"Nie Wei, who do you think that is?" Lin Yifei pulled Nie Wei's arm and said excitedly.

Following the direction of Lin Yifei's finger, Nie Wei looked over with the same curiosity, and then was startled. One of them he was indeed very familiar with, that is, Agent Liu who had been following him when he signed with Huayi. But after Agent Liu The woman next to me came very unexpectedly and suddenly.

"Nie Wei, look who's here to visit you."

Seeing Nie Wei looking over, Manager Liu immediately waved and said: "Come here quickly."

"Nie Wei, do you know Jinsuo?" Seeing Nie Wei stand up, Lin Yifei subconsciously stood up and couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I don't know her, but she and I are from the same agency." Nie Wei quickly explained and walked in the direction of Agent Liu.

It was said that he was here to visit the cast, so Manager Liu couldn't come empty-handed. Two large bags of coffee and milk tea were obviously prepared for all the crew members. Nie Wei walked over and quickly took one bag, and then greeted the people on the side. The field staff helped distribute it to everyone present.

"Nie Wei, this is your sister Binbin. This time, I specially come to visit you on behalf of Huayi. From now on, you will be sisters and brothers. We will communicate more when you have time." Looking at Fan Binbin who was smiling beside him, Manager Liu pulled Nie Wei introduced.

Yes, the person who unexpectedly appeared today is Fan Binbin, who became famous because of "Huanzhugege".

To be honest, Nie Wei was also surprised that the actress would come over to visit him. After all, apart from their relationship with the agency, they had never even had a formal meeting. It was obvious that this arrangement must have been made by the company. Decide.

"Hello, I am Fan Binbin, and you must be Nie Wei. Old Liu mentioned you to me and said you have great potential." Fan Binbin looked at Nie Wei, then smiled cordially, and took the lead in extending his hand to shake Nie Wei's hand. After a while, he didn't forget to praise Nie Weiwei.

"Thank you Sister Binbin for the compliment. I'm still a newcomer. I need Sister Binbin to take care of me in the future." Nie Wei responded politely.

"We'll talk about it later. Come with me to deliver these to the director first." Manager Liu immediately interjected after seeing that the two of them had greeted each other. At this moment, he was also holding a small bag in his hand. This was obvious. It was specially prepared for the director.

Nie Wei nodded, gestured to Lin Yifei who was not far away, and then went to visit David Li with Agent Liu and Fan Binbin.

But what Nie Wei didn't expect was that David Li was actually a fan of Fan Binbin. The director, who usually has a clean and tidy style, was stunned after seeing his idol. He praised Nie Wei, but his eyes couldn't stop looking at Fan Binbin. After looking at her delicate face, she was very shameless and asked for an autograph and a photo.

"You're quite an interesting director." After visiting the director, the three of them found a coffee shop nearby. After sitting down, Fan Binbin finally couldn't help but smile and said.

"He is usually quite reliable. Maybe he likes you from the bottom of his heart, so he seems a little nervous." Nie Wei explained.

Hearing Nie Wei's words, Fan Binbin suddenly said to Manager Liu on the side: "Old Liu, it's exactly what you said. This classmate Nie Wei looks like an eighteen-year-old child at all, but more like a three-year-old." Forty-year-old uncle, haha.”

Listening to this woman's heroic laughter, Nie Wei also smiled helplessly. It is true that he is eighteen years old now, but there is a soul in his thirties living in his heart. Naturally, his style of doing things cannot really be like her. An eighteen-year-old boy is just as passionate and impulsive.

"Funny." He picked up the coffee cup and gestured towards Fan Binbin, who was still laughing. Nie Wei then took a sip, seemingly not taking the other person's laughter seriously at all.

This made Fan Binbin a little embarrassed, as if she was ignorant.

"Ahem, if you have any questions, we'll talk to you later. We came here today with a mission. Your first drama will be finished soon. We had a chat with the crew and the company because you are not well-known enough. , so we originally wanted to stir up the scandal between you and Dong Jie, but Dong Jie’s agency refused our request because they wanted to protect Dong Jie’s personal image. The company thought of another way to let Bin Bin came here to help you. This is also to gain greater attention for the new drama, Nie Wei, don’t you think so?”

Nie Wei couldn't help but frown slightly since Manager Liu mentioned the hype, but until he finished speaking, Nie Wei didn't refute a word, because he knew very well that this is how this business is, everything must be done with attention to the eye. The effect is that Fan Binbin helped him promote it today, and one day when he becomes popular, he might be sent to help others.

Moreover, the company's willingness to film Fan Binbin really surprised him. Although Fan Binbin is not as popular as Zhao Wei and Lin Xinru, she is still a capable actress in Huayi. The company is willing to send her over to help him, which is obviously good for him. The emphasis is also very high.

It's just this feeling of being unable to help yourself, even if it's for your own good, but Nie Wei just can't like it.

"Three years." Silently thinking about what happened three years later, Nie Wei quickly adjusted her emotions, then showed a bright and sunny smile and said to Fan Binbin: "Sister Binbin, thank you. "

Nie Wei agreed, but this reaction was beyond the expectations of Manager Liu and Fan Binbin.

Thinking about how he resisted when the company wanted to use him for scandal, and then looking at Nie Wei who was smiling in front of him now, Fan Binbin once again refreshed his impression of the boy in front of him.

Manager Liu, who was standing by, also thought that Nie Wei would resist. He had prepared his own arguments, but he didn't expect that they would fall through completely.

This guy is either extremely mature or a pervert!

However, seeing Nie Wei looking at Fan Binbin with clear eyes, Manager Liu didn't think that this sunny boy would be a pervert. He could only say that this child was much more mature than his actual age. At least he could understand and see through things that many adults couldn't understand.

Thinking of this, Manager Liu couldn't help but recall the scenes of dealing with this person because of the contract. It turned out that some people just couldn't be judged by common sense.

The joint hype was settled. Nie Wei looked at the time and it was almost time for his performance, so he invited the two to go to the set together. Originally, Fan Binbin was only going to attend the crew's wrap-up banquet today, and then cooperate with the "specially invited" reporter to take two intimate photos, but for some reason, she suddenly became interested in Nie Wei and wanted to see how he performed during the filming, whether he was as magical and amazing as Manager Liu said.

Thanks to Lengmou丿Fanhua for the three consecutive rewards. There are only 100 more votes left to break 1500. Let's keep up the good work!

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