreed, looking a little shy.

"Hello, the movie you just watched was "Assassin's Alliance", right? What do you think of this movie?" Xiao Lin asked straight to the point.

The boy held his glasses and answered, "I watched "Assassin's Alliance". In fact, all the theaters in this theater are showing "Assassin's Alliance". As for the quality of this movie, I can only say that it is very good, really very good. Even though it has ended, I still feel excited now."

"Can you be more specific, or which clips left a deep impression on you?" Xiao Lin asked.

The boy thought about it after hearing this question, and then smiled and answered, "There are many places that impressed me, too many wonderful shots, such as the racing scene, which was really filmed so wonderfully. I think it can be compared to the classic racing scene in "Terminator". "

"It's so wonderful. After listening to you, I really want to go into the theater and watch this movie right away." Xiao Lin saw that the boy was talking nonstop, and he had the urge to chat with her all night, so she immediately interrupted him and put a period on this interview.

However, judging from what the boy said, at least the scenes in this movie must be very popular.

Xiaolin then interviewed an adult man in his thirties, and then interviewed several women of different ages, and collected a lot of reports from people of different ages and genders. Overall, the movie performed very well. Seventeen people were interviewed and all gave good reviews, especially among young people, and it was very popular with them.

Before she had time to organize these materials, the screening room had already opened for admission. Xiaolin quickly put away the recorder and hurried to the screening room.

Entering the theater, Xiaolin was secretly shocked. The screening room was completely full of audiences at the additional screening at 2:45 in the morning. Xiaolin was really amazed by the popularity of the movie "Assassin's League".

As time passed, Xiaolin felt that this period of waiting was particularly difficult. After hearing so many people's good reviews, she was extremely looking forward to this movie at this moment.

Finally, at 2:45, the lights in the screening room dimmed on time.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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