Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 953 1053. The Troublesome Kid (Thanks to Nuruis Radremiski for the 10,000-yuan reward)

As soon as Qi Hong came out of the elevator, she met the hotel manager who had been waiting here for a long time.

For hotels, celebrity check-in is undoubtedly a good way to increase the hotel's popularity, but similarly, if a celebrity is in trouble, it is also a big trouble for the hotel. If it is not handled well, it is likely to affect the hotel's reputation.

So he was also headache and angry about the two angry children in the guard room.

"Ms. Qi Hong, there are more than ten reporters outside who want to interview, but they have been stopped by security guards."

"Two boys, one named Qu De, who is one month shy of turning fifteen this year, and one named Gou Li, who is sixteen years old. Both claimed that they knew Miss Song Qian and said that what they did was just a true expression of emotion. Of course , we don’t agree with what the other party said.”

The hotel manager really hated those two kids, not only because they were harassing his residents downstairs with loudspeakers, but also because the two kids kept spitting out words from the moment they were invited into the security room. There was nothing that these two boys didn't say without swearing, including the security guard, the girl at the front desk who brought hot water, and his experience.

The look of the boss and the two others really made the manager very unhappy. He thought to himself whose naughty child was being let out. Isn't this disgusting?

"Thank you. Just leave the rest to us." Qi Hong quickly thanked her. If the hotel could achieve this, she could give this service a hundred points.

As for how to deal with these two naughty children, she naturally has many ideas.

When Qi Hong rushed to the guard room, the police who received the alarm call also rushed to the scene. With the police around, Qi Hong felt more confident, thinking that the two children would definitely be afraid when they saw the police.

But when Qi Hong entered the security room with the police, she found that the situation was completely different from what she had imagined.

When the two children saw the police, not only were they not afraid, one of them, Qu De, even provoked the police. As soon as they met, he said sarcastically: "Hey, you even asked the police uncle. How can the people's servants be so idle? Are you here to take care of things in the middle of the night?" I'm in love?"

"Watch the tone of your words!" Among the two police officers who came, a short-haired girl who looked to be in her twenties was so angry at Qu De's words that she immediately said sternly.

Qu De, however, didn't take it seriously at all. He even made a loud 'tsk' sound and ignored the policeman at all. He just looked at Qi Hong playfully.

"Auntie, are you Song Qian's manager?"

Qi Hong's nose was filled with smoke. Although she was thirty-two years old, she was indeed old enough to be his aunt, but why was it so annoying when it came out of this kid's mouth?

"Be calm and don't argue with the naughty kid." Qi Hong took a deep breath, ignored Qu De's greeting, and said directly to the two policemen: "Hello, as Song Qian's agent, I can confirm that Song Qian I don’t know these two children, and I now seriously suspect that they are deliberately smearing Song Qian and causing damage to her public image.”

Qu De saw Qi Hong ignoring him and saying that he didn't know Song Qian. He suddenly felt unhappy. Qian Qian stretched out his hand and pushed Qi Hong. Qi Hong didn't pay attention at all because his back was to Qu De. Suddenly After being pushed so hard, he fell directly into the arms of the policeman in front of him.

"What are you doing!" The short-haired policewoman helped Qi Hong up and shouted angrily at Qu De.

"She put P and was talking nonsense. Who the hell said I don't know Song Qian? How can I have her phone number if I don't know her?" Qu De yelled at the female police officer while pulling his neck.

"It was only out of respect for your father that I gave you the phone number, but I didn't expect that you would use it to harass our team members. I feel shameful for your father." After Qi Hong stood firm, she looked back at the angry person. Qu De, on the other hand, said calmly.

But what she said deeply hurt Qu De's poor self-esteem.

Qu De's eyes were red, he was breathing heavily, and his fists were clenched. Seeing this, two policemen quickly stopped in front of Qi Hong, fearing that the impulsive kid would really hurt Qi Hong.

"What are you going to do?" The male policeman in his thirties warned Qu De loudly as he walked over.

Unexpectedly, Qu De didn't listen to the warning at all. He looked around and saw a glass water glass placed on the table in the security room. He immediately grabbed it with one hand. The male policeman realized what the child was going to do almost instantly, but he had already There was no time to stop him, so he had to turn his back to protect the two women.

Qi Hong felt her eyes go dark, fell into a warm embrace, and then heard a muffled groan in her ears.

"Comrade, are you okay?" Qi Hong looked at the male policeman's somewhat painful expression and reacted. She didn't care about arguing with that naughty kid and quickly asked the policeman who had just protected her with concern.

"It's okay, it's okay." The male policeman waved his hand and turned around to see Qu De, who was holding half a mop pole and wanted to hit someone.

This time, the male policeman stopped talking nonsense. He stepped forward and snatched the mop rod from Qu De's hand. Then he grabbed one of Qu De's arms and twisted it seemingly lightly. Qu De's whole body turned around. Then the male policeman kicked Qu De in the crook of the leg. Without much force, Qu De knelt on the ground with one knee.

"Let me go, let me go immediately. Do you know who my dad is? My dad is Qu Shuanghe." Qu De was pinned down by the male policeman and couldn't get away at all. He was half-kneeling on the ground. Painful and embarrassed, he also started to mention his father at this time, hoping to use his father's reputation to pressure the police to let go.

The male policeman was really surprised when he heard that Qu De's father was Qu Shuanghe.

Because Qu Shuanghe can be regarded as a national treasure-level singer in China. He has sung many popular songs and participated in many Spring Festival Galas. He usually gives him the impression of an old artist with great style, even his mother's. 'Idol'.

But he never imagined that Qu Shuanghe, who looked so elegant, would have such a bastard son, who was like a mad dog and completely different from his father.

The male policeman was a little distracted because the policeman was a little distracted. Qu De felt that the force holding him down was a little slack, and he quickly mustered up all his strength to break away. However, with this effort, the male policeman came back to his senses. As a result, he had just stood up halfway. He was suppressed by the male policeman again. Because he was using too much strength, Qu De directly knocked his knee hard on the floor tiles, causing him to scream in pain.

"His father is Qu Shuanghe, is it true?" Short-haired policewoman Xiao Meng looked at Qu De kneeling on the ground, looking like a policeman, and asked Qi Hong in disbelief.

"It's true. During the Spring Festival Gala at the beginning of the year, he followed his father backstage and pretended to be good until he got Song Qian's call. At that time, he thought he was just a kid. We couldn't refuse for Qu Shuanghe's sake, but we didn't. I thought Qu Shuanghe’s son would be like this.”

Qi Hong took this opportunity to explain the reason to the police. Xiao Meng nodded vigorously after hearing this. Who would have thought that Qu Shuanghe's child could learn so badly at such a young age? I really don't know how Qu Shuanghe educated him. child.

"Stop shouting, you will embarrass your father." The male policeman became irritated and couldn't help but reprimanded.

I didn’t understand what Qi Hong meant before, but when I heard the boy keep making excuses about his father, the police also felt that what Qi Hong just said was very reasonable. This boy was really embarrassing his father. Woolen cloth.

Qu De and Gou Li were both invited back to the police station by the police. Qi Hong naturally thanked her profusely. These two police officers were on duty late at night and were serious and responsible. Crucially, the male police officer risked his own life to protect himself. Although he had been She said she was fine, but Qi Hong knew that Qu De's blow was serious.

After seeing off the two policemen with great gratitude, Qi Hong went to the hotel manager and asked him to make the security more serious and not let reporters sneak in.

"Don't worry, Ms. Qi, we will ask them to be serious and responsible." The hotel manager assured with a smile.

Hotel safety has always been an important part of the hotel's reputation. In fact, Qi Hong doesn't need to say anything about it. The hotel manager will also ask the security guards to pay more attention tonight. If reporters really sneak in and disturb Song Qian and the others, the hotel manager can guarantee that now Qi Hong, who is easy to talk to, will definitely fall out when the time comes.

But what the hotel manager didn't expect was that Qi Hong didn't go back to the room immediately, but walked out of the hotel door. Originally, the hotel manager thought Qi Hong was looking for help, but he didn't expect to see her when she came back twenty minutes later. He was holding a lot of coffee and cigarettes in his hands.

"I'm going to bother you all tonight. I drank some coffee to refresh myself when I was sleepy. I also bought cigarettes. I don't know what you like, so I picked this brand. By the way, I also ordered takeout for you. After a while It will be delivered to you. Just find someone to pick it up when the time comes. The name of the hotel is XXX.”

Qi Hong's meticulous care was very helpful to the originally complaining security guards. It must be very tiring to keep an eye on people, but they couldn't stand it. Qi Hong was such a good person. She bought coffee, cigarettes, and takeaways, which completely made these security guards feel tired. The group of security guards couldn't find fault, and the resentment in their hearts was relieved a lot. After drinking coffee and smoking good cigarettes, everyone stared at the door and the surveillance camera much more seriously.

The processing can only be regarded as temporarily over. Qi Hong can't sleep yet. She has to report today's situation to the company overnight so that the company can prepare a plan to deal with tomorrow's media news.

In addition, she has to go to the police station tomorrow morning, mainly to settle tonight's matter. In fact, she should have gone with the police just now, but the two policemen felt sorry for the agent who was still there so late at night. There are so many things to be busy with, so I specially arranged it to tomorrow morning.

After being busy until almost six o'clock in the morning, Qi Hong stretched out and fell on the bed.

But she just felt that she had fallen asleep, and the sound of the alarm woke her up. When she saw the time, it was eight o'clock, and she was about to leave for the police station. Before leaving, she also found Song Qian and Xiaochen and told them They don't want to leave the hotel today, and we'll talk about everything after she comes back.

When Qi Hong arrived at the hotel, the policewoman named Xiao Meng received her.

"Xiao Meng, where is that gay man? Why didn't you see him?" Qi Hong asked with concern. The way the male policeman bravely protected her last night left a deep impression on Qi Hong.

Xiao Meng yawned before replying: "Brother Han, he was injured yesterday by the kid named Qu De. He was bruised a lot, so after finishing the matter with the two kids Then I went home to rest. I was waiting for you to deal with the matter, otherwise I would have gone home and slept, but you don’t know that those two children are so capable that they kept us in trouble all night. "

"I know, of course I know, naughty kid."

"What a naughty child. If it were my child, I would really want to strangle him to death... Oh, I'm sorry. Sister Qi Hong, just pretend you didn't hear it."

Qi Hong smiled. This little girl Meng was quite likable for her straightforwardness, but unfortunately she was just ordinary-looking. She was afraid that she could not become an idol. Qi Hong's occupational disease came back unconsciously. When she saw a girl of the right age, she would start to "assess" whether she was suitable to be an idol.

"Have those two kids been locked up?" Qi Hong asked suddenly after finishing the record.

"No, they were released last night. His case was at most a nuisance to the public, and at most another obstruction of public service. But Qu De was less than sixteen years old, a minor, and under protection. We could not forcibly detain him, so we only educated him for a while and then released him."

"By the way, Sister Qi Hong, you have to pay attention here. I think those two naughty kids, especially Qu De, are not easy to deal with. He suffered such a big loss in the early morning, and he might seek revenge on you." Little Miss Meng said with a worried look on her face.

You know, he was the one who dared to shout in the police station. He was simply a gangster. Little Miss Meng didn't think that what she and Brother Han said would be heard by the other party.

"Don't worry, I will take precautions." Qi Hong sighed a little tiredly. It was really troublesome to deal with such a naughty child.

On the way back to the hotel from the police station, Qi Hong checked his phone and saw the hot search about Song Qian on Weibo.

However, the reporter obviously still didn't know the truth. The hot search related to Song Qian was just about the hotel being harassed by fans, and under this hot search, netizens were excited and loudly condemning those fans who disturbed their idols. It did not cause any damage to Song Qian's reputation, which was a blessing in disguise.

The company that had received Qi Hong's report a long time ago also gave a unified response plan to the media interviewing after the news appeared.

There was no big impact on the news, but Qu De's matter was still not over.

Qi Hong once again reported his concerns to the main agent above, and after hearing Qi Hong's report, the main agent thought for a while and decided to report it to his superiors again.

Qu De's case is a very troublesome one. He is a minor, and his father is a nationally famous singer. For a child with such a background, the agent's conventional methods of dealing with problems are obviously not effective.

"Qu Shuanghe? Qu De?" Seeing Wang Zhonglei's distressed look, Nie Wei put down the teacup and smiled: "I have a way to deal with naughty children."

Thanks to Nu Ruis Radremiski for the 10,000-yuan reward, and thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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