Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 86 85. Early Star Launch

Assistant Feng obviously knows all these agents well, but Nie Wei is more or less dissatisfied with them. He is also constantly scanning the information, hoping to find an agent who can better meet his requirements.

Soon, Nie Wei really found such a person in a pile of information.

"Brother Feng, what about Luo Kai? Can you introduce him to me?" But when Nie Wei mentioned this name, Assistant Feng's face became obviously embarrassed.

"Nie Wei, you should choose someone else. This person will probably quit soon."

"Why?" After hearing what Assistant Feng said, Nie Wei became more curious.

Seeing Nie Wei asking questions with interest, Assistant Feng pondered for a while and still told the reason.

"This person has good abilities in all aspects, but he is not lucky enough. He has managed several artists, but in the end, all of them disappeared. Later, there was a rumor in the company that this person's fate was too bad and would bring bad luck to the artists."

"We are a large modern company, right? How can there be such feudal and superstitious rumors?" Nie Wei was amused. To be honest, whether an artist is popular or not has something to do with the agent, but we can't attribute all the mistakes to the agent, not to mention the unbelievable remarks.

Hearing Nie Wei's words, Assistant Feng also smiled embarrassedly. He actually felt that Luo Kai was just unlucky and had nothing to do with his fate.

"Nie Wei, you are not old, but you can see clearly. Unfortunately, some artists just believe this. In addition, there is another problem with Luo Kai."

"What problem?"

"You haven't looked at the life assistant column yet. There is a girl named Luo Yuan there. If you want to choose Luo Kai as your agent, then you must choose this girl named Luo Yuan, but this girl looks..." At this point, Assistant Feng hesitated again.

"Too ugly?" Nie Wei guessed curiously.

Assistant Feng shook his head and replied: "Yes, she is too beautiful. She is 1.7 meters tall, with golden proportions, like a model. You know, the most feared thing in our industry is to be overshadowed. Female celebrities dare not use such assistants. As for male celebrities, it is not that there are no such assistants, but the relationship between Luo Yuan and Luo Kai is father and daughter, so you know."

Hearing Assistant Feng's explanation, Nie Wei was also happy. Male celebrities wanted to use such assistants, but the girl's father was by their side, so it was sour, not to mention that the assistant's appearance was too good and he had to bear the risk of rumors.

"If it were just these, it would be fine. The key is that Luo Kai also offended people. This is why he still has no artist in his hands." After Nie Wei laughed, Assistant Feng continued to reveal the news.

The meaning revealed by this sentence also made Nie Wei's expression serious. After all, if choosing this agent would invisibly offend some big shots, it would seem that the gain would not outweigh the loss.

However, Nie Wei was still very interested in hearing who the agent had offended.

"It was the one who just left." Assistant Feng did not mention the name, but who had already hinted very clearly.

Nie Wei was also stunned. He did not expect that there would be an agent in this company who would offend Wang Jinghua. However, this made Nie Wei even more curious about the story behind this agent, and hurriedly asked Assistant Feng to continue.

"Speaking of which, Luo Kai was quite glorious at that time. He followed a second-tier star and was considered a well-paid agent in the company." Speaking of this, Assistant Feng was a little sighing: "But who made his daughter attract attention and let the second-tier star take a fancy to her? The girl didn't want to, so the star thought of using some tricks, and finally somehow let Luo Kai know in advance, and then beat the star.

Although Luo Kai was right in this matter, the star was promoted by that person, and that person was famous for protecting his shortcomings and loving face. The result can be imagined. From then on, Luo Kai The fame of the artists that Luo Kai manages is getting smaller and smaller, and his reputation is getting worse and worse. If no one helps him, he will probably leave soon. "

Although Assistant Feng did not say too much in detail, the fact that the artists that Luo Kai manages disappear one by one, as well as the rumors behind him, always make Nie Wei feel that these things are not accidental, but have a lot to do with that Sister Hua. Moreover, looking at these routines, it is obvious that they want to force Luo Kai out of this circle directly. After all, ordinary stars really dare not use an agent who carries a "curse".

Just when Nie Wei wanted to ask Assistant Feng to bring this agent over to meet him, the phone in Nie Wei's pocket suddenly rang.

"Sorry, I'll take a call." Nie Wei said to Assistant Feng beside him, and the other party nodded in understanding.

Getting up and walking out the door, Nie Wei also took out his phone and looked at it. It was Li David who called.

"Director, what's up?" Nie Wei asked directly after answering the phone. After all, sometimes the crew needs actors to reshoot some scenes, and Nie Wei thought that Li Dawei was looking for him for this matter.

But it was obvious that Nie Wei guessed wrong. Li Dawei called to report another news.

"Nie Wei, our TV series will be broadcasted in advance!"

This news surprised Nie Wei very much. After all, Li Dawei said a while ago that this TV series would take at least three or four months to be broadcasted. If it was slow, it might be scheduled until next year. How could it be broadcasted in advance?

"How could it be broadcast in advance?"

"It's because of the trouble at Xiangnan TV Station that they aired "My Fair Princess III" ahead of schedule. You know how good the ratings of that series are, so the ratings pressure on Huaxia TV Station is also quite high. After a discussion, the station decided to let us take the lead and compete with "My Fair Princess III". If it's fast, maybe you can see our TV series on Huaxia Channel 8 in half a month." At this point, Li Dawei sighed imperceptibly.

Although it's very exciting that the TV series is aired ahead of schedule, he doesn't want to compete with the "My Fair Princess III" series, after all, that work was a phenomenon back then.

Although the second part of "My Fair Princess" had a worse reputation, it is clear that many viewers are looking forward to the arrival of the sequel. Although he is very confident in "The Golden Age" he shot, Li Dawei said that he has no idea whether it can compete with the "My Fair Princess III" series.

After hanging up the phone, Nie Wei's heart was actually the same as Li Dawei's, and he couldn't help but have more worries, after all, the name of the "My Fair Princess III" series is indeed too loud.

With a little worry, Nie Wei lost interest in choosing an agent. Assistant Feng also listened to Nie Wei's explanation and expressed his understanding. Anyway, Nie Wei didn't have any schedule at the moment, so the agent issue could be put aside.

In this way, with mixed emotions of expectation and worry, half a month passed unknowingly, and the broadcast of "The Golden Age" has been put on the agenda, and the premiere will be today!

Thanks to the three classmates of Sacred Tomb, I Want to See Your Sister, and flfjedcw for their rewards.

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