Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 92 91. The rightful champion (please vote for recommendation!)

Director Ouyang was in a headache, but Director Li of Huaxia was very happy.

He still remembered that when Liu Guoquan was worried about the third season of Huanzhu, he recommended "The Story of a Noble Family" with a slap on the table.

The old comrade is indeed trustworthy. Don't you see that the return of trust is coming now? Although "The Story of a Noble Family" has not surpassed "The Story of a Noble Family" so far, it is getting closer and closer. According to the latest ratings report, "The Story of a Noble Family" even fell back under the pursuit of "The Story of a Noble Family". This is obviously a sign of lack of successors. It seems that the throne of the ratings champion is just around the corner.

As the director of "The Story of a Noble Family", Li Dawei has also been feeling high-spirited recently.

When going out with his mother, the elders around him will no longer say that this is Liu Guoquan's son, but introduce him as the chief director of "The Story of a Noble Family". Then there will be a burst of praise. Li Dawei is modest, enjoying himself, and happy.

More practical is his worth as a director.

Before filming "A Noble Family", he was just a working director with hundreds of thousands of director's fees. However, after only a dozen episodes of "A Noble Family" were broadcast, he had already received no less than five profit-sharing contracts, and the investment in each play exceeded 10 million.

What even surprised Director Li was that he also received the script of the movie. This time he was no longer the photographer, but a film director sitting in front of the monitor and commanding the entire crew. It seems that playing his own movie on the big screen in the future is no longer an unattainable dream.

And the heroine Dong Jie, Leng Qingqiu pushed her to the representative of the pure school of actresses. Now Dong Jie is a woman as quiet, elegant and stubborn as Leng Qingqiu in everyone's mind. She is like a pure lily that cannot be defiled by them.

Nie Wei also knew that Dong Jie was at the peak of pure female stars at this time, and would also usher in the peak of her career. Nie Wei even saw Dong Jie's new advertisement on TV two days ago, being the spokesperson for a European mid-range brand of women's clothing. This is the top endorsement that Chinese female stars can get in this era.

In addition, Lin Yifei also gained a lot.

Nie Wei received a call from Lin Yifei during the broadcast period, and then he knew that she had been selected by Zhang Da Huzi's "Tianlong Babu" crew to play the role of Wang Yuyan.

While congratulating, Nie Wei also knew that this was the key role for Lin Yifei's real rise.

A Wang Yuyan made everyone know this "Fairy Sister", a Zhao Linger made everyone fall in love with this lovely girl, and the cold Xiaolongnu pushed this girl to the peak of pure stars, and also made her confused, so that her positioning in the later period has been vague.

No matter what, the girl continued the trajectory of history and began to embark on this road.

However, the one who gained the most was none other than Nie Wei.

The 20 million yuan invested by him and Zhou Aiguo alone could bring them back multiple returns, which was something Zhou Aiguo had not expected at the beginning, and it also allowed the real estate tycoon to see another lucrative industry.

In addition, as the actor of Jin Yanxi, the core character in the play, Nie Wei also enjoyed the feeling of becoming famous overnight.

The number of registered users of the fan forum he often visited exceeded 50,000 within a week, and there were thousands of active users every day. After consulting with Jing Han, Nie Wei finally decided to open his own blog account as a celebrity, and on the first day of opening his Star Blog, the number of followers exceeded 10,000.

The Star Blog also ushered in a wave of crazy growth in the number of registered users because of the group of stars in "The Story of a Noble Family". When the TV series was broadcast to the 22nd episode, Jin Yanxi raised the "I-LOVE-YOU" banner at school and loudly confessed to Leng Qingqiu, the number of registered users of the Star Blog also exceeded one million, and when Jin Yanxi and Leng Qingqiu held their wedding, the number of followers of Nie Wei's personal blog also exceeded 300,000.

It was also in this episode that the ratings of "The Golden Age" finally surpassed "My Fair Princess III" and won the ratings championship of the night with a high rating of 7.6.

All this came so naturally that the media reported it the next day with a tone of matter-of-factness.

"What do you mean by "The Golden Age" successfully topped the list? It's as if our ratings championship for more than ten days before was for nothing?" Director Ouyang threw the newspaper angrily at the small meeting that day.

It's really too infuriating. Are these media collectively blind? You know, "My Fair Princess III" has been the ratings champion for more than ten days. How come this result is invisible in the eyes of these media? The previous praise for "My Fair Princess III" seems not to be what they said.

Sitting below, the director of "My Fair Princess III", Li Ping, had a bitter smile on his face. He was not as angry as Director Ouyang, but at this moment, he was full of loss in his heart.

Yes, My Fair Princess III has been the ratings champion for more than ten days in a row, but what's the use of that?

The highest ratings of "A Noble Family" has broken all the ratings records set by "My Fair Princess III". The gap between the two dramas will only widen. Unless a miracle happens, "My Fair Princess III" will probably never win the ratings championship again.

But where is this miracle? Li Ping covered his head and thought hard.

These are all things that the crew of "Return of the Pearl III" and Xiangnan TV need to consider. Now "The Story of a Noble Family" has switched positions with them. "The Story of a Noble Family" is now the holder of the championship throne, while "Return of the Pearl III" is the former king who was driven away. They may still want to return to the throne, but it is obvious that the people who support "The Story of a Noble Family" will not let them do so smoothly.

After the 22nd episode was broadcast, Nie Wei also received a call from Wang Zhonglei.

"Nie Wei, congratulations on winning the ratings championship."

"Thank you."

"By the way, when are you free to come to the company? You should also pay attention to the agent's affairs. The company also needs to make some plans for your future. You may not know that several dramas have already found you, and there are also advertising endorsements. In short, you have to truly enter the life of an artist." After a few pleasantries, Wang Zhonglei also stated the purpose of his call.

"Then I'll go to the company tomorrow." Nie Wei agreed without hesitation, knowing that his acting career had only truly begun from now on.

Early the next morning, Nie Wei called Wang Zhonglei and arrived at Huayi's headquarters as promised.

But what he didn't expect was that at the door of Huayi, he not only saw Wang Zhonglei, but also Wang Jinghua.

Thanks to Yanyuexinming, Yaotiao Shunv, and I want to see your sister for the reward!

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