Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 88 87. Premiere (Part 2)

Just when the two girls were having fun, a hand holding a very old camera appeared on the screen. Seeing this moment, Nie Wei couldn't help but sit up straight, because he knew that the next scene would be the moment when he officially appeared.

"Don't move." As the hand holding the camera appeared, a voice also sounded, and then under the surprised eyes of the two girls, the camera flashed, and a photo with a classical flavor was also frozen.

As the camera moved up, Nie Wei also saw another self on TV for the first time.

Compared with the real self, Jin Yanxi in the play is also sunny and handsome. When he appeared, he had a bright smile, which was enough to attract the attention of countless girls and make them fall in love with him.

But the difference is that Jin Yanxi's temperament reveals a sense of laziness, which is the character given to the character by the family environment.

Jin Yanxi was born into a wealthy family and has been the beloved son of his family since he was a child. His pampered life has also led to his idle and idle lifestyle. However, this bad habit has become a kind of alternative charm in Jin Yanxi. Just like the saying goes, women don't love bad men.

Nie Wei's interpretation of Jin Yanxi is undoubtedly very accurate. Whether it is the temperament he shows or the tone of his speech, he has fully demonstrated the appearance of a rich young man. Compared with Lin Yifei's performance, it is relatively immature.

The opening is very plain, and it is just about introducing the identities and backgrounds of several people in the communication. However, as the plot deepens, it soon arrives at the scene that opens the main line of the entire TV series.

In the cold alley, the silvery moonlight is scattered all over the ground, and here, Jin Yanxi also met Leng Qingqiu for the first time, the girl who fascinated and crazy him.

Because of a gust of wind, the white paper held by Leng Qingqiu was blown all over the ground, and because of a gust of wind, Jin Yanxi was able to stay for a moment and admire the girl with a smile.

This scene suddenly reminded Nie Wei of Mr. Dai Wangshu's Rain Alley.

"Holding an oil-paper umbrella, wandering alone in the long, long and lonely rain alley, I hope to meet a girl who is like lilac and full of sorrow. She has the color of lilac, the fragrance of lilac, and the sorrow of lilac..."

And Leng Qingqiu at this moment is the lilac girl in Jin Yanxi's eyes.

As someone once commented on Leng Qingqiu, she shuttled through the market in a blue dress and black skirt, which taught passers-by to mistake the alleys in Beijing for rain alleys in Jiangnan.

Such a girl has the capital to make people excited. Jin Yanxi is not a saint, he is also an ordinary person, and he is also a rich boy who loves to linger in the flowers. He hates the rich girl like Bai Xiuzhu who always talks about interests, so he is naturally lacking a resistance to Leng Qingqiu, a woman as quiet as lilac.

That night, Jin Yanxi was poisoned by a poison called Leng Qingqiu.

Jin Yanxi's love is persistent. Once he sets a goal, he will not let go. His love is also crazy. When Jin Yanxi ran in the heavy rain to catch up with Leng Qingqiu's van, he finally found Leng Qingqiu's door. His brilliant smile instantly captured the hearts of many women.

This man is born with the conditions to fascinate girls. He is handsome, generous, infatuated, and romantic.

The short episode quickly ended with Jin Yanxi chasing Leng Qingqiu to school, and then missed Leng Qingqiu again. At the end of the film, Jin Yanxi was lost when he took off his glasses. I don't know how distressed the girls watching in front of the TV were.

The song "Gone with the Wind" written by Nie Wei sounded in the box. The faint sad melody seemed to tell the future fate of several protagonists.

"It's a great TV series. I think it's better than Huanzhu III! Especially Nie Wei's acting skills, which are really far better than those in Huanzhu III!" Knowing that the advertisement was coming, everyone took their attention back from the TV, and then heard someone comment.

Although this person's evaluation from his own standpoint is somewhat biased, Nie Wei thinks there is nothing wrong with what he said. He has also watched Huanzhu III, and there is indeed a certain gap between the acting skills of those leading actors and his.

"Nie Wei, you acted very well." Li Dawei on the side obviously agreed with what the man said just now.

"What about me, director?" Shu Chang on the side asked with his head tilted.

"You are not bad either, but you still need to learn more from your brother." Li Dawei was happy and praised the little girl. The atmosphere in the whole box seemed quite relaxed.

From the first episode, the plot is compact and the progress is brisk. Jin Yanxi, played by Nie Wei, and Leng Qingqiu, played by Dong Jie, have played the charm of the characters very well. At least in their opinion, they are already very attractive. The rest will be left to the audience to judge.

With the end of the eight-minute advertisement, the second episode will soon begin.

In this episode, the love triangle between Jin Yanxi, Leng Qingqiu and Bai Xiuzhu is becoming clearer and clearer. At the same time, the character of Bai Xiuzhu is also portrayed in more depth. A savage, willful, strong and a little infatuated rich lady appears in front of the audience.

And Jin Yanxi's pursuit of Leng Qingqiu is also varied. He spends a lot of money to hire a rickshaw to pick up Leng Qingqiu, and uses his power to replace Leng Qingqiu's Chinese teacher and get closer to Leng Qingqiu as a teacher. In short, he is a rich boy trying to pick up a girl.

No wonder Li Dawei defines his TV series as a Republican idol drama. Jin Yanxi and the rich sons in idol dramas do have many similarities in their behavior.

Soon, the 40-minute episode ended, and everyone had almost finished their meal.

"Go back, I'll send a group message to everyone as soon as there's news." Li Dawei said.

"What about you, Director?" Nie Wei asked.

"I'll go to the TV station and try to get the ratings information as soon as possible." Li Dawei replied. He was going to stay at Huaxia TV today. He had to get the ratings information as soon as possible, and not only his own, but also his opponent's, after all, that opponent was too strong.

Nie Wei nodded, and he could see Li Dawei's worry.

However, he also had full confidence in this TV series. After all, Nie Wei, who had the memory of the future, knew that this drama had a profound impact on a generation, and the title of the annual ratings champion was not given for nothing. It was still unknown who would live and who would die in the war with Huanzhu III.

A group of people returned home, and Nie Wei put down the burden on his heart for the time being and soon entered his dream.

While he was asleep, his small fan forum on the Internet suddenly welcomed its first wave of popularity since its establishment. Hundreds of netizens seemed to have suddenly appeared and poured into this small forum, and Nie Wei's name was mentioned countless times by them.

Thanks to kamen123, this user is in arrears for the reward.

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