Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 783 783. Reversal, reversal!

On the high-speed train, the duel between Su Leng and the mysterious killer made the audience excited. Both of them were very good at shooting, and they could even hit the bullets shot by the other party.

Under the rendering of special effects, the audience was also dazzled by this scene.

However, some viewers soon discovered that when facing Su Leng, the mysterious killer had several opportunities to kill Su Leng, but he did not make a move. Combined with the words of the old man before, some things seemed to be about to surface.

Of course, the more important thing at the moment is the wonderful fight in front of us.

Inside the high-speed train, Su Leng and the mysterious killer kept fighting. Outside the high-speed train, the killer Fox played by Li Binbin also drove a Porsche 911 to chase the high-speed train.

"Wow--!!!" The audience suddenly exclaimed at the same time.

Because at this moment, the Fox played by Li Binbin actually drove a Porsche sports car directly into the high-speed train. After the violent collision, half of the sports car body was directly embedded in the high-speed train. As the carriage was destroyed, the lights in the car also dimmed instantly.

However, the collision also made Fox feel very uncomfortable. She was seen bleeding from her forehead and shaking her head. It was obvious that the collision made her somewhat unconscious. The mysterious killer showed no mercy to the beauty and shot her, which made the audience's heart hang in their throats. Fortunately, Su Leng reacted instantly in the next second and shot the bullet shot at Fox, saving Fox's life.

When the audience saw this moment, their hearts were about to fall, but they immediately came to their throats again, because the high-speed train was hit by Fox's car and one side deviated from the track. What was even more distressing was that the high-speed train happened to be on a bridge in a canyon. They watched the high-speed train on the screen derail after several collisions, and then fell into the bottomless canyon section by section.

Fortunately, the high-speed train finally stopped, and the position where Su Leng and Fox were was not disconnected, but it was also in danger.

Both of them were trying to climb up, and the audience wanted to help them, especially the constant "creaking" sound from the high-speed train, as if the carriage where Su Leng or Fox was would be broken in the next second.

"These are the hero and heroine, they can't just die like this, it's impossible." Although some viewers were suspenseful, they still didn't think the plot would be arranged like this, but just as he thought so, the next second, the carriage where the fox was was directly broken and fell into the abyss.

"How is this possible!?" The audience widened their eyes, unable to believe that the cold and beautiful killer died like this? This is too sudden!

But in such a deep canyon, you said she could survive, the audience felt that this was really impossible.

"The heroine died just like that. My God, I think this is the most sudden movie I've seen in recent years where the heroine died."

"I can't accept it. Such a strong fox died so aggrievedly?"

"Fuck, this is too stupid. The heroine died just like that. What's the big deal?"

The audience's comments reached Xiaolin's ears. Although there were mostly complaints, Xiaolin felt that they were not wrong. The fox's "death" also surprised her. Although she had expected that this movie might not have a perfect ending, the fox did not die under the gun of the mysterious killer, but fell to death. This was a plot she had not guessed.

The next second, what surprised her even more was that the mysterious killer actually caught Su Leng who was about to fall, and after Su Leng shot him, he tried to pull him into the carriage.

Before the audience figured it out, they saw the carriage where the mysterious killer and Su Leng were suddenly falling, which scared the audience. Wouldn't the movie end here, and everyone fell to death together?

Fortunately, the plot was not as crazy as the audience thought. When the carriage fell halfway, it got stuck in the canyon. After Su Leng recovered, he immediately picked up the gun and pointed it at his "enemy who killed his father".

"Su Leng, listen to me..."

"Everything they told you is a lie. You are my son..."

"!!!" All the audience at the scene widened their eyes at the same time at this moment, as if they heard that the earth would be destroyed tomorrow.

Because they really couldn't believe that the mysterious killer who had always been believed to be the heroine Su Leng's father's enemy would actually be Su Leng's biological father.

However, this conclusion combined with the fact that the mysterious killer had let Su Leng go several times when fighting with Su Leng before, it seemed that everything could be explained. Why did the mysterious killer who was always ruthless to the enemy show mercy to Su Leng, because Su Leng was his son!

Of course, this is only the one-sided statement of the mysterious killer. Just when the audience was confused by the plot, the camera suddenly turned, and another person walked out of the corner of the carriage. It turned out to be the heroine Fox who everyone thought had fallen off the cliff just now.

"Fox is not dead!?"

"Maybe she was caught at the last moment, but why is her expression so scary?"

Half of Fox's face was covered with blood, but her eyes were still extremely cold, even colder than when she first saw Su Leng.

Through the reflection of the glass, Su Leng also saw Fox. His mind was shaken by the words of the mysterious killer, and he asked Fox: "Is what he said true?"

Su Leng's question was undoubtedly the most wanted question in the hearts of the audience.

"Really." Fox was concise, but gave the most clear answer.

At this moment, there was a cry of surprise in the screening room. Obviously, the audience was surprised by this result. After everyone was surprised, someone couldn't help but shout: "Didn't Su Leng kill his own father with his own hands!?"

On the screen, the fox's answer gave Su Leng the heaviest blow. He was silent and his eyes were red. Xiao Lin could even see from the big screen that his pupils were shaking violently. Under such a strong eye play, Nie Wei could actually shed tears very naturally.

This tear directly hit Xiao Lin's heart, allowing her to instantly feel the grief and anger of the male protagonist Su Leng at this moment!

"What a wonderful acting." After Xiao Lin came back to her senses, she couldn't help but admire in her heart that Nie Wei's acting skills had improved again and were more contagious.

At this time, the audience of the Queen of Gods were still discussing the plot, especially the fact that the fox turned against him and wanted to kill Su Leng, and Su Leng calmly broke the glass under his feet to escape at this moment, which made the audience couldn't help but exclaim.

Next, the male protagonist thoroughly understood the truth of the matter, and then showed his power and broke into the Brotherhood's lair to collect the reward. There were constant explosions, bullets flying around, and the fighting process was also a fist-to-flesh process. The exciting scenes made the audience scream with excitement. One by one, the "masters" who had trained him fell under his gun one after another. Finally, Su Leng finally faced the final BOSS, Zhixingyi.

After a lot of nonsense, Zhixingyi finally exposed his true face and admitted that the Brotherhood had long betrayed God's will and became a tool for the rich to attack their opponents. After saying these words, facing the male protagonist who had been surrounded, Zhixingyi showed a disdainful smile and walked away with a relaxed pace.

This made the audience really unacceptable. They thought they would see the male protagonist take revenge, but now the biggest BOSS has run away, and the male protagonist can't protect himself. How can this revenge be taken?

When the audience was thinking about how to round this scene, the next plot gave the answer.

At the most critical moment for Su Leng, the heroine Fox, who had become a bad person in the eyes of the audience, finally woke up because of Zhixingyi's final "honesty".

Fox fired her most amazing shot, but not at Su Leng, but at the killer companion beside her under the surprised eyes of the audience. The bullet drew a stunning arc, bringing a feast of blood to the audience on the scene. The blooming heads were like flowers of sin, blooming their most "beautiful" moment with their lives.

"I'm sorry..." After the bullet carrying the killing shot through the heads of all the killers, it did not stop, but returned to the original point. With the fall of Fox, this feast of killing also came to a perfect end.

Fox used her own bullet to complete the final redemption.

At this moment, the theater suddenly became very quiet, and there was no more discussion. Everyone was shocked by the last shot of Fox. Fox's death immersed the audience in a sad atmosphere. When Fox finally woke up, everyone chose to forgive her because she was also deceived.

Holding the pistol thrown to him by Fox, Su Leng finally failed to catch up with Zhixingyi who escaped.

With the Brotherhood's nest blown up by Su Leng, everything seemed to be over. The audience had already believed that Zhixingyi was probably alive because Nie Wei wanted to make a sequel to this movie.

And the subsequent plot seemed to prove this point. The scene in the camera returned to the small company where Su Leng worked. With his back to the camera, 'Su Leng' was still wearing trousers and shirts, typing on the keyboard like a white-collar worker, and even the search content was exactly the same.

"I'm not completing any mission, nor do I want to follow in my father's footsteps, let alone save the world." With a narration, the soundtrack suddenly became low and terrifying, and then the sound of the gun safety being opened was heard.

It turned out that Zhixingyi appeared in the camera. The audience, who had thought that the film was about to end and were somewhat distracted, instantly focused their attention on the screen again.

"Do you still want to know who you are?" Zhixingyi said with a mocking smile. This was the sentence that Fox said when he first met Su Leng. At this moment, it came out of Zhixingyi's mouth, which made the audience feel particularly ironic.

At this moment, Su Leng's confession sounded again: "I am not me..."

With this sentence, 'Su Leng', who had been facing the camera, turned around, and the audience suddenly found that this was not Su Leng, but just a stand-in.

This stand-in faced the muzzle of Zhixingyi's gun, not only was he not afraid, but also glanced at Zhixingyi's feet. Following the stand-in's eyes, Zhixingyi also looked at his feet, and an X on the ground with a sticky note was right under his feet.

At this moment, the audience was all excited, because they all thought of the killer at the beginning who was standing on the X and was shot in the head by Su Leng's father with a sniper rifle thousands of miles away.

As expected, after Zhixing left a word "FUCK", his head was pierced by a special bullet. The next second, time froze, and then went backwards. The bullet was restored little by little, and finally retracted into the barrel of the sniper rifle. However, this time, the person holding the sniper rifle was no longer Su Leng's father, but Su Leng himself.

"Get rid of Zhixingyi, get rid of the fraternity, get rid of the damn Qianlai (company boss), get rid of the settlement report, get rid of the ergonomic keyboard, get rid of the cheating girlfriend and scum, I want to take control of my life again!" Su Leng's confession became more and more passionate, as if a person bound by iron chains was finally about to break free of the chains and regain freedom, and the audience was excited.

Especially at the end, when Nie Wei said coldly to the camera, "What have you done recently?", he was really like God, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, making the audience tremble all over.

At this time, the last subtitles of the movie began to appear, and the whole movie finally ended after more than two hours.

The lights in the screening room came on, and the audience stood up and excitedly discussed the movie that had just ended, making the whole screening room as noisy as a vegetable market for a while.

Xiaolin didn't leave in a hurry, but sorted out her notes at her seat first, and then she got up and left the screening room when most people had left. After she went out, she quickly found the cameraman. After the two met, Xiaolin's first words were to ask the cameraman to watch the movie once.

"Is it really that exciting?"

"It's definitely exciting. Although you won't regret it for the rest of your life if you don't watch it, it will definitely be worth the money you paid for the movie ticket." Xiaolin said seriously.

"Okay, I'll order two tickets in a while. It just so happens that my wife has been clamoring to watch this movie recently. I'll take my wife to watch it tomorrow when I'm off work." The uncle said with a smile.

"Then let's go back to the company quickly. I've prepared all the information. If we finish it early, we can rest early." Xiaolin was also very motivated at this moment and wanted to make a wonderful report. After all, in her opinion, this good movie should be recommended to more people to share together.

While Xiaolin and the cameraman were rushing back to the company to report, the audience who had returned home did not go to bed immediately. Many of them chose to go online to share their impressions as soon as possible.

There were also many netizens who had not watched the movie and were waiting for the first-hand news. The posts posted by these viewers became the targets of the netizens who had not watched the movie.

Posts were sent out one by one, and replies appeared one by one. Even though it was already three o'clock in the morning, the Internet was still very lively, especially the fan clubs of the leading actors such as Nie Wei and Li Binbin. The number of active online people at this time was not even less than that during the day.

Thanks to Qiu Ye Liang Yue and Fantasy Paradise for their generous rewards.

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