Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 8 8. Starting capital

Su Qing left the hut, but Nie Wei had no intention of resting yet. He returned to the window, picked up his backpack, opened it, took out a notebook, and turned to the last page, which recorded a string of numbers.

This string of numbers is what Nie Wei needs most at the moment.

And what does Nie Wei need most at the moment?

The answer is money.

Although Nie Wei's family is in good financial condition now, Su Qing's monthly salary plus various subsidies is tens of thousands of yuan, and with some scientific research funds, there are millions of income in a year.

But this money is still too little in Nie Wei's eyes.

As for Zhou Aiguo, although he has money, Nie Wei doesn't want to use it.

He doesn't want his mother to leave a bad impression on the outside world because of a little money before she gets married, as if his mother married for Zhou Aiguo's money. Although this is not the case, outsiders don't care about the truth, so the two families have not been together for a day, so it's better not to open this hole.

Even the millions of yuan that Zhou Aiguo sponsored before, Nie Wei was determined to pay it back as soon as possible.

As for where to get the money, it all depends on the set of numbers recorded in the notebook in Nie Wei's hand.

If you say that he has been reborn for sixteen years, this era is full of gold for Nie Wei, but although gold is good, he can see it but not touch it, because all of this requires start-up capital, and what Nie Wei lacks now is money.

However, this string of numbers can alleviate Nie Wei's situation of being penniless, and even give Nie Wei a considerable amount of start-up capital.

Because this string of numbers is the winning number of the US Powerball in a few days.

Why did Nie Wei, who was almost indifferent to lottery in his previous life, remember this set of numbers alone? Naturally, it still has to start with this bonus.

The status of Powerball in the United States is comparable to that of the domestic welfare lottery, but its difficulty of winning is much higher than that of the welfare lottery, and the reward is also more generous.

The only set of numbers that Nie Wei remembered was because the prize money for this Powerball draw was as high as hundreds of millions of dollars. It was also the first time that the prize money for Powerball exceeded the 100 million yuan mark. The report was very popular at the time. At that time, Nie Wei was in the United States and learned about it.

What made Nie Wei remember this set of numbers even more was the strangeness of this set of numbers.

3, 13, 23, 33, 43+3.

Starting from 3, every time 10 is added, it is the next number. The last red ball returns to the number 3. It is really difficult for Nie Wei to forget such a strange set of numbers.

Looking at the news about Powerball on the computer screen, it was the news that the prize pool officially exceeded 100 million yuan. Nie Wei also knew that there was not much time left for him to get this prize money, so this was one of the reasons why he went home this time.

He was going to get his own American green card, and this green card was placed in the room where he was now.

After all, buying lottery tickets must be done in person, not to mention that Nie Wei would never let others get the prize of hundreds of millions of dollars. The way to make himself feel at ease is to go there in person and take the check in person.

Thinking of this, Nie Wei walked to the bookcase beside him and opened a small drawer. There was a card inside, which was his green card.

This was obtained when he went to the United States to study for three years in junior high school. Su Qing even used her connections to get it. Nie Wei never paid much attention to this small card before. He only regarded it as a special pass to facilitate his travel between the two countries. After studying abroad, he just left it at home.

But now thinking about it, Nie Wei is really lucky. If he didn't have this green card, he would need to apply for a visa and many other complicated procedures to go abroad, and he might miss the time to buy lottery tickets.

Now with a green card in hand, it is undoubtedly much more convenient, and with the light of the green card, buying lottery tickets can also save a lot of trouble.

With a green card, the only thing left is the plane ticket. This is easy. Nie Wei looked up the nearest flight to Seattle on the Internet, then called the airline and booked it quickly.

After packing a few pieces of luggage, Nie Wei finally had some free time. He returned to the bed, sat cross-legged, and slowly closed his eyes.

The next morning, Su Qing just entered Nie Wei's room to pack up, and saw her son meditating on the bed, and she smiled immediately.

"Xiao Wei, why don't you get up and wash up? What are you doing?"

"Mom, I just woke up and thought about something. Sitting like this makes me feel clear-headed." Nie Wei opened his eyes and replied with a smile.

This meditation method was taught to Nie Wei by the old turtle in his previous life. It is said to be a Taoist Qi refining technique that has been passed down from ancient times to the present. However, in Nie Wei's view, it is just a special breathing method, which is the internal strength in martial arts novels. Of course, the effect is not so magical. Nie Wei has practiced for decades and can't slap eighteen golden dragons with one palm.

Of course, this Qi-refining technique is not completely without effect. For example, after practicing, the body's endurance will be better than that of ordinary people, and the five senses will become more acute. What is particularly rare is that this skill can also quickly restore energy, and the effect is even better than sleep. Sitting in meditation for an hour is equivalent to sleeping for three or four hours on weekdays, and the mind is particularly clear after waking up, without the groggy feeling of ordinary people after waking up.

So after coming to this life, Nie Wei did not give up this magical skill.

Seeing his mother coming in, Nie Wei put away his posture. Qigong also emphasizes that too much is as bad as too little. Just like he only meditated for two hours last night and then fell asleep, and the same thing happened this morning.

After putting away his meditation posture, Nie Wei went to the yard to practice two sets of boxing. This was also taught by the old turtle. It was the authentic national martial art Baguazhang. In his previous life, many people fell for Nie Wei's set of palms. Moreover, Baguazhang was flexible and changeable. The routines were not as slow as Tai Chi. Instead, they were very agile and elegant. Nie Wei practiced two sets in the yard. It was really beautiful, and even Su Qing was a little jealous and wanted to learn.

With Nie Wei's promise, Su Qing returned to the kitchen to prepare breakfast with satisfaction, but this happy mood came to an end with Nie Wei's words at breakfast.

"You are going to the United States, and the tickets have been booked?" Su Qing asked Nie Wei in disbelief.

"Mom, I just want to go to the United States to relax." Nie Wei explained with a wry smile. Looking at Su Qing who was a little excited in front of him, he realized that he was no longer a loner in his previous life, and he had to consider the feelings of his family.

"Xiao Wei, tell me the truth. Are you going to the United States because you still have a grudge against me and Uncle Zhou?" Although Nie Wei said last night, Su Qing had to think more when she heard that her son was going to the United States early in the morning.

After all, Nie Wei is a little guy with a criminal record. Su Qing still remembers the son who ran away from home a year ago.

Hearing Su Qing's words, Nie Wei was speechless. How could he think of Zhou Aiguo?

"Mom, I just want to go abroad for a few days and relax. I will be back in a week. And since I agreed to your and Uncle Zhou's matter yesterday, it means that I have really thought it through. Don't always think too much, okay?" Nie Wei explained helplessly.

After hearing what Nie Wei said and carefully looking at her son's serious expression, Su Qing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then it's a deal, you must come back in a week." Su Qing finally agreed to the request to go abroad.

It was time to leave soon. Just when Nie Wei was finally checking the luggage bag, Su Qing came over with a pile of books.

"Xiao Wei, mom read the book you wrote yesterday. It involves a lot of knowledge about ancient tombs and antiques. Although you wrote a novel, I think some knowledge also requires truth. These materials are some knowledge about many ancient tombs in our country that I sorted out last night. You can read them when you are free on the plane. It should be helpful for your writing."

As she said, Su Qing sorted these books one by one and put them in Nie Wei's suitcase.

Looking at the books on his mother's side, Nie Wei, who was packing his luggage, was stunned. After a moment, a warm feeling flashed in his eyes. Although his nose was a little sour, his heart was sweet.

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