Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 985 1085. Looking at the bright moon and sending love

"Duoduo, your brother is so nice. Unlike my brother, let alone buying snacks for me, he always snatched my snacks when we were young, and even my pocket money. We fought since we were young. I feel that he is more like my enemy." Mu Han opened another mooncake, complaining while looking at Duoduo with envy.

"I don't have a brother, but if I had a brother like Duoduo, I would definitely be willing. Duoduo, when will you introduce your brother to us?" Huang Ting, who was standing aside, showed Duoduo and asked expectantly.

"There will definitely be a chance." Zhou Duoduo rolled her eyes and answered perfunctorily, thinking to herself, why do I need to introduce you, you have known each other for a long time.

All the trainees in Class B received mooncakes from Zhou Duoduo. There was only one mooncake in the small gift box, but the gift box was exquisite and the mooncake looked extremely exquisite, so it didn't make people feel stingy at all.

"This Zhou Duoduo usually doesn't show off, but I didn't expect that he is actually an invisible rich man." After seeing the mooncake, the trainees who received the gift couldn't help but say.

"What's wrong?" Hearing this, many people were naturally curious.

The trainee took the mooncake and showed it to everyone, explaining: "Don't underestimate such a mooncake. Let me tell you, such a small mooncake costs at least hundreds of yuan outside. This is only sold in a private pastry shop in Mingzhu. It is all handmade. I bought it once when I was in Mingzhu before, so I know the price."

"Really? Such a small mooncake costs hundreds of yuan? But this box is really beautiful. It looks more like a jewelry box than a mooncake box."

"That's right, but I didn't expect it. I didn't see what big brands Zhou Duoduo usually wears. She is so rich. Giving so many of us, it must cost at least a few thousand yuan, right?"

Everyone was surprised at the price of the mooncakes, and even more surprised at Zhou Duoduo's generosity. There are 28 people in Class B now. If a mooncake is calculated as 100 yuan, 28 people will also cost 2,800 yuan. For these trainees who have not completely gotten rid of their parents' finances, it is definitely a big deal.

"That's nothing. I also saw the mooncake gift box she gave to the teacher. It's much bigger than ours. It's estimated to be at least a thousand yuan. She didn't miss any of the more than ten teachers on the trainee side. Just think about how much money this is. That's why I said she is an invisible rich man. Anyway, her family must be rich." Someone broke the news again.

Everyone was surprised again, and some of the people with ulterior motives even had some small ideas.

In fact, few of the trainees who can come to be trainees are really poor. For example, among the group of trainees in Huayi, there are no less than a handful of families with tens of millions of assets, and most of them have millions of dollars.

People like Mu Han who come from ordinary families are actually very rare.

After all, if you want to make a name for yourself in this industry, clothing, cosmetics, and skin care products alone are very expensive. Even if the girl herself really doesn't want to dress up, or is naturally beautiful and looks good in anything, it is still a lot of money to participate in those performance classes, vocal classes, dance classes, and other talent classes. This is still unavoidable.

You know, now in Kyoto, if you find a decent talent training class, one hour of course costs hundreds of yuan, and at least nearly 10,000 yuan a month, and this is just for one class. Some parents even enroll their children in more than one class.

There are also equipment needed to practice these talents, which are all big expenses. For example, painting requires drawing paper, pencils, erasers, watercolors, etc., which seem to be small money, but over time, it is definitely a big expense. Dance, musical instruments, etc. are also similar.

So without some money, it is really not easy to play these talents.

So most of these people who have little ideas don’t know that Zhou Duoduo has money to curry favor with her, but more want to pull Zhou Duoduo into their own small circle.

These children are trainees in the company, and they are also half-social people. Their ideas are more mature than those students in school, but they are also mature with some childishness. In their eyes, Zhou Duoduo’s family is rich, and those who can make money must be capable, so befriending Zhou Duoduo may be useful in the future.

Zhou Duoduo didn't know that she was being thought of. She just felt that after sending the mooncakes, many people came to chat with her, and they were much more enthusiastic than usual.

Zhou Duoduo also thought that most of these people were moved by her gift, and she didn't think much about it. Whatever happened that day, the performance in the evening was also very smooth.

Just after the three people finished their performances, while removing their makeup and discussing where to go for supper in the evening, Zhou Duoduo's mobile phone received a text message.

"We will go back to the dormitory to have a big meal in the evening." Zhou Duoduo read the text message and said with joy.

"What big meal is there in the dormitory, instant noodles? I still have two sausages left." Huang Ting smiled.

"Duoduo, are you tired?" Mu Han asked Duoduo with concern, thinking that Duoduo might be tired to go back to the dormitory. After all, she was not idle all day today. She practiced the program during the day and performed the program at night.

Apart from Zhou Duoduo, Mu Han actually felt that his legs were very sore.

"I'm not lying to you. My brother called me just now. He ordered crabs and some snacks for me. Let's go back to eat together tonight." Zhou Duoduo didn't keep it a secret and told her sisters everything in the text message.

Huang Ting and Mu Han were very happy when they heard that there were crabs to eat.

"Duoduo, I'm really jealous. Your brother treats you so well." On the way back to the dormitory, Mu Han held Huang Tingting's hand and said enviously.

She said this from the bottom of her heart. As a person with a brother, she really envied Zhou Duoduo's brother. Compared with her own brother, Zhou Duoduo's brother was just like an angel.

He was not like her own brother, who still asked her for pocket money.

"Duoduo, if you have a chance, please introduce your brother to us. We promise not to snatch your brother away, okay?" Huang Tingting held Zhou Duoduo's hand on the other side and suggested again.

She was also very curious about Zhou Duoduo's mysterious brother and always wanted to take a look.

"I said, I will introduce you to each other if I have a chance." Zhou Duoduo had no choice but to perfunctorily say it.

At the same time, she was secretly happy in her heart, thinking about when she could debut. When her brother lifted his concealment order, she would bring her brother to her good friends, and she would scare the two girls to death. That scene would definitely be very interesting.

Just as Zhou Duoduo and the others returned to the dormitory and screamed in surprise at the exquisite pastries and the bamboo basket full of hairy crabs on the table, Su Qing also peeled a bowl of crab meat and handed it to Nie Wei.

"Mom, don't bother me, I can do it myself."

"How can you peel crabs when you are clumsy? Besides, I peeled crabs for you when you were a child. Why do you dislike me now?"

"Mom, I'm just afraid that you will be tired." Nie Wei coaxed Su Qing, always feeling that his mother is really getting more and more childish as she gets older.

"Cough cough cough." Zhou Aiguo suddenly coughed and looked at Su Qing eagerly.

"Okay, this crab is for you." Su Qing couldn't help laughing when she saw Zhou Aiguo's "pitiful" appearance, and picked a crab that looked very fat for Zhou Aiguo.

But Zhou Aiguo didn't just want a crab. He was not without hands. The crab was right in front of him and he could reach it with his hands. What he wanted was Nie Wei's treatment, that is, he wanted Su Qing to help him peel the crab.

"Nie Wei dislikes you, but I don't. I want you to peel crabs for me." Zhou Aiguo licked his face and handed the crabs to Su Qing, saying with a smile.

"Uncle Zhou, that's not true. When did I say I disliked my mother?"

"What you just said was not dislike."

"Okay, both of you stop arguing. I have a hard life. I was born to serve you." Su Qing seemed to be complaining, but her hands were not idle. She had already started to peel crabs.

Zhou Aiguo saw this and stopped arguing with Nie Wei. He looked at Su Qing with a smile, and his tears were full of love.

Nie Wei, who had eaten a mouthful of dog food, didn't want to argue anymore. While eating the crab meat peeled by his mother, he looked at the moon in the sky, which was not yet round.

"I don't know if Shu Chang is watching the moon with me."

In the Kubuqi Desert, Shu Chang, wearing a windbreaker and a hat, was resting in the back seat of an off-road vehicle. After a day of investigation, Shu Chang took a photographer and took nearly two hundred photos here from morning to night, and recorded all the terrain in the desert under the guidance of a guide.

After a day of investigation, Shu Chang looked haggard and received many people's admiring eyes.

When many people knew that Shu Chang was involved in the crew as a producer, most of them wanted Shu Chang in their hearts, and wanted her to come to the crew to gild, or simply come to stick to Nie Wei in the name of work.

But when Shu Chang really devoted herself to the work, her seriousness and tenacity really made many people gradually change their minds about her, and even gave birth to a feeling of admiration.

You must know that Shu Chang is Nie Wei's wife, her husband is worth hundreds of billions, and she lives in a luxurious manor in Kyoto, where every inch of land is worth money. It is said that there are many servants serving her on weekdays.

Such people should be those rich wives in idol dramas, living a refined and enjoyable life.

But Shu Chang didn't do that. After joining the crew, she didn't enjoy the privileges as Nie Wei's wife. As a producer, she was conscientious and sometimes her hard work made people feel distressed.

Take today's inspection as an example. Shu Chang could have not come and just told the staff to do it.

But Shu Chang was worried and finally came. After a day's work, the male staff couldn't stand the sun, but Shu Chang was busy with the photographer in the sun.

At the end of the day, she was tired and sweating, and her skin was slightly red, obviously she was sunburned.

"Chang Chang, don't work so hard tomorrow. If I take you back like this, Nie Wei will peel my skin off when he sees me." Wei Qin said distressedly.

She was one of the producers that Nie Wei arranged to assist Shu Chang. She had looked down on Shu Chang, but after these days of contact, she felt that although Shu Chang's business ability was still a little raw, she would definitely achieve great success in the future as a producer with her hard work.

So she helped more and more, and treated Shu Chang better and better.

Seeing Shu Chang working so hard again today, she felt distressed from the bottom of her heart.

"Sister Qin, I'm fine, I just didn't apply enough sunscreen, and tomorrow I will only work for half a day, I can still hold on." Shu Chang smiled and rejected Wei Qin's kindness. A journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step. She had survived today, and she didn't want anything to go wrong at the end tomorrow because she was not there.

Wei Qin sighed, brought a pillow to Shu Chang, and let her have a good rest in the back seat.

In order to let Shu Chang rest, there were only Wei Qin and Shu Chang in the off-road vehicle, except for the driver. Wei Qin sat in the co-pilot position, and the entire back seat was reserved for Shu Chang. Moreover, the back seat was improved to be more suitable for rest.

Shu Chang did not refuse. She was really tired. She half-lying on the back seat, looking at the half-full moon and the bright galaxy on the skylight, Shu Chang suddenly wondered if Nie Wei, who was far away in Kyoto, was also looking at this beautiful starry sky and bright moon with her?

Thinking about it, Shu Chang gradually fell asleep. Even if the car was bumpy, it did not wake her up at all.

"Eat moon cakes, come and eat moon cakes." Not far away, Su Qing was placing various snacks and moon cakes on the small table in the yard.

"Mom, I'll make tea." Nie Wei smiled, collected his thoughts, and ran to the main house to find a teapot.

"I like salted egg yolks." Zhou Aiguo's voice came from the house.

After a while, Nie Wei came to the courtyard with a pot of brewed flower tea. Zhou Aiguo and Su Qing were already sitting at the table, eating mooncakes and admiring the moon.

"It would be even more perfect if the jujube tree in the courtyard was replaced with an osmanthus tree." Nie Wei put down the tea, sat aside, and said with a smile.

"Nonsense, that jujube tree was planted by your grandfather, how can you change it just like that?" Su Qing patted Nie Wei's shoulder with her hand as a punishment.

"I didn't say I really wanted to change it." Nie Wei rubbed his shoulders and replied "wrongly".

Seeing Nie Wei pretending, Su Qing couldn't help laughing. How could she really hit Nie Wei just now? That force was probably not enough to kill a mosquito on the face. Her clever son pretended as if she had hit him so hard.

However, the crying child gets candy, so Su Qing naturally didn't "expose" Nie Wei, and personally brought him a mooncake stuffed with jujube paste, in exchange for a "mother is still good", Su Qing's eyes curved into crescents with laughter.

Zhou Aiguo, who was standing by, was stunned and full of admiration.

At least Nie Wei's skill of being sweet and coquettish in front of Su Qing was something he felt he would never be able to learn in his life. He was so dumb that he had to turn his inner love into actual action and kept staring at Su Qing's tea bowl.

At first, Su Qing was wondering what this old Zhou saw in her tea bowl. He kept staring at it. It was not until she finished a bowl of tea that Old Zhou quickly filled it up. Su Qing then realized that Old Zhou was waiting for her to refill her tea.

Looking at Old Zhou's stupid look, Su Qing did not expose him and was very happy.

"Dong Dong Dong..." Just when Zhou Aiguo was about to refill Su Qing's tea, the door of the courtyard was suddenly knocked, attracting the curiosity of the three people present.

"Who is it? Why are you visiting so late at night?" Nie Wei muttered and got up to open the door. However, when he opened the door and saw the person outside, he couldn't help but show a surprised expression.

Thank you for the rare times in life when you are tired, Magic Melody n, Fantasy Paradise, and 0773 for your generous rewards.

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