Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 958 1058. Grand Spectacular

The rapid development of the Internet has spawned many emerging industries that rely on the Internet, such as online shopping, social platforms, online game companies, etc.

Even many traditional industries have extended their own industries from reality to the Internet due to the influence of the Internet wave.

For example, in the past, people could only go to bookstores to buy physical books to read novels, but now they can browse thousands of works on online literature websites. Another example is music, film and television, etc., and now even buying houses and cars can be done online.

The media that originally relied on newspapers and magazines have now established their own media platforms due to the increasing maturity of social platforms. Even some young people who are interested in and talented in the media have also established their own media based on the powerful public opinion dissemination of social platforms. The best of them are not even less influential than those traditional media.

Now many young people on the Internet even prefer to chase these newly emerging self-media, because compared with the "old-fashioned" reports of traditional media, these self-media reports will be more flexible, and even have the distinctive personal characteristics of self-media bloggers.

Moreover, due to the fierce competition in the living environment, these self-media have a variety of reports. They will dig deep into many places that traditional media disdain to pay attention to, and these news also give many netizens a very fresh feeling.

Abe is a self-media person. His self-media account on the Internet is called "Abe", and his self-media platform focuses on the entertainment industry, which is currently the most concerned by self-media.

He updates some big and small things about the entertainment industry on his self-media account every day.

From the very beginning, Abe could only pick up the scraps of news from other big media and "process" them before reporting. Now he has the mobile phone numbers of hundreds of agents and can receive countless entertainment insider news every day. Even many large companies will seek cooperation with him and ask this self-media platform with millions of followers to promote and report for them.

At 10 o'clock in the evening on July 1, Abe set out from home and walked towards a large cinema nearby.

His main purpose of going to the cinema so late was not to watch a movie, but because of a job. For this reason, he also brought his latest camera. This handheld camera cost him more than 20,000 yuan, but the effect was very good, at least much better than the Apple phone he used before.

Because he took a big deal, he finally decided to take this equipment. Now that the equipment was in hand, he thought about using it to complete the next task.

Soon Abe came to the vicinity of the cinema, but he did not go into the cinema, but turned and walked towards a restaurant near the cinema.

Usually at this time, most of these restaurants and cafes have closed, and even if the shops are still open, there are not many customers, but today is different. After Abe entered the restaurant, it was simply overcrowded, and every table was full of people.

Abe knew the reason very well, everything was because Nie Wei's new movie "Inception" was about to be released in less than two hours.

For people who don't like watching movies, this is a very ordinary day, but for fans who like watching movies, especially Nie Wei's movies, today is really as happy as a holiday.

Most of the people in the restaurant were probably waiting for the movie to enter while having a midnight snack, and these people were the important targets that Abe was going to visit tonight.

Interviews also require skills. Abe didn't understand it at first, and he just asked people he caught, and was often rejected by passers-by. Later, he gradually learned to be smart and knew which people were his ideal interview subjects.

"The guests at this table have just been served and are eating. No."

"The guests at this table look very old. They may really just come to eat. Forget it."

"This is a couple, and they seem to have almost finished eating. Let's go with them." Abe quickly picked a couple as the interview object. Generally speaking, couples who frequent restaurants near the cinema are basically either eating a midnight snack after watching a movie, or waiting to go to the cinema after eating.

And Abe saw that this couple had almost finished eating, but still had no intention of getting up and leaving, so he knew that they should be waiting to go back to the cinema to watch a movie.

"Hello, I'm Abe, the one who focuses on entertainment gossip. Can you accept my interview?" Abe walked up and greeted the couple loudly in an exaggerated but enthusiastic tone.

Perhaps seeing the camera coming, the girl shyly covered her face, and the boy was a little overwhelmed, but at least he didn't dodge the camera.

"Excuse me, I'm Abe, yes, the Abe who focuses on entertainment gossip on the Internet. I'm interviewing you two, just want to ask a few simple questions, how about this, if I can guess what you are going to do next, you answer me three questions, how about it? Answer three questions and there will be a surprise gift."

"Okay, guess." When the girl heard that there was a small gift, she also put down her hand covering her face.

"After you finish your meal, you are going to watch a movie next, right?" Abe guessed, the girl and the boy looked at each other in surprise, and then nodded to Abe together.

"Not only can I guess that you guys are going to see a movie, I also know which movie you're going to see." Abe continued with a confident look.

"Is that true?"

"I said you want to watch "Inception," am I right?" Abe said directly without giving the young couple a chance to question him.

When the young couple heard this, they were even more surprised, because they were really going to watch "Inception".

"How did you guess it?" The girl blinked her big eyes and asked very curiously. Although the boy beside her didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on Abe, obviously curious about how he guessed it.

"I can count... Hahaha, no joke. In fact, I guess many people in this restaurant are waiting to watch "Inception", and this female classmate, you have a bag on your back He’s also wearing Nie Wei’s cartoon badge, so he must be his fan.”

"Yeah, yeah." The girl held her schoolbag, showed the badge to Abe, and nodded happily and proudly.

"My boyfriend and I are both fans of Nie Wei." What surprised Abe was that after the girl showed the badge, she took her boyfriend's schoolbag. It turned out that his boyfriend also had a Nie Wei pinned on his schoolbag. Cartoon badge.

"We are still dating online. We are both administrators of Brother Nie Wei's fan club." Without Abe asking, the girl took the initiative to reveal the news. It can be seen that she is very satisfied with her boyfriend and always wants to I want to show it off, I also feel that their love experience is very sweet, and I always want to show it off.

In Abe's opinion, the girl's boyfriend is indeed a rare good boyfriend. When the girl shows off, he smiles at the side and looks at the girl. The doting in his eyes makes Abe feel sweet all over. To numbness.

Although Abe has not even gotten into the topic because of the girl, what the girl said is interesting and worth Abe's time to listen to. Secondly, Abe also has the patience to let the girl talk as much as possible so that he can wait until the interview. It went more smoothly.

Sure enough, after the girl showed off her boyfriend and love, she was quite cooperative with Abe's interview.

This also has a lot to do with the fact that Abuti's problems are all related to her idol Nie Wei.

"How much do you think the box office of Nie Wei's movie will be? Just follow your thoughts and guess the box office data that you think is possible."

"If I just wanted to, I hope to have 10 billion. Of course I know this is impossible, but I think my brother's new movie will definitely achieve better results, because our brother is making progress every day, and his works They are all making progress.”

"Wow, you are very good at answering questions, classmate."

"So would you recommend this movie to your relatives, friends or classmates?"

"Yes, I have already bought movie tickets for tomorrow's 7 o'clock movie for my parents. They are also loyal fans of Nie Wei. However, they have jobs and need to get up early to go to work, so they did not buy the tickets for today's premiere. I also recommend movie tickets for other stalls, as well as my classmates..."

"No wonder you can be the administrator of Nie Wei's fan club, and even your parents have become fans of Nie Wei. This is amazing, young lady."

"No matter what, it's because my brother is very charming. After watching a few of Nie Wei's dramas, my parents naturally fell in love with him."

"Aren't you jealous when your girlfriend praises Nie Wei so much?" Abe suddenly asked the boy beside him with a smile.

The boy was stunned for a moment, looked at the malicious smile on Abe's face, then looked at his girlfriend who was also laughing next to him with a smile, and then replied in a very gentle and magnetic voice: "No, we We got together because we both like Nie Wei, and we both know very well that our love and admiration for Nie Wei is not superficial."

"Perhaps we started to like Nie Wei because of his appearance, voice, etc., but now, what we like about Nie Wei is more about his character that brings positive energy to people. He will influence We are developing in a good direction, and this is the most precious thing.”

"That's right, let's take myself as an example." The girl also said: "Before my second year in high school, I was always a scumbag, the kind of scumbag who mastered hundreds of subjects in total." The girl said Here, I even laughed, but there was nothing embarrassing about it, and I continued to expose myself openly.

"At that time, I didn't listen carefully in class and was always messing around. But one night, my brother suddenly dropped into the fan group and chatted with us. I mentioned something like studying was boring. I didn't expect that my brother actually replied to me. ”

"I still remember clearly that my brother told me that all my efforts now are for the success of the future. It was this sentence that changed my attitude towards study. This year, I scored 620 points in the college entrance examination. I entered my ideal university and became alumni with my boyfriend, so I really feel that liking a good idol will really bring about good changes in my life," the girl concluded with a little pride. .

Abe feels that it is right for a girl to be proud, and her changes are worth being proud of.

"Wow, your story can be adapted into a movie, but you are right, it is really important to like a good idol." Abe clapped his hands and said with appreciation. Although the girl's story is not new, it is that kind of story. Sincerity can touch people's hearts, and Abe has decided to go back and put this section into a new episode of his program.

I believe that the sponsor will also like to see this kind of story that promotes the positive energy of idols.

Afterwards, Abe interviewed more than a dozen people dining at the scene. Some even looked at him holding a camera and talked to Abe. Without exception, all the people Abe interviewed were fans who were going to watch "Inception" in a while.

"I have been looking forward to this movie for more than a year. I have been looking forward to it since Huayi released the news."

"Nie Wei's production must be a masterpiece. There are only a few good films in a year, so of course we can't miss them."

"I think the movies made by Nie Wei have always represented the highest level of Chinese movies, so I must support his movies."

"I am not a fan of Nie Wei, but after watching the trailer, I think this movie is worth looking forward to. Whether it is the special effects or the suspenseful plot, it is worth my money to buy a ticket and go to the cinema to watch it."

"As long as it is Nie Wei's movie, I must support it, because Nie Wei's movies have never let us down."

Unknowingly, an hour passed, and the number of people in the restaurant gradually decreased, because in less than half an hour, the cinema would be open for admission.

Abe also packed up his camera and walked towards the cinema. At this moment, he was no longer the Abe who focused on gossip, but the Abe who simply liked Nie Wei's movies.

The lights outside the cinema were bright and the crowds were bustling. Some large cinemas even gathered thousands of people at the entrance. The halls could not accommodate them, and many people could only wait near the entrance of the cinema.

Although the first screening rate of "Inception" was as high as 67%, the attendance rate was not low. Most cinemas maintained an attendance rate of more than 50%. Some large cinemas in central areas even had an attendance rate of more than 80%, and the seats in the IMAX-3D screening halls were all full.

The film industry with IMAX-3D screening halls has once again entered a 24-hour business state, as if it had returned to the popularity of "Avatar" when it was released.

It is foreseeable that the first-day box office ratio of "Inception" will once again set a record.

Of course, many film media also sent reporters to major cinemas, as well as professional film critics. After all, the more attention a movie receives, the more it can attract these people. It seems that being able to pick out some problems from these highly acclaimed movies is the greatest affirmation of their profession.

Thanks to GuLiShangErqiuqiu for their generous 1,000 rewards, and to Fantasy Paradise, 仯Miao, 0773 for their generous rewards.

The network failure turned out to be because the construction team dug up the network cable. Alas, it was disconnected for more than 30 hours, but fortunately, it was finally connected in the evening.

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